
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Cat Deity~

On Friday I woke up with a sore throat, at first I didn't think much of it fully convinced it was due to me losing my voice yesterday from all the excessive crying.

Then all the memories from yesterday just flowed into my mind, making me groan.

"I feel like a fool... I must have been mad." I barely whispered under my breath while covering my face due to shame I was just feeling recollecting my memories.

I cried over some takeaway dumplings that Keisuke brought over yesterday when Kazutora gave him a call. Dreading the experience I soon realized it was time to get ready for school.

However, once my body left the warmth that the blanket provided I felt quite chilly. Shrugging it off I just wrapped the blanket around my body becoming a human burrito, but once I descended the stairs, I could tell I was getting worse by each minute.

My eyes were teary, my nose runny, and my body felt like it was burning, yet I was cold, was I getting sick? Before I could question my health state Keisuke appeared on the stair. As soon as my eyes met his, he smiled and waved his hand in my direction.

My parents let him stay overnight? When I was in such a state? Why? Nonetheless, I was beyond shocked, and then a sneeze came, causing the guy to inch closer. Without saying a word he tucked away some of the hair that was obstructing my vision and then put his palm on my forehead without a warning.

"Michi... you're burning." Mom who was already finished with breakfast preparation came to inspect the situation.

"Keisuke's right, how are you feeling?" Mom asked as I admitted.

"Worse by each second?"

"Looks like going to school is out of the question... not that I was planning on sending you today anyway." She admitted taking me by surprise, I could tell she planned a trip so I could forget about my ex-boyfriend.

"You're the best." I tried to give her a hug but ended up only resting my head on her shoulder since I refused to have any warmth be released from my blanket.

I solely ingested the miso soup for breakfast, making my mom question if I wanted something much lighter to consume maybe a porridge?

"No... I want chicken soup." I admitted considering that was my comfort food, something I was used to eating while having a cold. Mom agreed on making one, which I was grateful for. I tried to return to my room as I was basically trembling at this point, therefore Keisuke decided to assist me. I was swooped from my feet pretty easily and carried back inside my room.

"Thanks..." I said feeling grateful for his small gesture.

"How about we go feed some stray cats once you recover?" This invitation came from nowhere.

"Sure." Who wouldn't want to be surrounded by kitties? Certainly, I had one at home, thinking Cupid would be jealous I gave him a knowing glance but all this guy had to say was.

"This better be a date." I groaned in annoyance but told Keisuke I would reach back to him once I felt like going outside.

"Wait are you planning on visiting Mikey today?" I asked Keisuke as he nodded his head.

"Great can you give this to Emma? You know today is her birthday but since I'm sick I won't be able to visit her myself." He took the package which I thanked him for.

"This must be my lucky day, usually you're only sassing me." I rolled my eyes at his response.

The day passed by quickly if I wasn't sleeping I tried my best to consume some food, but I found myself spacing out on many occasions.

Then during Saturday, I refused to meet anyone, trying to deal with my feelings instead now when I was feeling better physically. But realized someone must have spread some rumors around that I and Kisaki broke up because I got many messages from people trying to cheer me up.

Some certain nut-jobs were asking me if I wanted to have them beat Kisaki up, which I obviously refused, I didn't want to be remembered as a psycho ex-girlfriend, who had many side pieces who were ready to be unleashed on my command. Also using violence and degrading someone would be like stooping to Kisaki's level.

Despite all the goodwill I received what truly made me feel at ease was reading the future Ran's text messages, somehow I felt a connection building between us this way. During those two days, the system wasn't bugging me at all, it only happened on Sunday when I received this gem.

'Would you rather reach out to Tetta Kisaki or Shuji Hanma?' And for what exactly? To scream their ears off, because at this unstable moment that's what I saw myself doing, and once again I didn't want my anger to hurt anyone with unnecessary words.

"Forget it, give me the punishment," I yelled out in the air, but mostly so Venus would hear me. I was hoping for something like changing my gender since it wouldn't bring too much discomfort or toddler considering how nice it was being babied by everyone in the household, but no stupid thing landed on the back-pain punishment.

"Are you kidding me?!" Before I knew the current t-shirt I was wearing was ripped apart, I stomped angrily opening my closet and reaching out to one of the oversized shirts I owned.

"Considering it happened again, should I just purchase new underwear?" It sure felt uncomfortable without a bra, and I hoped the extra support would ease the newfound pain in my back.

I started to look for outdoor clothes, and I quickly discovered nothing seemed to fit my current body. I even broke one of the zippers by trying to forcefully make it work.

"Shit... Kazutora!" I ran out of my room and knocked on big brothers door furiously.

"Why are you making this-" He opened the door but his words trailed off when he saw the size of my chest.

"Wow... they're even bigger than the ones on my posters." Was this kid for real? Like no filter at all?

"At least one of us likes the change... anyway as you see no tops fit me anymore, so give me one of your hoodies so I can purchase some clothes for this occasion alone."

"How did this even come to be... your boobs are larger than Emma's now."

"The joy... Also the system, hello, and it's not all fun and sunshine... hell my back is giving up, I need some support for those melons and fast!" Suddenly this kid gave me a suspicious smile and picked one of the clothes that didn't seem to have come out straight from his clean pile.

"I only wore it once." He assured me. I tried to argue but it was the biggest one he had, so I put it on, yet deep down I felt like I was tricked somehow. But getting some support for the front pack was more urgent than picking a fight with Kazutora.

So I headed out after grabbing all my things, even snatched the smartphone from the nightstand feeling somehow at ease by having it around. Yet there was nothing of my size in the close by stores. I also felt stared at more often than usual.

"I better just head back home once I get my hands on that bra." But the problem was I couldn't find anything, so my last resort was asking the system for help.

"You want me to head to Roppongi?" Why there of all the places? But I couldn't complain, I just bought a ticket and headed straight there, wondering if taking painkiller pills would help because I was slowly losing my sanity.

As soon my foot stepped outside the station trouble somehow found its way toward me. As I was pondering which way to head towards, someone yelled my name and put me in an embrace, but because of my new body structure, their hands managed to land on my boobs.

"Oh shit... I must have mistaken you for someone else." Even if Ran said that he didn't seem bothered about the fact in the slightest.

"You sure you're sorry? It didn't sound like it to me. Do I need to give you some kind of lecture on respecting women?"

"Oh never-mind, I got the right person in fact." I stepped away to look at him and sent him a glare.

"Is this your way of coping with the heartbreak?" Ran asked after taking it all in, considering how unstable my emotional state was at the moment, I just punched him in the gut with no hesitation.

"Oh, strange... I do feel better after that... have you ever considered signing up to be someone's personal punching bag?" He winced in pain but that didn't stop him from saying.

"If the reward is worth it, I wouldn't mind being punched again." He admitted.

"And what could that possibly be?"

"Using those big guys as a pillow." I rolled my eyes and tried to ditch his ass, but of course, it wasn't that easy.

"So what did you come here for? I heard you were sick and that you broke up with Kisaki."

"Yes and then you offered to invade his home when he least expects it to give him a scare, after hearing the story from my brother how much I cried, but I refused."

"Oh right, it was all Izana's idea, to be honest. And Shion's." I wasn't even surprised at this point.

"I'm just here to purchase some decent underwear because those huge boys are killing my back." He offered to aid me on the matter.

Once I arrived at the store I wanted, Ran went on his own little quest, and came back with something decent looking.

"I believe this should fit... but if you want a more proper deduction of the measurements, you could allow me to touch them~" He whispered the last part into my ear.

"Pervert alert detected."

"So mean, I'm just trying to help you~ Of the goodness of my heart."

"Sorry for not noticing your good intentions, I will transfer them over to your body so you can feel them all you want." Naturally, I couldn't do it, but he didn't know that.

"Nah, I think I'm good."

When I purchased the bra I wanted, I put it quickly onto my body inside the shop changing room, ripping the annoying tag with my bare hands. Ran decided to invite me over to his apartment, which I accepted, my body feeling heavy hence I thought a break was due, we even bought some food on the way. But the system didn't let me off the hook, it decided to grant his request.

'Would you rather let the Haitanis use you as a pillow with the benefit of it easing your back pain or suffer more?' But did it mean it could be either of the two brothers? Yet Rindou was nowhere around.

"Come," I mentioned to Ran already laying on the sofa outstretching my hands.

"Huh?" He asked confused.

"You wanted a pillow." We stared at each other for a slight second.

"Is this... really happening?"

"Think of it as gods grace." More like the systems but who cared about the details now. And as Venus promised the pain just vanished once this guy snuggled into me. That's when Rindou came back, Ran didn't hesitate to point out the situation at hand.

"Now when her boyfriend is gone, I'm supposedly her next favorite."

"I never said that... where did you even get it from?" Was he getting delusional?

"I bet you came here to see me, considering how nicely you're treating me..." Did he purposely forget I hit him in the stomach? But how could a punch to the gut cause memory loss?

"To be honest I did want to see you... but for a different reason."

"I knew it!" Ran celebrated.

"I was wondering how you would react if I told you my tale of when I traveled to the future." He admitted he wanted to learn of it, but his face looked rather horrified when I mentioned how his future self acted. From my perspective, those two didn't seem so much different, but it looked like young Ran had the opposite opinion.

"You are trying to tell me, I Ran Haitani was simping for one girl and one girl only for twelve freaking years, not knowing if she still existed and refusing to sleep with other women?" I nodded my head, taken aback by his phrasing.

"I bet you're lying." Should I have taken it as he would have acted differently?

"I have evidence if you want to see it." I surely didn't like being accused of telling lies, so I whipped out the smartphone. He read thru the messages and looked more bewildered.

"You snatched it from him?"

"Well he followed future Michi to ancient China so... he didn't need it per se." He suddenly stood up while saying all dramatically.

"I can't do this anymore Michi... we are over." And he walked out of his own house.

"Um... any idea what that was about?" I questioned Rindou as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe he had a totally different vision for himself and can't accept whatever he became?" Since the back pain was back I coaxed Rindou in taking Ran's place as my pain tranquilizer.

It looked like Ran was just dramatic and wanted some alone time.

So after I got what seemed to be two stats points for cuddling with the two brothers I left and called up Keisuke to feed those stray cats as per promise.

We met up in a designated area but the guy looked quite confused when he saw me, fair point.


"Yes?" I asked, expecting a comment on my body transformation.

"Why are you wearing my hoodie?" I looked down and pointed at it.

"It's yours?" He nodded his head affirming it being the case.

"Wait does it-" I put my hand on his mouth to not hear anything ridiculous.

"Kazutora gave it to me when I asked for his." I let him go and all he had to say was.

"I'm flattered."

"Question is, why is your hoodie remaining in my big brother's room? Did the two of you plan this?" He just laughed when I looked at him all suspiciously.

"No, I forgot it the last time I was there." How could he have forgotten it during this cold month? But he didn't seem to be lying, maybe guys were just built differently.

We went to purchase some cat food and Keisuke guided me to a hidden spot, where there were a lot of cats already waiting.

"You sure you're are not some cat deity?" I asked, considering how happy the cats seemed at his appearance alone. He denied the fact, finding the claim silly.

It sure felt nice having so many cats' attention, Keisuke was quick to whip out some brushes from his pockets and he handed one to me to take care of our furry friends.

Cat heaven indeed.