
World of mysterious

A bus filled with 30 students and teachers, had left for a trip to the local Mountains. Four ours into the ride, the bus had disappeared.

B1gduff · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Elena Landwick.... Mrs. Trouble

Still, in her thoughts and crying, Al had enough and pushed the girl off of him.

"Yes, it's me, Al Morton, Elena."

Yes, he knew who this girl was! Elena Landwick, a girl he went to middle school with. Just thinking about her brought painful memories for Al, really painful memories.

She was the devil for him in their middle school year. She was also the rival to April, in both looks and brains. Both were 10 out of 10; while April had the bigger chest, Elena had the firm bottoms, which separated them.

Due to this rivalry and the fact that April and Al were close friends in middle school, AL took a fair amount of suffering.

Cleaning herself and leftovers of her clothes, he got up and hugged Al.

" Haha, AL, it's good to see you. I thought I wouldn't have seen anyone I knew. But good to see you, Pal" looking at her face and the smile, Al started to shudder.

While still tightly hugging Al and not planning to let him go. Jessica, who was standing on the side, had enough.

" Hmmm!"

Hearing that sound and looking over at Jessica. Elena quickly pulled herself from, and with an apologetic face turn to her.

" Hi, Mrs. Burns. It's good to see." While still looking at her, Elena noticed the fish jerky in her hands. She quickly turned her attention to Al.

" Al can, I, please get some food and water? I haven't had a good meal in a while."

Looking at her figures, that was not covered in dirt, her face that looked a lot thinner. Al ended their adventure and brought Elena back to their campsite (Shelter).

Al left Jessica and Elena together so that Elena could get cleaned, and Jessica could prepare lunch for them, and he went to his trap site.

To his surprise, his trap had worked; there were 3 medium-sized fishes trapped in there. With the Mangos and Coconuts they picked up on the journey, Al knew they would finally have a good meal!

He quickly gutted and skin the fish. Then he removed the bones and kept them. Into between the 3 fishes, there were about 3 to 4 pounds of meat.

Enough to cook meals and also smoke the leftover in fish jerky.

It took about 30 mins, but he had finished and returned to the campsite with the meat.

The first thing he had noticed was Elena standing there chatting with Jessica.

Standing at about 5'7, Brown curly hair. She noticed Al coming in and showed a blossoming smile.

Al had gotten stark stuck by that smile, and only when just called out to him did he collect his thoughst.

" Earth to Al, Mr. ALbert!"

To his surprise, when he looked over at Jessica, he notices a bit of Anger in her eyes.

In his thoughts, " Wait, is Jessica getting Jealous?"

On the side, Elena started laughing. Then she and Jessica slowly walked over to him.

" Hey, So me and Mrs. Burns were talking and be decided about making fish soap?"

" Plus we have barries and mangos, with Coconuts, we can use those to create a flavor for this soup.

Hearing their thoughts and what they wanted to do, AL agreed.

He let the girls do the cutting while he went and got water from the river.

After getting the water, he also returned and helped the girls out.

Along the way, he also heard from Elena about what happened to her. Like them, they were heading up to the willow mountains, and the next thing she knew was that she was on this island.

To their surprise, there were 3 more members, and they had decided today to separate and find clues, and they were actually quite close to the campsite.

Quickly both Al and Jessica agreed to bring the other 3 members over, as Elena told them that each one of them has helped each.

All of the ingredients were ready and placed in the boiling water. Jessica had decided to stay back the soup while AL and Elena would search for the other members.

Before Al had left, he gave her the knife and extra spear he had made. Seeing this and knowing that Al cared for her, Jessica was happy.

Al and Elena had left for the meetup spot that her crew was planning on meeting. Along the way, the duo talked about all the past things that happened.

For Al, this brought up both the bad and good memories. At the same time, for Elena, it distracted her from what she was experiencing and also brought delight to her face.

Elena suddenly closed into Al, and slowly next to Al, she gently whispered.

" So you and Mrs. Burns.....How far have you gotten," Did you bag her yet."

Feeling her air from her mouth, AL took to step away from her and with a blush.

" Elena, come, what are you talking about" and than he sped up.

Looking at him, walking faster, She started laughing and ran behind him.

" Don't lie, there something going on, just looked at the way she reacted when you gave her that spear and knife."

' hey, if you need help, let me know. I'll help you out!"

Ignoring what She was saying, Al reached the meetup area that Elena and the other 3 were going to meet.

There wasn't anyone here yet, so Al took a seat next to a fallen log, took his water out, and started drinking.

Just then, Elena also caught up to him. SHe grabbed hold of his water holder and also started drinking the water.

Al in Anger, " What are you doing.You..."

Instead of letting him talk, Elena quickly punched him on the head. ' You bastard who told you to run. Goodness, here I am trying to help you bag a beauty, and you run away."

" Look boy, you better get on it before someone else pumps her down"

After drinking the water, Elena returned the empty water holder to Al with a smile and took a seat next to him, and then she laid down on his tight.

" Well, since no one is here, I'm gone take a nap. Protect me, my prince charming" With a smirk on her face to she closed her eyes.

Al in his head. " Damn it, your acting the same way as in middle school. I thought you would have grown up. Don't think I'm gone let this go.

Al then quickly grabbed her nose and pulled it up. Waking her up and with Anger, she yelled and started pounding Al, until they fell off the log, and AL landed on his back, while she landed on top, both facing each other.

" Al, You damn Bastard, you know how much I hate people toching my nose and pulling on it."

"Heyy, don't blame me, who told you to drink my water and lay on me. I'll do it again and again!"

" You Bastard!"

Cursing could be heard from this part of the island for the time being. But eventually, it died down.

Everything that had just happened took about 5 mins to happen. After relaxing themselves, they waited.

"Hey Al, there's something i need to let you know about my crew."

" buts that?"

" I'm sorry I didn't mention this before, but your Ex is with us. I'm sorry, do to the situation, I didn't know how you would react. " Elena kindly looked over at Al when she said this.

To both her and Al's surprise, he actually did have much of a reaction to that news. Whether it was the fact they had to survive, Al wasn't bothered.

Just than, some had called out Elena's name.

" Elena, is that You?"

Looking at the source of the voice, Al had discovered it belonged to a middle-aged man, around the age of 30. To his surprise, the man had a body that resembled a football player.

Following him was a short blue hair woman, and after her came a blonde. That blonde was Ex's Cindy. She was surprised to see Al here, but Al didn't show any emotions to her, which surprised her.

Elena quickly introduced each other. From her, he found out that the middle-aged man was Paul, and the blue woman was his wife, Lisa. Just like them, they also were coming to the Willow mountains to celebrate. He also found out that Paul was a military man.

After the quick introductions, Elena told them about the campsite and asked if they would want to join.

The couple happily agreed. Elena and Al led the way, followed by the couple and then Cindy. Who, while watching AL and Elena at the front, found herself jealous of her.

Quickly, they got to the camp, Jessica was also introduced. By the time they had returned, the soup was ready, and then dinner was served to everyone.

Dinner was like a family reunion. Everyone was happy, and everyone talked, even Cindy was more involved.

After the Dinners, the group had settled next to the fire and kept on talking.

Eventually, they decided on what to do; the girl will help with fiber work, gather food, and cooking. While for the men, Paul and AL would help with the fishing and building, and the girls if needed.

Eventually, it was time to sleep; the four girls slept side by side while Al and Paul slept around the fire. By tomorrow, they would have a lot to do and also had more hands for help.

How's everyone doing!

Just wanted to wish happy holidays to all.

Plus just wanted to ask, how everyone was feeling about the novel? I know my writing isn't top notch and there are alot and i mean alot error. I'm a single man, with limited time. And i hope you all understand and atleast get the general idea of whats happening. Also let me know what i could/can improve or added.

This novel going be a rushed survival novel, with empthasis on the R-18 Stuff!

Who's the first girl you would like to see get mated? and by who? (Just curious)

Next chap, will be fire. So get ready! It'll be out hopefully tommorrow!

B1gduffcreators' thoughts