
Worlds of New

In a world exhausted by the constraints of their old society, Alex and his classmates find themselves thrust into an entirely different world following a baffling classroom poisoning incident. This new world is a breathtaking oasis of natural beauty and unpolluted air, initially mistaken for a dream come true. However, their paradise soon reveals its true nature as they encounter bizarre, otherworldly creatures that regard humans as alien entities. Faced with this unsettling reality, Alex and his classmates decide to confront the enigmatic monsters rather than cower in fear. To their astonishment, they discover that upon defeating these creatures, they uncover a mysterious syringe. This syringe possesses an eerie power: when injected, it transforms them into one of these otherworldly beings. Emboldened by the promise of newfound abilities and the need to survive in this perilous realm, Alex and his classmates embark on a treacherous and mystical journey. Their goal is to acquire the powers of these monsters to not only defend themselves but also to navigate the complexities of this unfamiliar world. As they delve deeper into the secrets of their new reality, they must grapple with moral dilemmas, confront their own humanity, and determine the true purpose behind their transformation. "Worlds of New" is an enthralling tale of adventure, self-discovery, and the pursuit of power in a world where the line between human and monster blurs. Join Alex and his comrades on this thrilling quest as they strive to survive and thrive in the face of the unknown. For more updates and details, you can visit the Facebook page of the novel: https://www.facebook.com/JoshWritesss

HallCowden · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

Rise of the New Queen

The aftermath of the battle cast a heavy silence over the hive, leaving behind a tableau of wounded humans who had valiantly fought for their freedom and survival. Stretched out on the glistening golden floor, their bodies bore the painful scars of the queen's relentless attacks. Those still capable of movement lent their support to their more severely injured comrades.

Amidst the groans of pain and exhaustion, a sense of elation pervaded their weary ranks. They had emerged victorious in their struggle against the hive's supreme ruler, and now, it was time to rest.

Kent, ever vigilant, inquired, "Is everyone awake?"

Their bodies protested, but they managed to muster nods.

"Fantastic," Kent exclaimed, her relief palpable.

Turning to Jay, Kent quizzically remarked, "Jay, I didn't realize you could grow spikes from the front of your body too. I thought it was just from the back."

"I could, but I don't, since it's a hassle whenever I walk," Jay replied, flashing a wry grin.

Kent's gaze remained fixed on Jay, her eyes silently demanding the story he had promised to share. Jay, sensing her curiosity, couldn't help but smile. "Alright, alright," he conceded, preparing to recount his tale.

"Before I was captured by the bees, I roamed the marshland, much like all of you. During my travels, I encountered someone—or, well, not exactly a person, but more of a feline human," Jay began.

"A cat person, capable of transformations like you?" Alex interjected.

"Exactly," Jay confirmed.

Kent leaned in, eager to learn more. "How did you two meet?" she inquired.

Jay paused, lost in the memories. "It was quite strange. He seemed to appear out of thin air," he recalled. "Noel, that's his name. A tall, enigmatic figure with sharp claws, hands, and feet resembling those of a cat. He was always veiled, his face obscured by a tattered cloak. Dressed entirely in black, he was nearly invisible in the darkness, like a hunter lurking in the shadows."

Jay continued, "I could barely see his face, but I did catch a glimpse of his claws. He gave me a syringe, claiming it would help me survive in this place. Noel also warned me that the marshland was not what I had imagined, and it was teeming with monstrous creatures I had yet to encounter."

"What do you mean by a syringe?" Kent asked, her curiosity piqued.

Jay chuckled. "It's like an injection that I used to gain this shape-shifting ability. I was hesitant at first, but I figured I had nothing to lose, and voila! A human porcupine at your service!"

The revelation left them in contemplative silence. Kent's mind was buzzing with questions. Why would this mysterious feline man bestow such a valuable power on someone he'd just met? She decided to probe further.

"That means he's very knowledgeable about this place. Maybe he knows about how we got here and how to get out," Kent speculated, her voice tinged with hope. "Did he say anything about how long he's been here?"

Jay shook his head. "No, he didn't, but he did mention that the marshland isn't the only realm in this world. Then he just left."

Alex chimed in, "So, we're not alone in this, and there might be something more significant beyond the horizon."

The notion of other realms and the possibility of allies outside the marshland filled them with a renewed sense of purpose. They were wounded, but they were also survivors. The battle against the queen had proved that they could defy the odds and overcome formidable adversaries. They exchanged determined glances, silently vowing to uncover the secrets of this strange world and find a way back home.

As they contemplated the vast and mysterious world beyond the marshland, a mix of emotions swirled within them. The uncertainty of what lay ahead was both exhilarating and terrifying. Alex, in particular, grappled with a complex array of feelings. Thoughts raced through his mind like a turbulent river.

The marshland had already proven to be an enigmatic and perilous place, teeming with monstrous creatures like the queen bee. What other terrors might lurk in the uncharted realms beyond? Alex's heart pounded with a curious blend of excitement and fear. The world they now found themselves in was nothing short of astounding, yet it was equally menacing. Could they truly survive in this unfamiliar landscape? And if they perished here, would there be no return to their former world, or would they simply awaken from what felt like an awe-inspiring yet terrifying dream?

Alex was well aware of the chaos and turmoil of their past world, but oddly, he felt an unexplainable reluctance to return to it. There was an undeniable allure to this new world, despite its dangers. The desire to explore and conquer the unknown tugged at his spirit.

However, unlike their previous world, there were no convenient answers to be found here. No search engines, no maps, no GPS. Every step they took in this realm was a step into the unknown, a journey fraught with uncertainty. The choices they made, the paths they followed, all held the weight of life and death. It was a world where every decision mattered, and their survival depended on their wits, their courage, and their unwavering determination.

"We will explore this place and continue to survive. We have already defeated one obstacle. We could surely defeat another, together." He muttered.

"I love the enthusiasm, guys, but how do we get down from this massive throne? It's like fifty feet from the ground." Christian said, who just recovered little of his strength from the fight with the queen.

As the team walked around the towering throne, their eyes scanned the vast expanse below. The once formidable guard bees, now transformed into golden liquid, had returned to the hive, leaving the area around the throne eerily silent.

The absence of the guards filled the air with a sense of both relief and trepidation. The victory they had achieved over the queen had come at a cost, leaving them battered and wounded. Still, the sight of the hive's inhabitants dispersing offered a glimmer of hope.

Jessie, always the adventurous one, spoke up. "Well, it looks like they're gone. But how do we get down from here? Jumping doesn't seem like the best idea."

"Wait." Interrupted Alex.

Alex walked toward the queen's corpse, limping. He checked her remains and was shocked. A stiff, elongated tool touched his hands.

"I knew it." He whispered.

"What have you got there?" Kent checked.

"This." Alex raised an item of what looked like a type of syringe. Probably it was the same as the one Jay used the first time he transformed. Their mouths widened.

"If we use that? will we be able to transform too?" asked Christian.

"I don't know, but I am quite sure we will, like Jay," Alex replied.

Kent moved toward Alex and looked at Jay, "Is this the one?" 

Jay nodded, "Hundred percent."

The team gathered around at the center of the throne to discuss what would happen to the tool they had just found.

"Use it on Alex. He was the one who found it." Matt reasoned; the others seemed to approve.

"What are you guys saying? I wasn't just the only one who contributed a big part to this escape. We all did." Alex explained.

"But you're the one who thought of a plan to defeat the queen. You deserve it." Added Jessie.

"Yes, Alex. I think you should be the one to have it." Kent insisted.

Alex's thoughts raced as he held the syringe in his trembling hand. He knew that this moment was pivotal, a turning point in their struggle to survive in this bizarre world. The power to transform, a gift they had witnessed Jay wield with such agility, was now within reach.

As his friends encouraged him to take the syringe, Alex couldn't help but doubt himself. He felt a weight of responsibility, a sense of unworthiness that tugged at his conscience. Jay had demonstrated incredible control over his newfound abilities, showcasing athleticism and bravery. In comparison, Alex saw himself as a bookish individual who had rarely ventured beyond the world of academia.

But as he considered the syringe in his grasp, he remembered the challenges they had faced together. He recalled the moment he had devised a plan to defeat the queen, the trust his friends had placed in him, and the relief and hope that had blossomed in their hearts after their hard-fought victory. Maybe, just maybe, he was underestimating his own potential.

"Don't think too much and just inject it in your body," Kent said.

But Alex was in a  constant dilemma. He thought he did not deserve it. Alex knew to himself that a queen should possess good leadership skill that empowers his constituents. Before the queen bee died, 'she' was a ruler. 

Alex stood up. "You're the one who should use this." Alex moved slowly towards Kent.

"Kent didn't just lead us to get out from the dungeon. Without Kent's last attack, Jay would've had difficulty making the queen not notice his surprise attack. Because of that, it concluded the battle and resulted in our victory. Surely the plan was mine, but it was made better with Kent's support." Alex smiled while making his classmates see his point.

"Do you agree with me?" his classmates agreed and nodded.

"Of course! Kent would be an awesome queen." Alex clapped, and everyone did the same.

Kent extended her hand and grabbed the syringe. With a smile on her face, she promised to take good care of the power she had been given.

"We'll all survive." She injected the item into her left arm.

"She just got stung." Christian joked while looking at Kent.

Alex laughed too, but he was happy with his decision.

"How do you feel?" Matt asked.

Kent removed the syringe from her body. "I don't feel something special or something changed," Kent replied.

"Don't worry, just wait. And when you do, remember the feeling. So, you won't have a hard time transforming again." Jay explained.

Kent's transformation into a bee left her teammates in awe. They watched in amazement as her body underwent a remarkable metamorphosis. Her tanned skin turned to a striking shade of yellow, and her once-human form was replaced by the intricate features of a bee.

Her body felt heavier, and she could sense the newfound strength coursing through her limbs. Silver wings, glistening in the golden light of the hive, unfurled from her back, shimmering with grace. A pair of antenna-like strings protruded from her forehead, granting her a heightened awareness of her surroundings. A furry collar adorned her neck, adding to her bee-like appearance.

Unlike the queen, who was imposing in size, Kent retained her human proportions, albeit with the remarkable addition of bee-like characteristics. Her face, while bearing the distinct hue of a bee, still held the familiar features of her human self. She was a fusion of both worlds, a testament to the transformative power of the mysterious syringe.

The team, once shocked by the sudden change, now marveled at Kent's remarkable transformation. They had witnessed firsthand the incredible potential of the syringe, which had granted Kent the ability to become a bee, albeit one with a size more suited to their world.

"Kent, you look incredible!" Jessie exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

Jay nodded in approval. "You've become one of us, Kent. This will be a game-changer for our survival in this world."

Kent, still adjusting to her newfound form, offered a bee-like buzz that seemed to convey her agreement and gratitude.

With Kent's transformation, they were now a team with a diverse set of powers and skills, each contributing to their collective strength. Together, they were ready to face the challenges of this extraordinary world and explore the mysteries that lay ahead.

"I thought you would become something very hideous." Christian joked. "But girl, you look really gorgeous. The best animal costume goes to you!" He added.

Everyone laughed, and Kent, too.

"How does it feel?" Jay asked.

"Nothing. I feel natural." Kent replied.

"Yeah! Now, get us out of this place. Lol!"

Kent's transformation into a bee was nothing short of astonishing. As she flapped her silver wings, she soared higher and circled around the massive throne. Her movements were graceful and effortless, as if she had been born to fly in this form. The sheer joy on her face was infectious, radiating happiness that seemed to engulf everyone present.

Her laughter filled the air, and her smile was a beacon of pure, unbridled happiness. It was a side of Kent that her classmates had never seen before, a glimpse into the depths of her newfound delight in this extraordinary world. The weight of their past lives seemed to have been lifted, replaced by the exhilaration of their newfound abilities and the adventures that lay ahead.

Her transformation had not only granted her physical changes but had also unlocked a newfound sense of joy and liberation. Kent was no longer the reserved class mayor they had known in their past world. Here, in this surreal landscape, she had found her true colors, and they shone brightly for all to see.

Her classmates watched her with immense happiness, their own faces mirroring the joy that Kent exuded. They couldn't help but be elated for their classmate, who had discovered a new side of herself in this world. Kent's transformation had not only given her wings but had also set free her inner happiness, making her the happiest girl in their extraordinary adventure.

As Kent continued to explore her newfound abilities, she raised her arms, and a yellow liquid began to form from the golden floor. To their astonishment, this liquid transformed into a creature that resembled the guard bees they had encountered earlier.

"You summoned a guard!" Christian exclaimed in disbelief.

Kent didn't stop there; she continued to experiment with her powers and successfully summoned two more guards before she felt that she had reached her limit.

"I think it's my limit. I can't summon anymore," Kent explained, still trying to comprehend her newfound abilities.

Her classmates were eager to understand how she had accomplished this feat. Jay asked, "How did you do it?"

Kent struggled to put her sensations into words. "I don't know. It's like I already knew what this body could do, but at the same time, I don't. It's difficult to explain."

Though she couldn't create more guards, Kent was still able to communicate with the ones she had summoned. Using her antennae, she directed the guards to help them. The five-foot-tall creatures obediently flew over, grabbing each of the humans. Jay returned to his human form, allowing one of the guards to carry him, while Kent, now one with the hive, led the way, knowing the path to their escape.

As they soared through the tunnels, common bees swarmed around Kent, celebrating her as the new queen. Kent communicated with the bees, and they went about their tasks with renewed vigor. The atmosphere was joyous and festive, a stark contrast to the tense battle they had just fought.

Suddenly, a brilliant light greeted their eyes as they approached the hive's exit. They shielded their eyes with raised arms, the forgotten sunlight illuminating their faces once more. It was a moment of relief and triumph after the darkness and danger they had faced within the hive.

The guard bees gently placed the team members on the damp marshland soil just outside the hive. Despite their wounds and scars from the intense battle, the escape plan had been a resounding success. They had defied the odds and emerged victorious from the heart of the hive.