
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Confronting the Darkness

With Percy's life hanging precariously in the balance, Timothy knew there was no time to waste. As Emily worked swiftly to stabilize their fallen comrade, the young seer turned to face his mentor.

"Mad, is there anything more about the book's power you've kept hidden from us?" he asked urgently. "We must uncover all its secrets if we're to stand a chance against this evil."

Mad met his gaze solemnly, hesitating only a moment before responding. "There are rituals I have unearthed during my research - dangerous rites forbidden for good reason. But now, in our hour of need..."

He trailed off as the building trembled again. Outside, the chaos swelled ever higher toward its cataclysmic crest. They were running out of time.

"Do it," Timothy said without hesitation. "Whatever it takes."

Nodding gravely, Mad gestured for Timothy to stand before the ancient tome. Taking a rattling breath, the aged scholar began a haunting incantation in a language lost to time. The cryptic runes upon the book's pages began undulating, awash in eldritch hues.

Timothy could feel the magic contained within stirring, like a slumbering leviathan rising from fathomless depths. The air grew heavy, pressure building around them until he felt ready to burst.

With a thunderous roar, the swirling energies were released! The unleashed power funneled into Timothy, flooding his body and mind with ancient arcana. He shook violently but held fast, unwilling to let Percy's sacrifice be in vain.

As the torrent waned, Timothy slowly looked down at his hands. Arcane symbols glimmered beneath his skin, fading in and out of sight. He could feel the magic thrumming through his veins, primal and indomitable.

Across the room, Percy drew a sudden sharp breath. Their companions turned to see her sitting up, the barest hint of light returned to her eyes. "Timothy...?" she whispered weakly.

Seeing his sister conscious again bolstered Timothy's defiant resolve. He gave Percy a small nod before turning back to Mad.

"I can feel its power," he said, voice shaking. "I can control it. We will stop this shadow before all is lost!"

Ryan clapped him on the shoulder approvingly. "With the book's magic at your command, we cannot fail!" Behind him, Emily was helping a wobbly but revived Percy to her feet, cautioning her to take it slow.

Timothy took a deep breath to steady his nerves. "Let's finish this."

The companions gathered at the tower's peak, gazing out at the chaos raging across the city. The dark presence emanating from Timothy's dreams felt closer than ever now - an ominous weight pressing down upon them. In the distance, a violet sphere of swirling energy hung ominously amidst the smoke-filled skies.

"There," Timothy said through gritted teeth. "The shadow dwells within the eye of this storm." He turned to the others. "Are you ready?"

At their resolute nods, he focused his will through the ancient magic now flowing within. Like grasping through fabric, he searched for a tear - an opening through which they could pass undetected by the shadowed foe.

With a triumphant cry, he ripped through the veil! A shimmering portal yawned open before them. Giving Percy's hand one final squeeze, Timothy led them through the threshold...

And onto the surface of a desolate, alien world. Broken landmasses drifted weightlessly in a murky void. The same violet light permeated this realm, emanating from the robed figure hovering before them.

The shadow slowly turned, blazing eyes narrowing. "So...you have come at last," it hissed.

Timothy boldly stepped forward, hands wreathed in eldritch fire. "We know the truth," he declared, the ancient tome's magic amplifying his voice. "Your mad bid for power ends here!"

The figure threw back its head and laughed - an awful, grating sound. "You cannot comprehend my design, worm!" it snarled. "I am the Void Sovereign, and I shall reduce creation to ashes!"

Timothy clenched his fists, holding fast against the waves of despair radiating from the Void Sovereign. Behind him, his companions readied themselves, prepared to fight to the last. This was their ultimate test. Failure meant oblivion.

Drawing on the rituals Mad had revealed, Timothy summoned the book's full power. "You hold nothing but delusions of grandeur," he said firmly.

A brilliant aura engulfed them, illuminating even the darkest corners of this dread realm. The Void Sovereign recoiled with a venomous shriek.

Letting out a mighty roar, Timothy led his companions to attack. The fate of their world hung in the balance. He could only pray they would prevail!