
Let's Make a Plan

After awhile Liefa arrive at another where Klein and her grandfather was having a tea. Klein face wasn't seething with anger anymore as he sip his tea and talk with Liefa grandfather. When he heard Liefa knock he immediately move his gaze to her. Me? I am still on stealth and optical illusion. I can hear notification keep ringing tho, right now both of it already level 24. As long as the person wasn't stronger then me, they won't be able to detect me... Still tho the feeling being a spy, made my depression from before disappear. It somehow thrilling and fun! Darn... I might be able to peek girl bath with this!! But yep, I shouldn't do it since I am a gentleman. Also I don't want to be like that disgusting fiance.

"You're done talking with him?" Ask Sir Dilan.

"Yes grandfather." Somehow Liefa answering Sir Dilan coldly. My guess is she is dissatisfied with her grandfather for leaving her alone with that guy.

"Then have a seat."

Hearing his gesture Liefa goes to the chair beside Klein, and sit down. She give off a grudge full gaze to Klein tho. Klein can only give her apologizing face. It look funny in my eyes.

"Then what do you think about the date?" He continues hearing it Liefa kinda trembling but then she grit her teeth.

"It doesn't matter." She then said as calmly as possible with down cast expression.

.... Oi, you said you don't want to be married to him before.... Sigh... Then Klein gazing at her with a frown. Well I heard those two conversation before, if only Liefa said her honest feeling. But she keep it all by herself.

"Is that your true feeling?" Ask Klein, nice one Klein. Still this is a family matter, I hope it concluded without my involvement. She shift her gaze from Klein eyes, and keeping silence.

"Is that a yes then?" Said Sir Dilan. She keep being silent then suddenly stand up while trembling...

"I am sorry grandfather, I want to take a bath." She then leave the room. Ah, she run away once again. When she leaving both of them sighing.

"Sigh... Why can't she just said her feeling?!" Klein said as he getting frustrated.

"She is timid since way back. As her grandfather I can understand that she doesn't want the engagement or even the marriage just by seeing her look when she comes inside. But as a noble myself, political marriage is normal. I am sure she also understand that, and she doesn't want to disappointing me or her parents. After all we are also married for political means. I am sure she doesn't want to hurt us." He sighing as he said those. Well Liefa indeed got those title...

"Then will you really let her married with that guy?"

"I will. That my decision if she didn't said anything."

"Old man can't you just make an exception for this one?! It for your granddaughter happiness! Is your so called noble principle more important than your granddaughter happiness?"

"It is, we noble are peoples example. If we can't keep our words how can we be trusted?" He looks at the window as he saying those. This is troublesome... Sigh... he is a rightful old man and also a rigid one.

"Anyway what with that lad on the training ground?!"

"Ah you mean Charavgi?"

"Yes that guy! He is so strong... I am not even sure if I able to beat him. Is he a SS adventurer?!"

They definitely talking about me... No I am not that strong, you're so scary old man! You even able to fight against me that completely a cheat character.

"That... No, his rank is only B."

"What are you kidding me? Do you think I am senile enough to trust that bullshit?"

"No that the truth. He only reach Rank B today."

"Impossible! He is at least a peak S Ranker with his strength. You do know my strength is at least two or three times of yours and you're almost be a S Ranker."

"Ah.. I just become S Ranker today."

"What? You succeed on hunting a Drake, then today commotion was..."

"Yes it were us. Also your granddaughter already Rank A right now."

"How is that possible?! Is it means that Zilver Ondiep already Rank A too?"

"Yes, all of that was happening today. They jump 2 rank since they help me hunting Earth Drake. Or maybe I should say that we help him to hunt Earth Drake."

"Him? Not you? Then he is the leader on the raid?"

No it wasn't like that! I just fight against it by chance since he rushing at us!

"Yes, it can be said like that. Since he hold his ground against the Earth Drake by himself for few minutes until we join him."

Hearing Klein words the old man jaw got dropped. Oi.. Klein don't make it seem like I am that strong. Well I can hold that Drake alone right now tho. Since I grew considerably since the fight. I am cheat after all.

"I see, then isn't it mean he is S Ranker at least?"

"No, he is Rank B. Since he only join the guild today."

"He is that strong and only joining today?! How did he live before he joined the guild then? How could someone that strong appears out of thin air?!"

"Ah... That... He kinda suddenly appeared out of thin air tho... Since I found him stranded near Vahl Village."

"Stranded? Why is you story goes more and more like a nonsense..."

"But that the truth, and about his birth place I can't said anything to you since I am pledge not to tell anyone."

"Is that so? Fine then. But is Liefa know about it."

"Yes, she know about it."

"Good then, I won't be able to trust him if he didn't even tell my granddaughter about it."

"Well he can be trusted. At least that what I see until now."

Somehow hearing their conversation make me relieved. Even tho I never ask Klein to pledge to me about it. But he does that by himself. I kinda thankful when I heard it. Coming ou clean with him indeed a correct decision. After awhile their conversation keep going around me and how Klein and Liefa meet me. Sir Dilan seems excited and thankful when hearing about it. While Klein keep few things off as a secret.

"I see he wanted to make a school. He indeed like a proper person."

"Not at all, it was for his own gain."

Danyummm Klein.... But the old man just laugh it off.

"Hahahaha, even tho it for his personal gain, it still helpful for the village. It much better then doing nothing, even tho I got a feeling he wanted to hide his strength by doing those. But isn't it good to get a guidance from someone as strong as him. Also by your stories I can see he kind of intellectual."

"Well, that wasn't wrong. He said that all he wanted was a peaceful life."

"Hahahaha... Good to know that my granddaughter fall for someone like him. Still I hate him for stole my granddaughter!"

"Then won't you change your mind?"

"Still no, except she is the one asking for it."

"Sigh... Can't you be more lenient sometimes."

He laugh it off. Sigh... I don't understand this old man way of thinking. Also why are you still hate me? It not cute when an old man like you being tsundere you know! Until the conversation ended Liefa didn't return to the room. The sun already set down for quite some time when it happened.

"Then Sir Dilan, I should take my leave now. I am sure that guy will be worried if both of us didn't return. I'll take my leave for today."

"Won't you stayed for dinner?"

"No, it already late."

"Alright then. I'll allow Liefa to return with you guys tomorrow. But when the marriage come I hope you won't do anything funny. If she wanted to cancel it tell her to come to me a month before the day."

"Isn't it means she only got a month to think about it?"

"Yes. I hope she changed before that happens. Since I can't do anything if she said no at the marriage day."

"I understand."

"Charles, guide Klein back to the inn." Then the butler come in the room right away.

"No need Sir Dilan. Just guide me to the door." Klein change his way of speaking to the old man when the butler come in.

"Alright, I'll see you off then." Then they goes out, of course I silently following them. Then after walking for quite some time from the mansion. Klein sighing...

"Sigh... Why are they so stupid? Also why that guy being a pussy at time like this?! He even being shameless just to get Liefa help."

... Yep he is badmouthing me. So I cancel my magic and coughing.

*Cough* "Who is pussy! Your head is pussy!" When I said that he shift his head right away and looking at me like seeing ghost.

"Yo-you... Where the heck did you appearing from?!"

"Ahh... I've been walking beside you since quite some time." I said it to him.

"From the gate?! I definitely didn't see or sense you!"

"Ah about that..." Then I used the optical illusion and stealth in front of him. He confused when he can't find me.

"Now I am being delusional." He sigh... Danyum... Why are you guys like that...

"I am still here..." I said those while keep the magic and skill on.

"The hell?!" Since he is confused I cancel the magic once again then shrugs my shoulder. "Wha-what did you do?!"

"Magic... And skill... I only diverted the light, so your eyes can't perceive me. Then I am using stealth to hide my presence."

"The fu**, didn't that mean you can kill anyone without getting caught?! And what do you mean by divert the light?"

"Ah that... Well I will explaining it later on. Anyway I won't let Liefa married with that guy that guy is dangerous."

"What do you mean? Hold on by quite some time don't tell me..."

"Aaa.. I've been inside the entire time, when you guys go out the room and leave Liefa alone with the guy. And also when you guys talk about me."

"The hell!! Isn't that mean you're there the entire times?! How the heck–"

"I already told you it magic and skill. Anyway we better talk about it in the inn."

"You... Seriously I finally figured out how ridiculous another worlder."

Then we walk to kitten lounge right away it took us 40 minutes to walk there. By the time we arrive it almost the end time for dinner. So we order some dinner first, Kitten Lounge dinning room is kinda crowded when we arrive. They seems like popular for their food and bar. Since we can see many people still dining and some people drinking their ale.

"Ara isn't it the cute costumer from this afternoon?" Said Mira when she spotted us.

"Aaa, good evening landlady. Can we order some dinner?"

"Sure, we got a meat stew and bread or boar steak for today dinner. The stew is 30 copper, while the steak is 45 copper. Which one do you like?"

"Ah I'll take the steak please."

"I am stew and bread. Also some ale please." Said Klein.

"Alright then, which you prefer to eat it here or in the room?"

"Here, ah right is there any other drink outside ale?"

"We got beer, ale, wine and seasonal juice. Today seasonal juice is Cirt and Apole. All for 20 copper except for wine is 30. Which one do you like?"

Okay? I don't know what is Cirt and Apole... Let's try it.

"Apole juice then."

"Alright, please wait a moment. I'll bought it to your table."

Then we goes to one of the free table on the edge of the room.

"So can you explain it to me?" Klein said those words right away as we sit down.

"Hmmm... Basically, what our eyes see is a light particle. So all I did was changing the light particle and divert it around me to make people seen what behind me." When I explaining the physics behind my magic Klein look confused. Well it a hard concept that I learn on highschool, also since this world science basically like a medieval age I am sure it confusing.

"So you said that what we see is a light not an object? That ridiculous..."

"No what we seen indeed an object that reflecting the light. Basically if there is no light, you can't see an object right? What being perceived by the eyes is the light that reflected by the object."

"That..." He scratching his head.

"If it too hard just said that my magic sending an illusion to your eyes." Yep I am giving up to explain it to him, since even on Earth you need to learn the concept of light and biology first to get it. It will be much more easier for him if I said it like that.

"I see... But from the way you said it, the illusion was made by those concept from before."


"How did you know that?!"

"Err... Science? It one of things I learn from my world. All people around Liefa age should know that."

"What a scary world! Doesn't that mean all people from your world can be an assassin?!"

"No... It only possible since there a magic here. Also my world is lawful world."

As we talk about it miss Mira come with our food and drink. Woah... Smells good.

"One steak, stew, bread, ale and Apole Juice. Have a good dinner, you can call Mina if you need another serving."

"Thanks landlady."

We wolf down our food as she serve it... So soft and juicy, this steak is really good. The boar meat is soft and didn't smells bad, the inside is not overcook and when you cut it the juice comes out. It sauce itself is creamy but not hard to be gulped down. It didn't sticky in your throat and got a good blend with the steak juice. I don't know how it made since it a taste that I hardly found on Earth, I can taste a little bit oregano, and garlic but that is all. It wasn't taste the same as tomato too... While the Apole juice is kinda taste like guava. Hmmm... Sadly it wasn't cold, ah right! At that time I used Heat Control to lower it temperature. Then using water magic to make some ice block. Yep this is great. Seeing me making some ice Klein looking at me with envy so do some guests that been drinking.

"Oi, give my ale some ice too!" Said Klein, so I make some ice for him. Then at that time few people eyes staring at me brightly. Stop looking at me... But when I shift my gaze they keep staring at me.

".... Fine ask landlady to prepare some water."


"Great guy!!"

"Thanks lad!"

"Free ice guys!!"

"Mira bought us a basin full of water!!"

"Sure, sure."

The dinning lounge clamouring at once as I said that. Then the landlady bought a the water in a big bucket not too long from it. So I completely froze it then the cheer goes on. The big man that shouting a free ice from before come and took the bucket. With his dagger he bash the ice to a chunk. Then put it to his beer.

"Thanks lad."

"Thanks mister Magician."

"My gratitude master!"

Many people said their gratitude to me, then with cheerful atmosphere they goes back to drinking. They pull me to the center of the room.

"For mister Ice Maker, Cheer!!"



... Somehow it become weird, as they goes merrily. Klein, and landlady laugh as they seeing those. I can even see Drat and Glen figure by the door being speechless looking at me. Me and Klein then goes to our room after telling them we still got important conversation as I pointing Drat and Glen. Which convince them that they were waiting for us. The landlady said we can paid the bill when we check out.

"Hahahaha... What with that?" Ask Drat.

"Gahahaha, this guy make an ice with magic to cool down his juice. Then when I ask him to make some for me the people staring at him. It made him uncomfortable and make a bucket of ice. Then that when the clamouring started."

"Ah as expected from Si.. Charavgi." Said Glen.

"I never expected it will be like that."

"Hahahaha, ice magic is rare you know, they sometimes even asking for money to make an ice like that."

"The hell, isn't it a simple magic?"

"Si– Charavgi even if it simple, you need to be a dual elemental magician to be able to do those. And mostly those people are at very least Rank C Adventurer."

"Is that so?"

"Gahahaha... Talking a common sense with this guy just too hard Glen."

"Hahahaha, indeed."

Then they finally arrived at Glen room, Rose been waiting for them the entire time. When they open the door Rose looking for Liefa figure at once, then got disappointed as she can't find her.

"Where is she?" She ask at Klein and me with a cold voice. We ignore her until we got in and close the door.

"She is in Sir Dilan mansion." I answered her.

"What? Why didn't you take her back?"

"I can't, I didn't get permission to goes inside."

"You coward! You should've force your way!"

I keep silence when I heard her. I can only smile wryly. Then Klein open his mouth.

"Ah, this guy indeed sneaking inside already."

"Then why didn't you guys bought her back?! She definitely dislike her household!"

"Oi, Rose. Think about it, what will happen if they take her away by force?" Glen told her off with stern face, it my first time seeing him with that kind of atmosphere.

"They will become a wanted man, for kidnapping, trespassing a noble mansion, making a commotion on the kingdom General mansion, at the very least it will become life imprisonment or worst a death sentence." Continues by Drat.

"This is why I can't understand human! What so important about being a noble?! Also it her life why bother her decision? I won't marry you Glen if you're like that! I am won't accept it if you treating me like a bird in cage later on!" Retort her as she goes out and slam the door.

"Sigh... I am sorry about that." Said Glen as he case after her. Drat is the only one leftover beside me and Klein.

"So what happened?" Ask him.

"Basically her fiance was there. I can understand the concern tho. It will tarnishing her name or even Pratje house if I am coming with her when her fiance was there."

"Still that old man is too rigid. I tried to make him dissolve the engagement but he keep saying that he won't do anything if Liefa didn't said anything about it."

"Then it will be tough, since Liefa is really timid and careful about people feeling."

"Yeah indeed, but I already heard she said that she won't marry him when she is alone. Also that guy definitely a bastard."

"You heard her? What did you hear?"

"It wasn't only that I even heard what he said to Liefa when the old butler leave the room. He said something despiteful, also he seems like he want to devour the Pratje territory. He even threatening Liefa."

"What? What did he said tell me?!" Klein suddenly standing up when he heard that.

"I don't know, he only said 'you do know what my family can do if you said anything about it'. I can only assume that his family hold something that make Liefa afraid of them."

"What the heck? Is it because his mother come from Duke family? Or maybe other things?"

I see... Now that make sense if he got a connection with the royal family. This really a troublesome matter.

"Oh right, the madam of Solace family now is come from Duke Zachary family. This going to be hard then."

"Okay? Well I understand that Duke position is higher then Marquis but why should she afraid of them?"

I do know the nobility rank that right behind King is Arch Duke, Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount, and Baron. But usually Duke and Marquis isn't that difference in political power.

"That what make it hard, since Zachary family got a deep connection with the royal family. They already supporting the Royal family since way back. While Liefa family is only appeared around 160 years ago. Their Rank raise by their families heads hard work. They weren't Marquis from the start so theirs political power is much lower than Zachary family or even Solace family. That is the reason why Sir Dilan can't dissolve the engagement without a reason." Explain Klein to me.

"It much more complicated than what I thought."

"I told you it a mess from the start. Even if Liefa said she doesn't want to be married him, honestly speaking Sir Dilan will get a hard time to dissolve it."

"Then what should we do?"

"It might be easy if we can find out an evidence of his wrong doing. But as you know I didn't able to found out anything before."

The rooms goes silence after Klein words. Honestly I got a bad vibe about this, and there too many flags raising already. I got a feeling this will be chaotic, the scene from before and his words really made me think him as a second rate villians from novel. Then if I goes throughout the way, the real deal will comes out cursing me. Should I just silently kill them? No, I haven't kill any human being. I am not sure if I would be able to bear with it. Just thinking about it makes me trembles, it not like I am a good person myself in Earth tho. But I am not a cold blooded person, and still doing things according to law. I am indeed didn't have any shred of simpathy much more empathy to strangers. I might even cheering for people bad luck sometime, it difference case tho if it my friend or family that related or if that unlucky events was in front of me. So I definitely can't kill someone either way, it because I am too scared to do that not because I am a good person. How the heck those transmigrated peoples in novel got a courage to kill a human being?! Or should I trap him? Honey trap? ... It plausible... No, no, no... Where should I put my face if I am doing those... It kinda tempting tho to see how am I look like if... No!! Yep let seal this thought away. The only way is to investigate him, by surveillance. But we don't have man power to do that. I technically able to do it, still I can't leave the village right after I am making a school. Also I don't know where is his territory either way. At that time Klein giving a good advice.

"Hmmm, maybe we should ask my acquaintance to investigate him."

"Is he trustable?"

"He is trustable, but he kinda nasty. I am not sure what he will ask us for a rewards. Also he is living a little bit far from here."

"Far from Houten? Which city he live in?"

"He live in the frontier city of adventurer, Redford."

"What he live in Redford?! He must be famous then."

"Yes, every high ranking adventurer should know his name but only a little known his real face. He known as Thousand Faces."