
Come Out Clean

The next morning as we planned we goes to the village chief house. As the second bell rang through the village we arrive at chief house. Before we knock the door the chief already there.

"Oho, isn't this Klein and Charavgi." He said those as he open the door.

"Good morning chief."

"Good morning village chief. Do you have some time?"

Said Klein and me in order.

"Ah, morning to you too. So is there anything that I can help?" He said those. "I need to inspect the farms now, if you want you can wait for me at my house or we can talk as we walk."

"Then let's just do it while we walk." Said Klein, as I am also agreed with it, since I don't want to bother his schedule.

"Is that so then, let's we go." Said him as he goes out and walk away, while we followed him.

"So what can I help you?" Ask him as we walk around the village.

"Ah, it about the children." Said Klein


"Yes, children. As we adult goes to work in the morning the children basically doing nothing and only playing around." Explain Klein to the village chief.

"Yes indeed, then what is the problem? I definitely didn't want them to work as a child." The village chief said those with unpleasant face. Seems like he misunderstood us

"No village chief, it difference. I want to made a school." I said those to clear the misunderstanding. Then he seems to contemplating something before sighing.

"A school? Ain't that expensive? We don't have that kind of budget to build those here." He look kinda sad as he said those. Ah, it seems like the village budget is really tight.

"And that is where this guy come chief." Klein said while pointing at me, the village chief which unsure about what Klein talking about.

"What do you mean Klein?" Then he ask those. So explain it to him.

"I'll be the teacher and all we need is a room that kind of big enough for the class."

"Oho, so you will be the teacher? But we still don't have any money to spare for your paid." Err .. chief why are you so concerned about money?

"About that village chief. I don't need money." Yep, it wasn't money that I am aiming for it was the role! I just realized my plan to be 'Villager A' will be strange if I don't have any jobs. So my decision to become a teacher in the village also can be a great cover. Yush, two bird with one stone.

"More reason that made me can't accept it." Eh, why? I am not asking for money but you still can't accept it? Then what should I said... Hmm, that can be used as a reason.

"Just think it as gratitude for letting me stayed here." I said those with a smile. Well it not a complete lie, I will also feel uncomfortable if I don't make any contribution for the place I stayed.

"Umu. Then how about we paid you with grains?" The village chief said those after contemplating for awhile.

"Eh... No need." Why are you so asserted to paid me?

"Just accepted it buddy." Said Klein after awhile. "That old man won't let you works for free." Whispered him to me. Err... Isn't that weird?

"If you disagreed then we can forget about this conversation." And as Klein expected, the village chief even threatening me. Danyum what is wrong with you?!

"Uh... Sure then village chief." Of course after all those being said I am accepting it. Honestly that will help reducing our food cost by much.

"Gahahaha, chief you still strict at this kind of thing." Said Klein whilst laughing... Strict?

"Ohohoho, it about moral values, we can't let people works without any payment don't we? At least they needed foods" ah, I see, so all of it because his own conviction. That a really good conviction tho. He really is a good chief.

"Indeed. Then when can I started?" I ask his opinion about this. Even tho I don't have any plan yet, hey I need to seems I am confident.

"It up to you. Also about the room you can used the meeting place in my house." He said those easily, seems like I need to decided it on my own, and yep he is a really good village chief. He even offering that place before I ask him for that.

"Ah.. Then thank you in advance village chief." I thanks him for those.

"Ohohoho, I should be the one to thank you, since knowledge will help our village grows." Said him. Then all I need is to prepare for the teaching material and decided the time. Also since I don't know the students level I guess I should decided which material later on. But well, I guess the villager also need a preparation also an announcement.

"Then I need to prepare the class material. I think I'll be ready in 3 days." I said those, and while contemplating how to announce it to the villagers.

"Ohohoho alright then. I'll announcing it to the villagers. They will be happy." The chief already offering his help once again... Whoa, I seriously starting to think he is a perfect chief. Then we separated our way after saying those, also I said that age wasn't matter.

"Ah, right Charavgi you can used the book in my place for the materials, just ask Grace to guide you to my study room." He said those as he leaving.

"Thank you village chief." After saying thanks once again me and Klein goes back to Klein house. Then we buy some ingredients in the way, then as we goes inside Klein house, Klein asking me the real problems.

"So what your plan?" Indeed that the problems. Honestly I just realized I don't have any concrete plans. I forgetten about the difference between Earth and this world culture and education level. Well, I can be honest about this to Klein.

"The things is I am not even sure, what to teach them about." I said to Klein with a big grin. As I sit down on the couch, and crossing my arms. I starting to miss my cigarettes. Darn, I haven't even smoke half of it before I got transferred.

"Are you a fu**ing kidding me? You don't even have any plan?" He shouting at me while his mouth gaping.

"Since you already know my real jobs, I guess I don't have anything to hide. Even when I goes to the university, I only plan to follow their education plan, you know." I give an alibi to him, but I am sure if I am registering and got admitted there, those words are the truth.

"The heck... But I guess that indeed works if you got admitted in such educational institutions." He sighing while scratching his head.

"I just realized this problems too. But since I already offering myself to be a teacher I can't pulled back my words. Luckily the village chief give us time." I said those.

"We? It only you! My work in the village is hunting for meat supply!" He pointed his finger at my face.

"Oh come on, it isn't like you're hunting all the times. It more like you goes for hunt only once a 3 days. Don't you pity those kids?" I said, as I used the children to coax him. I definitely need a partners. What more Rank A Adventurer definitely can be a good teacher or so I thought at that time.

"Guh.. don't used the children to coax me!" At that time there someone knocking the front door. So Klein goes up to open the door. When I see the figure I am sure it an angel! That's it the one that can help me about it. So I suddenly kneel in front of her. Looking at me kneeling and stretching my right arm the figure blushed.

"Please be my partner!" I said those as I bow down.

"Ehhhhhh?!!" When she heard me she got shocked.

"I can do it without you!"

"Mi-mister Charavgi..." She stuttering.

"If it you I am sure we will work out!"

"Auuu... Bu-but I.. you.." she got more flustered and stuttered.

"That's why, please be my partner to teach the children!" At that time I got a feeling there something snapped, as Klein do a face palm. I finally look at the figure face. Yes the one standing there is Liefa, with a smile, but her eyes definitely not smiling. Gulp... Crap, I just realized how misleading my words that I am spouting. In my defense I am that desperate you know.

*Plaaakk* yeah... Her answer was a slap on my right cheek. When she tried to leave, I of course throw my pride and be more shameless. By hugging her knee. While keep spouting please accept it, I can feel the villager gaze.

"Sigh... Just come inside first lil lady" said Klein while sighing, since he doesn't want more commotion in front of his house. Reluctantly Liefa goes inside the house, while telling me to kneel on my knees with wronged face.

"What were you thinking while spouting all those misleading words Mister Charavgi?" She said whilst smiling but I definitely didn't see her eyes smiling!

"He just an idiot in some place. No, he is throughly an idiot!" The hell Klein, it my first time doing that kind of thing you know!

"Um... I apologized... But in my defense I am that desperate." I said those.

"Desperate for what? Do you even understand what were you spouting to a maiden?!" Liefa tone goes higher.

"Uh. . t-that."

"What if my reputation got damaged? What if my family hear those? Can you even take a responsibility of it Mister Charavgi?" Said her reproving me.

"If that happen of course I'll take e responsibility o—"

"This idiot.... Now I am completely believe that you are living alone with your master in somesort inhabitants place." Klein cut of my words before I can ended it. What is wrong with clearing the misunderstanding? I blinking my eyes as I am confused. But when I see Liefa face, I finally understand... Once again this world got medieval age culture and common sense. What will happen to a noble maiden that got their reputation damaged? Of course they can't get married, which good noble family will took a bride that got damaged reputation.

"Aaaah...." I immediately close my mouth with my hand as I leak that words. But it too late, Liefa and Klein already staring at me.

"You finally got it? You idiotic World Sage!" Klein's also snapped.

"I never thought Mister Charavgi was this kind of guy." While Liefa got more wronged face. What the heck... Hey our common sense is just different! But it still my fault and what more those villager already seen the commotion. Seriously... That, well... It not like I didn't have any plan to court her. Even tho I already said those before when I am in recovery, that basically only a week ago. Uahhh... Fine, be a man Charavgi.

"I won't pulled back my words." I said those with conviction.

"Eh?" "Huh?" Both of them looking at me confused. Ahhh can't you understand what I said! It embarrassing.

"I won't pulled back my words." I repeat it even tho I know they heard me.

"..." Then Liefa gazing at me sharply. So I look seriously at her.

"My mind didn't change at all from before. I still think, I don't want someone throwing their self to me because gratitude or guilty feeling. I know this is shameless of me after saying those to you. But I am indeed planning to got to know you better, and starting clean with you. So even if I need to take a responsibility out of that commotion before, I am good with it if you think I am good enough for you."

"Mister Charavgi does that mean..."

"Aaa, If you think I am good enough of man for you. I will take responsibility for my word, and make sure you're the happiest girl in the world. Because to be honest I am already interested with you when we first met. I only don't want you choose me because you feeling gratitude or run away. I don't need your reply right away." Wahhh... This is so embarrassing.... After hearing that Liefa, silenced. Her wrathful and wronged face already disappearing. But now she got conflicted face. And Klein why are you frozen still.... The silence is killing me! After awhile Liefa is taking a deep breath, then her face becoming firm.

"then... Please take care of me." She said...

"As I expected... Eh?" Hold on? What?

"Nnn, Mister Charavgi please take care of me." What?! My face feels hot when I heard it. I can only nodding my head. My spring finally come! After being single for 4 years in college my spring finally come again! Liefa face also got really red.

"Eeeehhhh?! Wait for a sec you both! Are you both crazy! I definitely won't accept this." Klein word make me back to my sense. Ahhhh... Right... This will be a mess! As if both of us got a cold water thrown at our face we return to our sense.

"You guys finally understand it now?! First that guy doesn't have any work, second he doesn't have home, third your status difference, fourth I definitely don't wanted to hear those shit on night!!" Klein's finally snaooed.

"Hey I won't do that thing before marriage!" The other reasons is good enough, but the fourth I completely offended with that. I am not that kind of man, even tho I indeed thinking about doing that or this.... Uehehe... No, no, no go away devil!

"Ri-right... Me and Mi-mister Charavgi won't do that here!" Shout Liefa.

""...."" What?! You even thought doing that? And as if she realized what she just said, she flustered.

"N-no... No.. I didn't mean it li-like that!" Somehow her complete denial hurt me...

"Are you guys idiot?! The problems ain't that! I only said those as a joke and you guys completely destroying my trust now." Klein gaping his mouth. Yep this is already a mess. Completely messed up.

"And you idiotic sage please think before you speak. Where is the guy that calculating every words and actions from before?!" Hey that rude! I am still calculating my words and act.

"Then for you little lady, what should you said to your family! Please mind your own standing. I know you run away from home because of that but please do consider your family position! Also my face on your grandfather. What the heck should I said to him if he know this! Then there also your fiancee. Do you know what will happen if he heard this?"

Liefa face got paler as she heard Klein words. Every sentence made her face paler then before.

"I thought you grow up after the talk with this stupid guys, but seems like I am wrong. I don't care if you both love each other and then married, or anything but please do those after you guys clear the mess."

""Ye-yes Sir""

"No, answer me with we understand." He glare at both of us.

""Yes, sir! We understand Sir!"" Then hearing our answer he sighing. But now I understand that he really care about us. All those things were said as consideration for us. I should really come clean with them. But I don't want to get involved with the heroes, even more I don't want to get them involved. His preaching made me realize that I already thought them important. It wasn't just gratitude anymore. In this short time both of them already show me their honesty. Well even tho it all started from gratitude. I don't know if it loneliness because I want someone that I can be honest or it was wishful thinking. But I wanted to come clean.

"Sigh... So what your plan now?!"

"Before that there is something I need to tell only both of you." I look at them seriously.

"Huh?! So you're noble after all?" Cut Klein.

"Not that again please!! How many times should I denies it?!" I shocked at how Klein still think I am noble that hiding myself. I guess it also make sense.

"Then what earthshaking secret that you wanted to said right now other then that?! Since if you're noble it will made all those above becoming easy thing to clear up. Don't tell me you are a prince?!" Danyum.. I got ranked up to a prince. But still I should gather my courage to said it!

"No, not that! I've been lying this entire time. I come from another world." When they heard that, they are shocked. Then Klein laughing.

"Gahahaha... You can still joke at this kind of time. But I should praised you that a really good one to calm us down. So what your plan?" Danyum... He didn't trusted me at all... While Liefa then look at me still shocked. Then laughing it off...

"Fufufu, you're really got a talent for humor Mister Charavgi."

"Oh well, I guess it fine if you both do things slowly. But please do clear the mess on your family first lil lady."

"Nnn, of course Sir Klein."

.... Yep they completely denied it as a joke. Danyum... All my courage wasted and treated as a joke....

"Seriously I come from another world!" I said it once again.

"Sure, sure... Eastern continent indeed feel like another world. With their inners energy and other things. One time my friend that coming from there even said 'crazy there so many cultivator here!' when he meet a magic-swordman corps. Well he also said he is a 'cultivator'."

".... You mean as cultivator is those that can fly in the air? And cut a mountain with a single slash?"

"Oh you also know that?! So you're really come from the east. Yeah he said those that reach certain level, hmmm, nastal something they can fly in the air. Even reach immortality. But well he said there only few people that can fly in the air. Ah now I also remember he keep calling magician as daoist. Well the monster there also stronger then here tho."

Klein's said as he laughed it off. And Liefa look curious... Cute... But that wasn't it.

.... Danyummmm... Are you kidding me? Oi, oi, oi... I can't let that go... Oi Rivari your world is really messed up.

"Anyway what the plan now?" Now my mind is really messed up... Then I search up on otherworld knowledge to get more information about education in medieval age. Ah.. it was that simple. Right then I should ask Liefa for that.

"Right... With Liefa joining us, I can finally split what to teach. Since our village is small, and not so many villager got education. I think we will just teach writting and reading, arithmetic, etiquette, magic and of course your favorite Klein, swordsmanship."

"Can't you teach them that? It not like you're bad with it."

"Ah.. I am not bad with it I guess... But I am not sure how to teach it, since all my swordsmanship is self taught."

"I see, well that indeed a problems when you teaching."

"Err.. then what should I teach?"

"Ah right Liefa will teaching them writing and reading, also etiquette. Since none of us now etiquette. And so I'll teach the other subjects." One of the reasons I can't teach writting and reading is because all the words is translated by my skill. Even when I meet Selene my words automatically become demon language.

"I'll try my best!" Liefa said full of energy.

"Sigh... It can't be help, I'll teach them once or twice a week. That the maximum amount you hear me?!"

"Yes, yes." As I said those the 3rd bell rang. Then we make lunch as we speaking about the rotation. We decided that will be only 2 subject a day, and start on the second bells until the 4th bells. Hmm, I plan to increasing the subject after a year or two. But it will be later on after they are able to follow up the current curriculum.

Then after lunch we goes once again to the village chief house. I got another propotion, which is asking Liefa party to stayed here. I started to like them too I guess. Since they're merrily peoples. As we walk down the street, we meet Arnold.

"Yo Klein, and Charavgi long time no see!"

"Hey Arnold. What is up?"

"Good afternoon Arnold."

"Where you guys going? Also this lady?"

"Ah she is a girl that this guys saved before."

"Oh is that so? Hey there my name is Arnold, I am the one whose house is right beside Klein."

"That's rude of me, good afternoon Mister Arnold. My name is Liefa."

"Just called me Arnold."

Why do I feel like deja vu when this scene rolling... It exactly the same as when I just woken up for the second times!

"So how are you doing?"

"Ah great. You're returning early again?" I ask.

"Yeah kinda, but it wasn't like before. I only return to search for my stupid son."

Hee, he got a son.

"Oh your searching for Adolf?"

"Yeah, I kinda need something from him. But I can't find him."

Adolf? Seems like a familiar name. Ahhhh, he is that yellow ranger.

"Is he around 14 years old? With a blonde hair like you, and goes around with another 4 children?"

"Yes, how did you know Charavgi? Did you meet him?"

"Ah.. I kinda meet him yesterday."

"Oh, I see that a shame that it wasn't today."

"Umm... I think, I know where he is."


"Yes, I think he and his friends goes with my party members to a field near the village edge on."

"Oh thanks miss Liefa."

"Then should we guide you?" Ask Klein. hmmm I think it a bad ideas since those children is training secretly.

"Is that alright didn't you goes out for something?"

"Ah, it alright we still got time it wasn't urgent anyway." I said those since Klein already offering to guide him.

"Then thanks guys." So we walk to the field where they training yesterday. It wasn't far anyway, so we arrive after 10 minutes walking. Yep we were greeted with a fight scene. It was Glen against Adolf and Greet, then Rose against Cecile, Iris and Michael. Arnold which standing beside us seems surprised watching it, while me, Klein and Liefa can only smile wryly since we already know. With cough Klein break the ice.

"Seems like they were training"

"Wh-why are they training?" Arnold still surprised by his view.

"Well, yesterday I heard they wanted to be adventurer." I explained to him.

"Being adventurer is dangerous!" Said Arnold, as he wanted to rush there Klein was holding him.

"Brother Arnold calm down."

"How could I calm down seeing them being beaten by those people." Yeah they definitely losing and got hitted by the wooden sword.

"Mister Arnold that why he keeping it secret from you." I said it to him.

"Charavgi you already know about this?!" His tone goes higher.

"Yes I am. When I was walking around the village yesterday, I seen them training like this too."

"Then why you didn't stop them or tell me about?!" He starting to get angry and blaming it at me. Sigh... I haven't become a teacher and I already got a parents complaint.

"Hmmm, I think it was wonderful to scene to see them tried their best for their dream."

"Still it dangerous!"

"Oi, Arnold even if you're worried, it doesn't mean you should get angry and blame Charavgi for it." Cut Klein but before I said something Liefa already open her mouth.

"Isn't it parents role to support their children dream?"

"What do you know about parenting young lady?!"

"I don't know anything about it, but I know how it feels when your parents force you to do what they want!" Crap Liefa snapped, she was sensitive about this after all.

"Yo-you!" He pointing his finger at Liefa. So I move to the front, before Liefa snapped even more.

"Sigh... Well Mister Arnold, please calm yourself and watch them. Looks at their face. Even tho they losing badly right now, their eyes is firms. They keep getting up after they're hitted."

Arnold watching them when I said those, and clenching his teeth.

"Aren't those eyes wonderful? I am sure you were like that too before."

He keep watching Adolf struggle, then after quite sometimes Arnold sighing.

"But why he didn't told me?"

"Oi, don't you realize it? Because he knew you will be mad at him" said Klein, then Arnold gaping, before laughing.

"Hahaha.. Guess you are right. But still I can't completely support him to be an adventurer. He still a kids, it not his time yet to make a decision. "

Hmm? Ahhh.. it not yet, then it means when he wasn't a kid anymore then it up to him.

"Gahahaha... That so like you Arnold. When the time comes will you accept his decision?"

"Honestly I don't know, I guess I will still against it. But if he already an adult what can I do? For now I only want him to not do a secret training for sure." He smiles as he watched his sons and friends do a mock battle.

"Ah that right, if it not a secret training will you agreed for him to learn?" I ask him.

"Sure, I got a feeling he won't listening to me either way. At least I know what he was doing." I glancing at Klein and Liefa. Klein then nodding his head, while Liefa still wondering.

"Then do told him to come to village chief house 3 days from now." Said Klein then Liefa that seems finally understand it making a face that seems saying 'oooh, I get it'.

"What for?"

"For school. Mister Charavgi, Sir Klein and me will teaching the villager."

"Really? But our house is poor."

"Gahahaha. From what the chief said, he seems plan to paid us with grain, and it more like this guy gratitude to the villager." When he heard those, his face got brighter.

"I see, if it was like that. I'll told him to go there 3 days later. So you're really a teacher eh?" I only nod at his words. Then the mock battle ended, and Adolf finally realized that his father is standing here. He looks panicking as he doesn't know what to do. The other ranger... I mean Adolf childhood friend also panci.

"YOU RASCALS WHAT WERE YOU DOING!" In their panic, they come over to our spot. Then they look at me wronged.

"Yo-you rat us!" They said angrily to me. While Glen, Rose and Drat was sweating.


... Err do you even need to act like that? When the kids already goes away, Arnold bow down to us, including Glen and the other.

"Didn't I already reprimanded you guys yesterday?"

"""We're sorry"""" they immediately on their knees.

"Gahahaha, I am just joking."

"Well since we already meet you guys, I am going to straight to the point." Said Liefa. Eh did you got something to say to them?

"I think I'll leave the party and stay here. I am sorry and thanks you." Ahhh that.... Now this awkward, I also planning to assured them to stay. They just look at each other then started to laugh.

"Hahaha... We already know you're going to stay with your prince."

"Fufufu... Relax princess."

"It's fine Liefa. We already thought you will leaving our party."

Well they said those, while laughing but why are you guys eyes is moister?! This getting more awkward... They started to hugging each other.

*Cough* "err... Sorry to cut your touching goodbye... But honestly I don't want you guys leaving... Since I need you guys for my school plan too."

"Gahahaha, your timing really good Charavgi!"

They were stunned when they hear me and Klein. Then their face becoming beet red while gazing at me with a grudgingly. Hey it wasn't my fault... You guys just do those with your own volition!

"Charavgi why I didn't hear this part?"

"Ah, I just thought it when we leaving to meet village chief."

"Auuu... Why you keep doing things like that!"

"I-i am sorry"

They sighing as they heard my conversation with Liefa. Before Glen said.

"But we can't teach them anything outside battle."

"That is good enough, also you guys can learn alongside them."

"But what are the merit for us to teach them?" Ask Rose.

"I can't promise you anything other then Klein guidance." I clapping my hands

"Oi! Aren't you– " before he able to finish his words I pulled him then whispered.

"Isn't it good, you can hunt much more easily with them and also carry much more trophy. In pretext of training"

"That's is true." Me and Klein reaching agreement.

"Then what you guys think? Well we can do it for half a year first." By the way half a year hear basically 180 days. Then they goes discussing by theirself.

"We agreed." Then we shake our hands as we reach agreement. At that time no one knows that the 3 of them will be called as One-handed Asura, Thousands Meer Sharpshooter, and Bloody Priest.

With this we finally got our teacher team. All that left is the equipment for teaching. So we goes to village chief place to inform him, as I browse his book collection.

It starts of new arc... Kinda late chapter since I woke up late. I new information about other continent appeared. Well finally it the school development arc.

SlowConnectioncreators' thoughts