
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Cult Creation Attempt~

Today we were having our first band practice, with the girls. So once the classes were over I stood up all excited, considering Hinata was coming on Friday, Kisaki didn't even bother to look like he cared about our band activities, instead, he walked out without saying goodbye.

"Why do I keep being this annoyed, when he treats me this coldly?" At this point I shouldn't expect too much of him, but did I really have some sort of expectations of him actually warming up to me? If I did have any I probably should have considered throwing them out, it was just an invitation to get hurt because the person didn't act like I wanted him to.

I shook my head and walked over to Senju's classroom as we both went to the club room, awaiting our friends. Then once the time was right we headed over to the practice room, which I managed to book.

"Here it is." We seized the instruments but then realized.

"We haven't decided what to play even, we should choose a song to practice too right?" Yuzuha pointed out.

"I guess this way we can train our teamwork abilities off the bat." After some discussion, we decided to settle for a Japanese rock song I never heard before, but the girls assured me it was a popular piece as of now, which sparked the next conversation.

"Why do I have a feeling you're out of touch with today's trends Michi?" Emma asked quite curious.

"I saw your closet, your fashion sense seems a little out of touch." Would she believe the real reason for it?

"My fashion sense is ahead of its time," I said proudly, but it didn't seem like any of them believed it.

"Besides I'm too cool to follow society's fashion trends because my personality shines the brightest and I look good in anything." My dramatic pose sealed the deal to hear the girls giggle.

We did a lot of noise while practicing our song, but nonetheless, it was fun, I even managed to give Emma some pointers that I got from Izana, which struck me.

"Emma, your brother Izana is also learning how to play, how about next time you follow me to get some lessons with him?" Yes, I would take any opportunity to get them even closer.

"Great I would love to spend more time with him, maybe if you're around he will become more open!" Emma seemed excited that I gave her such a rare chance to rebuild her bond with her older brother, which made me question. Why didn't Shinichiro at least help her meet up with him? Not like pondering about it would give me any proper answers tho.

Since I was so motivated with the band stuff once I returned back home I started to play, Kazutora wanted to join in the fun but decided against it because we packed his guitar as a present and he wanted to wait until his birthday.

I offered him to play on my guitar but he didn't want to disturb my fun. I thought today I would be free from any missions, and that's when I was proved wrong.

'Would you rather print a picture of one of your friends or write a poem about one of them?' Writing a poem sounded like a difficult process, and thanks to dad's profession we did indeed have a printer at home.

"Dad can I use the printer?" dragging my laptop along.

"Of course my princess." was his response, I connected the printer. I somehow ended up printing Mucho's picture, and then returned to my room.

"I guess I can always use it for art studies, making Mucho a portrait..." I was about to do just that until a new mission made its presence known thru a notification.

"Would you rather tell everyone how good Haruchiyo Akashi looks or go door to door with the newly printed picture and preach about your new religion?" Like I would be praising that guy, what if he takes it the wrong way?

I shook my head and looked at the picture of Mucho, there was no way I would do it around here where people could potentially recognize me.

"Gimme a good neighborhood!" I demanded the GPS to guide me, maybe that was my first mistake.

"Mom I'm going to create a cult!" She must have thought I was joking. I framed the picture I was carrying and took my bicycle to get to my destination. Somehow this one house caught my attention, so I walked over while ringing on the door, without even realizing who was standing in front of me I began preaching.

"Would you like to talk about my lord and savior Mut-" I was cut off.

"The hell are you doing Michi? And how in seven heaven's did you find my address?" I looked up to see Muto right before my eyes.

"You live here?!" I asked shocked.

"Yes... wait you had no clue?" He narrowed his eyes at me, now sending me a glare.

"Were you planning to go around random houses while preaching my name?" I looked away basically admitting that was my plan.

"You're unbelievable!" he said while snatching the pictured frame away from my hands.

"How many houses have you already visited with your nonsense?" He demanded to know.

"Actually my plan was to start here..." Only now did I realize he was shirtless. Is this really how guys liked to open the door for strangers?

"Good." I was dragged inside by my wrist.

"Since you're already here I should let you inside to stop your chaotic ideas from manifesting." But that's when I heard footsteps approaching us and I saw Sanzu. Were they really hanging together even when I told Muto about his assholish behavior, was it really so hard for Muto to let go of his toxic ass? Or was he convinced they could fix up their friendship?

"I told you Muto not to settle for garbage, you're better than that." Sanzu didn't take it too well.

"Who are you calling garbage you snake!" It looked like he was ready to get into a fistfight.

"Come on let's see how you gonna look once I pull all your hair out!" Muto just sighed and picked up us like two cats that were in the middle of a fight. I wasn't too sure how this transpired, or where Muto got the shirt from, but we were put into a big shirt that said in Japanese.

"Get along shirt!? What the hell is this Muto?! Are you really planning to betray me like this?" As Sanzu was freaking out I came up with the perfect strategy. What would he do if I showed him some affection? So I pulled him into a hug.

"What the hell?" Sanzu yelled trying to push me away.

"Muto told me to get along, so that's what I'm trying to do." Then I wrapped my legs around him too to keep him in place.

"Let me go!" Muto was shocked by his demeanor.

"I have never seen him like this before, you really have a strange effect on him," Muto admitted as I put my lips close to Sanzu.

"Would you like to have some forehead kisses?" He actually pulled so much that he ripped the shirt.

"Wow," I said in awe, was I really this scary? That he could showcase this much strength on this poor shirt?

"Rest in peace, poor shirt." I put my hands in the prayer, then I turned to Sanzu while yelling.

"Murderer! He didn't deserve such a fate!" I pulled up some eye drops from my purse and dropped them into my eyes to create fake tears.

"He was only doing his job." Muto just sighed, but then Sanzu's mood suddenly changed.

"Yes, I got it!" Why did I get some shivers down my spine?

"If I do it like this I can keep you away from Mikey!" Why was he grinning like a fanatic?

"Muto I'm scared, he's going crazy again." I didn't even hesitate to jump onto the big guy's lap and pull him into a hug for protection.

"How can you hang out with someone so unstable." Muto then declared.

"To my defense, I have no idea what you will come up with next either." Fair point, I wasn't going even try to argue against that. Soon it was easy peasy ignoring this maniac, but something hit me.

"Wait... isn't the Toman meeting today?" Sanzu stopped and looked my way.

"Why are you asking?" I just stuck my tongue at him.

"Mikey invited me over." He fell to the floor like a diva.

"Yes, it's today," Muto responded I gave it some thought.

"Care to give me a ride?" Muto accepted since, after all, it was the leader that asked for my presence, Sanzu tried to convince him otherwise, but no matter what he said Muto stood his ground.

"Even if you refuse I can still return home and take my motorcycle, stupid." His response was.

"You will regret this." So off we went after a certain time passed. Sanzu did nothing but complain. I wasn't too sure why Mikey wanted me over, Keisuke and Souya both were surprised to see me there. However, when people were like chatting and Mikey came to my side with Keisuke and some other people, Sanzu grabbed my hand from nowhere and intertwined our fingers together. I glanced at Muto but even he didn't know what his vice-captain was up to.

"I and Michi are dating." I just stood there and kept on blinking, did I really hear what I heard, or were my ears deceiving me? Everyone just froze in place asking me if this was true, Muto seemed skeptical, based on our previous interactions.

The only question that was circulating in my mind was, Pardon?

He pulled down his mask and then placed his hands on my cheeks while whispering.

"Didn't you want me to find you a boyfriend? Well, I did now." Was he totally serious, wasn't he like scared of me just a few hours ago, is that what kind of plan he mustered up?

"Michi you let him have a chance but not me?" Was Keisuke for real? Did it look like I knew what was going to leave his mouth? I was about to ask Sanzu if he fried his brain under the sun during his summer break, but this dude started to lean in. Wait a moment, did he really just try to perform what I thought he would? Also hello why was no one helping me out here? I had my hands on my chest trying to push him away, but it must have looked like consent to others, besides one person it seemed.

Ryohei smacked him on the head.

"I may not be that smart, but I know bullshit when I see it." I pulled Ryohei into a hug while saying.

"My hero." Some people sighed with relief.

"I thought this was for real because you didn't say anything Michi," Keisuke mentioned.

"You were in such a trance... so my first conclusion was you were taken aback by his beauty."

"What was I supposed to say to that? We just fought like an hour ago, and then he comes out with whatever this is."

"To my defense, you told me to find you a boyfriend so I did," Sanzu said, which caused me to respond.

"You shouldn't just announce yourself as one, where is the date?" Did this guy have any common sense left?

"Then let's go on one right now!" I was so done with this day, but thankfully Keisuke intervened.

"No, I never went on date with her so neither should you." It was the worst timing for Ryohei to open his mouth.

"I did." Keisuke looked at him and then at me while yelling.


"How many of our members are you even leading on Michi?" Draken asked, was he trying to stir a fight?

"I just happened to come across Ryohei-Kun on a group date." Ryohei nodded but was laughing at Keisuke's reaction.

"Simp." They started a full-on fight. That's when I saw Nahoya elbowing his brother and I heard him say.

"The competition seems fierce, maybe it's better to look for someone else." This felt way too complicated.

"I'm leaving, solve it between yourself." I didn't even care to get a ride back home, just went to a restaurant to stuff some food into my stomach and pondered why my life was so complicated.