
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Strange Room

As they continued exploring the palace, their curiosity led them to a strange room with an intricate design etched into its walls. It looked like some sort of ancient laboratory filled with various scientific apparatuses and magical contraptions.

Suddenly a bright light enveloped them, blinding our companions for several seconds before dissipating just as quickly as it had appeared.

When they regained their senses, they found themselves standing in the heart of Celestia City - an enormous metropolis sprawling out beneath them in all directions! The city was alive with activity and energy that pulsed through every street corner and building within sight!

Timothy couldn't believe his eyes at this sudden turn of events - how could they have been transported here from deep inside the moon's palace? He turned towards Emily who stood beside him looking equally bewildered but also determined to get back on track since something felt off about everything around now...

"Where are we?" asked Percy nervously while surveying her surroundings cautiously.

"We're in Celestia City," replied Alya matter-of-factly. "But how did we end up here?"

Emily examined her surroundings closely before realizing what had happened; "It must have been some kind of teleportation trap," she said after pondering over possibilities. "I think I can sense remnants of magic left behind by whoever set this up...this trap has sent us somewhere else entirely."

They retraced their steps swiftly hoping to find another portal leading back but alas no luck...the portal which brought them there mysteriously disappeared too leaving nothing behind except empty space where once it existed moments ago?!

The group was trapped now unless someone came along willing enough or capable enough perhaps even both combined together somehow aided by unknown fortitude drive determination willpower carrying such magnitude enabling successful passage forthwith despite insurmountable challenges facing ahead emboldened only by hope against odds beyond measure...

Emily suggested they should seek help from the locals. She knew that there were some people in this city who might be willing to assist them, but it would not be an easy task since they are strangers here and their presence could cause a commotion.

After wandering around for a while, they stumbled upon a hidden alley where shady figures lurked about; Emily sensed danger lurking nearby as she stepped forward slowly with caution yet purposefully too!

One of these hooded individuals approached them warily before speaking: "What brings you folks here? You look lost and out of place."

Emily explained their predicament briefly without revealing too much information - she didn't want to risk anyone taking advantage of their vulnerable position. The stranger listened intently before nodding once then gestured towards an even darker corner within the alleyway.

"I know someone who might be able to help you," he said cryptically while beckoning for them to follow him further into shadows enveloping his person entirely now...

They walked deeper still past crates stacked up high filled with unknown objects shrouded by darkness yet seemingly alive somehow...when finally emerging at last on other side into well-lit room located just beyond which looked like specialized shop front displaying strange artifacts all around meticulously arranged placed shelves or hanging walls along edges giving off eerie glow emanating magic energies surging forth wildly uncontrollably almost threateningly intimidating those present making feel rather small insignificant standing so close proximity such powerful forces being contained within four walls themselves alone!

The owner introduced herself as Zara- A skilled artifact collector and dealer known for having connections with powerful entities across different realms exclaimed inward satisfaction seeing her new guests intrigued by what awaited discovery next!