
World Without Eternity

From a creator of two, comes World Of Eternity, a webnovel about the adventure of two main characters, Nova and Rilo. They go through many trials and tribulations to find eternity.

Blank_ATH · Fantasía
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10 Chs

New Home(2)

The clank of blades rang in Nova's ears as he fell to the ground, Blackwind glaring down at him.

"Your foundation is terrible, and you have no strength in your arms." Blackwind scowled 

"I'm only eight, it's too hard." Nova whined.

"You don't have much of a choice, you won't be able to protect yourself when you leave this ship in a few weeks if you don't do this." Blackwind informed the boy.

"Why do I have to leave in a few weeks? Can't I stay?" Nova asked.

Blackwind paused for a moment, looking away and putting his hand on his jaw in a thought provoking posture.

"I didn't think of that." Blackwind announced.

"What do you mean you didn't think of that? How could you not think of that!" Nova yelled.

"If you have the time to be yelling, you have the time to pick up your blade." Blackwind addressed.


Nova sighed and lifted up his blade. The blade was a simple dagger that even a child could wield.

"Now, widen your posture, bend your knees and hold the blade steady in front of you in a comfortable yet useful stance." Blackwind explained.

Nova did as asked and soon they clashed blades again.

That wasn't all to the training however. Many pushups, situps, squats, and runs the boy did to get stronger was impalpable. The crew almost knew Nova down to his core from how often he did his running around the ship. Eventually, not only a few weeks pass, but the boy spends his childhood, and a large portion of his teen hood on this ship. 

One day, the boy turned man and awoke, standing tall at 6'0 feet. He weighed a lean 136 pounds and had a very muscular and athletic build. His long hair grew longer to the point he had kept it in a long ponytail that reached his lower back. Nova could now wield a longsword instead of a dagger and became the greatest combatant on the ship besides for his mysteriously powerful mentor. He quickly started on his pushups, then proceeding to his sit ups, finishing off with his squats. His body sweating when he went on his usual laps around the ship. He was now 17 years old.

"Hey Nova! Glad to see you training again!" An old man said.

Nova nodded with a smile as he continued running. Soon he made it to the same training room that Blackwind once beat him in everyday. It's now time for Nova to finally prove himself. He walked inside of the room where Blackwind stood tall, his blade different. It glowed brighter and took the encrest of a dragon. 

"Nova, it's time for you to finally prove yourself worthy of your name." Blackwind grinned. 

"So that's why I feel all of this malice coming from you," Nova chuckled nervously.