
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Secrets of the Temple

Percy traced her fingers reverently across the glowing runes and intricate symbols adorning the temple walls. This ancient structure held knowledge no living being had gazed upon for untold millennia.

What long-forgotten secrets from ages past were encoded within these mosaics? As Percy studied the elaborate murals more closely, details sprang out that made her pulse quicken.

Each panel seemed to depict a pivotal moment in the genesis of the rift dimension itself. Near the entrance stood ethereal beings channeling power into a cosmic locus - the primordial seed that would eventually grow into this reality.

Further inward, great calamities were illustrated that nearly returned the fledgling realm to chaos and oblivion. Percy shuddered gazing upon stylized depictions of unfathomable entities warring across the cosmos.

Yet despite the dark forces arrayed against its creation, the rift dimension endured, continuing to expand and mature. Those early years must have been fraught with dangers and wonders beyond imagination.

Turning a corner, Percy drew a sharp breath. Here was portrayed the fracturing of a glorious city in the skies above some lush, verdant world very different from her own. Could this represent the forgotten age of magic the scholars spoke of?

She traced the opalescent domes and soaring spires wistfully before moving on. The eons of history represented here were overwhelming. Percy could have spent a lifetime studying every detail.

But her instincts drove her forward into the heart of the temple; something important awaited within. The glowing runes brightened, reacting to her presence.

At last, Percy entered a circular chamber decorated from floor to ceiling with celestial maps and equations atop flowing sigils. Tilting her head back, she saw they coalesced high above into a cosmic diagram of incalculable complexity.

Yet as she studied its patterns, Percy realized with a start that the entire chamber had been designed to focus attention on one central point overhead. Holding her breath, she stepped directly beneath it.

Her starry eyes flashed as understanding dawned. This was the anchor - a symbolic representation of the entire rift dimension's origin point far back at the beginning of time.

In that genesis moment, all potentialities had aligned perfectly to create this reality against infinite odds. Percy sensed she now stood at a similar nexus point, on the cusp of unveiling great mysteries.

Turning slowly, she surveyed the sprawling mural with new perspective. The temple had been constructed to preserve this knowledge for one specific purpose - this moment!

Closing her eyes, Percy spread her arms wide and opened her mind to the dimensional energies swirling around her. She could feel them resonating deeply with the power infused within these walls over eons...guiding her toward revelation.

There - Percy's consciousness perceived the threads. Gossamer strands of potential beginning to coalesce around her. Along their infinite lengths, she glimpsed flickering snippets of possibilities and probabilities.

This was a realm of endless imagined realities. And within it lay the key...to unlocking her true destiny if she had the courage to grasp it.

Percy's eyelids fluttered open. She understood now why the rift had called her here. Her purpose on this journey had finally clicked into focus, like the last missing piece of a puzzle.

Smiling softly to herself, Percy whispered: "Thank you."

She turned and stepped back out into verdant jungle - her path forward now clear. The mysteries of this world may be boundless, but she would no longer drift aimlessly.

The stars had guided her here for a reason. It was time to let their light shine through.