

Growing up as normal as any child would, Hariel never thought a day would come when she would be told her life had been a facade. A girl who lived in a human world, suddenly forced into an entirely different world that exposed secrets and creatures that you could only hear and see in movies or books. The prophecy of her birth and importance to the three worlds had been set in stone many decades before her birth. How was she to cope? What's worse? she was apparently the ruler of one of those worlds and had a battle awaiting her as soon as she stepped into the world of RAWA, the kingdom of magical beings. _____ King Atticus Blackwell, the Alpha of all alphas, ruler of all werewolves had never thought of having a mate. He knew she probably existed but he was already in love with another and wouldn’t give it up for any other woman, not even his true mate. What happens when he gets betrayed by his lover and comes in contact with his mate? It’s never been heard of that a creature mates outside their kind. Atticus would be the first. It was even more frustrating that his mate had not the slightest clue who he is to her. She knows nothing about the supernatural world but became the center of it. Atticus didn’t know it yet, but she was about to become his whole world in a single being

PennedSylva · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: What’s going on?!


(20 years later)

Tell me something more annoying than a nosy mother who just won't let you be, I'll wait. 

I watched as she went through my stuff looking for what I'd wear to my best friend's birthday dinner. 

I thought parents were to be much stricter than this?. My parents were quite the opposite. Yes they could be normal parents with all the whole cautioning and all but when my mother starts doing things like this, I really didn't know what to think. 

I groaned having had enough "Mom I don't want to go". 

The receiving glare I got could have ended my existence if looks could kill. 

"Might I remind you that this is your best friend's birthday?" She asked bringing out a lacy strapless black gown that I didn't even know I had. 

I had way too much clothes than I could count and I wasn't even the one buying them. On some days I'd wake up to it and my parents would always say they thought it would look nice on me. 

This might sound weird but I can't even point out the actual things my parents do for a living but I knew I lived way too comfortably for them to be jobless. 

"Rain check??". Hopefully it works for me. 

"It's a birthday. You don't rain check birthdays Hariel. Quit being lazy and get ready!". 

She left my room afterwards, leaving absolutely no room for argument . 

I fell back into my pillow letting out a scream. 



"Hariel!!!! Ama is here". My mom called out and I quickly wore my cute silver heels. It wasn't so high nor was it so low. I liked it. 

"I'm here, I'm here". 

Running down the stairs, I missed a step and was about to fall when something held me. I frowned in confusion but continued at a slower pace so as not to actually fall this time around. Thank God for great stamina . 

"Careful honey. You could have gotten hurt". My dad said accessing me to look for any injury. 

"Daddy nothing happened". I whined as he kept inspecting . 

"Well that was because I was here to be your hero". 

Knowing fully well my dad loved exaggerating I decided to ignore him thinking of himself as superman. 

We were both still arguing if I was fine or not when we heard a high pitched scream. 

"Ama" we said in unison laughing as we turned to where she stood with my mom. 

"Girl you look gorgeous" 

"Not as gorgeous as you do". 

Ama had been my best friend since we were kids. She was a super smart, beautiful and bubbly girl and although I was super smart, bubbly not so much. 

"You girls are so cute!" My mom gushed while setting up her camera. How in the world did she even get it out so quickly that I didn't even notice 


The responding glare I got from her shut me up so fast. Ama was quick to get into position as she'd always loved pictures. Not sooner than I would have wanted we were finally on our way to the dinner date Ama planned for just the two of us. 


I sped through the city scared out of my mind. 

My mother had called earlier on sounding distressed and I couldn't even grab from her what the actual problem was. I couldn't even explain to ama what was going on. I just told her I was sorry and left the diner. 

"Mom!" I ran into the house screaming. 

"Mom! Dad!" 

Soon footsteps were heard running towards me and I was engulfed in a hug by my mother. 

"You have to get ready Hariel". 

I stood there confused. What on earth was going on!. 

I looked at my dad and now noticed how weak he looked. 

"Dad!" I gasped holding onto him before he fell. 

"What is this! What's going on mother". I asked, tears now forming in my eyes. 

"I....it's...You won't understand". She struggled to speak and I knew it wasn't because of she couldn't explain but because of how pale and weak she was also now getting 

What is this! 

She kneeled in front of me where I held my father who now murmured words I couldn't quite grasp. 


She looked at me again now in tears. She kept staring till she yelled out in pain clutching her heart. I was now visibly shaking in fear. I was torn between reaching for her and my father. 

God please! I called out to everything supernatural that could hear me as I held on to them. 

"Tali rien incinera goddess Riela". She whispered and I could finally make out that was what my father was also chanting but that wasn't what scared me. My parents usually spoke these languages sometimes and I just thought they were murmuring or something. I just never took it too seriously but right now I couldn't ignore it because I understood this particular one. How that is possible is what I didn't get and it scared me. 

Getting a hold of myself, I stretched out to reach for my phone when suddenly it hit me. An unexplainable pain. It seemed like my heart was shattering and a piece was being thorn out. 

What is going on!? 

"Arghhhhhhh" It was unbearable. 

I struggled to breathe properly and soon enough everything went dark as I hit the cold tiled floor. 



I could hear my name being called out but found it difficult to open my eyes or even my mouth to answer. 

"Do you think she's awake?". Another voice asked 

"I don't know Lazarus, but I could swear her eyes twitched". The first voice replied. 

"This is really bad" the first voice continued. I could make out the distress that came with it. 

"I know. But we need to get her back there". 

"Do we really have to?" 

"That shouldn't even be an option Rebekah". 

"I know. I'm just so scared for her. She is not ready for all of this!" The voice which I now recognised as my mother's spoke. 

My father sighed. "I know but it's her destiny. Nobody has been able to change the prophecy without getting hurt in the process" 

What were they talking about?. What prophecy is this they speak of? And where are they planning to take me?. All this could be answered if I could open my Damn eyes or mouth to speak. 

"Do you think our baby girl would be fine Lazarus?" My mother asked and I was more scared than I previously was. 

What was that question supposed to mean?. Was I dying? 

"She's a strong girl, Rebekah. She'll be fine". 

Uh I definitely was anything but strong so my father was either trying to assure himself or he's joking. 

"Open your eyes" A feather-like voice caressed my body and I shuddered making my parents gasp out loud. 

That strange voice again?. For as long as I could remember I grew up hearing that voice at strange times or events. At some point I had thought I was probably going mad because anytime I asked anybody next to me if they heard it, they would look at me like I'd grown two heads. It was really awkward. 

"Wake up dear child" 

My eyes immediately shot open, startling my mother as she was leaning very close to me. I sat up looking any and everywhere in search of the voice. How was it able to do that? 

I was breathing heavily scared out of my mind. For someone that's been hearing this strange voice for most parts of her life, it still never ceased to leave this effect on me. 

"Ha....Hariel?" My mother called out trying to touch me but immediately retracted her hand when I turned to face her. 

Her eyes widened in fear and I looked at her confused. 

What again?. 

The gasp of my father had me turning to look at him seated beside my mother. 

"We need to leave. NOW!" He bellowed and I recoiled a little. In all my life I have never heard my Father raise his voice or sound so authoritative. 

"I'll get her bags". 

"What? NO!". I screamed standing up to look at them properly. 

"Why is no one saying anything? What's going on!" 

My mother immediately stood up trying to block my view but I had seen it already. It was probably what made them so scared. 


"W....wh..what's wrong w,...with my eyes". I staggered back in fear. 

"We need to go". My mom nodded at my father's words and left the room probably going to get our things. 

"Daddy?" I sounded like a little girl whose favorite teddy got shredded. I could feel my lips quivering. 

He immediately hugged me patting my back. "You're fine my dearest. you're fine". 

"Please tell me what's going on". 

He pulled back at my words, sighed and replied. "We will tell you everything you need to know on the way". 

"Way to where?". I asked calmly. 

"The world of RAWA". 

At that instant my mother entered carrying just a bag. I could have asked why she's just with one bag but all that didn't matter right now. 

I was about to say something when she brought out a glowing orb and before my eyes a magical tornado-like portal opened up. 

What was this? Wizards of Waverly places?. 

I was too stunned to react when they both held on to each hands of mine and stepped into the glowing tornado.