
World of mysterious

A bus filled with 30 students and teachers, had left for a trip to the local Mountains. Four ours into the ride, the bus had disappeared.

B1gduff · Fantasía
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20 Chs


Within a small shed.

Al was laying on a blanket, while to the side layed a Curvy figure.

It was Jessica! a week had easily gone by in their new homes.

In that time, the group built these small shed-like houses for most of the members.

Al created one, the couples had one for them, while the girls decided to share one for themselves.

Do to the bust schedule they had, Al and Jessica could not indulge in their pleasures until last night. Last night indeed was a night of joy not just for them, but also the couples.

In one of the small Sheds, Two girls were seated, one blonde while the other was a brown hair.

" Those bastards, they finally finished..Fucken asshole"

Looking at Elena's expression and how angry she was, Cindy became nervous.

The sight of Cindy's expressions made Her chuckle for a moment before She said, " Don't worry, all get them back...Dirty, and their moans couldn't let me sleep the entire night."

Even though Elena was pissed and angry with them, but down in her heart, she truly knew how she felt.

When she first started to hear Jessica's moans, a sense of Jealously came upon her; once the moans got louder and louder, the Jealously had increased, but she also had gotten wet.

She wasn't the only one; Cindy also was getting wet. But her feelings were a mess. Whiel they travel together, Al hardly talked to her, leaving her depressed.

But who would fault him? She had cheated on him; heck, she knew the only reason she had dated him was of a joke her class had decided to play on him.

Plus, How could she have imagined that the one to play an essential role in this situation would be someone she betrayed... Karma.

Back to Al.

" hey, aren't you done looking" Getting up from the ground, and putting her clothes back on, Jesscia looks over at Al.

Al, whose attention is still drawn to those Lustrates curves, could only sight " ahh. My beauty, why can't we just enjoy and indulge in our pleasures?"

Just as Jessica was about to reply back, someone else had already cut in.

"If you truly want to conitnue, how about both of you get another room about 20 meters away from" In came Elena, with a deep smirk as she looked at the duo.

Looking at her, Jessica started to put on her clothes and, with a blush rushed out of the room.

Looking at the site of Jessica running away, Elena had a deep smile, then she slowly turned around to face Al.

An awkward few seconds occurred between them.

Seeing her eyes not moving, Al got worried and was about to walk over to her.

" Stop!" slowly closing her eyes and turning around, she says, " Dirty bastard aren't you going to put on some pants? at least cover your bottom half." Then she ran out.

Only then did Al, look down and noticed that he was fully naked, and his third leg was hanging there. He quickly started to put more clothes.

Outside, a blushed Elena is sitting on the ground next to the shed.

Elena's pov..

" What the heck did i just see?"

" How was it that big??"

" Was Jessica able to take that think"

The more she thought, the wetter she got.

While still in her thoughts, Al had gotten completely dressed and was now standing next to her.

"hmm...Hey..Hm, are you ready to go?

Hearing Al voice. Elena quickly got up... ' yeahh..yeah... I'm ready lets head out"

In a small Valley surrounded by hills and mountains, the scenery is breathtaking.

Sitting atop a hillside laid two figures. This was Al and Elena. For the past few days, the group had made triped to this valley, and noticed mutiple small animal they can be hunted.

Over the month, their primary supply of nutrient has been fishing and berries, at this point, they had enough of the same meal.

About two meters away from them was a rabbit-like creature.

" Hey, Al..... do we really have to kill this rabbit?" Elena who had been laying next to Al, could hardly believe that her first kill was this small creature. Felt like a joke was being played on her.

Upon hearing her, Al looked over at the curvy figure that, at this point, was fingernails away. "It's either us who die or it. We can't pick."

" Fine...Fine..fine" She quickly got up onto one knee, and positioned her spear, and aimed towards the rabbit-like creature.

Next to her, Al did the same.

" Ok, Elena, just like we practiced, aim at the head and take your time, but when your ready, be fast." Al, Whispered as he looked towards the rabbit.

In the past week, the girl had decided to do more; Cindy and Jessica had decided to help build the sheds. In contrast, Lisa and Derek did their own thing, and Elena, for some reason, really wanted to be a warrior and a hunter and asked Al for help.

For the past week, Besides helping the others, Al had also helped Elena with Spear throwing.


Just then, two spears, one after another, were thrown at the rabbit-like creature.

The rabbit, who had been quietly eating his meals, noticed the spears, and quickly turned and ran away.

The first spear missed, but the Second Spear had gotten the rabbit in its chest area. A deep bloody hole could be seen.

Quickly getting up from their area, the duo rushed over to the dead rabbit and removed the spear.

" grrrr...Dang it, Al, i completely missed." Holding her Spear, Elena walked over to Al.

Looking down at the dead rabbit and removing the spear" Eh, it's gone take practice and time for you to get to this level!"

Once the Spear was removed, he gently tossed the dead Rabbit to Elena.

Who was not expecting it, freaked out when it reached her hands. " Wha,,,What do you want me to do?"

" Take it back and start skinning it with the others, Paul should be there, ask for help if you need some"

" Whaaaaa, I have to SKinned it noww?"

Without replying, Al ran off.

Looking at his figure, which was getting further away, Elena Stomped her foot on the ground and walked back towards the camp. " You dirty bastard, running off while I have to do the hard work, Bastard!"

At the innermost section of the Forest, close to where the Waterfall was.

Al was crouched down onto one leg while he was surveying the area.

Two meters away from him were Footprints; there were about 5 inches long and resembled a bird-like foot print.

Even tho, Al wasn't a pro when it came to Dinoasuars, but in his early years, he was interested, and the footprints in front of him resembled to those of Raptors.

Al had noticed these footprints, and every day he would come to a check with the vigilance, and he had noticed that the footprints had not changed nor had new ones appeared.

So if it were raptors, they had moved on. But Al and company still had to consider the danger.

After surveying the area, he quickly returned back to the camp.

After several hours, in the same spot with the footprints, Multiple figures, some that had blood dripping ran out of that area.

I know the story is moving fast, but i don't want to throw in every small details. Soon the plot should starts. I promise your there won't be any moving camps for the time being.

Lastly, break is almost over, so about of chaps that will be released will decline. My open is to still release/create 2 chaps a week.

Happy new years!!

B1gduffcreators' thoughts