
World of mysterious

A bus filled with 30 students and teachers, had left for a trip to the local Mountains. Four ours into the ride, the bus had disappeared.

B1gduff · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Into the forest 1

The following day,

A group of six individuals are seen walking through the dense forest.

Leading the group is Al, followed by Paul and April and Elena, then Peter, and last was Jason.

After a much-heated conversion and debate, the group had decided to look for other humans.

In the hopes of uniting and creating a community.

Al: Keep an eye's open for any disturbances

Sorry, the group continued on.

Back at the Village.

A mature woman is seen looking towards the forest.

" Are you worried about them?". Lisa, who had just walked over, and stood next to Jessica why looking towards the forest.

" Yeah, I am; this is a different world, and every night and day, I worry."

" I too worry, Jessica, I to worry. But we also have to look towards the future, and the more help we get, the better our survival rate improves."

" I know, Lisa, but that where my worries are. Humans have evil hearts, and we can't control them. Anyhow, let's stop having these thoughts and start working her"

The two women smiled at each other and went back to work while ordering the people there to work.

In the forest

" damn it, how did I get stuck here!" Whispered Jason as he took a sip of water.

Last night, he had decided to tell them about the other members still out in the wild. In a way to distract Al and company and have them go out and lookk, while he stayed back.

Turning his head over to the two girls in the group, a particular type of desire developed in him.

" Just you wait, just you wait...soon..."

"Hey, are you done drinking?"

Just as Jason was still in his thoughts, a voice interrupted him. It was Paul that was called over.

" if your done, hurry up and come over here and help."

He quickly got up and walked over to Paul, looking at the back of Paul, his eyes turned cold.

" You son of a Bitch picking on me! Don't worry, I'll get back at you..soon...your wife will be riding me!"

Slowly Paul and Jason, with Peter, went up to the nearby trees.

Paul: here, take these axes and start chipping into the trees and back deep marks. This way, we'll be able to keep track of the direction we're going, and we can follow it back.

Paul: Every 15 trees we pass leave a mark with the direction we are heading.

Listening to Paul, both of them nodded their heads.

Soon, the group continued on.

Time went on.

Peter: Hey Al, we are reaching the new area of land.

Al: Hmm, You guys haven't explored this part?

Peter, who now was next to Al, " Nope, this is new land up ahead."

Al: Ok, let's take a rest and determine our next action.

The group quickly found a place to rest and eat food.

"So what the plan now?" Al asked while eating

" I think we still have time before heading back! Peter replies.

Al: what about the rest?

All: since agreed. Ok!

At the same time, around 2 thousand meters away.

A large, golden-colored lion-like creature was following the group.

For the past two days, the lion had been watching the group, and due to its natural instincts, it felt fear towards the young boy at the front.

It could have been curiosity or something else. Still, this creature had developed a little bit of knowledge was able to understand and seeing these news creatures it had followed behind them.

Suddenly back at the campsite, an ear-piercing howl arose.

Everyone quickly threw the food and picked up their weapons.

Al: Circular formation!

" What is it? What is it? asked Jason as he started shaking

Paul: eyes open! Jason! Pull your spear up and hold your shield up now!

Listening to that military-style voice, all the hairs on Jason stood up, and he did what was asked.

Suddenly there was a bursting sound, and 3 figures walked out.

Each of these figures looked like raptors, but they were half the size.

Seeing the group of dinosaurs appearing. Jason almost peed his pants; he rapidly took two to three steps back.

Just then Peter smoke,

" Dilophosauraus (Dilo)! be careful, there know release spit noooo dodge!

Just as Peter had finished describing the dinosaur, the 3 attacks, each releasing a spit like an attack.

Al and Paul: dodge

The group quickly moved, all except Jason, who was hit by the spilt.

" Wha.....Ahh...ahhh, it's on me! take it off, take it off!"

Al, who had moved to the side, didn't have time to worry about the screams, right in front of him appeared a Dilo.

Not wasting any time, he quickly threw his shield at it and moved back while pointing his spear towards the Dilo.

" Hmm?" Al saw out of the corner of his eye, one of the Dilo's had gone towards April and Elena, while the other had gone after Jason but was blocked by Paul and Peter.

However, a worried look appeared on his face. Paul wouldn't have much trouble, but the girls were.

He had to finish his battle quick.

The dilo quickly acted and attacked.

Al followed as well; taking the ax tied to his waist, he quickly took it off and threw it at the Approaching Dilo. in the hopes of distracting it.

It worked! Taking his spear, he directly rushed it towards the neck.

Direct hit! Blood gushed out, removing the spear, he again aimed at the head this time. Direct kill!

He quickly took a look over at the others. To his surprise, he just saw April and Elena, both drilling the Dilo with their spears to the ground.

" garrrrrrr!" just then, he heard Paul rushing thru the crowd; the surprising thing was that he saw Paul picking up the Dilo, when he speared it and had pinned the dilo to a tree.

"What crazy strength." though Al has walked over to them.

" whew, taken care of," Paul said as he saw Al walking over.

Al: Paul, how did you do that? Pick it and up and slam it on the tree.

Pointing at Jason, who was on the ground, alongside Peter, " this idiot, fricken fell, and then Peter tripped over his leg. Peter got really lucky that he had his shield; the Dilo jumped right on top as he fell but got caught on the shield.

"Luck? shit man, I was basically one wrong move away from getting my face ripped!" Peter, who finally got up. Then he slowly turned around to face Jason. " You Piece of shit, next time, don't fall on your ass, got it"

"Phew, it's over," breathed Elena as she and April walked over.

Just as they had walked over, a scream could be heard.

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"