
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Another Hospital Visit~

I was awoken by the endless stream of calls, people had a lot of time on their hands' first thing in the morning. That's when I picked up the phone and realized it was already 11 o'clock. I wasn't even surprised because I went to sleep around 2 o'clock. I wasn't mentally prepared for this day, I guess all the emotions that Izana was letting out somehow affected me as well. I shook my head to empty my head and finally picked up the next call.

"What?!" It was quiet on the other side, and I realized that I probably sounded too harsh. So I cleared my throat and asked.

"Sorry, what's up." Suddenly Emma yelled.

"Michi, why haven't you picked up any of our calls yesterday? Has something happened?" My tired brain recalled Izana's stupid words mentioned.

"Besides some weirdo telling me he will try to break my spirits, not really." Emma gasped on the other end.

"Why would somebody say something like this?" Emma asked as I sighed but my awesome brain had an excuse for any situation, wasn't there a Tumblr post that mentioned something about having weird thoughts after a certain time?

"He was up past his bedtime. So he was talking a lot of nonsense. Just a depressed bean that needs some love and attention." Sounded like a lie, but I didn't want to worry her about my safety. Because neither knives nor guns could finish my life's subscription.

"I guess this is not what you initially wanted to talk about. Did something happen, considering how many people were blowing up my phone?" Emma then clarified.

"We wanted to let you know how Draken got stabbed and was admitted to the hospital, but with time since no one could reach you, neither did your brother or parents knew your whereabouts we assumed the worst." Now when I thought about it she sounded tired, did she never get a wink of sleep?

"Sounds like you guys had a rough night, sorry for not answering my phone. It was on silent mode as I didn't want to be disturbed... How's Draken, his life is not in grave danger is it?" I pretended like I wasn't aware of what truly took place.

"The surgery was successful, but I haven't left the hospital yet." I wasn't so sure why everyone was so eager to let me know about Draken's state, was I considered one of the squad already?

"Do you want me to drop by? Do you need anything?" I guess giving food to a patient was out of the question, but I could always prepare some food for Emma if she desired.

"Can you come right now?" She wondered, that would be quite tough since I needed to eat, I wouldn't run anywhere without some proper food in my stomach.

"I just woke up, but I will try to come as soon as I dress up and grab a quick snack," I concluded the call after getting the address to the hospital. I put on the simplest outfit, grabbed a wallet, my phone, and keys, and wandered downstairs.

"Michi I already fed the cat... are you going somewhere?" I nodded my head.

"My friend asked me to come to the hospital." before they question me about anything I added.

"Her boyfriend got stabbed so... yeah." I realized my today's share of breakfast was neatly stacked away in the fridge.

"You're not going to warm it up?" Mom wondered as I shook my head and ate it cold, it wasn't the best in this chilly state, but any inconveniences for Emma's sake.

"I see, but come back soon, I have some news to deliver to you kids." I just nodded my head, stuffing my mouth with food, nearly choking on it, I guess being too hasty wasn't paying off. As soon as I finished it I ran outside, grabbing my bicycle for faster transportation.

I was totally exhausted when I arrived.

"Geez Michi when I asked you to come instantly, I didn't think you would hurry this much." I just responded with a simple.

"My friend is sad, how can I not rush to her side." I winked at her, causing Draken to be annoyed at our interaction.

"Relax Draken, I won't try to steal your girl when I put so much effort into getting you two together." He seemed to have calmed down. Then Takemichi arrived his left hand covered in bandages. I guess he must have gotten stitches.

"Let me have a talk with Michi!" I just arrived and was already dragged away by another party, just my luck.

"What happened to you?" I felt bad for not being able to warn him about this turn of events, but I wanted to preserve the story's flow for now, so if the Valhalla arc occurred I could use my knowledge to stop Keisuke from dying.

"My hand got stabbed." He mentioned I guess he wanted to know what I was doing last night as well.

"Sorry for not being able to help you." That's when he turned to me and asked.

"You think you can give the potion to Draken?" He requested as I considered whatever this option was beneficial, unlike me Takemichi wasn't aware that this was only beginning.

"Since he is already doing so much better, I rather not... I have this strange feeling I would need it for later, and Draken is the last person I want to know about my abilities... can you imagine how pissed he would be if he found out I set him up with Emma because of a mission... Nah not happening. Sorry." Takemichi just nodded his head being understanding as he probably was also hiding his abilities from others.

"But if there is possibly next time, I will try to be of assistance," I assured.

"So where were you yesterday? Were you unavailable because of a mission?" I nodded my head and explained.

"I received one that granted me 3 stat points of course I couldn't miss it." So I say but occasionally I got three simple missions in a day, that didn't involve me listening to someone's life story. Only when I gave him some sound advice did this system hand me over the points. We returned back and Mikey was also inside Draken's room, maybe he left for a toilet break when I first arrived.

"So what's with the secret meeting between you two?" Draken inquired, was his intuition ringing some bells in his head, letting him know how suspicious we were?

'Would you rather come up with an excuse or change the topic?' Excuse seemed like a good idea, to throw him off from his mistrust.

"Takemichi just warned me about someone suspicious going around our neighborhood recently so he advised me to be more careful and return from home earlier next time around... I didn't want to scare Emma, but look what you made me do." Draken looked at Takemichi as if he was wondering if all of this was true while Takemichi just nodded his head because there was no other way out of this. This interaction made me wonder how many more lies was I supposed to spew out of my mouth, maybe just keeping my mouth shut would have been so much better for my consciousness. I spent some time at the hospital, and once again Mikey used me as a free cushion. However, I left once Emma decided it was time to grab some rest. Mikey stayed behind because he had the awesome ability to be able to nap anywhere. Yes, I checked his skill secretly, and it was named 'Sleepy Head'.

Once I returned mom arranged to have a family meeting.

"So Michi, tell us why did you come home so late yesterday?" Wow, what was with this day and an endless stream of interrogations?

"As an uncertified therapist I offered my services to a depressed guy, that doesn't have enough money to buy the real deal." They couldn't be mad at me for helping out the helpless souls, right?

"You met another guy?" Is that really what Kazutora wanted to focus on?

"What's so shocking about it, there are so many humans on this earth? Who cares if I know like 30 delinquents?" Then dad asked shocked.

"Another delinquent?" I guess he was kind of disappointed.

"Not my fault they swarm me like flies, what I'm supposed to do?" Kazutora gasped loudly.

"I will tell Baji you called him a fly." I facepalmed, this was basically bullying at this point.

"Oh yes, the best thing about getting out of bed is the feeling of existential dread." I guess because of my unusually depressing state of mind, mom decided to switch the topic.

"We realized we booked the sex education classes the week we be away, so will get you the directions, time, and place for the appointments." I thought they would wait till summer was over, but no, there was someone out there offering classes in the middle of the dreadful heat, great.

"Do I have to go?" I asked as both of my parents sternly admitted.


"You haven't double-booked it on my part-time job or training with Wakasa right?" she shook her head. So when I was supposed to have free time, I was sent to have classes great.

Then someone decided to ring the bell, I walked over and spotted Kakucho.

"Do you mind visiting us again?" He asked, what was going on? Why did he have to ask?

"Strangely Izana somehow got attached to you and wants to see you again." Do I refuse, but it wasn't often Kakucho came over to ask me favors.

'Would you rather accept Kakucho's invitation or ask Keisuke Baji to visit you?' This system surely knew how to make me accept certain missions, was this somehow rigged?

"Lemme just tell my parents I'm going out." I closed the door and soon mentioned.

"I'm heading out again." Dad then said something uncommon.

"Make sure to return home before 11 pm." I wasn't planning to stay even more than an hour over their place.

"Noted." We headed out with Kakucho.

"So what happened between you two? I have never seen Izana interested so much in another person." I think I got shivers down my spine, catching Izana's interest wasn't my plan, he wasn't going to act like a crazy yandere right?

"He talked about his problems... I thought I would just let him vent out his troubled emotions and then we would never see each other again... but now here we are." I wasn't too sure what to think about this development. Entering his life before Kisaki would maybe be beneficial, but would he really allow me to guide him to a better path than self-destruction? I could always hope for the best. Once I walked inside I finally realized how messy this apartment was, because I rushed out yesterday I didn't pay any attention to the fine details. Izana looked as gloomy as ever, but maybe just a little ray of sunshine entered his void of emotions eyes. Before I could start a conversation Izana said.

"I was saying some nonsense yesterday, please forget about it." I just nodded.

"Sometimes when we're deprived of sleep we can have strange thoughts I understand." He looked shocked at how fast I overlooked his abnormal behavior.

"So I heard you wanted to see me? What's up?" He then

clarified the reason I was summoned into this domain.

"Can we be friends?" I actually didn't mind, but then I spotted a crazy look on his face that quickly pissed me off. Why did I feel like I was navigating a minefield?

'Would you rather say no to Izana Kurokawa or squish his face and accept.' Yes squishing his face was a good option to get rid of that terrifying gaze. I put my hands around his face, getting a gasp from Kakucho that appeared like he was preparing for my funeral.

"Sure, but next time keep the weird thought to yourself or prepare for consequences." I let him go but decided to offer some help since I didn't want Kakucho to struggle with this kiddo too much.

"Since you look more radiant after venting, would be willing to accept more of my assistance?" He gave it some thought but then asked the strangest of questions.

"If I accept would I see you more often?" Was I getting into something I would regret in the long run?

"I guess...once a week when I find the time?" That should be enough to get him back on track right? I wasn't expecting him to seem so happy? Because he even put me into a hug, Kakucho was even more amazed at this development than I.