

"Hurry up, Andrew. We are going to be late." Max said. "Stop rushing me, and you might get somewhere." I said laughing. "I really hope that we don't have to go down that road again. Do you remember what happened last time?" Max said. I laughed and went down stairs to meet him at the door. "Finally, let's go!" Max says as we walk out the door.

"I don't understand your logic of time sometimes". I said to him as we were making our way to the "get together". I wasnt looking forward to it, but it was for the family. It was the least that I could do.

I had put my family through so much stress. They didn't want to admit it, but I could tell that it was the case. They were making it super obvious without even realizing it.

It was practically a festival in a mansion. Max and I enter the building into a party. My dad had created a machine that could power our way to Mars. It was exciting for the entire family.

A few minutes after we arrived, the award ceremony started. My mom was in tears for joy for him.

Not too long after he started his speech, we started hearing beeping. It was starting to get annoying, so my dad called everyone back to the buffet.

Before anyone could get to the back, the beeping started to get louder and faster.

"Dad!" I yelled trying to get his attention. No use, there was no time. I had to take action into my own hands. I ran and dove towards him, pushing him away from the machine. All of the sudden, everything went black.