
World of mysterious

A bus filled with 30 students and teachers, had left for a trip to the local Mountains. Four ours into the ride, the bus had disappeared.

B1gduff · Fantasía
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20 Chs

A month later

Shortly a month had gone by.

The small shed and campsite had now turned into a small village of 6 buildings, nicely created.

There were 4 buildings created for living, Al and Jessica had one, Lisa and Paul, the girls and finally Richard and Peter had one for themselves.

Each of these was about half a small room size, enough room to lay and even store a few items (weapons..etc), also had enough room to sleep next to for two people to sleep next to each other.

Each of the living areas had a bathing/shower area created as well.

The 5th room was the main kitchen, and 6 the room was used for storage.

Thanks to the meat of the Raptors, which was a lot of meat.

it was easily close to 70 pounds of meat they had

The main issue was storing the meat.

Luckily for them, they figure out a way to maintain that food for the time being.

Thanks to the waterfall and running streams of cold water. The group created baskets, using wood and string and placed the baskets with meat into these streams, and tied them with rope to ensure that the basket would be in one spot.

Then they hoped and prayed the meat would still be there.

This also allowed the group to work on different compartments.

Lisa and Elena worked on studying local Animals and plants. April, Jessica, and the rest of the girls worked on making clothes, and other items (cooking pots..etc)

Paul, Richard, and Peter would scout the area. Thanks to Richards's vast knowledge in history, he helped the group create ink and paper to write on.

Using prehistoric methods, taking bark from the trees and soaking them in a pot with water and leaving them in for a few hours, then applying ash to the water, finally heating up the pot.

Lastly, they would remove the water and then crush the bark into almost a paste and finally putting the paste together to form a paper-like structure.

For ink, the group used the feather of the raptor and dried ink from the berries.

Peter took the chance to draw a map and the surroundings.

For Al, during the day, he practiced his spears skill. He also tried to envision the events that happened to him at that moment of life and death, but unfortunately, he couldn't.

Besides that, he had also gotten strong. Not just him but everyone else as well, and they had noticed. This was another study that Lisa and Elena worked on.

Currently, in an area shrouded with trees and brushes, a of group 3 are walking. One of them had a feather and a "book" in his hand, on his back is a spear, the other two are closing watching the area with Spears and shields in hand.

There Paul, Richard, and Peter. It was almost close to evening, the sun was slowly setting, and they had just returned from scouting the area.

With the increased strength and stamina, the group felt more confident in their ability to survive. For the past 3 weeks, they would go out around noon and spend a few hours scouting. They did meet dangerous!

At one time, they met a hog that had attacked them and but they were able to scare it away.

hogs were a common creature in this area, and they would run into a few.

Slowly they had noticed patterns between the hogs and would start to avoid them.

While Elena and Lisa studied at the village, Richard and Peter would study in the wild and then bring the data back.

" Growwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwl"

As the group was walking, a loud, roared sound.

Peter, who was reading his notes, quickly crouched down and had his spear out. While Paul and Richard had their weapons out.

In a crouched position, Peter quickly served the surrounding " Hmmm, this is a new animal, does sound like raptors or anything we've seen. "

" Definitely is a sound that we haven't heard here. but on earth, this sounds closely reminds me of that of a Lion's Roar!"

Peter: "I agreed; from the sounds of it, it seems to be coming in the north direction. Should we head over?"

Richard: " North, hmm, it close to our campsite, definitely worth checking, but the danger will be great.

Paul: Hmmm, what do we have a choice? The closer danger is to the village, the more at risk we are.

Eventually, the group of 3 walked towards the sound.

" Stop!"

In front of the trio, roughly about 5 yards away, layed two dead carcasses.

With the stomaches ripped open, guts out in the open. It was a gruesome scene.

After scouting the area, Paul walked over to the dead carcasses and took a knee next.

Paul: "Two dead hogs, seems like whatever it was, already left

Peter." and Richard had also closed in, both still actively scouting.

Peter: " Hmm, both have injuries to the head/neck area. whatever it was attacked the neck and head area first to get the kill."

Richards searched the area around the kill, noticed footprints, and quickly called over the other two.

Peter: "these are Lion prints...no wait there large than lion prints, no wait, they could also be a tiger's print."

Peter quickly took out his notes and started to draw the footprints.

While Paul and Richard quickly, skins and took the useful parts of the hogs. After gathering everything, they left.

Back in the small village.

Al is seen walking towards the Energy Barrier. " where are you guys? It should be time for you to return".

Al had just finished his training and gotten back to the village when the girls had just told him that the guys were not back, and he decided to go look for them.

He slowly made the journey back to the outer edge, just as he reached the outer edge. His body went on edge.

It felt like his sense were sending him a warning.

back to the trio

Paul: what do you think that was or any guess?

Peter: Hmm, if I have to guess, it was must be a big prehistoric cat. Either a cave lion or sabertooth.

Richard: a big caT! are you sure? We have dinosaurs, but I've never heard of any cats during those times.

Peter: it's true, the time doesn't match. But this is my educated guess.

The trio continued walking to their surprise, about 5 meters away from them, three people headed towards them.

Slowly they met, and surprise was on their faces.

One was Male, around 18/19 years old, with brown curly hair, the other two were females, both around 18/19.

The Male, when he noticed the trio walking over, had excitement on his face.

He quickly ran over to them while waving.

" My Friends! My friends! it good to see others here!"

The group introduced themselves, and knowing there were in the same situation, happily brought them back.

At the campsite, Al was still in his crouched position, patiently looking around.

The danger he was feeling at the moment was similar to what he felt when he killed the Raptors.

Time went on slowly, and the trio plus the other 3 were out of the forest and gradually reaching the outer edges, and finally, they saw Al.

Paul, who was at the lead and the first to see Al, quickly yelled out to the group.

" Guard positions!"

The group quickly formed a small circle around each with spears drawn. The other 3 were lost at what just happened.

But Paul quickly directed them towards Al.

Eventually, they had reached Al.

Paul: Al, what's wrong?

Al: I feel like we're getting watched; something just feels weird. Let's quickly get in the barrier.

The group quickly walked into the barrier field.

Just as they had finally reached safety and those feeling left, AL finally relaxed. But just then, he heard a voice all too familiar to him.

" look at this! I Can't believe it! it's Al Fucken Morton, my favorite buddy!"

Al looked over at the source, and he finally notices a new trio, and to his surprise, he knew them. The Male was the biggest Asshole he knew and also a close friend of dusty, one of the girls, the red hair was his Girlfriend, Becky the start cheerleader and the other girl was considered one of April and Becky's best friends....

Oooh, it was a nightmare.