
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Date With Kisaki~

I woke up because Cupid decided to sit on my face, I groaned in annoyance and picked him up, for him to foremost meow at me while looking at Chifuyu. I could tell this mischievous cat was suggesting something, but I was too tired to be able to figure out what kind of atrocious though were filling his head this early in the morning. I just patted Chifuyu's head hoping this was enough for the cat to stop bothering me about bizarre stuff, I give him a thumbs up but he only huffed and decided to jump onto Chifuyu next.

"Stop it!" I tried to maintain this cat, but it solely did whatever it wanted. Chifuyu had to wake up with a paw in his mouth.

"I guess the cat is as crazy as its owner." We both looked at him and attacked him at the same time, how dare he spit out nonsense first thing in the morning?

"Stop tickling me, I surrender." I decided to be benevolent and show mercy, only for him to turn his back on me.

"Sike." he started tickling me back. This meant a full-out war. It soon developed to us wrestling on the bed, I think I saw Cupid in the corner of my eyes sitting there satisfied by this development, however at some point due to a mishap on both of our parts we fell from the bed, looked at each other, and chuckled about it. Keisuke burst thru the door, with Kazutora that was peeking behind his back.

"What are you two doing first thing in the morning?" he scanned the room and saw the mess so I cut him right there.

"Getting on each other's nerves apparently." We both stood up, and then I heard mom calling me for breakfast, I scooped up Cupid.

"Last to the kitchen is a loser." I pushed thru Keisuke and Kazutora and ran downstairs as fast as I could, the other followed suit, causing mayhem in this house.

"So lively first thing in the morning." Dad was still here reading a newspaper and sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Kids will be kids." Mom said as she assembled everyone's breakfast, she never failed to amaze, maybe tomorrow I could consider helping her around the house, then again I had both the training and part-time job tomorrow.

"Why I'm so busy at this age?" I questioned myself in realization?

"That's what I wanted to ask, you seem even busier than Mitsuya at times," Chifuyu noted, yes he was always running around either taking care of his sisters, being a club president, or taking part in his gang activities.

"Is he even okay?" I wondered, suddenly Kazutora inquired.

"You know Mitsuya?"

"He helped me sew a cosplay, really nice guy." Was it okay mentioning Toman members to him, maybe because Kisaki haven't misguided him, he didn't feel so much hate for his friends?

When my stomach was filled to the brim I asked Keisuke to hear me out for a while.

"Listen you gonna have to help me out." He was a tad confused by the request but nodded his head.

"Can you subtly tell Draken I will confess my feelings to Emma someday this week? If you find it hard, you can ask Taka-chan for help, I'm pretty sure he can handle it." he was after all my reliable partner in crime.

"Why would I take part in your plan?" I guess he wasn't really up to lying to his friends.

"I will owe you, how about that?" he put some serious thought into it.

"Deal." We shook hands as part of reaching an agreement. It was time to start preparing for the date.

"So guys help me out here, what outfit should I have to get his attention." Chifuyu was having none of my antics.

"But didn't you say, you only fooled him into the date to mess around, why are you taking this so seriously?" Well, I wanted to see the best I could, so it would feel sincere.

"Because I want him to believe I did all this because I'm madly in love with him?" We stared at each other in silence, until Keisuke mentioned.

"I kind of feel bad for him now." I shook my head.

"Not sure how to tell you this Keisuke, but I'm certain that if you ever meet him, you gonna want to fight him on sight." It was the holy truth, but Keisuke seemed skeptical.

"Since I'm certain of this outcome don't even think of tagging along." I wasn't sure he would try, but it was good to be prepared and warn him in advance.

"I won't ever be able to manipulate him to reach the same outcome ever again." He probably wouldn't fall for the same trick twice.

So I took on the sunflower dress again, since I liked it so much, and some sunglasses since the sun was so strong today. And I made some sandwiches for a picnic.

"So I'm off, have fun my dearest." I left the house and made my way to pick up Kisaki.

"Tetta-kun~ Are you ready?" what wasn't more embarrassing than yelling in front of someone's house? He opened the door annoyance already showing on his face.

"Let's go~" I stretched out my hand to him, but he totally ignored it, just demanding me to start moving.

"No, hold my hand don't be a coward!" I stretched my hand out to him once again, while stomping my feet in frustration like a child. He sighed and held my palm.

"Yey~ Now you're not allowed to let it go." It seemed like he had a lot to complain about, but held himself back. I was determined to lead a conversation but it primarily was like talking to a wall. I guess it could be seen as him delivering some effort?

We took the subway eventually because I was holding onto his hand a grandma approached us while saying.

"You make such a cute couple." I just waved my hand while saying.

"Thank you." Whatever the compliment was I would take it. I could see this glint in Kisaki's face that wanted to deny the fact, but he must have realized I would cause a scene right then and there so he kept his mouth shut. I talked for a while with the nice granny as she inquired about how we met and such so we told her we were classmates.

"Young love is so sweet and nice." she left us while telling us that.

"Was that really necessary?" I quickly nodded my head.

"At least someone will remember us as a couple, what I can't even have that?" He acted like he would see this old grannie again, doubtful in such a big city.

Once we finally arrived I glanced at the beautiful flowers, I planned to snack on our food under the hanging wisterias Kisaki so adored. I glanced in his direction to witness his expression, but nothing really changed, perhaps he thought I came here because I loved this view myself. I pouted not liking this outcome.

"What's with you?" he asked, I would let him know what was up.

"I specifically chose this place because I knew you liked Wisterias, but you don't even seem too thrilled about it." I looked him dead in the eye, was it I, or did his facial expression just look a little bit softer and brighter all of sudden, was he perhaps touched? Well, delusions were enough to satisfy me.

"Let's go find a nice spot," I said as we chose a place under the shadow surrounded by flowers, I spread out the blanket I took along and set up the food I put so much effort into making.

"You haven't put any poison in it have you?" I thought he was supposed to be smart.

'Would you rather feed Tetta Kisaki or make him rest his head on your lap.' Feed it was. I took one of the sandwiches and shoved it into his mouth, there were no specifications to be gentle when someone acted like an idiot.

"Try to say something so nonsensical again and you will see how badly it will end up for you." I put so much work into this date, how dare he question my preparation progress.

"I still doubt you like me." Why was he so persistent?

"So you believe you are not worthy of my love? Great to know." We just stared at each other in silence, before he decided to turn his gaze away from me. Wrong move Kisaki, now you will never see my finishing move coming, but then another mission emerged.

'Would you rather kiss Tetta Kisaki's neck or give him a back hug.' Do what exactly? This system was off the rails, should I have taken it as a fact, the system wanted me to date him for real. I shook my head and clicked on the second option and not only did I put my hands around him, but I also used my legs for additional support. What was he gonna do now? To my surprise nothing, he just sighed like an overworked middle-aged man and took another sandwich. No was he becoming immune to my antics?

"You not going to get mad like you usually do?"

"I think at this point, it's that's what you are hoping for." Oh, he was getting wiser. Since he didn't refuse it was free real estate, I decided to cling to him and not let go, and additionally, I rested my head on his shoulder. I think I enjoyed the peace for only 15 minutes before another notification popped up. Another nuisance, or so I thought but this time it seemed more mellow.

'Would you rather tell Tetta Kisaki that you planning to let him go, or state you will never give up?' What was I, an obsessed yandere? Time for some monolog taken out of my ass I guess. I released him and took his hand in mine looking him in the eyes.

"I decided, I will try my best to get over you." he was taken aback by my remark.

"Wouldn't you want to try everything to get the other person to like you?" That hardly seemed healthy.

"What no, sometimes when you love someone you should let them go, if they want to find happiness with someone else so be it... as long as they are happy that's all it matters." I gave him a smile.

"So what I'm trying to say is, I hope you will find someone that will make this world a little bit brighter for you." I tried to show him a different perspective, it was up to him to suck in that knowledge or still chose to be an obsessed simp. After roughly one hour we parted ways, I was about to head home until someone decided to blow up my phone with calls and messages. Emma wanted me to visit one spot at a certain time, although she never mentioned the reason why. I decided to take a look since I didn't have anything urgent coming up, as I came closer suddenly someone from the bushes captured my hand and dragged me down.

"So I followed your instructions and this happened," Keisuke said as both Chifuyu and Mitsuya were hiding there as well. I spotted Draken talking to Emma, was it what I thought it was? I looked at the guys and they nodded their heads.

"I'm amazed," Mitusya said as he gave me a thumbs up.

"At this point, I believe I deserve an Oscar, for that grand performance." I felt really proud of my achievement.

"You guys come out, I know you are here!" Draken yelled but was he aware of my presence? We came from our hiding spot, as expected Draken wasn't conscious I was here. He looked so smug, but I send him into a void of confusion because of my mischievous grin plastered all over my face.

"Michi!" Emma came running into my arms.

"We're dating now!" she seemed so excited as I patted her head softly.

"Congratulations to you two." I guess at this point Draken could figure out what was going on.

"YOU! YOU PLANNED IT ALL!" his voice echoed in the whole neighborhood.

"Oh~" was the only response he got from me, he looked really pissed.

"Oh no look at the clock, I gotta go!" I dashed away as fast as possible, but I could hear him interrogating his friends trying to find out who else dipped their toes in my plans.