
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · Fantasía
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21 Chs

The Portal

The group stepped through the portal, and their surroundings changed instantaneously. Instead of being surrounded by the familiar sights of The Tower, they were standing on a rocky terrain with craters dotting the landscape. In front of them loomed an enormous palace that seemed to stretch up into space itself.

Timothy gasped in awe while Percy's eyes widened at the sight before her. Alya appeared beside them, "Welcome to the Palace on the moon," she said as she gestured towards it.

As they began walking towards it, Emily raised a hand when she sensed something amiss. Before anyone could react further, four figures emerged from around one side of the palace: a Curse Magician holding jagged obsidian crystals; a Thief twirling daggers between his fingers; a warrior with dark energy radiating off him; and lastly, a Corrupt White Mage (Healer) whose staff warped like melting wax.

Emily tensed up as she saw who these enemies were- members of The Shadow Guild! She had heard rumors about their activities but never expected to come across them herself.

Without warning or hesitation, each member rushed forward towards our companions. Timothy readied himself for battle while Percy remained calm despite this new challenge presented before her.

The Curse Magician fired off shards toward Timothy with deadly accuracy while dodging projectiles from Emily's wand in return. Meanwhile, Percy watched intently at how Emily fought against their opponents and memorized every spell casted quickly - much quicker than even Alya thought possible!

Percy's Star Eyes glimmered brightly as magic coursed through her veins and infused within her mind allowing her to replicate effortlessly every movement made by Emily down to its smallest detail without fail making use of quick thinking thanks years spent mastering martial arts breakdance moves!

Alya fights back-to-back next to Timothy using blade magic which allowed swift attacks but also dangerous if used recklessly. The Thief's rapid movements were barely perceptible; however, Alya could keep up with him easily and land a few hits.

The Corrupt White Mage took notice of Percy's unusual eyes that glimmered like stars and commanded the warrior to focus his attacks on her. Timothy fought back against the warriors' dark energy with powerful spells from Emily's teachings.

Emily was surprised at how skilled Percy had become in such a short amount of time, but she did not let this distract her as she continued to battle fiercely. She sent a barrage of lightning bolts towards the Shadow Guild members while simultaneously deflecting incoming projectiles using simple yet effective shields woven out of light magic.

The Curse Magician tried to counterattack by creating an aura shield for himself, but it quickly crumbled under Emily's relentless assault. Seeing that their enemies were losing ground fast, all four Shadow Guild members decided to retreat hastily through an escape portal they opened behind them while Percy used magic copied from Emily herself!

After the fight ended and when everyone calmed down, Emily looked over at Percy who had just demonstrated remarkable ability they needed more than ever now; "Percy," she said quietly, "I think you might be one of those rare individuals we call 'High Mages.'"

Percy was taken aback by this sudden revelation - what did it mean? Why was being called a High Mage so important?

"The ability to copy any spell you see perfectly is something only High Mages can do," explained Alya before anyone else could ask questions about what exactly being called a high mage meant or entailed.

When asked why there are there abilities beyond Star Eyes waiting for them somewhere deep within Timothy's dreams--the answers lie deep within his subconsciousness mind which holds forgotten memories long buried- Eager minds seem excited about finding out!