
World Ring System

what will happen when a 20 year old person named Carl died in his own house and meets 3 mysterious visitors with a story from god realm, bringing along most powerful assisting Divine artifact [WORLD RING] created by sacrifice of a supreme god. what will he do when he get to know about largest war happened in god realm which devastated the god realm completely? join our hero as he train in different world with magical ring and charge into god realm for revenge for his teacher. This is not your random reincarnation with golden finger and happy living novel, it is a story , with complete cultivation system. Author note : This is first book I have written so if you have any suggestions please comment. Forgive me for not good enough writing in first few chapters. Thank you for you support. . . . . . First World: Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) - Train Body and Qi. Second World: Bleach - Train Soul.

_DIVINE_ · Cómic
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34 Chs






I am currently standing on Heli Carrier which is pretty badly fucked up by Loki. And in front of me, Fury is standing with angry expression which he is trying to control.

"You know, you are a greedy and opportunist person Mr. Carl." Fury said with irritation on his face.

"Yeah! Yeah. You can say all you want. Now where is my 'baby'." I said in excitement with shining eyes when he mentioned 'baby'.

"Here, take it. And I hope you keep your end of bargain." Fury said while handing me a big briefcase or a trunk.

I hurriedly opened it, after checking the contents inside the box I stored it in system space and replied Fury.

"Don't worry, I am someone who keeps my words unlike certain someone."

Seeing box disappear fury thought. Although he knew from his files that this person knows magic but seeing with his own eyes is entire different experience.

"So tell me where is he? And what is his plan." Fury asked with urgency in his voice.

"Loki happens to need a hell lot of energy to use tessarect. And from his egoist nature I can only conclude one place he will go. Stark Tower." I said leisurely seeing fury and Tony is sitting on sidelines after he said that.

"That bastard!" Tony shouted in anger and hurriedly left the room.

"I think we should move. Now" Steve Aka Captain America said while picking up his shield. He turned towards me and asked. "Will you come?"

"You need my help?" I asked is sarcastic voice.

"Mr. Carl, many lives are on line. I don't think its a good time to joke. But if you still want an answer then Yes we can use all help we can get." Steve replied with conviction.

"Damn man, you know there is a charm in your voice that inspire people." I said in admiration.

"Then will you help us?" Steve asked with a smile.

"No." I coldly rejected him.

"Why? with your power you would be able to save many lives." Steve asked. Clearly he is not gonna give up until I agree.

"Yes I can and I wanted to but this one eye pirate rejected my help." I said putting puppy eyes with an aggrieved expression.


"You bastard. I called you and you want to extort me. I am not an idiot." Fury shouted with a tick on his forehead. Damn I can see nerves on his forehead from my seat.

"Extort? I wanted to extort you?" I widened my eyes, asked in disbelief.

'Even I am starting to believe my acting.hehe..'

"All I wanted was a little piece of Vibranium. You rejected me without even finishing my line."

"You want what? Vibranium? but wasn't there only enough to make this shield." Steve interupted us. while pointing at shield in his hand.

"Nah. World is a lot more complicated steve. Do you seriously think that such valuable piece of metal will be made into a frisbee for you to play." I said to him in irritation.

"Vibranium, it belongs to a group of people who got it thousands of years ago and used to advance many years than us. The hid like a turtle so people will not fight for it, and in name of saving world from a war they hid themselves. Truly a bunch of pussies." I said in disdain.

Steve gawked at my outburst. Seeing that he still wants me to fight I told him I will help if I changed my mind. Not being able to change my mind he left, leaving Fury and me alone.

"You know about Wakanda." Fury stared at me seriously.

"Yeah." I replied non-committal way.

"I know you are angry at me, but remember that you can save many more lives if you help them. If you don't help than their blood will be oj your hand." Saying this he turned and left leaving me alone in this room.

"Sigh, that bastard playing sympathy card." I sighed in frustration after hearing his words.

"Luna, evacuate area near stark tower. Hack in and use disaster warning system. Find Hulk and Thor, and tell them where war will be." Luna replied in acknowledgement.

Well many people will be confused whats happening..then let me explain. Fury contacted my after Loki appeared through and took Tesseract. But I wanted Vibranium in exchange, then he refused me and everything happened as in movie.

I appeared at end and saved Tony from scraping his armor. After that this happened.

'Uhh.. should I help or not. This fight is too important for formation of Avengers, what if my intervention messed their team up.' As I was considering my options, system solved it for me.

[Complete the following missions for rewards:

(1) Save People from Aliens.

(2) Control the destruction in 100m of portal.

(3) Get Tesseract.

(4) Get Sceptre of Loki.]

"Well, looks like there is no choice now."

"Luna where are everybody?"

"Iron man is at stark tower; Captain, Natasha and Barton will soon reach with there. Thor can not be contacted and Banner is on his way but he will take a little time."

"Alright connect me to them."

As soon as Carl said this both Tony and Natasha felt their system invaded.

Tony with a glass of whiskey looked at Loki in front of him thinking that its his work. But quickly dismissed it, as he know that Loki is not a tech guy.

"Okay boys and girls listen, from this moment I am your commander on this operation. I will not take any sort of disobedience. And if you mess with me too much I will destroy you."

Tony who started to worry about his network invasion smiled hearing Carl words but before he retort Natasha beat him to it.

"Mr. Carl we would appreciate it if you want to help but we can't take orders from you." Natasha replied hearing my words.

"Girl, I know who you responds to but this shit is too much for that one eye pirate to handle. This is not your regular war, if we loses this then you won't be able to imagine the your fate."

Hearing my words she fell silent, she doesn't know how to retort him when suddenly fury voiced himself.

"I have been through more wars than you can think boy."

"Yes you have been in more wars, but how many times have you fought in space. One? am I right. Don't forget you were just a burden during that fight and if not for that Flerken you would been dead. So shut up and let me handle it."

"Ho..How do you know about that?" Fury shouted in agitation.

"Calm down, I know many things so let me handle it." Hearing my words, and knowing that he is losing his cool Fury stop talking and fell in deep thought.

"Now, I am your commander. Are we clear?"

Hearing my words everyone acknowledged. For them today they have heard too much, first gods, now aliens army invading and their boss been fighting aliens.

"Now Tony I want you to get out of there. Soon their army will arrive and we can't have a single civilian there as I don't want a casualty. Natasha you will drop Birdman to high point and Cap to ground after that help Tony with evacuation. Barton I want eyes everywhere and take out as many as you can and Captain you escort civilians to shelter with help of police; how you convince them I don't care."

"But who will hold army back?" Captain said seeing that everyone was given escort mission.

"You don't have to worry, Thor and Hulk are on their way. They will be fighting them while you help civilians."

Just as I said that a beam from stark tower headed towards sky opening a portal.

"Ugh.. Looks like I have to step in. You guys to you job while I hold them back until those two comes." Saying this I opened a portal I appeared above stark tower while standing in air with help of Qi.

Though I don't have enough control on it, so its pretty much useless in battle. I can see a enormous portal appeared above my head with soldiers speeding on their Hover bikes like things.

Smash! Aaaaaah!

I suddenly heard glass smashing sound along with a familiar scream. Looking downwards I can see Tony falling but was saved by his new suit which can locate the user by some bracelet.

"What was it Mark 5-6? haa... Mark 7. Damn, sometimes its confusing." Seeing that he is safe I turned towards Loki who is staring at me through now broken window.

Knowing that I have to face him but I still have some work to do. I start creating hand signs while using all chakra I can without having chakra drainage as I may have to fight Loki.

"Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu."

Around me 100 clones appeared behind me. I turned towards them and said.

"You know what to do. Hold them as long as you can." They all nodded and headed towards portal in sky, circling it.

"What are you doing you mortal?" Loki asked in his God-Complex while looking down on me, asked the answer. Although he was little shocked inside seeing so many clones summons.

"Loki. Don't tell me you forgot me so soon." I said with a hurt expression.

"It's you. You puny bug, you were the one who spoiled my plan to kill Thor." After taking a closer look at my fave he recognised me and lost control of his anger and was about to attack me.

"Hey, Hey. Calm down man. Don't you wanna see why I summoned those clones." I said while pointing at my clones who are creating some sort of barrier around portal.

"What can they do to my portal. There is no way someone can stop it with your power level." Loki said arrogantly.

"Who said anything about closing it. I only want to delay it." I laughed at his arrogance and ignorance.

"You see they are setting up a formation I got from Kamar Taj, its called Ten Thousand Weapon Array. Though it sound lame according to me." I explained while pointing at my clones who has done creating magic circles.

After all clone finished creating there magic circles they put their palm forward (✋🤚). All magic circles start enlarging soon met with other circles but instead of usually clash they start blending and able to cover whole portal in a ball shaped formation.

"You think it will be able to stop me." Loki said as my clones finished the formation.

"No no. That is to stop your bug army from invading my world. For you, I am here." I said with a warm smile on my face.

"You see, that formation is quite special. Its power doesn't only rely on caster strength. Every caster has their mind linked through formation so stronger their bond and understanding is stronger this Formation will be."

"But I don't think a barrier will be enough to atop them" Loki.

"Yes. But its not just a barrier, this formation is pretty resistant to physical and energy attacks. And every attack you throw at it, it will send that back at you in shape of a sword.,"