

It was few days later that I finally got a complete recovery. Honestly HP potion is really wonderful! Why HP potion you said because somehow healing magic didn't work for me!

But I still don't get it how healing magic works? All I can see was a light come out then goes inside my body when Drat cast healing magic. I indeed feel a mana, but it suddenly disappear as it becomes light. Also the words he said is much more like a prayers.

"Ooo Goddess of light Rubelia, please heal thy believers. Heal!"

But nothing happened to me. My assumption is because I got blessings from Rivari and All Father! And that why healing magic didn't work for me because I am not their believers. That just happen I guess, since I am basically outside their juridical. Fortunately HP potion is working for me.

In this few days, there is nothing important happened. My peaceful life as freeloader is going full burst. Liefa keep coming back to learn how to cook, so do her party, they come for dinner. At first all the ingredients is from Klein but after 2 days, they bought their own ingredients. Liefa cooking skill finally reaching Lv. 4, while my cooking skill become Lv. 13. Well there another skill that raised up which related with cooking but it wasn't much. Overall they raised by 2 point.

The only things that depressed me while recovering is... There is nothing to do! I just realized how boring is it being lied down or sit down on couches doing nothing. When on Earth, you can watch tv or browsing and playing games on computer. But here there isn't anything to do. Klein didn't even have pen and paper, I also like to draw. Also the only book in Klein house is monster catalogue! Which only stating a little information about monster habitat, and I completely read it in a day.

So my only salvation is when Liefa and dinner come! I finally know the fun of teaching people and look at their improvement. Also Klein and them is the only source of my information. At least I figured out how this world work or more correctly kingdom of Regaia.

Well the information about the world itself is scarce, since every thing travel by mouth, and it took time for it to reach other place. Basically this world got 4 continent, with this one in the stretched out from the center to southern part, while the other 2 is on northwestern and northeastern with an island spreading in between. The last one is on the southern. Well it can be said this one is the biggest continent, with around 1 years to travel on carriage without stopping. This continent called as Rubelia Continent, Rubelia is the Goddess of Light and Mercy. Then the Northwestern one called Arf continent, same as before Arf is the God of Wisdom. Afterwards the Northeastern continent called with the God of Patience name, Logan. And the last one is Demon Continent. Which somehow being called as those.

Anyway even tho it was like that demon territory itself stretched till this continent. Basically the southern part of this continent is already a demon territory, or should I said that Regaia Kingdom itself bordered with demon territory on it south, with Republic of Orion on North, Rubelia Holy Land on east, and Vorvecht Empire on west.

Also from what I heard the empire reign half of the continent. While 20% was the demon territory, the other 25% basically splitted by small kingdom including Regaia which called as Allied Kingdom, and the last 5% is Rubelia Holy Land.

There a funny things about the continent history that I heard. It was 210 years ago before demon invading the continent was in turmoil. The ambition of Vorvecht Empire brew chaos in every nook and cranny on the continent. Every kingdom was invaded by the Empire, and they took down every kingdom on the southern. Then the leftover kingdom join in hand and made Allied Kingdom, with that they able to hold against the empire that hadn't stabilize the south. But the turmoil left a deep wound on both side, population goes lower and famine spread all over the continent.

Then at that time, the demon lord with his army come and invading the south. By the demon army, the empire which just stabilize the condition on the south, bought back to chaos. Many people dies or seeking asylum to the kingdom. Regaia kingdom which had the best magic army, can hold itself while the kingdom on it south fall down. Then on the chaos the every race from each continent come, to stop the invasion. They called all the heroes from each race to fight against the demon. But no one ever coming back from the south.

Then from the north, a small kingdom used their summoning ritual that passed down by generation, and summoned a Heroes from another world. All they got is 6 youngsters, making all the allied race laughing at them. No one expecting them to be able to fight against the demon, but like a novel the 6 youngsters made a miracle. Their growth made even the strongest person on the allied race trembling. With their blonde haired leader and black haired advisor, they cut their way through horde of demon and repelled back the Demon Lord. But the prize for victory wasn't cheap. Their teacher and companion dying and with the demon threaten to slaughter all human that they caught, the heroes made an agreement to stop the invasion. From then on the demon got 30% of the continent. And afterwards the cycle of war in the continent ended. Unfortunately the heroes can't find their way home, but they live a luxurious live in the small kingdom until their last breath.

Yep... That how the history goes down. All I see is why the hell the demon didn't kill the heroes straight away? They can even wiped out the races strongest people. Isn't that mean they can easily cut their way through human kingdom by force to kill the heroes?! Also why they stop the invasion after claiming the south and let the race to call their strongest forces. While they indeed stated that Regaia can hold on, but I think if there is people like Selene they can bring down entire castle or city alone with just couple of magic! This doesn't make sense at all, and Demon Lord lead the command. If Selene already that strong how strong is Demon Lord? Twice stronger then Selene? If it only twice stronger then Selene, he can be defeated if there 2 Heavenly Demon General. How did he take control of entire demon race with only that much power? He must be at least able to conquer all demon alone... Then is it 10 times stronger? That might be possible.... but with that much power can't he just sending extreme magic easily to every place? Or maybe is it because the continent is too vast? No, no... If I think it stats wise if he 10 times stronger then Selene, doesn't it mean he can move 100-200 km away easily in an hour? I mean even I can move around 100 km in an hour if I run full speed with my stats right now. Also doesn't it mean he will be invicible? There something miss.... Yes this is extremely weird...

Honestly when I heard that story, I am much more interested in the demon lord part story then the human part. Maybe I should goes to demon continent someday. I can act as Yasha and meet Selene. Yep, let put it on note for the future. At that time I never thought what will happen when I step on demon continent and how I am being received.

Well anyway those stories about history or how the kingdom is the only salvation on my boring recovery. But now since I have recovered, I am walking around the village. Of course... Alone. Klein goes out for hunting with Liefa party, since our budget is getting low.

As I walk out the house, I greeted with bunch of kids playing around the village. They are playing tags. Vahl Village itself is pretty much a lively village. As the adult goes to the farms, the children basically playing around with their age. What I realized as I walk around is nothing.

Yeah there is nothing here! Completely nothing other then houses. No proper market place, no play ground, no inns, no blacksmith, yep nothing. Seems like when the monster breeding season arrive, all the merchant or adventurer will either made a tent or rest in the villager house. Seriously tho, there is many room for improvement here.

Then as I goes over to open field I can see a group of 5 kids around 13-14 years old swinging a wooden swords, a staff? Bow, spear And also a wooden axe. Hmm? Are they by any chance training? Oh I can feel a mana fluctuation from the girl that holding staff. Then she shout...


.... But nothing happened. And a boy with a wooden sword fighting against the one with axe. The guy with bow basically shooting his own mad wooden bow, against a scarecrow so do the girl with spear. She keep stabbing the scarecrow without a proper stance. Oh she got a sharp dog ears, hmm the boy that using axe also got a dog ears but his drooping! Now that I see them again, the only human is the boy with sword and magician girl. Also I can easily differentiate them buy hair color. The sword holding boy got a brown hair, the spear bearer girl got a bluish hair, the archer boy which a male elf got a green hair, the axe bearer guy got a red hair, and the magician girl got a purple hair color. Wow they can be power rangers! Somehow I imagining them making a pose like a power rangers should be.

As I walk to them, they suddenly shift their glance to me. Then they stop doing their training then looking at me cautiously and suspiciously. Well I am new around here and all the time I am here mostly sleeping. It the first time I walk around the village. So to not raise their suspiciousness some more I greet them.

"Oh hello there, I am Charavgi. I am not a suspicious guy. I just come to this village few days ago, and I stayed at Klein's house." They got relaxed at once.

"Oh you're the stranded guy that Mister Klein save!" Said the yellow ranger, I mean the blonde haired boy curiously.

.... Seems like I am famous with that title. Sigh... I should just said yes.

"Aaa. So what are you guys doing?" Well, I can see they are training tho.

" We're training the move that the kind adventurer told us." The blonde kid said. While the other mumbling something.

"Adolf! We should keep it a secret!" Then the purple girl said. The boy cover his mouth with his left hand as he being told by the girl. He definitely have face that said 'shoot I forget'.

"Ah, I'll keep it as a secret then. So what is your name?" I said while smiling and gesturing 'shh'. They look at each other as they contemplating if they could trust me or not. Then after awhile they seems to reach an agreement.

"My name is Adolf. I am aiming to be the strongest Swordman on the continent!"

"Hello Mister Charavgi, my name is Iris. Nice to meet you."

"I am Michael."

"I called as Cecile, I am gonna be a gourmet adventurer~"

"He-hello, my– auu... My name is Rett. I am the fiey axe master"

"""The five of us is the Vahliance!""" "Sigh not again" "..."

.... They introduce their self by order started from the blonde, purple, green, blue and red. Then the other 3 made a pose at the end.... They definitely a power rangers after all or should I said that it something suitable for their age. Definitely the 3 got an 8th grade syndrome. While the other two already got tired with their nonsense.

"Hey Iris why didn't you pose with us?" Said the girl called Cecile as she pouting. Iris got a much more tired face. Then side fine, fine, and pose with them, as she stared at Michael. With reluctant face Michael do a pose from behind.... Hang in there you two! And to make them satisfied, I clapping my hand.

"Whoa, good introducing pose you guys got there."

"""Ehehehe""" ""...""

They all blushing, but the other 2 was because of a difference reason. While the 3 is definitely blushing because they feel accomplished. Yep, just hang in there you two, if you guys leave them there is no salvation for them!

"Anyway why are you guys training for?"

"We wanted to become adventurer!" Said Adolf, as the other nodding their heads. Ah, I see, having a dream is a good things.

"Oh, good work then, but why are you guys keeping it as a secret?"

"Th-that..." Then Adolf shift his glance to the other.

"It because our parents disagreed for us to be an adventurer." Answer Iris.

"I see, then why are you guys want to be an adventurer?"

"I want to taste all kind of food from all part of the continent~~"

"To be the best Swordman I must challenge myself!"

"I want to earn back my tribe pride."

"Just happened."

"I am searching for my mother."

Ohh... They got a proper reason so ain't that good enough?

... Or no. Well which parents wanted to lost their children. What more a single parent. But well it not my place to get involved in other family business.

"Okay then I'll keep a secret about this. You guys can goes back to your training, since I won't bother you guys anymore." I said those as I sit down.

"Thank you, but why are you sitting down?" Ask Cecile.

"I just feels like watching your training." Hearing my words they goes back training by themselves. At first they feel uncomfortable because I am watching them. But as time goes, the sparring between Adolf and Rett continue. They keep hitting each other weapon, no dodging, no different pattern, no faint. Yep, they basically attacking and defending without any kind of thought. Didn't they said they train a move that the kind adventurer told them? But it not even any form that look like a proper move... Ah, why did I know it? I just realized that All Father blessing including any kind of information from my words, and with a single thought I can learn the information that I needed. Basically as I am wounded I keep trying many things to kill my boredom, including check the effect of every skill, magic and blessings by using Identification. Also the information goes straight to my brain and memories, so I can imagine and understand it content easily.

That why I know all they did was swinging their weapon to made it locked on each other, then they just pushing each other with arm strength. Since I gather information about many martial arts from Earth, because I don't wanna die if I met something like Selene again. Honestly I still don't want to fighting with my life on the line again, but I also realized I need power to survive. Well, I am not sure if I can do the movement which I learn instantly from All Father blessing, at least I know the proper stance, and movement. Anyway back to them, there is no skill at all in their movement, it the same as me from before or even worse since I imitating Klein and got assistance from my sword mastery skill that fixing my movement. While their movement completely amateurish.

While Cecile basically only stabbing, stabbing and more stabbing... her stance basically messed up, her lower body didn't give any strength to her stab. The only one that proper is the other two. Michael got proper stance as he do his archery, I guess he only lack practice and arms strength to withstand the string momentum. While Cecile she almost grasp how to control mana, I guess when she grasp it she will be able to used magic.

Well with this, one of my objective reach, to check my wisdom about martial arts. Thank you All Father for your blessing. After awhile I got up from the ground and move away without saying a words, I can feel they gaze at me tho when I get up. Then the yellow range... I mean Adolf called me before I leave.

"So mister, what do you think of us?"

"Eh? I think you guys are cute?" Seriously they're cute children that trying their hardest. I doesn't mean any sarcasm. Mostly Cecile and Rett, I really wanted to pat their ears. But hearing my thoughts they look down.

"What did you mean by that Mister?!" Said Iris to me with a wronged face.

"Huh? I mean you are a cute children that trying their best for their dream. Isn't it cute?" They got more depressed by words. Then Adolf stare at me angrily.

"Don't look down on us! Even if you're mister Klein and those kind adventurers friend I won't forgive you!" He dash to me with his wooden sword. I don't meant to look down on you guys! Ah he slow... Well he wasn't slow if I compared him with kids from Earth, but for me that already fighting Klein, Beary-tan and Selene. He just too slow. Eemmm? I can punch him many times when he swing his sword to me. He got so many gaps, his movement is too straightforward. But I don't want to hurt him, so I only do a side step.


(Pov: Adolf)

Yesterday, me and my friends finally meet with a real adventurer that been staying in the village for quiet some while. So we ask them about their adventure merrily. They're here because mister Klein and the stranded guy that stayed with him saved them when they meet a dire situation. Oh so the stranded guy that my father met also a hunter? Well he staying with Klein, and big brother Klein is a hunter so he must be one too.

Since the 5 of us wanted to leave the village and become an adventurer, we finally gather our courage and ask them to guide us in our training. When they heard us they didn't agree at once but after a while they give up at our pleading and said "it seems like they won't give up even when we didn't teach them anything, isn't it better if they learn something before registering as an adventurer?" Said the beautiful sister, and with that their party leader which only got one arms agreeing.

Then all of us which a vanguard being told by him, while Micheal following the beautiful sister guidance. Iris herself also got a guidance from their party Priest. He is weird tho, since he always laughing weirdly while looking at Iris. But in the end he only teaching Mana Control to Iris without doing anything. We were thankful with them, and the next day we goes back to the field where we do a secret training.

Suddenly a man come in our view, and introducing himself as the stranded guy that my father Arnold told me few days ago. He doesn't seems suspicious but since we still keeping secrets about being Adventurer we told him to not spreading what we do. He agrees after asking us why we want to be an adventurer. He even applausing at our entrance pose! Well seem like he is a good guy, then he watching our training. Being watched while training is kinda embarrassing tho, still after awhile we almost forgotten his existence. After quite sometimes he got up and went away. So I called him to ask what he thought of our training.

"Eh? I think you're cute." He said that straight away, and made us feeling down. While Iris gritting her teeth and stare at him wrongly.

"What did you mean by that Mister?!" Said Iris annoyed, I also agreed with her, since we do our training seriously.

"Huh? I mean you you are a cute children that trying their best for their dream. Isn't it cute?" He said that with a confused face. My friends got more depressed, I also gritting my teeth. He completely looking down at us.

"Don't look down on us! Even if you're mister Klein and those kind adventurers friend I won't forgive you!

Without thinking I already said something like that and dash to him. He didn't even move when I do that, so I swing my sword to him, which he dodge in the last moment. He look at me with an indifferent face. What the hell! I got more angry as I keep slashing my wooden sword at him furiously. But the same things happen all the time, he keep dodging me the moment my sword going to hit him with a sides step. But this doesn't make sense, I can see he still standing on the same spot. What worse he didn't attack me even once, he completely looking down at me.

You didn't want to move from then while dodging me, then I'll make you move! I change from try to slashing his body to sweeping his legs. But what surprised me is he pulled up his legs one by one as my sweeping goes, and I lose my balanced then fall down. This man... He is definitely strong. Me and my friend can keep up with the one arm brother adventurer, when he holding up and I can still feel the gap between us and him. But this guy... I can only feel he is a mountain that I can't surpassed. Iris, Michael, Rett and Cecile also in awed by him. I see... He wasn't looking down on us, he really thought we're cute children....

I drop my sword as I understand it. He looking at me still with his indifference face.


(Pov: Charavgi)

The yellow r... Adolf suddenly dropping his sword. He look embarrassed and depressed.

"Err, are you done? Attacking other suddenly is rude you know? Also I didn't meant offense by my previous words. I even rooting for you guys." I told him those to clear the misunderstanding. His face got bright red. So do the other.

"I am sorry Mister Charavgi, I already realized that what you said doesn't mean you look down at us. With your skill, I am sure we're indeed look like a cute children in your eyes." He apologizes while clenching his hands.

"Oh good then, then I'll took my leave. Keep it up guys." I started to walk away again.

"Mi-mister Charavgi please forgive my rude words before." Shout Iris suddenly. I only wave my hands at them then goes back to Klein home.

That was my first meeting with Vahliance which will spread my name, as Rank SS adventurer party in the future. But at that time I my only thought is they're a cute children.

As I goes back home, I purchase few ingredients for cook, that I am basically told Miss Ariana to put it on Klein tabs. I don't have money after all, and it seems that all the tabs will be paid when the next merchant comes to the village. So it wasn't problems. I made a stew once again as today dinner, and bake some bread. As expected when evening comes everyone goes to Klein houses to eat my dishes. Then I told them about my encounter with those children, which then make Zilver Ondiep got a preaching from Klein on the entire dinner. When the preaching ended, I told Klein about my decision from his offers before when Zilver Ondiep already gone back.

"I guess I'll accept your offer to be a teacher in this village."

"Oh, that good then, since those children didn't have anything to do when us adult goes to work on farm."

"Why do it seems like you told me to watched them as a babysitter...."

"Gahahaha, that one of the job being a teacher right." He laugh it off. "Anyway why did you suddenly accepting? Is it because those children?"

"Well, I was walking around the village and see there is nothing at all in this village, except for farm and carpentry. There also some influence by encountering those kids, but I guess I need to do something so I won't get bored." Yep, the real reason is because I am bored. Also I dislike physical work, so being a teacher is much more suitable for me then do the other work. What more I definitely won't be hunter! It scary, death or alive battle is scary. Well it not like I would meet a monster like Selene everytime tho. But the last time definitely left a mental scars for me.

"I guess I got what you mean. Then we should inform the village chief tomorrow." I nodded at his words, before we leave for each other rooms. And rest for the night.