
Let's Shopping for now

"Thousand Faces? As in that legendary information broker Thousand Faces?" Said Drat shocked.

"Yeah, that guy. I'll contact him tomorrow, if he agrees he will come to us."

"Should we go with you?"

"No, only few people can goes to the place for contacting him. If they found me with other people, he would decline the request for sure."

"I see."

Okay? From Drat and Klein conversation I know that Klein acquintance is an information broker. So I guess he is good at spying? Also seems like he is someone with absolute secrecy.

"Well, I kinda lost to be honest, but I am guessing that it won't be good if we accompanying you. So take care buddy, we will stick to our plan to go shopping tomorrow. When you're done just come search for us on West District, or if you're too tired just wait for us in here." I said to Klein.

"Sure, it won't take me too long to make a contact. Also you better Salamander Blacksmith tomorrow, also Yullian Bookstore. They both on the west-south, so their prices ain't that much but their qualities are good." Said Klein.

"Oh, I'll make sure to check it."

"We can goes window shopping slowly tomorrow."

"True. Then should we rest for the day?"

"Yeah, it been a long day."

Then at that time, I can hear the voice and footsteps goes in the nextdoor. It Glen and Rose voice, they still arguing.

"Whoa those guys, still on it."

"Well both of them is hardheaded. It will–"

But before Drat finish his words, the sound nextdoor changing. They still shouting at each other, arguing about Liefa and how me and Klein didn't come back with her. But... There also a sound of thing got pushed down, followed by screaming, and panting.... The hell is this guy?! Yep... Rose voice is completely a moan... While Glen sentence keep getting stuttering.

"Sure Drat... It will become a fight on the bed."

When I said that Drat can only smile awkwardly. While Klein completely speechless.

"It a make up sex Klein." When I said that he suddenly got it.

"Still tho how the heck they got a mood to do it?"

"Because it easier to be in term with each other, maybe."

"Sigh... Now it will be awkward if we keep being here. Then see you tomorrow Drat."

"No, please don't leave me behind... Even tho I am a pervert, I don't have any hobbies to eavesdropping my friends intercourse."

After saying those the 3 of us left the room. Since our room is on the edge of the second floor while those two is on the second room from the stair, we can sleep soundly without hearing them. Yep, we able to get a good night sleep, except for Drat which sleeping on the floor. Of course we aren't that heartless so we gave him a blanket. The next morning Klein goes out early without a sound, as when we awake he wasn't there anymore. With a sleepy face I woke up and wash my face with water magic. Drat still sleeping when I woke up, he didn't sleep comfortably after all. So I woke him up after washing my and asking a bucket from the landlady.


"Mmm.. good morning." He streched his body when he woke up.

"I already prepared a water in the bucket, go wash your face."

"Thanks. Woah the water is crystal clear. Did you used magic?" He was shocked when seeing the water that I made.

"Yeah, it much better to use a clear water for washing face or drinking after all."

"True, still... thank you." He scooping the water and drink it afterwards he wash his face. While I didn't meant it to be like that, but it seems he like the clear water. He even reluctantly using it to wash his face.

"The breakfast is ready, or so I heard from the landlady."

"Nice, should we go ahead and eat breakfast?"

"Yep, after all the breakfast period will over by the second bell."

After changing clothes and took the money we goes out the room. On the hallway we meet Glen and Rose. They look at us awkwardly, with flushed faces.

"Oh the lovebirds is here."

"I thought it was a cat in heat from last night."

Said me and Drat mocking at them with a wonderful grin. Fortunately me and Klein also renting a room separately. If not last night will be hell. They get even more flushed.

"We're sorry."

"Nah don't mention it, after all who can predict that both of you will do those. It more like natural instinct of beast to make up like that."

"I know right Drat, that just how beast make up with their mate."

"Fufufu, you guys just jealous because one is wimp while the other can only bark."

"What do you mean by that?!"

"Just as it said"

Our mocking got countered by Rose, I am not a wimp alright. I can feel spark from Drat and Rose gaze. While Glen can only smile apologetic. At least he still know his wrong doing.

"Sigh... Anyway let's go eat breakfast."

I said those to stop them, they will arguing with each other for sure if I am not stopping it. They can only throw their face from each other, and we walk down to the first floor. Rose keep clinging to Glen arm as we goes down. When we arrive at the front desk, Mina was there.

"You guys already awake nya, I just ordered to go to wake you guys nya."

"Ah yeah, we already wake up for awhile, just getting ready for shopping."

"Is that so nya? Big sister Liefa already waiting for you guys nya."

When Rose heard that, she release Glen arm at once and grip at Mina arms and shaking her.

"Is that true?!"

"It true nya... Stop it nya... It hurt and make me dizzy nya!"

"Where is she?"

"She is waiting in the dinning lounge nya. Can you release your grip nya!!"

She then release Mina from her grip then walk to the dinning lounge. We also follow her. I am already expecting she will come, so I goes normally. After all I've been eavesdropping yesterday, so I know she will come. When Rose seeing her figure, she jump and hug her. There also a bag beside her.


"Eee.. morning Rose."

Being hugged suddenly she can only standing still. She wearing a light blue one piece with a white over cloak made of wood covering her shoulder, that really suitable for her. She looks really cute, with her ponytail hair and circle glasses. It really a refreshing looks.

"Morning Liefa."

"Good morning."

"Good morning Glen, Drat, and Charavgi? Why are you staring at me like that is there something wrong?"

When I heard that I regained my sense.

"Ah, goos morning, it just you look pretty cute in those clothes.

"I-is that so.. tha–thanks." She flustered when I said that, so do I. She then looking at me, which my clothes basically the same as always.

"Hoi, you two can we eat breakfast?"

Said Drat, while Rose giggling when seeing us. Glen already move beside Rose once again.

"Ah.. ri-right..."

We then move to a table near a window, then the Mina come to our table.

"So what do you guys want to eat nya? We only got a sandwich and salad for breakfast and juice for drink nya."

We then order our dishes respectively, which being bought right away by Mina. The salad... I am basically don't know what is it, since I don't the vegetables at all. While the sandwich basically filled with something like lettuce and slice of meat.

"Thanks Mina."

"No problems nya. I will miss you guys tho when you're leaving nya. Except for that elf nya."

"What do you meant you sly cat!"

"Nyaa.. big sister she bully me again nya!"

We said our gratitude when she bought our dishes and we exchange few words. Well she look lonely even tho when she said that.

"So what are we going to buy today?" Ask Glen.

"We should buy the utensils for writing and also some papers and book." I answered him as I bite my sandwich.

"Ah, we should go to blacksmith too." He reminds me about it. True we need he wants a new weapon since his weapon chipped when we hunt the Drake.

"Indeed, I'll separated first tho. Since I need to send my resignation letter via Adventurer Guild." Said Drat as he finished his dishes.

"Then should we met at city center by the third bells?" Hearing Drat, Rose give her opinion, it only 20 minute walk to city center from adventurer guild. Also from here to adventurer guild is only 30 min. So I guess that a good choice.

"Sure, I'll meet you guys there later." Drat answer as he get up from his seat. Anyway breakfast is free for those staying in Kitten Lounge so he left right away.

"Charavgi you should bought clothes too." Said Liefa as she look at my outfit.

"Ah, I never thought that." Well I always used Klein casual clothes all this time, which basically a hemp and long pants that really ordinary. Since our size ain't that different.

"Fufufu. Then should we split up after goes to blacksmith?"

"Indeed it will be much more convenient if we split up." Said Glen, no I can see that they want to be alone. Their face indicating they wanted to date. But then... Me and Liefa can also go to a date!

"Sure that a good idea."

With that we decide to go to blacksmith first after we're done eating breakfast. It still around 8 a.m by the time we depart from the inn. We goes out to Salamander Blacksmith, which Klein recommend. It wasn't that far from our inns, it only 30 minutes walk. Well kitten lounge is located on the Southwest too after all. Also the blacksmith is kinda popular so it easy to located when we asking people. The store is one story height around 100m² I guess. When we goes inside we can see many weapon and armor being displayed, from dagger to scythe. On the counter is a figure of girl which greeting us.

"Welcome to Salamander Blacksmith. How may I help you?"

She is a human girl with redhead. Her figure pretty normal, so do her face. I guess not all the people got a great figure and face like this people around me or like Cecile and Selene. Whelp that was rude of me. Still seeing it make me think that it reality, not like those on anime which all people basically beautiful, pretty or cute.

"Hello we're recommended by friend to come here. Can we look around for awhile?" I said those, as Glen already look around since he arrives here.

"Sure." She answers while smiling politely.

Then we look around on the displayed item and armor. Honestly I didn't know much about weapons and armors but I got a cheat called identification. Glen been looking for the same weapon for awhile, it a black colored One-handed sword. With width around four finger, and 80s cm long. Seeing it the receptionist goes standing beside him and take the sword down from the wall.

"You got a good eyes costumer, it one of the best sword that my father made. It made out of black iron, it tough and sharper."

She then give the sword to Glen which he then try to swing with his one arm. I identify the sword.

[One-handed Blacksword. Attack: 120-130. Weight: 1.8kg. Rare. 41/41. None]

At sword that made purely from Black iron. It got a high durability and sharp. It can channel 30% of user mana. It might chipped when 10K mana being channelled. One of the best sword that the Salamander Blacksmith ever made.

Hmm? Something new appeared? The damage and weight finally shown, is it because my identification levelled up? Then I check other weapon.

[Two-handed Iron Sword. Attack: 40-50. Weight: 2.4kg. Normal. 20/20]

[One-handed Iron Axe. Attack:10-60. Weight: 1.5kg Normal. 23/23]

[War Scythe. Attack: 16-96. Weight: 4kg Normal. 18/18]

Yep that sword definitely a good sword. Since the other weapon didn't even reach it damage and it durability is high.

"Just bought it Glen." I advised him since I already seen it status.

"Indeed it a nice sword. But it kinda pricey."

When he said that I look at the price, it 20 gold coin. Ugh.. indeed it pricey. It 40 times of normal iron sword. Still I think it performance is good, even tho I don't know how great is 80 point difference in attack? But isn't it means at least you deal 3 times of normal weapon?

"Just bought it. It can deal 3 times of normal weapon also it got 2 times durability from other weapon." So I give him another push. I still think it worth either way.

"But we won't used it that much tho. Since we are going to teach children, not adventuring for awhile." He still unsure to buy it or not.

"Glen, it breeding seasons is in 2 months and we staying at Vahl Village, which the frontier of Vahl Mountain. So I guess it a good decision to purchased it." Rose also give her opinion. Indeed the breeding season is almost here, so do Liefa marriage.

"That's true." And with that he decided to purchased it. While my eyes is in the corner of the room. There a bucket full of weapon, somehow I detected a mana from it. When I walk there and staring at the weapon there the receptionist open her mouth.

"Is there something wrong costumer? It a weapon buckets, full of old weapon that dropped from monster and dying adventurer. Many are chipped or irreparable."

"Is that so?" But from there I can feel mana from a blue swords. It around 3 finger width, with 90 cm long. So I pull it out.

[Ice Sword (damaged). Attack: 10-20. Weight: 1.2 kg. Magic. 10/24. Ice]

A sword made from eternal ice from Alps Mountain. The sword was damaged badly, made the magic in it dispersing. It can channel 70% of the user mana. It might break when 20K mana channelled. Increasing the ice magic damage by 30%.

It a great weapon, with a high mana efficiency. Also it increasing ice magic damage. Sadly it a damaged goods, hmm... That right I might able to repair it if I am learning blacksmithing. But I am not even sure how to do it.

"How much is it?"

"Eh? Costumer that a damaged goods. It indeed a good weapon if it fully repaired, but right now it even lower then a normal iron sword. All the item in there is only 10 silver coin. It might even break."

"I see then I'll took it."

Glen and the other surprised when they heard me. Of course they will since I took a damaged weapon.

"Relax I don't plan to used it, I just like it shape. Also I took this swords." I pointed at one of the sword displayed.

[Black Iron Katana. Attack: 140-150. Weight: 2.1 kg. Rare. 35/35. None]

A sword from Eastern continent. It only got one edge. It tough but inflexible. It can channel 30%. It might chipped when more then 15K mana being channelled. It made by unknown blacksmith from the east.

"You got an interesting choice costumer. Is that all the things that you need?"

She ask me as she took the sword down from display. Of course I also bought a breast plate made of leather and padded with iron also some leather boots which when I check made out of giant lizard. While Liefa wands basically much better then those in here, so do Rose bow. So they didn't purchase anything. In total we spending 56 gold coin and 30 silver coin. So around 56.3 Million IDR? Yep it expensive... But I guess that just the difference between Earth and here. Since weapon is considered as important goods here.

"Thank for your support. Please come again" she said those when we leave the blacksmith. At that time the second bell already rang out.

"So should we split up?" Ask Glen.

"Yeah, me and Liefa will goes to a book store. Can you buy the writing utensils?"

"Sure then."

We then split up with Glen and Rose, and walk to Yullian Bookstore. Rose cling to Glen arm at once when we splitted up.

"They just want a date right?"

"I guess so. But isn't it good? Since we also got a time to be alone."

She flushed when she heard what I am saying. So do I, it been awhile since the last time I am dating anyone. We walk slowly in the crowded route. Not too long we arrive at the bookstore and buy a couple of book, like Magic for beginners, picture book for learning words and reading, Common Herbs, also world map. It took us 10 gold coins in total for 8 books. Seems like book is luxurious goods in this world. Well from what I remembered, even on Earth book was a luxury in middle age.

Then we goes to a second hand clothes store. Since there is no new clothes store, most people make their own clothes or order it from tailor. Which basically will took too much time. When we got there, Liefa was really hyped and make me like a human sized dolls. She keep make me change clothes while smiling brilliantly. At the end we bought a leather vest, few light brown colored hemp, couple of short and long leather pants. It only took us 95 silver coin for 14 piece of clothes. We then walk to the city center, suddenly Liefa stopped on her track and her brow frowning. I can guess what she thinking, since he expression is pretty obvious. She then open her mouth.

"You know Charavgi, it only short amount of time since we have met each other. But I feel really comfortable with you."

"Aaa.. so do I."

"But Charavgi, I think I won't be able to stayed with you guys whe–"

"I know. I already told you I won't let you married with that guy." I cut her words. Hearing my words she shocked.

"Didn't I told you that yesterday?" I smile at her.

"Tha-that... It wasn't my delusion?"

"See this." I used the magic from before and completely disappear from her sight, while I holding her hands. She got confused since she can feel my hand, so I cancel the magic.

"I was there the entire time when you talk with that bastard."

Hearing that words her eyes getting hazy, as a tear trickling from her eyes. She hugged me while sniffing down. I pat her head to soothe her.

"I know you can't said anything to your family because he is threatening you. Relax, me and Klein already making a plan."

Well the plan itself still hazy tho, but if things come to worse scenario. I think I'll used my power, I hope it won't come to that tho. Since I wanted a peaceful life. After awhile she finally calm down as she keep clinging to me. When we arrive at the city center the other already waiting for us, since the third bells already rang for 10-20 min.

"You guys finally come." Said Drat, there also Klein.

"Anyway I already prepared carriage." Said Klein.

"Then should we goes back? I want to do something tomorrow in Vahl Village." I've been thinking about it for awhile. Why didn't I made the school with magic.

"Oh, that also my plan. Since I already told that guy to come. He said he will hear our term in 2 weeks." Said Klein.

"Let's eat lunch first. I am hungry." Said Rose. So we goes back to Kitten Lounge, since our other belongings still there. When we arrive, the landlady and Mina is nowhere to be found. In their place there a bulky man standing there intimidatingly. He is big... His hair is brown with a short cut. Seeing us come in he stare at us.

"Welcome, how may I help you?" He said as he smiling... This guy...

"By any chance are you the owner?" Ask Klein surprised.

"Yes I am, my name is Bruce. So how may I help... Hmm is that you Klein?"

"Bruce... Since when are you an owner of this inn?!"

"Ah, it been sometimes since we met each other. My wife run this inn from her parents, I've been the owner since 4 years ago. Since my deceased parents-in-law passed away."

"The hell! I never heard about it! Then you're retired from adventurer to run this inn?!"

"Yes, it been quite awhile ain't it Klein. 5 years is it?"

"Indeed it been 5 years, when I heard you were quitting I thought something bad happen. Since you're kinda reckless on the day. I never thought to see you in one piece."

"Damn! Are you praying for me to get an accident!"

... This guy is Mira husband?! No, from the start how the heck did Klein didn't know it his friends inn?

"Ah let me introduce him to you guys, he is Bruce the Brute. He was a B Ranker 5 years ago, we meet each other on a quest. At that time our party works together to bring down Goblin King. But this muscle headed keep charging recklessly."

"Oi! You're also charging with me at that time you brat!"

"Who's the brat you smelly muscle head!"

"Ah.. Hello."

"Good afternoon Mister Bruce."

"It nice to know you Mister Bruce."

"Nah, no need for pleasantries, since you guys are Klein friend. So do you guys need a room or maybe lunch?"

"Room your head, they've been staying here since yesterday."

Then Mira suddenly appeared from the back room. Seems like she was doing other things, so Bruce standing here.

"What?! How did I never heard of it?"

"You never ask! Also you always inside the kitchen all the times, so it your own fault to never come out to greet the guest."

"Is it? Hahahaha... So I guess it a lunch then?"

"Yeah we're hungry."

"Then take a seat anywhere you want to, I'll prepare the best dishes."

He then goes to the back room. While we still can't followed his conversation from before.

"I apologized for my husband behavior." Mira bow down at us.

"It fine, he is my friend." Klein said as we walk to the table.

"You're friend of my husband? Then you must be a veteran adventurer. I don't think Zilver Ondiep is already there when my husband still active tho." Mira said as she followed us.

"Oh no miss Mira. It only Sir Klein that know your husband."

"Sir Klein? Ara, you're the Swift Swordsman that my husband been talking about? He keep boasting before that he work together with you."

"Dear!!" We can hear Bruce shouting from behind the door.

"Ara, he seems to be embarrassed."

Then not too long Mira leave us and come back with many dishes in hand. There a steak, stew, stirred veggies and bread. She also bought a drink, then Bruce come outside from the kitchen.

"It on the house." he said.

"Oh, thank Bruce. So how have you been?" ask Klein to him.

Both of them goes to their own conversation as we eat our lunch. The lunch is great, he indeed make a tasty dishes. Then after we eat lunch, Klein goes out and come back with the carriage. The carriage itself is pretty normal, it didn't have any roof and pulled with 2 horses. We then took our belonging that we've been packed. We then said goodbye to Bruce, Mira and Mina.

"Well see you later Bruce."

"You should have stayed for another couple of day."

"Sorry man, we already got a plan. I'll visit you again later on."

"Nya, big sis Liefa... Don't leave nya.."

"Be a good girl you stinky cat."

"Rose... Well Mina you listen to your parents okay?"

"Thanks you landlady for your assistance this entire month."

"Ara, no need to bow down Glen. You guys are a good guest anyway. It will be quiet for awhile since you guys leaving."

"We will visit here again one day."

"Hahaha, we will be waiting for you guys."

"Thank you landlady, Mister Bruce your cooking is really good."

After that we get on the carriage and leaving Houten. It already noon, by the time we arrive at Vahl Village it will be dark already. There is nothing big happen Vahl.