
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs


So the whole after-match of the fight was ridiculous, despite my effort to make this Halloween evening a more joyful occasion, I suddenly found myself being a mediator between the two groups that invited themself into my house, that still couldn't reach an agreement.

Though Valhalla lost big time, Keisuke kept refusing to rejoin Toman instead, he tried to recruit my ass to a new whole gang, our sole purpose being to make Kisaki's life more miserable. I acknowledged I already bullied him enough as it was.

Mikey and Draken were now sitting in my room as head Toman representatives, truly believing I was the only person capable of changing Keisuke's mind. Chifuyu and Takemichi were here as well since I gave a ride to Takemichi that lived across the street. Chifuyu was already on verge of tears begging his ex-captain to come back.

"Okay, I will kick Kisaki out, just come back already!" Mikey finally bent to his childhood friend's wishes however, I had a different outlook on this whole situation.

"I'm glad you two are finally coming to some kind of agreement, but I wouldn't recommend kicking Kisaki out just yet." Everything became dead silent, the people gathered in my room were questioning my sanity. As Cupid just came and sat in my lap, I stroked his back.

"Is it because you have a stupid crush on him?" Keisuke dared to utter, causing me to send him a glare.

"Listen my little innocent children... there is a reason I'm telling you this." Multiple sets of eyebrows twitched as I continued.

"There are few things you aren't aware of, Takemichi please tell them what Kisaki's did previously to this." All three big shots looked instantly angry, scaring poor Mitchy.

"Can you relax your faces guys? You're scaring him." Seriously.

"Recently we..." He took a quick glance in Chifuyu's direction and then resumed.

"Found out that Kisaki was involved with the Moebius gang, not only was he the brain of their operations, but once he was done with using Osanai, he dumped all the blame on him and left." It seemed like Draken could already guess where this was going.

"So he probably was the reason Draken almost died and Pah-chin's arrest." Mikey's eyes went wide open, but it seemed like he refused to say anything at the moment.

"This time he was aiming to use my brother to kill Keisuke, he may have succeeded if I didn't get in his way," I explained calmly.

"Then why would you want to keep such a guy in our ranks even?" Draken questioned my intentions.

"From what we have seen he seems really persistent in staying in Toman and being the closest to Mikey, right?... So tell me, would you rather let him roam freely him employing other guys to do his deeds not knowing when he will strike again, or supervise him in your own gang to prevent any other future mishaps?"

"You are making a solid point..." Draken admitted.

"You know what they say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer. There are two paths we can take from there, either we force friendship into this throat so he can't even dream about killing any of you again, or get rid of him altogether." Chifuyu gasped at the last part.

"Are you perhaps planning murder Michi? No wonder you are attracted to the guy, you two are like two peas in the same pond." I was so close to hitting him, but I had to hold myself back after all he just came straight from a fight.

"If you don't stop speaking nonsense you be first on my hit list."

"Are you planning to get rid of my body in some calculative way, like dissolving my corpse in acid?" He needed some lectures for sure.

"Heck no, buying such a big amount of acid will leave traces behind, the next problem would be getting rid of the evidence, you can't just pull it down the drain, you will destroy your pipes. The more steps you make trying to hide the body the more leads you going to create, I will just dump your body in the forest and call it a day." Chifuyu just sat there with his mouth open.

"You seem to have put a lot of thought into this, have you ever killed somebody perhaps?" I just put my hands in prayer and said out loud.

"God forgive me, I'm about to commit an unforgivable sin." He did actually seem on edge but all I did was attack him with one of my pillows, but Draken interrupted us.

"I'm still not sure whatever keeping Kisaki at arm's length is such a good idea." He admitted.

"You know... Hinata doesn't seem to be his only obsession... it looks like he is equally obsessed with those two." I pointed at Mikey and Takemichi both.

"So I must say... I'm afraid he could also aim for people's lives that aren't associated with the gang..." Takemichi gasped loudly.

"That guy is obsessed with my girlfriend?!" He looked like gaping fish as I nodded my head.

"After I found out he likes her, every time I confessed he kept on telling me that Hinata is the only one for him." It became dead quiet but Keisuke seemed to have realized what my previous words implied.

"Wait so are you trying to say, he could try to kill Emma as well?"

"Should I just beat him up till he becomes unconscious?" Keisuke suggested.

"And give him another reason to not only put your ass in jail but also give him a goal for revenge?" I then cleared my throat.

"My two suggestions are, to treat him really nicely, and show him a whole new world of happiness, laughter, and friends, because as you know friendship is magic."

"That sounds way too optimistic," Chifuyu noted, but then I added another idea.

"Or we frame him for murder, so he can rot in jail." Chifuyu seemed to have been using his head a lot today.

"You know Michi... there needs to be a corpse for us to be able to frame him for it." And your point being, and then it hit me.

"Oh, right I would need to kill someone to frame it on him... I guess that won't work out."

"Michi you seem smart, how about you join Toman to spy on Kisaki." Right, I told him I would give him an answer after Halloween.

"Um you see Mikey, I come as a package deal, if my duo partner won't agree, I won't either. So have a talk with Senju first." Chifuyu didn't seem to have liked the concept, but I decided it was time to go back to the party because I had enough of discussing the glum stuff.

As soon as I walked down Jun approached me, and from the corner of my eyes, I saw Ran talking with my mom.

"Listen you gotta let me join your harem." I just stood there quite astonished at his proposal.


"Ran told me all about it, so I can at least try to get into one of your concubines' beds, awesome plan don't you think?" He spoke like it was hammered in place that I would be dating all those guys from Tenjiku.

"Please Jun, this whole harem thing is just a joke, don't take it seriously."

"But I thought you were a player..." We just stared at each other in utter silence.

"Yeah sure I'm a player, my plan is to have twenty husbands, where we will live in a gigantic mansion, making even an Arabian prince jealous of my achievements." I sounded sarcastic, but that didn't stop Jun from patting my shoulder and adding.

"That's the spirit. I can be your 20th husband. Call me when you fill in all the other nineteen spots."

The next coming day after the party I went to school like usual, only to have Kisaki call me over to the rooftops during one of the breaks.

"Are you finally planning to ask me out, wait I'm not prepared yet." I tried to act shy and oblivious to his reason for calling me out.

"Drop the act! How much of my plans are you really aware of?" He demanded to know.

"Who knows, why don't you tell me?" Like I would share such information with him, but then he started to laugh, which kind of creeped me out a little.

"I see, so from the start all the confessions you made, meant nothing. You were just trying to extract some information from me." Did he read too many thrillers in his lifetime? I mean where else could such a scenario occur.

"What a clown you are... that never happened."

"But don't you despise me for using your brother? I bet you knew it for a while now when I think about it." Why did it remind me of a couple's quarrel?

"And I protected him from your slimy hands as a responsible sister would do, so what of it?" He just stood there blinking at me.

"But you gotta do better next time, I'm not sure I can accept you in my family if you keep treating my older brother this badly... oh I think the break is over gotta go." He was late to class, yet didn't speak with me after this encounter.

After school I created a meet-up, inviting Keisuke, Chifuyu, Takemichi, and Wakasa.

"Why are you inviting me to spend some time with brats." And wasn't he beating up said brats while joining one peculiar gang in the manga?

"Stop looking at me like this, I can tell you're judging me." Great, he was at least aware of that.

"So why did you call all of us here?" Chifuyu asked as I looked at Keisuke.

"You had a question to ask didn't you?" Keisuke nodded his head pulling out the wrapper that previously contained the health potion.

"You told me if my life was in danger to consume this, I did and despite my craving for food afterward, the stab wound just disappeared. What's this about?" It was perfect timing to tell a joke.

"You see Keisuke... I'm an alien, and what you ate was my extracted saliva that has healing properties." He gasped loudly almost as if he believed it, but everything was ruined because Wakasa couldn't stop laughing.

"You tried to fool me?" Keisuke suddenly seemed sad.

"Anyway what you swallowed was a health potion, it uses energy stored in your body to heal your wounds. That's why you felt like you haven't eaten for ages afterward."

"And how exactly do you possess such an item?" I guess he didn't have any doubts since he consumed it himself.

"Well...if I tell you I have a system that gives me missions and rewards me afterward upon completion, would you believe me?" He didn't doubt me in the slightest.

"Oh, what kind of missions?" He asked looking really excited.

"The choices are usually, doing something stupid, using violence, or flirting with unsuspected targets."

"And that's what you call a player," Wakasa mentioned nodding his head.

"You want me to ask the system to put you on the target list?"

"And have Senju come after my ass for supposedly sending the wrong signals to her underage friends? No thank you."

"That's why it was supposed to be a punishment," I responded, but got hit with.

"I liked it better when I knew nothing about this and you were targeting Takeomi instead." I crossed my arms.

"Go cry about it."

"But if you have something called a health potion, can't it make you recover from your sickness?" Keisuke questioned. Oh right about that.

"Listen Keisuke... there was no sickness, to begin with... I lied..."

"Wait what?" He looked so cutely confused.

"I was actually dead, my soul left my body."

"That sounds so metal," Chifuyu mentioned astonished.

"Sure it was, I was going around spying on people, I bet Smiley has some pretty good intuition, he could feel me trying to touch his hair when I was in ghost form... But I would not do it again, going back to a body that wasn't used for that long... was quite painful." Shivers went down my spine just recalling the sensation. Somehow this became into a session of me telling them my stories that I got to encouter thanks to the system, which was pretty enjoyable.