
Useless Child

The world in chaos and portals opening up around the globe allowing demons and demon beasts into the world. A great amount seeping into the world allowed for people to develop magic. In the beginning no one knew what happened and billions were killed advanced weapons such as nukes and assault rifles no longer worked. Other countries began to band together to get rid of the smaller portals. for each portal there is a boss once you defeat the boss the portal closes. It took an army of millions to fight back and secure the space we live in now. This happened all over the world, some places were lucky and were untouched some places were overrun by demons and demon beasts who settled in countless countries have taken over. Using humans as pets or slaves they keep a select few alive. The places where the world was able to beat back the demons created a new country where people continue to escape to.

It took near a 1000 years for Humans to learn how to use mana and enhance their abilities. Until finally the demons had no choice but to act less aggressively towards the humans. In the final war against the Demons 2 heroes emerged, One was a fire mage who had total mastery of all fire and had no equal in the amount of mana she could control. The second was the best mana swordsman that ever lived creating his own type of swordsman ship in order to defeat the demon army.

They shared 1 thing in common and that was a newly born son named Jeremy as he was born the next moment they were sent to the front lines. Being born of magic to speed up the process of the pregnancy everyone thought that he would be an amazing magician when he grew up. This was assumed as the man who was deemed the "King" decided Humans needed to be produced at an extremely fast rate as Humans are a dying species.

As humans experimented on faster pregnancy's the survival rate of the mother and the child was to low only about 10%. However those who survived the process were born with extraordinary mana wells inside their body and were able to use this to an even greater extent than most other humans.


Jeremy is what you would call a gentle giant not because he has a shy nature or that he is not tenacious. He is however extremely weak for his large stature, he has always been the largest child in any of his classes. His parents had died in the war killing the current demon king. He has spent all of his time in the research facility getting trained by top magicians and knights to follow in his parents foot steps.

The research Facility had learned after a couple of years that this young man will not improve no matter how hard they train him. "He has gained weight and muscle mass yet is barely able to hold a sword" they would always say.

Jeremy is now 15 and is a good looking young man although with his light brown hair and blue eyes. At first glance he looks much older than he is as he stands 6'3" tall and has bulging muscles he looks as if he would be a great adventurer. The only feature that seems off about Jeremy is that he wears large glasses on his face and is always dressed to impress with his button down shirt and black pants.


"You are 15 now and it is time for you to get out in the world on your own" a man who sat across from Jeremy said as they were eating a birthday dinner.

This man looked much smaller compared to Jeremy and had short black hair and wore a long white trench coat. He was a researcher at the research facility, even though Jeremy was kicked out of the facility and put into an orphanage this man had always taken care of Jeremy.

"B-But John I don't know what to do I am unable to use magic and I cannot even lift more than 3 books at a time. No matter how much I try I just can't seem to do it. Not to mention if I were to lose my glasses I wouldn't be able to see"

John sighed and replied " There are plenty of jobs that you can do, you can get a job washing dishes at the local inn for the time being. the owner owes your parents a favor anyway."

Jeremy looked disappointed in the suggestion but was unable to think of another solution. "Will you atleast take me down to the Inn and introduce me after training tomorrow?" Jeremey asked.

John smiled a very awkward smile and said " Yes of course I will Jeremy just know no matter what happens I will always be here for you."

Jeremy sniffed hard and said " Thank you John you are the best" as he scarfed down the rest of his food in what looked like one bite and ran off with his practice sword to the front lawn.

Jeremy had a routine that he refused to give up on which is how he got so big and had such big muscles. Every day he would practice his forms from the knights school 1000 times each and then do basic physical training. He would run for 5 miles every morning and night although he could only run for about 5 min before he almost collapses from shortness of breath. It takes him hours to complete all of these tasks and everyone who sees him no longer encourages him as he is still very weak and cannot do anything more.

After his routine he goes in to the library and studies magic circles as they can be activated with a catalyst and don't need to be activated using mana from ones own body. However he is unable to practice his magic circles as he was kicked out of the magic academy because he was unable to grow any mana. at the moment the most he can create with mana is a small spark in his hands.

"How many times do I have to walk in the house dripping sweat like that. I don't even understand why you do that." John said " We Have run so many experiments and the only thing that we could come up with is that your body is expending mana faster than you are off able to produce it."

Jeremy was cleaning his glasses when he said " I know, but I still have hope that someday I can be a hero that saves everyone like my parents." as he was walking into John's house he kicked off his boots that were had the rubber worn down from years of training.

The next day John took Jeremy to the local Inn to be put to work, as he walked in he nearly had to duck to walk through the door as his hair scrapped the top of the doorway. The woman at the counter was somewhat shocked at the man who just walked through the door. As Jeremy approached the lady at the counter he said in the deepest voice he could must {he was still going through puberty and the pitch of his voice changed as he spoke most of the time} " I am her..." as John cut him off he said " We are here to see Liz"

The woman was shocked not only because he was asking for the owner of the inn but that she almost didn't notice him as she looked at Jeremy with lustful eyes.

"I'll have to get her can you wait a moment?" she said as she turned through the swiveling bar room type doors to go to the back of the inn. A couple of moments passed before they heard a crashing and screaming as well as stomping on the wooden panels of the floor. It sounded as if there was a fight going on in the back and as Jeremy wanted to be a hero he assumed the worst and ran to the back.

John was just a little to slow to grab Jeremy as he passed through the door he was met with a 2 legged drop kick to the chest. A loud Thud was heard throughout the waiting room of the inn. Shortly after a whimpering voice said "Has anyone seen my glasses they flew off and I can't see what I'm doing" Jeremey said as he crawled around on the floor.

The woman who had just flew through the door at Jeremy landed as if the wind around her was protecting her from the fall. She was confused by who she had just kicked and why he was acting like such a child. " How could someone so BIG be such a wimp" she mumbled as she looked over and saw John.

The woman was Liz John's acquaintance and the acquaintance of Jeremy's parents she was small in stature and had a small frame she had Curly light red hair that went down to her ears, she wore circular glasses and dark brown robes.

As Jeremy stood back up he had to catch his breath and wipe the tears away from his eyes before putting on his glasses. " A MAGE!" he yelled excitedly "JOHN YOU NEvER ToLD Me SHE WAS A MAGE" As he stood up he hunched over to shake her had as if she was a small child as she only came up to just above his waste.

" You look just like your father" Liz hissed at Jeremy and shot him a dirty look. "AND you... you dont ever come to check in yet you want to throw Henry's kid on me like that?" as she shot a deathly glare at John.

John was prepared for this and simply said " You know I am always busy at work and you know the way to my house yet you never came to see me!" he said with a smirk.

"Why would a wife have to go out of her way to see her husband?"

"HUSBAND?" Jeremy said "WIFE?" he continued with a confused look on his face.

"YOU NEVER TOLD HIM? After all these years you have been with the boy you haven't told him about yourself?" Liz was furious.

"Why have you never been to the house the.." Jeremy was interrupted by John with a swat to his back.

"You bought a house by the research facility?" Liz said "I could have helped you with Jeremy long ago" she said almost in tears.

John's face went red and looked to the floor like a kid being punished. Jeremy was even more confused never has he seen this man act this way.

John looked up and smiled "I didn't want you to disappoint you with how much I work and completely ignore you."

Liz huffed and shot him a glare that John recognized it was 'Get out of my site before something happens'. As John turned to leave he looked at Jeremy and said "Good luck you will be staying with Liz until you graduate from the knights school" He sighed and said " You will be working for your accommodations here if you slack off you will be homeless." John finished and walked off giving nothing but a wave.

Jeremy turned to the woman in front of him and smiled awkwardly as he reached to scratch the back of his head. Liz took note of his size and the amount of muscle on his body and said " You will work as security I am sure you can handle yourself seeing your size, not to mention you going to the knights school"

"hehe...." Jeremy laughed awkwardly "John didn't tell you about my condition did he?"

Liz looked at him confused " what condition?"

Jeremy then explained his situation to her and went from security to front desk.

"What a waste" she said in a disappointed tone "I will see if I can do some research for some mana supplements to help with your condition but if John couldn't fix the situation I doubt I will"

Jeremy got excited and started asking Liz question after question about her being a mage and what type of magic she was good with and if she was ever an adventurer.

The entire time Liz was walking towards the room that Jeremy would be staying in and before Jeremy knew it they were at the door that was smaller than the previous doors that he had been walking through.

"This is your room I didn't think you would be this large but this is all we have that you would be able to afford while going to school" Liz said as she opened the door and walked down the hall.

Jeremy looked at the room and as he squeezed through the front door he stood upright and hit his head on the slanted ceiling which above was a staircase that led to the 2nd floor. the room was barely wide enough for him to fit in it had a bed and 1 drawer.

Liz embarrassingly said " Sorry this is all I have" as she couldn't see the Jeremy's reaction.

As he turned around with a Huge smile on his face he said " This is really my room?... At Johns house he only had the one room so when he was home I had to sleep on the floor in the living room"

Liz became emotional while hearing this and cursed John in her head "Get some sleep we start early here"


This is my first time writing anything so let me know what you think.

Jesse_Hardmancreators' thoughts