

Growing up as normal as any child would, Hariel never thought a day would come when she would be told her life had been a facade. A girl who lived in a human world, suddenly forced into an entirely different world that exposed secrets and creatures that you could only hear and see in movies or books. The prophecy of her birth and importance to the three worlds had been set in stone many decades before her birth. How was she to cope? What's worse? she was apparently the ruler of one of those worlds and had a battle awaiting her as soon as she stepped into the world of RAWA, the kingdom of magical beings. _____ King Atticus Blackwell, the Alpha of all alphas, ruler of all werewolves had never thought of having a mate. He knew she probably existed but he was already in love with another and wouldn’t give it up for any other woman, not even his true mate. What happens when he gets betrayed by his lover and comes in contact with his mate? It’s never been heard of that a creature mates outside their kind. Atticus would be the first. It was even more frustrating that his mate had not the slightest clue who he is to her. She knows nothing about the supernatural world but became the center of it. Atticus didn’t know it yet, but she was about to become his whole world in a single being

PennedSylva · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: New beginnings(part two)


(The world of werewolves)

 "Jesus! What's got your panties in a twist". A loud voice boomed in the training room still trying to shield herself from the wrath of her opponent. "Okay that's enough Atticus"

"It's king Atticus to you!". Atticus roared aiming for her throat. 

 "Atticus!" A new voice entered the premises and it quickly faltered Atticus' movements. 

 He was now very much aware of what he was about to do and quickly tended an apology to his beta, who was also his best friend. 

 "It's fine bro" she bumped his shoulder playfully and walked out of the training center not before giving the new presence a stink eye. 

 "Kellan hates my guts" after much thought the voice added "More than usual" 

"Name one person who shouldn't Brielle" Atticus spoke turning to the girl standing by the entrance of the training room. 

 Brielle swallowed hating the spiteful look Atticus now wore. 

 "How long do I have to explain this is not my fault!". She tried to make him understand but he lost his ability to listen to her the day she chose another over him. 

 "How long do I have to tell you I don't care!". He shouted and she immediately bare her neck slightly. His alpha tone had unknowingly seeped into his tone and it was a normal reaction they would all give when it comes out. 

 "I'm sorry my love" she reached out for him and he retracted like he'd been disgusted. His eyes now cast down to her stomach. 

 Noticing his gaze, she covered her stomach protectively even though she knew he would never harm her or the baby that now grew in her. It was just a she-wolf's natural instinct to be highly protective of their pup. 

 "I was drunk". She continued "I...I...I was ....I needed you!". Noticing she was getting no reaction from him, she decided to guilt trip him. She knew it always worked but not this time. 

Laughter bubbled from his throat. "You needed me and went to him?" His laughter got louder. "I'm all sorts of things Brielle but never ugly". He smirked and she only grew red in embarrassment. He legit just told her she had a poor taste. 

 "Don't be like that ba_

 "You. Touch. Me. You. Die". Every word from him slapped differently and she immediately recoiled back. 

 "I'll leave him. I swear!". She begged now on her knees 

 "Get out" . He spoke calmly. One would say too calmly. "You're lucky I did nothing to any of you so this is the last time I'll say this. Get out Brielle!". 

 She quickly scurried off knowing he was never one to repeat himself. She ran past a scowling Kellan who finished off with a "And don't come back!". 

"Well that was unpleasant" Kellan muttered entering the training room that held a shaking Atticus. 

 "Shit! You're mid shift!". Kellan voiced out. 

"Tell me something I don't know, genius". Atticus rolled his eyes and tried to reign in his anger. 

 After so much intake of breath, he was able to calm down. 

 "Your control has gotten better"

"You think?" He genuinely asked his friend. 

 Atticus had always had problems controlling his wolf, mostly because he was an alpha wolf but also because he had little time to master it as his wolf had taken longer to surface. 

 "I know," Kellan replied with a little smile. 

 He nodded over to the bench and they both sat down. "How much of it did you hear?" He asked. 

 "A lot to wonder how you fell for her in the first place". 

 Atticus couldn't help but laugh at Kellan's reply. She had always hated Brielle. Said she saw past her nonsense charade but Atticus always waved it off thinking it was some kind of girl drama. Now he knew he should have listened to his friend. 

 "I did leave at the beginning though". Kellan said while Atticus wondered what she was on about. 


 "I left you both at the beginning but had to rush back as I got news from one of the guards about a Royal message received" Kellan explained. 

Atticus' expression hardened. "It better not be from__ 

"It's from RAWA". 

 Atticus' words died instantly on his lips. He was both relieved and tense free now although he still had questions. 

 "Why?" He asked. 

 "Well how about we find that out now" Kellan produced a similar envelope to the one that had been received by the vampire king spotting the royal emblem of RAWA. 

Atticus snatched it, impatiently reading its content outwards

"Wow. The great king of RAWA is dead''. Kellan repeated the contents.

"So it says"

Few minutes passed with them giving some sort of last honor to the king before Kellan spoke up. "We're going right?"

Atticus made a face "why should we?"

"It's a royal message, Atticus. It's meant to be honored" Her words were definitely not having any impact on Atticus and she knew that. Finally she added "I doubt you want to incur the wrath of goddess Riela again"

That did the trick as Atticus' head swiveled so quickly in her direction that she could swear she heard a crack. She stifled laughter at the evident annoyance etched on his face.

"Of course she would" He muttered 

"You're never one to hold a grudge on innocent people, especially not the dead" Kellan, ever the voice of reasoning spoke, "Goddess Riela? I can understand but not on a dead king, Atticus".

Sighing he nodded "you're right" He stood up "at least for the fact they acknowledged we wouldn't like to be associated with those creatures, they do deserve my presence" 

The message had stated the vampires were to show their last respect at night while the werewolves had the morning. This Information pleased both worlds in question very much. 

 For centuries the vampires and werewolves had never been seen together. It was an abomination to even speak of the other world in each world. Most children were born into this feud having no idea what caused it but stuck to the rules nevertheless. 

"I mean what's a party without the werewolf king?" Kellan sang, bumping her hips with Atticus who wore a straight face. 

"Kellan it's a burial"

Kellan paused her now twerking movement. "Oh shit. Totally forgot" she laughed awkwardly.

 Atticus facepalmed walking out the door of the training room. He called out "ready yourself. We leave before the first howl at the moon in three days"

"Aye aye captain!" Kellan replied loudly with a salute. 


Meanwhile over at RAWA.... 

 The laughter was now becoming hysterical as Rebekah and Lazarus looked at their daughter hoping this whole ordeal wasn't getting her mad. 

 With tears now softly leaking out her eyes from the uncontrolled laughter, she finally asked "What do you mean by I am a witch?". Hariel asked amused "Enough with the jokes mom" she added. 

 Rebekah, now speechless, didn't know what to do or say and looked towards her husband. 

The man having no other choice stood up moving a safe distance from them. "Hopefully this helps you to understand". 

Immediately, he raised his hand and closed his eyes chanting some words Hariel tried but failed to understand as usual. After some seconds his eyes opened up and it glowed a bright yellow. Hariel gasped. 

 "Look" her mum urged, looking down at where Hariel sat. Hariel followed her mother's eyes down and noticed she was no longer on the bed but was now floating alongside her father in the air. That was all it took to knock the air out of her lungs as she tried but couldn't just remember how to breathe 

"Lazarus!" Rebekah called out frantically and Lazarus snapped out of it noticing Hariel had gotten into a panic attack 

"Salren" Rebekah chanted immediately and Hariel fell into sleep. 

 Rebekah and Lazarus exchanged looks "This is going to be harder than we thought".