
World of Mysteries

Vampires, demons and humans have been at war for thousands of years for supremacy. At one point, the demons were about to win the war, so the vampires promised peace for humans for an eternity if they ally with them to defeat the demons. Eventually, vampires and humans won the war and the remaining demons were imprisoned underground...

G1ovana · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Dragon's gold

When Theo went inside his house, he saw his mother and father coming to him at the speed of light. His parents asked him why he had stayed so long in the Human World. He said that he lost track of time and he's sorry for being so late. His parents were so mad and his father said with a deep voice "YOU'RE GROUNDED!" and saying that he's not allowed to go anywhere for the next 20 years. Also his father took the swordal and hid it somewhere in his bedroom.

But Theo isn't worried, he has a plan. He'll wait for his parents to fall asleep, then he will quietly get the swordal from their bedroom and wait for midnight.

Theo tries his plan, he finds the swordal, but when he got his hands on it, Kevin was already awake, after realising he is awake, he ran towards his room. Kevin was running after him shouting "Theo, stop! It's too dangerous!" But before he could catch him, Theo was already gone.

When Theo teleported to the Human World he starts feeling very uncomfortable. He's skin is itching so badly, and it was so painful. Then he realised it's still daytime in this world. He knows that he should find a place where there is no sunlight. He sees Chris' house and without hesitation, he burst inside the house. He scared the heck out of Chris. Chris came to Theo madly and said he demands explication. Theo knowing that he can't hide his true identity anymore, tells Chris that he is a vampire, while showing his swordal to him. Theo was embaressed and nervous after he revealed his true identity. But Chris wasn't mad at all when Theo told the truth, actually he was impressed and excited. Theo asks him if he can keep this secret. Chris accepts but only if he tells him more about his vampire life. Theo says that he is a 415 year old vampire and the prince of the Vampire Kingdom.

Chris is shocked and says "Wait, are you 415? That's a lot, I'm only 20 years old" so Theo tells him that vampires can live for thousands of years and he's actually pretty young for a vampire. Chirs says he is convinced and tells Theo that he will keep the secret wich makes Theo releaved. Suddenly night time has come, so they decided to go to the cave and defeat the dragon before daylight.

On the way they saw two knights approaching them. Chris freaks out and tells Theo that they have to hide. They hid in the woods to make sure they were not seen by the knights. Theo asks Chris why they should hide from knights which Chris replies that people are not allowed to go on this path because it's one of the most dangerous paths in the whole kingdom.

Theo asks Chris how they should get past the knights without seeing them. Chris says that there is a shortcut but they need to get past a river. Theo says that he can fly over the river with his vampire powers.

When they arrived at the river Theo grabs Chris and flies over it with him. Chris is amazed by his power and asks him if he has other abilities. Theo replies saying that he also has superstrength and superspeed but his only weaknesss is sunlight.

When they almost reached the cave Chris warns him that hundreds of humans tried to kill the dragon, but no one succeeded. Theo replies that he is different from the others and he will defeat it. Theo grabs the sword and goes into the cave while Chris waits outside.

When Theo entered the cave he saw an enourmous dragon surrounded by a pile of gold. The dragon sees Theo entering the cave and tells him to leave immediately. Theo shocked says "Wait, you can speak?!" and the dragon responds "Of course, I'm the mighty dragon who is ruling this world, and if you leave now, I'll spare your life". Then Theo says with a calm voice "I'm afraid I can't do that" and rushes to the dragon with his sword, prepared to behead him.

"I'm sorry, but I need that gold!" says Theo before trying to kill him. Suddenly, the sword broke. It couldn't get past the dragon's skin.

"You really thought you could kill me with that sword?"

"How is this possible?!"

"There is no sword in this world that can pierce my skin!"

Then Theo came up with an idea. He starts yelling:

"Come on, come to me, loser!

The dragon starts rushing to Theo. He quickly gets his swordal. And after a second, the dragon realises that he is in another dimension. Wait, no, only his head is in another dimension. The dragon couldn't move. It was stuck. Theo closes the portal, cutting the dragon's head in the process.

Theo takes the gold in a bag that he got from the village. He leaves the cave and meets with Chris:

"Wait, did you really kill him?!"

"Yes, but I broke your sword, sorry."

"It's nothing, come on, lets go to the village, the people will be very happy!"

After arriving at the village, Chris yells:


The villagers came to them to see what's happening. They are surprised to see lots of gold in Theo's bag, so someone asks:

"H-How do you have so much gold?"

"I defeated the dragon and took the gold."

"Wait, you defeated you dragon?!

Everyone was amazed.

And that's how Theo Agassi became the hero of the village.