
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Chu Chu~

It was already 26th September, why was time going by so fast? I still needed to join Valhalla which I would probably finalize on Wednesday after my initial training with Wakasa, but today I had to use my free time for studying with Kisaki. At this point did I even have free time?

I didn't try to converse with this guy during breaks, I still wasn't over the things he said before, but I probably would drop treating him coldly because annoying him instead seemed to be my life mission. If Tetta was spending more time theorizing what I would try next, it meant he would have less time to scheme for his future criminal syndicate goal.

During lunchtime I went over to the twins' class once more, it seemed like Nahoya was content with me coming over so often, the one condition being, telling some good jokes from time to time. Souya was usually being quite passive waiting for me to ignite some conversation, but this time he took the initiative.

"Michi, when is your birthday? I recall I never asked this before." Yes he didn't and I never shared, I was about to convey this information confidently but stopped myself in my tracks, causing Nahoya to question me.

"Don't tell me you forgot your birthday." I just glared at him, shoved some food into my mouth, and checked my details in the system. Celebrating birthdays was the least of my concerns and I wasn't too sure whether the system changed this fact about me or kept it the same so I had to double-check. But upon seeing the date my eyes widened in shock.

"February... February the 14th." I couldn't believe it.

"Wait on Valentine's Day? Draken will sure tease you for it." Smiley was once more laughing at my misfortune as Angry decided to tell his twin off.

"But that would make you an Aquarius." Souya pointed out softly wanting the conversation to keep going. Wait didn't it mean I was the same zodiac sign as Kisaki?

"Bro, are you already checking your compatibility?" Nahoya was out to get everyone on at this table it seemed.

"But then again, every time Michi gives you chocolate you know if you don't have a present you screwed up." I turned to this menace.

"Are you implying that someone so sweet as Souya would forget my birthday?" Souya just looked away most presumably because I managed to squeeze a compliment into the question, but before Nahoya could defend himself I whipped out a tissue while saying.

"That's why they say all men are the same." Before I knew what was happening I was put in a headlock, by this peachy guy.

"Senju help me out, I'm being attacked!" Some kind of fight ensued and Souya had to calm everyone down.

Once school was over Tetta wanted to rush home, to get the project started.

"How about we eat some food first?" He seemed hesitant so my go-to way to convince him was.

"I need food in my system for my brain to properly function, or do you perhaps miss my cooking so much this is your way of asking me to go buy some groceries and prepare some food by yours truly?" I won, just by being annoying.

"Let's go then." My response to that was.

"Wise choice my dude." He seemed taken aback.

"How come you are still treating me the same way?" I guess he must have found it confusing that I still acted so lax around him.

"Well even if I feel this unrequited love for you, this irritating urge to annoy is bigger than any heartache. Also, no one said there is only one kind of love in this world." This time Kisaki didn't feel like eating ramen so we settled for some kind of street food that we took to his house.

"This is the third time I'm in your house but don't see your parents." He just mentioned they usually either worked out late or had fun in the city, did it mean his childhood was kind of similar to Kazutora's? And yes there was the usual notification of a mission, would the system try something, considering how much time I would spend here today, and this was only the first mission?

'Would you rather give Tetta Kisaki your condolences, or ask if he wants you to stay till he falls asleep to give him a goodnight kiss?' Yes, the second one sounded more up my alley.

"Would you like me to stay here till you fall asleep so you can receive a goodnight kiss?" He dropped the chopsticks he was using.

"Just finish your food and stop saying nonsense."

"But my baby may be sad, without one." He suddenly whipped out his phone.

"Eh.. what are you doing?" I asked.

"Calling Hanma over." Why did he have to use his trump card?

"Okay okay, I will stop." Once we finished eating and cleaned up after ourselves we went to his room. We started to discuss what kind of topic we wanted to present in class, though then I realized the subject was English.

"Why didn't you mention it was English I could have done this in barely 1 hour on my own." He was surprised at how confident I was in my English skills.

"I don't know where your confidence stems from, but even I have trouble with English as a top student." I just looked at him while just bluntly admitting.

"I'm fluent in English." He didn't seem to believe me.

"Then please demonstrate for me." Suddenly my brain left me, and since I couldn't come up with any sentences to say of my own I decided to quote this one video I remembered once watching. So with all the passion I had, I struck a T-pose and said.

"You fool, you peasant. You dare lump me with your common penny hoes? Our exchange means nothing, my massive brain saw thru your trickery. And now you have nothing. I took your dignity, I took your coin. You're broke, but I sir am WOKE!" When I finished I started to roll on the floor from laughter.

"Can you say something more serious?" He asked yet I wasn't too sure he even got half of what I communicated. I put my hands on his face while speaking.

"My pumpkin pie, sugar plum, muffin." He slapped my hands away.

"Stop fooling around."

"Who's my little handsome boy?" He glared at me, so I moved away. So after I put my mind to the assignment we managed to finish it in roughly an hour.

"Since you are so good at English, how about you help me study the subject?" For him to have the courage to ask someone else for help, is admirable. So I sat him down and explained some of the grammar mistakes he made, thankfully it was easy things to spot at a beginner level. Despite that nothing happened as of now, there was still something bothering me, why did this guy smirk like that when suggesting finishing the project at his home? He did threaten me with Hanma's ass but besides that nothing had transpired.

Then another mission came to light.

'Would you rather request a staring contest with Tetta Kisaki or hug him?' Actually staring contest sounded quite fun.

"Yo, I bet if we have a staring contest you be the first to break the eye contact."

"That's so childish." Was his only response.

"Rubbish you're just afraid of losing." And so he took on the challenge, for extra damage I put my hair behind my ear and laid on my arm, maintaining eye contact. And I cheered when he averted his gaze first.

"I told you!" I said snickering.

"Anyway looks like we are done here," I expressed while I started packing my things back into my bag.

"Wait." That was unusual for him to say, did he perhaps have something to tell me?

"Close your eyes." I just tilted my head to the side.

"Why?" It seemed like he had trouble coming up with a sound reason, was he perhaps trying to prank me for all the things I put him thru? I narrowed my eyes at him, suspecting him of scheming something to get back at me. However, a notification pulled up.

'Would you rather follow Tetta Kisaki's request or steal his phone and call over Shuji Hanma yourself?' I sure didn't want to talk with that guy, despite the fact I would be long gone before he would get the chance to arrive.

"I guess..." I could hear the hesitation in my voice, but then again what was the worse thing that could happen? I was stronger than him, and his manipulation wouldn't work since I believed myself to have a lot of common sense. I closed my eyes per Tetta's request, but then I felt his hand brushing thru my cheek. What was he up to and why was my heart beating this much?

"Congratulations, your romance level with Tetta Kisaki rose to level 3." I heard Venus's monotone voice inform me, yet was it really something to celebrate for? This was terrible news, what was I even thinking falling deeper for this guy that rejected me? Which made me wonder if this was one of his numerous schemes. Regardless before I could question him about it, I felt the sensation of his lips touching mine.

Once he pulled away I shot my eyes open scared that he secretly asked this giraffe to come over, but no it was only the two of us here.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded.

"You're allowed to go now." I could feel my whole body becoming hot, what was even this scenario? Did I suddenly arrive in a different dimension?

No, I couldn't leave like this, with this guy's face being so stoic. Since he was okay with kissing me, it meant I could do the same right? I tried to convince myself I was only doing this because I wanted to witness his facial expression changing.

This time it was me initiating the kiss, hold and behold suddenly I got a glimpse of blushing Kisaki.

"Now I can leave," I stated while waving goodbye. When I was heading home I decided it was time to see Tetta's love meter towards me, just to make sure this wasn't one of his many games.

"It's also level 3, say what?"