
World of Mysteries

Vampires, demons and humans have been at war for thousands of years for supremacy. At one point, the demons were about to win the war, so the vampires promised peace for humans for an eternity if they ally with them to defeat the demons. Eventually, vampires and humans won the war and the remaining demons were imprisoned underground...

G1ovana · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The wish

Vampires, demons and humans have been at war for thousands of years for supremacy.

At one point, the demons were about to win the war, so the vampires promised peace for humans for an eternity if they ally with them to defeat the demons.

Eventually, vampires and humans won the war and the remaining demons were imprisoned underground...

It's November 1521, the king of the Vampire Kingdom, Kevin, and his wife, Sophia, decided to prepare a party for their 414 year old son, Theo, who is turning 415 very soon. Theo is a young, tall and handsome vampire teenager who has black hair and green eyes.They asked him what he wanted to receive for his birthday. But the only thing Theo wanted was to visit the Human World. Kevin told him that he can't go because it's too dangerous for him. Theo became sad, so his mother told him that he could go into the human world only on one condition, to go after the sun sets and get home before the sun rises. Theo gladly accepted and went to sleep.

The next day Theo's pet, Puff, who is a vampire dog (just a dog with wings and bigger fangs) woke Theo up. After waking up, Theo decides to go downstairs and is surprised to see that his mother and father are next to a huge chocolate cake. Theo realised it's his birthday today and he is excited to go into the Human World tonight.

After the party ended, he sees that it's almost midnight so he hurries to go in the Human World.

His mother tells him that the humans will not find out that he is a vampire because there is no physical difference between demons, vampires and humans. After hearing that, Theo isn't worried anymore about his looks and becomes very confident.

To go into the human world Theo must use the swordal, a sword that can create portals to different worlds. His father comes to him with the swordal saying "Be careful son" with a calm voice. Theo says goodbye to his parents then uses the swordal. In a few seconds, he disappeared.

Arriving in the Human World, Theo finds himself in a village. He quickly hid the swordal in a bush so that no one finds out he is a vampire.

After hiding the swordal he sees that the people of this village are very poor so he decides that he should ask them how can he help them. Theo then sees a young peasant with blond hair and blue eyes. He decides that he should speak with him. Theo greeted him and asked if he can help the village. The young peasant replied that the village needs lots of gold. Then Theo asked him how can he get enough gold. The peasant replied that it's a cave with a lot of gold inside but its guarded by a powerful dragon. But he tolds Theo that he needs a weapon in order to defeat him, so he invites him inside a house to give him a sword. The peasant gathered a lot of swords so Theo can choose wich one is suited for him. While Theo is thinking of a sword, he asks the peasant about his name. The young peasant replies that his name is Chris Shepherd and Theo happily replies "Nice to meet you! I'm Theo Agassi". After a little conversation, Theo made his mind about which sword to choose. Chris is surprised by his decision and says "Nice pick man, I think that's my best sword". Theo asks Chris if he knows where the cave is. But Chris says it's a long way so he tells Theo that he is coming with him. Theo refuses saying that's too dangerous but Chris replies that he is very well trained and he can protect himself.

After a while, Chris comes with the idea to get going when the sun rises, but Theo says that he is busy during the day so they decided to go next day when the sun sets.

Theo says goodbye to Chris and they finally part ways. Theo realises that the sun is rising so he gets his swordal from the bush and hurries back home.