
World of Mysteries

Vampires, demons and humans have been at war for thousands of years for supremacy. At one point, the demons were about to win the war, so the vampires promised peace for humans for an eternity if they ally with them to defeat the demons. Eventually, vampires and humans won the war and the remaining demons were imprisoned underground...

G1ovana · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The murderer

Theo sees that the sun is rising so he decides to go back in his dimension:

"Chris, it's almost daylight, I think I'm going home."

"Oh come on, stay a little more, we can get in my house when the daylight comes".

Theo knows that his parents are very mad at him, so he decides to stay one more day in the Human World.

Chris and Theo were so tired so they went to sleep.

Theo wakes up, but Chris isn't home, he calls out for him. He looks outside and sees all the villagers on the ground covered in blood. He rushes outside to see what's going on but there he finds hundreds of demons looking at him.

Theo wakes up:

"Hey, are you okay?" says Chris.

"I thin-, I think i had a nightmare.

"Come on, its night time, lets go outside".

They went outside for a walk and then Chris suddenly screams, saying:


Theo looks and sees a villager covered in blood, lying on the street. He comes closer and realises that then villager is dead. His body is full of scratches.

No way, was the dream real?

The demons are here?

But they were imprisoned underground.

They escaped?

How's this possible?

A lot of thoughts are running through his mind.

Theo suddenly says:

"M-Maybe it was a demon". Which Chris replies:

"Impossible! Demons were defeated thousands of years ago! Maybe it was just a human, humans can kill humans too." Then Theo says:

"I'm staying one more day, I'll catch the killer"

He knows that the demons eat only vampire and human flesh so it'll probably won't leave this village.

The next day Theo comes with an idea:

"Okay, I have a plan on how to catch the killer"

"Really? How?"

"When night comes, make sure to get in your house and stay there. I'll fight the murderer"

"But I want to help you ,Theo."

"No, it's too dangerous, stay inside the house"

"Okay, fine."

And they waited for the night.

After a few hours, Theo sees that it's dark outside, so he grabs his swordal and leaves the house. He's walking around the village and sees traces of blood. Theo quickly follows them and when he arrived he is disgusted with what he sees. Theo spots a two meters tall demon with red hair and purple glowing eyes eating a human alive.

Theo screams at the demon:

"Get away fom him!" then the demon looks at him and says:

"He's already dead, just let me finish eating and I'll deal wih you later".

Now angry, Theo grabs the swordal and rushes to the demon. In a second the demon is behind him and punches Theo in the face.

He is very fast and so strong, I can't feel my face. So that's how powerful a demon is.

"Huh? You are still alive? It takes only one punch to kill a human. But you are different, you are a vampire, right? Still, that doesn't make much difference, I'll still kill you with ease."

Theo gets up with an incredible speed and attacks the demon with the swordal.

"Too slow!" Says the demon after punching Theo again. He drops his swordal and falls to the ground.

He's too strong, I can't defeat him , I can't even touch him says Theo in his, ready to give up.

Chris sees all of this and starts to run to the swordal. The demon sees him:

"Hey, what are you trying to do?"

Chris opens a portal and tells Theo to go. Theo refuses and tells him that he should be the one to run from here.

"Wait, are you trying to escape? you can't escape from me!" Then Chris says:

"I know, but he can."

He gives Theo the swordal and pushes him in the portal.

"What are you doing?!"

"Be careful, take care of yourself." Says Chris before Theo is teleported to his dimension.

Theo wakes up in his room.

Was it just a dream?

No, it felt too real.

Then his mother comes to Theo and hugs him telling him that she's glad he's okay. Theo realises that he escaped with the swordal and Chris is alone in his dimension with the demon.