
World strongest sage

join Elias as he rise to the apex of this magical world filled with power struggling people, who would do anything to become world greatest...

prynex · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Who are you?

The battle ground soon got intense as flashes of light could be seen in every corner of the room.

"Damn it, he's fast, if this keeps on I'll loose!" Lilly thought to her self as she aimed an arrow at him releasing it but Carl had easily cut through it. "You're getting slow on your feet, the reason why I can easily bypass your attack is my weapon, it has the ability to tear through mana output less than S rank, isn't that great." Carl said appearing front of Lilly landing a punch on her stomach.

"(coughs)... triple shots!" Lilly shouted leaping into the air releasing three arrows at Carl, the arrows followed different trajectory as they freely manoeuver in mid air changing course thereby rendering Carl unable to defend, he closely followed one blocking it with his sword while the other two impaled his back.

"Sh*t, you'll pay for that!!!" Carl screamed in fury while Lilly just laughed. "Explode!" Lilly said in a calm confident tone as the arrows impaling Carl exploded with a huge impact knocking him down.

Cling..his blade fell off his hand as he struggled to get up. "You know, you're such a pest, originally I had plan to hold back but now there's been too much damage already.." Carl said with a cold look on his face as he picked up his sword.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this!" Lilly mumbled to herself looking at the blood eyes in Carl's face. "Innate sword domain!!" Carl said with a grin as everywhere turned dark with only lilly and Carl in this dark zone... Lilly was unable to move as Carl walked slowly towards Lilly as he had this grim look on his face.

Carl Swung his sword at Lilly multiple times as splashes of blood filled the air....Thud...lilly body fell hard on the ground making a Thud sound....

"No! Lilly, Lilly, Say something!!!" I rushed towards Lilly placing her head on my thigh. "Heal!" I said using my crest magic, I was able to stop the bleeding and heal the injuries but she was still unconscious...

"I warned her but she didn't listen, now it's your turn!!" Carl said with a grin which made me smile a wry smile.

"You actually hurt my Lilly, I wonder how I should kill you, it's me and you right?" I said with a hollow voice as I stood up walking slowly towards Carl.

"Fool!" Carl said swinging his sword at me releasing a silver light which went straight through me....."Where is he!" Carl mumbled to himself as I had disappeared from sight, Suddenly Carl felt a sharp pain on his stomach as my hand went straight through it.

"(spurts out blood) my...my (coughs)" I landed a kick on his head which sent him flying like a broken kite crashing through the barrier if the room which instantly shattered allover.

"I told you, before you do anything to her, you'll have to die first and yet you hurt her!!, I'll kill you... Black thunder!" I said as series if black lightning bolt shot out of my hand colliding with Carl directly creating a huge explosion that caused the whole room to crumble to the ground.

"I..I..I give up(coughs)"..."That amour of yours seemed to had protected you from sudden death, don't worry it won't happen again...AGAIN!!" I shouted as another series of black lightning shot out from my hand towards Carl.

"Now that's enough!" A calm voice was heard before the lightning collided with Carl creating a smoke screen, as the smoke screen dispersed a man with a black and grey beard seemingly to be in his early fifties wearing a simple plain white sleeves with a black leather pants could be seen standing directly front of the half dead Carl.

"Get out of my way, or else you'll end up like him!" I said with a serious voice as I was already ready for a third lightning strike. "There's already too much damage done on one day, it would be best for you not go kill him." The man said in a calm voice dusting his shoulders.

"He hurt my Lilly and you want me not to kill him, you must be crazy, if you don't want to get out of my way then I'll have to make you. Death flame.. AMATSRASU!" I said shooting a purple-black fire ball out of my hand, at first the man seemed composed but after a few seconds of the launch his face soon turned to a shocked expression as he immediately created a barrier which also shattered in contact with the death flame Amatsrasu.

He had a backup plan as he brought out a pendant throwing it in the air which created a mirror that absorbed the flame before shattering.

"You survive, let me try again..." "Wait!" I was interrupted by the same man who then brought out a cigarette from his pocket and then lighted it with a spark of flame from his hand.

"Your friend isn't dead, she's merely unconscious due to drain of mana, she must had exhausted herself due to the over use of high class magic weapon, with proper rest she should be fine....Forgive this boy, he's grown too arrogant because of his background, believe me, he's not some one you can kill and get away with it...you there take them both to the cleric...Now back to you kid...My name is Gazeff and I'm the guild master of the Dragon gate Adventurers guild...would you please follow me to my office?"


The guild master's office.

"I was away for too long that I didn't know a talent like you had showed up in my guild, I'm sorry for the mess please feel free to sit." Gazeff the guild master purposed as I sat on a wooden chair on the opposite side of the guild master Table.

"Why did you bring me here!" I asked trying to calm down from the previous incident. "You see I sense something deep within you, I'll like to make a proposal, work for my guild and I'll Grant any one wish of yours!" Gazeff purposed as I laughed.

"Originally I had planned to register as an adventurer in your guild but after seeing the unruly behaviour of your product I'm left to rethink my decision.... The only wish I want is for Carl to die by my hand!" I said in a sincere and serious expression.

"Like I said that won't be s good idea, his family background is too strong, their influence spread far and wide, you'll probably die after that." The guild master warned as I sighed in disappointment.

"Alright, I don't have any wishes now but I think I'll save it for later" I said sipping the tea from the tea cup on the table. "Glad to hear that, pardon my bluntness but I saw you use black thunder multiple times with ease, black thunder is a high level lightning magic, infact one of the highest there is, performing it would require incantations and a high supply of mana, doing it twice needs probably almost the entire mana supply of an average A rank, You actually did it with ease and still remained unfazed.

After that you used Amatsrasu, a flame magic only accessible to the demon race and it also requires extremely large mana that's why only demons on the scale of demon lords or higher could use that magic, but yet you manage to also pull that off and remained unfazed, There's one question left to ask you, who are you?"