
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Predator in Paradise

Energized by the epiphanies within the cosmic temple, Percy trekked boldly through jungle that now seemed more wondrous than threatening. Light dappled through the canopy overhead, illuminating her path.

In the distance, a majestic waterfall thundered, sending up wisps of ethereal mist. Percy made her way towards it, ducking vines and pushes aside branches with growing confidence.

But as she entered a sunbeam-illuminated clearing, the fine hairs on Percy's neck suddenly prickled - she was not alone here. Whirling around, she glimpsed feline eyes watching her from the undergrowth before they disappeared.

"Who's there?" Percy called out cautiously. Her voice echoed unanswered. Had she only imagined the fleeting presence?

Then she saw it - a massive fern to her right quivering slightly. Percy stepped back, magic circuits flaring to life as she prepared to defend herself against whatever lurked nearby.

With a roar, an enormous sabretooth tiger with gleaming obsidian fur burst from the bushes, barreling straight towards her! Gone was the idyllic paradise - this was now a land of lethal danger.

Heart hammering, Percy fired bursts ofblinding light to disorient the charging beast. It veered sideways, shaking its great mane in confusion. But the respite lasted only seconds before it regained sight of her and attacked again.

Percy turned and ran, aiming for the rocky outcropping looming ahead. She could hear the sabretooth's hot breath at her back, closing in for the kill. At the last second, she dropped and rolled, letting the momentum carry her into a crevice beneath the rocks.

The outraged beast swiped and gnashed its fangs, trying fruitlessly to reach her. Percy scrambled deeper into the tight stone maze, barely avoiding the razor-sharp claws.

Gasping, she emerged into a larger cavern illuminated by bioluminescent moss. Before she could catch her breath, a heavy impact shook the rocks. Dust rained down as the sabretooth smashed against the entrance, claws tearing away chunks of stone.

Percy summoned a shield to brace against the cave-in. She was trapped - it was only a matter of time before the ancient predator broke through. Desperately, she looked around for an escape route or weapon.

There - dimly visible crystals jutted from the cavern walls. If she could break one off, it might serve as a spear to defend herself. Dodging falling debris, Percy grasped a scintillating shard and wrenched it free.

Turning back toward the blocked entrance, she steeled herself for the beast's inevitable eruption through. The crystalline spear trembled in her hands as tons of stone crashed down.

With an earth-shaking roar, the sabretooth finally smashed into the cavern, immediately fixing its volcanic eyes on Percy. She braced the spear in defense as it circled her warily before attacking.

Percy deflected gnashing jaws away from her vulnerable throat, but the force of impact sent her skidding back. The ancient predator was just toying with her, she realized.

As it tenaciously came at her again and again, Percy knew she had only one chance left. Mustering all her power, she drew on the rift's cosmic energies and channeled them into her crystalline weapon.

Right as the sabretooth pounced for the killing blow, she drove her charged spear straight into its chest with a defiant cry. A rupture of brilliant luminosity exploded outwards, illuminating the cavern.

When the glare faded, Percy stood gasping over the translucent collapsing form of her foe. She had won this deadly trial, but dangers untold still awaited in the adventures ahead.

Gripping her crystal spear, Percy pulled herself from the rubble and stepped back out into verdant jungle. She hoped her brother was safe back home. For now, she had her own destiny to seek.