

"That sea is Infinite! How could I NOT wanna explore it!?" Infinite sea, infinite possibilities, infinite outcomes. So how did it end up like it did. I never wanted to loose those closest to me, so if I'm fighting for freedom... It's okay to loose some humanity along the way. Follow Yuma's heartbreaking journey as he sacrifices himself to accomplish his goal. "I WILL take down the world Government... FOR FREEDOM!"

Harley_Wantland · Fantasía
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49 Chs

The battle Rages!

Boombox runs between the pillars of the underground storage. The man following close behind.

"Stop running away intruder!!" The man jumps through the air.

"Fysiek Mantra! Roar of the Cheetah!!" He flips midair morphing into a cheetah and running full speed at Boombox.

"Get back here!!" Boombox spins around and punching him in the face. Wind explodes as the ground above them crumbles and shatters. The pillars ripping up as smoke explodes. Boombox sliding back as the bright sun shines from above. The Cheetah form jumping straight at him.

"UITSOTEN MANTRA OVERLOAD!!! SCREECH!!" Boombox releases a loud nuke sized eruption of sound. Boombox falling to the ground.

"I guess… I'm not as strong… as I used to be…" Boombox's ears start ringing as his prosthetics glitch and fall apart. Boombox laughing as the prosthetic jaw falls off his face.

"Go -et then… yu-a!"

Cannons fire and explosions ring out between the gaurds and crews of Boombox and Nyct. Yuma standing on a pile of dead bodies smiling. The World government flag nearby burning down as Yuma stands in the middle of some fire. Explosions ringing out all around him as his ears bleed.

"Come and get me… you B-----d World Government Foonies"

Cani jumps from roof to roof dodging bullets from the assasin who was chasing her.

"Who are you and what do you want with us!?" The assassin stays silent and shooting Cani in the abdomen. Cani sliding on the ground and punching them in the face. Sending them flying into another building. Breathing heavily as the assassin jumps at her again.

"Come on! Just fall unconscious already!" She jumps out of the way and coughing up blood. Jumping off a tower and reeling her fist back.

"Flaming fist!" She punches them straight in the face and getting sent flying into a nearby wall.

"Stop running away and fight me with your fists!" The assassin's gun breaks as they jump at Cani. Dodging a punch but getting kicked in the side. Cani spinning around and backhanding them in the face. Turning the spinning momentum into another punch to the face.

"Come on! Put your all into it!" She starts smiling as the assassin recognizes the face.

"You're just like your battle crazy dad…" Cani jumps forward and punching but getting blocked. Throwing another punch and getting blocked. The assassin shocked when Cani appears under them. Kicking them in the chest. Standing up and spinning around. Kicking them in the face. Instantly uppercutting them and then into a left hook. The assassin coughs up blood and stumbles back.

"How are you… so… strong?" Cani smiles and kicks them in the face. Sending them sliding across the ground.

"Because of my old man" Cani glares at the Assasin.

"Isueel Mantra… Shadow Illusion…" Cani quickly turns around as she suddenly get's stabbed through the chest by a clone. Violently coughing up blood. Blood splatters on the ground as suddenly the assasin slams against the wall. Cani starts falling to the ground as she looks up.

"Yu… ma?"