
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Cotton Candy Boys~

As soon I woke up, I saw my phone's display informing me that there was a new message that arrived just now. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and decided to have a look at who was already up on their feet and ready to interact with other people so early.

"Would you like to go on a date?" I stared at this message in confusion, was this by chance Taiju? Only he would have the audacity to ask such a thing, but no, when I looked up the sender's name it was no one else but Hakkai. Too taken aback by the content of the message I decided to give him a call, so I could have the quickest explanation as to what exactly was going on in his head.

"Are you so curious?" Was the first thing he dared to say, but by his voice, I could tell he was taken aback by how quickly I called his ass.

"Not really I wanted to have the briefest clarification you are or aren't acting like Taiju's minion." Yes, I couldn't trust him so easily, after what he put me thru last time.

"Of course not! I don't plan to ever set you up with my brother again... even if it would be beneficial for us siblings considering how tame he acts after meeting you..." I just stayed quiet and glared at the lure, but then a weird thought came to me.

"He stole some of my DNA and it's slowly taking over him, of course, he will become calmer, reaching tranquility." Hakkai was now wheezing.

"Where are you even getting those ideas from?... But Taiju acting like you, it's scary to imagine." However, he decided to add something foolish out of the blue.

"But I'm shocked how many dates you already went with him on... are you sure you don't fancy him just a little bit." Did he really think it was easy to get rid of this clump of muscles when he was so persistent?

"Um... hello? Have you seen your brother's behavior? Even if I rejected his ass multiple times he is still persistent to make me his girlfriend, which begs the question, what the hell did you even tell him for him to agree to this in the first place?" There must have been something he lied about, right?

"I may have said you liked him, but are tsundere about it..." I was staring daggers at my phone, great just great. Hakkai was now purposely apologizing, probably feeling my rage.

"So tell me if it's not Taiju you were trying to set me on a date with, who could it even be? Like did you sign up to be my personal blind date arranger or something?" He ignored the last comment and went on.

"Don't worry, this time I will set you up with someone truly likable. I won't tell them any lies either." I wasn't too sure, I wanted to spend my whole afternoon in the club so we could make use of it next week. Considering it was Friday I had only today to finish tidying it up.

"What do you say?" I wanted to refuse, but at the same time was curious about who Hakkai held in such high regard, but the system butted in to settle my mind.

'Would you rather accept Hakkai Shiba's proposal or go out your way to find a date for Manjiro Sano?' Like I would try to play the Cupid and for Mikey of all the people? Where would I even find a soul brave enough or someone whose mother instinct wouldn't awaken just by stealing a glance at him? Impossible.

Or actually, I just felt lazy that's why I was coming up with those excuses.

"I guess I will go." But we settled for a later time than I would usually go at. Considering I wanted to clean the club room and have enough time to change my outfit. I didn't want the school to get on my case for wandering the streets so late.

Once at school I was strolling around the hallways with Senju, she suggested it so we could stretch our legs a little. Unexpectedly I caught a glance of soft peach-haired strands of hair, I shifted my eyes and found baby blue ones close by.

"Wait, they go to the same school as me?" That was unexpected news, but how come our paths never crossed with each other until now?

"Yo! Cotton candy boys!" I yelled across the hallway, catching Nahoya's and Souya's attention. I realized how everyone else thought I was crazy for calling them as such, but the audience got stunned when Nahoya responded.

"My favorite cl-" I glared in his direction, warning him to not finish this sentence if he cherished his life.

"Jester." He soon corrected himself, which caused me to express while bowing.

"Yes my royal highness, how can I keep this wonderful smile of yours gleaming like the morning sun for the rest of this fine day?" Souya seemed so baffled at our interaction. He glanced at his brother, it seemed like they communicated just with their facial expressions. Considering how Nahoya must have noticed his brother's distress he soon spoke.

"Don't worry, this is just how we usually mess around." I titled my head to the side, was this interaction worth of any worry, at all? That's when Senju elbowed my hip and wiggled her eyebrows, throwing me into more confusion. I hoped she didn't misunderstand that I had some strange crush on this smiling boy, Nahoya wasn't my type.

"It's so weird that neither of us three realized we attend the same school."

"I guess no one of us was really paying much attention." My guess was that I was really occupied last semester, and we did meet outside of school activities, where none of us was wearing our school uniforms.

"Michi we gotta go." Senju reminded me that the break was soon over, but before we could make our escape Souya caught my sleeve. Causing me to squeal cutely but just inside my mind.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Can you come to our classroom during the lunch break? I want to tell you something." I was taken aback by his request.

"You want to eat together?" I asked as he nodded his head, I glanced at Senju to which Souya communicated.

"She can tag along, we don't mind," I told him I would see him then. As we were returning back I glanced back at those two and saw a strange interaction. Nahoya put his arm around Souya while saying.

"You do have the guts when you want to!" I scratched my head and left.

So when it was time for the lunch break I went over to Senju's classroom first, after I picked her up we went to the third year's classroom, other students were taken aback to see us there but didn't dare to utter a word after they realized Nahoya was our acquaintance.

"Looks like everyone is eating inside, let's go find a spot outdoors." Actually, that worked even better for me, but it felt like I was forced to sit beside Souya. Not that I minded since he was the one that had something to tell me, but why the additional pressure from Nahoya?

Souya was fumbling his fingers, not touching his food, until he finally voiced.

"Actually I was the one that requested Hakkai to set us two on a date." I nearly dropped my chopstick hearing that, but didn't he admit that last time it was just a friend hangout?

"Why are you so shocked? Are you really so dense?" Nahoya asked looking irritated, I wasn't sure what his deal was.

"Absurd, it's just that I have a different perception of life than you do, I can only think of myself dating someone I really deeply trust and have been friends with for a long while." I may have said too much.

"Even girls?" Nahoya suddenly asked out of curiosity.

"Who wouldn't want to live with a pretty girl?"

"Eyyy, you got good taste." He suddenly high-fived me, this was the strangest interaction ever.

"Oh... so when you were aiming at Emma, half of you weren't kidding with stealing her away?" My whole body stiffened.

"Don't even dare to mention it to Draken, also not really, from the get-go I knew she was smitten by him." Because I read the manga, would I be able to pick up so quickly on my own, not likely.

"You still want to go with me on this date?" Souya asked.

"Why would I decline now, we can use the time to get to know more about each other." As we were eating the twins were informed how we made a club for our band, they wanted to have a look around.

So once the school was over we met up once again and I guided them to it. I looked around realizing some of the books that were scattered on the floor w

ere beginner handbooks on how to learn how to play certain instruments.

"Awesome find." This made me realize, how this room previously must have been used for the same purpose.

"We can borrow the books and learn from them." I handed the drum one for Senju to keep. This also reminded me that, since I was occupying the guitar position, I could always ask Izana for help. It also made me contemplate whatever buying a guitar for my own personal purpose was worth it. I always wanted to play an instrument but never got the motivation or money to pursue it.

"It's so messy here I can't stand it," Nahoya said as he picked some of the books up, putting them back on the shelves. Souya soon followed his example, and thanks to their assistance cleaning took less time than I predicted. Once I moped the floors and they became sparkly clean we were officially finished.

"Thanks, guys for your help," I said putting them both into a hug.

"I always meant to ask, are you really Japanese, nothing about your way of acting indicates that." I released my grip and titled my head.

"Why?" I asked innocently.

"Actually never mind." I guess he caught himself ready to talk about Japanese social norms. If he did, I would accuse him of being a boomer.

"You are how you are and we like you this way." He patted my head.

"You saw that Souya-Kun your brother turned soft." I could feel a menacing aura behind me, I guess he didn't like being teased.

"Since I finished faster do you want to meet at an earlier time?" I didn't mind. We came to a new agreement and met at the designated place once my tummy was full and the outfit was changed.

"You don't plan to watch another horror movie right?" I questioned, as Souya blushed and shook his head in denial.

"I found a better spot." After some walking and chatting, we came across a roller skating hall. I was shocked to have the pleasure to visit one. It did sound like a fun activity, besides the fact I had no clue how to ride them.

"I hope it's okay," he said looking at the ground.

"If you plan to kill me then yes." He looked at me in shock, I just laughed at how cute his expression looked.

"What I meant is my balance is shit." He recollected himself and suddenly said.

"It's okay, you can hold onto me." there was no other option, right?

As soon as I put on the roller skates my feet were trembling, how come my clumsy heroine skill had such an effect on my balance? Who's brilliant idea was it to bust my charm at the expense of my balance? I guess the most important question was, how did people find it even charming?

"Maybe it was a bad idea, sorry." Souya was already apologizing when he saw me clinging to his arm for dear life.

"Since we already paid let us at least try to enjoy ourselves." So I said, but I kept on stumbling and driving into Souya on multiple occasions, he also had to catch me from falling like 5 times, but at least I saw some fruit of my labor. I was kind of proud after our 2 hours in there.

"Sorry, it's probably nothing like you imagined it going like." He basically had to guard me like a baby this whole time.

"No, it was better." I looked at him like he said the most controversial thing ever, but he didn't dare to elaborate.

"You seem tired... how about I walk you home?" I guess he must have realized that my legs were aching after this intense leg workout session, but as we were going there he suddenly asked.

"So what do you really think of me?" I stopped and took some time to think deeply about it.

'Would you rather tell Souya Kawata the truth or tell a lie?' I wasn't sure why the system was tempting me to lie on this occasion, but considering my life was already built on so many lies. I decided to be sincere.

"Well, I do find you attractive..." Even the system confirmed that before.

"And I would like to spend more time with you to know you better." Would I ever find the reason why he was frowning so often? When we reached my home I asked if he wanted to spend time inside, though he insisted he needed some time for himself and had to go. I didn't question it that much.