
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs


As a band we finally managed to settle for a song we would play at the cultural festival, recently we have been exchanging ideas for the lyrics, considering Hinata already managed to come up with a melody we could play. Since it was our first time writing a song, we weren't obsessed with making it perfect, and neither did we consider if anything was overlapping with an existing song. Who cared about the copyright claims, we were just teenagers fooling around. But Hinata did explain I was her muse for the song apparently, she heard me hum something once and it stuck with her as inspiration for the song.

Yet all the English parts of the song were written by me because none of the other girls were fluent in that language, so they put trust in my capabilities to not write anything outrageous or offensive.

"I still don't understand why you keep wanting to sing in English," Emma mentioned, my perfect excuse for this situation was.

"I'm more confident in memorizing the English lyrics better, than Japanese. Also wouldn't it sound cool if half of the song was sung in another language?" But there was a possibility of the system helping me, considering I could most likely take advantage of its features. However, I wanted to put my own skills to use while performing. Hinata soon let out.

"That sounds reasonable, and even if the teachers realize half of our crew isn't attending their school they probably overlook it being satisfied someone so fluent is representing their school." I hoped the parents at the festivities wouldn't send their kids to this school just because of one student's English proficiency.

"But why do I always have this strange feeling your English is more polished than your Japanese?" Senju pointed out. Well, it was probably the case, since I have been only speaking Japanese for only a few months, but I refused to put any input to her statement.

Once we finished today's practice and we went our separate ways, I got an unexpected call from Jun.

Although I didn't want to involve myself with Valhalla business that much, it felt like Hanma was trying his hardest to come up with excuses to have me present, quite frequently in fact. He was mostly sending his messages thru Jun being aware I would listen to my Honda bro. Jun came there frequently, his goals were to either admire the other members' abs or check them out in the bathroom. It was mind-blowing to know, that no one else caught on to his strange behaviors.

Because of this I specifically told Jun to only call me on my first phone in case of emergencies, which was taking place right now.

"What is it?" I asked, hoping his urgency didn't come from wanting to talk about hot guys, which happened before.

"Michi, you're in trouble." He whispered into the lure, don't tell me he was saying my name inside the Valhalla headquarters.

"Didn't I tell you not to speak my name out loud when you're in the arcade?" I asked as he remembered that was a thing that occurred.

"I will remember it for the next time, but anyway it's bad,... Hanma and your brother somehow reconciled?" Did I need to give Tora a whole lecture about not associating with toxic people?

"And they suspect Jesus to be Michi... I mean they aren't wrong, but I bet you don't want to be found out, that's why I called." I was in deep trouble, but how come they arrived at such a conclusion? Sure many things were aligning with themself, like hair color, skin color, and our bikes being the same, but I firmly believed Hanma wouldn't come to such a strange conclusion because he saw my face as Jesus Honda.

"Don't tell me he will ask to take my mask off." I wasn't in possession of another face-changing potion. Were there perhaps some other ways I could avoid their further suspicions that weren't showing off my face? I was already freaking out since I had no clue what punishment I would need to face if I didn't fulfill this crucial mission.

Then a eureka moment hit me like a truck, there were other ways to get the same result. If I only showed them enough evidence of me being a guy, there was no way they would mistake me for Michi ever again.

"Yes let's refuse a mission and hope for the best." After assuring Jun I would take care of the situation I had at hand I returned straight home. The heavens were on my side today because as soon I stepped my foot inside the house a mission appeared.

"Finally my luck points are being used the right way." I checked out the two missions, even if I knew I had to reject them.

'Would you rather pay a visit to Haruchiyo Akashi and tell him how good his skin looks or pay a visit to the father of your son?' Venus was displaying a mocking emoji on the screen, perhaps the system found itself to be funny.

"I refuse," I said after locking myself in my room and a punishment wheel popped up.

"Let's make a prayer first." I put my hands together and closed my eyes while saying out loud.

"Please grant me something useful." I spun the wheel and refused to open my eyelids until it stopped spinning. When I heard the congratulatory message I took a quick glimpse, this was an even better solution than what I have initially thought of.

"Clone." I read out loud and at that exact moment, a cloud of white smoke emerged from nothingness and dispersed as quickly. When I looked up I saw a face resembling my own, staring back at me in wonder.

"Great I can totally fool them like this." Thankfully the clone wasn't a bad copy of me, so I handed her my first phone.

"Phone Kazutora, my big brother in about half an hour, make some plans and make sure you spend some time with him if possible." Yes, that was a perfect strategy, I just needed to make sure to get over to the headquarters in time. So after I changed I took my bike for a ride there.

When I busted thru the door, making my presence known to the higher-ups, I went straight to Jun.

"So why did you want to see me?" I asked loud enough for both Kazutora and Hanma to hear my awesome entrance.

"Oh, you see." Jun came closer and then whispered into my ear.

"What is this about? You already have a plan to solve everything?" I nodded my head, glancing at the clock on my phone.

"It should happen right now." I peeked at my brother as his phone started to ring, he gave me a quick glimpse and then answered the call. Things were about to go down.

"Looks like your theory was wrong." He let the giraffe know, as he began a full-out conversation with my clone, while Hanma tried his best to eavesdrop.

"It does sound like her." Thankfully the second Michi knew to chew her brother out after hearing the tall clown's voice.

"What did you do, did you hire someone?" I nodded my head, as long the giraffe didn't barge in on mine clones and Kazutora's hangout, everything would be great.

Sadly Tora allowed the giraffe to do as it pleased and for some reason, I was forcefully dragged along.

"You need to meet his sister, you two will get along, I just feel it." I tried to make an excuse, but it didn't repel the guy.

"Wouldn't she be terrified of my mask?" Hanma laughed upon hearing my worry, was he perhaps worried I would change my clothes and arrive at the meeting place as Michi? Nah, today for the whole evening I was Jesus Honda.

Jun insisted on tagging along, even if I told him off, he was persistent. Was he worried I would be busted? I was thankful for him looking out for me but I didn't want him to see my clone, how was I supposed to explain this to him?

As we reached the restaurant the meeting was taking place at, once Jun saw Michi he looked in my direction and whispered.

"So the real actor is you, I never would have guessed, your acting is so natural I thought Michi was here all along." At least this weird situation made me receive a compliment from Jun. I was grateful that he came to this conclusion himself, hence I didn't need to make up my own excuses.

My clone seemed to know how to respond to all the banter, I tried my best to stay as quiet as possible, not engaging in any conversation with my other self.

"That's strange, I strongly believed you two would get along just fine." Hanma seemed troubled by this turn of events, but I reminded him.

"You can't be right all the time." Thankfully now when the giraffe's theory turned out to be hundredth percent a false statement, Tora turned back to his overprotective brother characteristics. Everything was fine and dandy until Hanma tried to make some moves on my clone and Kazutora yelled out.

"I will never allow you to become my brother-in-law, so get that stupid idea out of your head!" I couldn't believe these exact words actually left Tora's mouth. Like brother hello, we were still in middle school, and no one would be marrying me anytime soon, but this tall guy had to make things worse.

"There are always things called casual dating or a one-night stand." Wow, the audacity of this guy. Of course, Tora got into a screaming match with Hanma, causing Michi to slam her hand on the table.

"Knock it off! Also, I'm leaving who wants to hang out with two guys that can't even behave themself in public." There was one thing I didn't agree with what my clone did, it was blaming Kazutora. But it also made me wonder if I was too lenient with him.

"She left because of you." Kazutora was ready to blame it on the other party. I saw how sad Tora was after this incident, but it's not like I could do anything at this precise moment.

"Dammit," I swore under my breath and took Jun away leaving those two alone, it felt like they were going to fight between each other once more. Hopefully, Kisaki would scold Hanma, even more, this time around.

Since this took place and my cover was secured for now I was planning on leaving but Jun stopped me.

"Let's go hang, we can check out people's abs or something." Was his suggestion.

"Oh, but since you know I'm the real actor are you planning on paying me for overtime?" I asked as he gulped at the mention of money.

"Come on don't be like that, we can have fun for at least an evening." Considering what took place, I decided to go do fun things with Jun to get some things off my mind.

"I guess we could." We arrived back at the headquarters, only for a mission to pop up as soon we made our way inside the arcade.

'Would you rather go out to a rental movie store to watch a romantic film together with Jun Honda or walk into the male bathrooms and rate the guys' dicks?' I groaned and turned to Jun.

"How about watching a movie?" His first question being.

"Who's paying?" My reply was simple.

"Since I'm the one inviting you over it should be me right?" He was happy to hear that and he quickly agreed.

"What movie?" He inquired.

"Romance." It looked like someone was eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Mind if I tag along?" Chome pipped in, after remembering how he watched some TV dramas with my mom before. I quickly agreed, it would be beneficial if somehow I could get him onto my side.

On the way there I purchased some snacks for us all, the two guys were so grateful and touched it made one wonder if it was true you could win a guy's heart thru food.

"Let's try to find a promising movie." We ended up settling on something Japanese, I don't know why but these guys ended up choosing some tragic romance. Since they were both sitting beside each other at some point I witnessed them hugging while sobbing.

"So beautiful." Was one of the comments I heard Jun say. Sometimes I took off the mask, in a way so these guys wouldn't see my face, just to sneak some snacks into my mouth, considering how boring I found the movie. But there was one strange thing I noticed when we were marathon the movie I received a stat, for no reason at all. Sus.

After the movie ended I was asked.

"You didn't cry even once?" I shook my head in denial while admitting.

"I only cry when cute animals die in movies." Afterward we three hung out some more, but at some point, we bid our goodbyes and I returned home, after getting rid of my gate-up in one of the public toilets. I was worried that the clone was inside the house, but after I entered mom briefed me about not seeing it, since it left to meet up with Kazutora.

I waited and waited, but even calling didn't seem to have given any results and the system refused to help me to track it down.

"Let's just go to sleep, I will be just grateful if no weird situations will come out of this." And so I did, yet had to wake up in the middle of the night.

"What is happening, why is my head in so much pain?" Suddenly the memories of my clone appeared in my head, giving me all the information and sensations as if they were my own. I grabbed my head not believing what this clone did.

"My clone kissed Ran, of all the people what the hell?" Now I understand where those two random stats came from. The clone was also given missions, but thankfully my other self was smart and told Ran she would only kiss him after he wore a bunny outfit, now the glorious image was engraved in my memory. So here I was laughing at Ran in the middle of the night, but then I recalled.

"Shit I'm gonna have to visit him and get my phone back."