
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Chapter 6: Dungeon

Story Teller: One thing you should know about dungeons is that they randomly spawn in. Once they spawn they don't go away until the core is destroyed. Each wild dungeon resets every 24 hours. To claim a dungeon, the Dungeon Owner must be defeated. The dungeon owner will be revealed by 3 ways. Beat the dugeon boss 100 times, find the secret door, or use an ability or spell to bring him out. When you beat the dungeon owner you must claim the dungeon and in a scenario where the dungeon owner doesn't appear you can claim the dungeon for yourself. Or you can get rid of the dungeon by breaking the core, once the core is broken everything that spawned with the dungeon will dissappear, anything from the outside will be teleported outside with you. For those who wants to be dungeon tamers they must understand what dungeons are. This world many people haven't claimed one. Most of them only beat the owner and left. Letting others wild creatures tame the dungeons. Most of adventurers break the core to get core gems which is a valuable resource to obtain power, upgrade gear, or tame stronger monsters compared to your level.

To tame or control a dungeon one must defeat the owner and claim the core before it revives. Doing so will allow the target to interact with the core and will allow it to customize the dungeon to what ever the owner permits. This is based off mana and life energy.

The last thing I want the viewers to know. When dungeons claimed by monsters and not cleared, it will keep growing and become stronger and stronger. The dungeons claimed by monsters must be cleared weekly or it can cause them to grow so powerful to the point the single slime can be a demi god if the slime dungeon is hidden from the world for 10 years. Now if it was a behemoth dungeon it could be as powerful as demi gods in 1 year. Though behemoth dungeons are almost extinct like, a chance of a behemoth dungeon is .00001 to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. If one ever finds one they must clear them every day or it can grow in power every week.

Now back to the story my viewers.

Kitaro: Dungeon, Dungeon, Dungeon, Dungeon, Dungeon, Lets go to the Dungeon. HAHAHAHAHA.

Stacy: You're so lively haha, you been to a dungeon before? You don't have a party?

Kitaro: This is my first time. I'm just so excited the monsters bodies could be delicious, or if we find skeletons they can possibly be rebirth skeletons.

Stacy: No. rebirth monsters are deadly. You have to find it's magic gem. If you don't they will keep on coming back together and attack you.

Kitaro: Can you tame a dungeon monster?

Stacy: No some has tried but it can't be tamed. They can be captured and taken out of the dungeon. When the dungeon gets cleared after that, they can be tamed that way.

Kitaro: Do you know why? And have you heard of dungeon taming.

Stacy: Okay if you keep quiet. I heard of a high level adventurer taming a dungeon after doing research to them. Depending on the dungeon. It can be powerful or weak. After taming a dungeon you can do whatever you want to it. Also your tame size increases. I heard dungeon taming is very dangerous because the owner is 10 times stronger than the dungeon boss. I'm not sure if its true. The story came from the arcopego.

Kitaro: You mean Archipelago?

Stacy: No silly that is up north by 600,000 miles. Arcopego is a gianormous village of researchers. It's from the west north from here. It is a 3 month trip on horseback. If you find a dragon rider it can be 3 weeks on a dragon.

Kitaro: How big is earth?

Stacy: Very big, I'm not sure myself. The scriptures says the earth was the size of gods pinky or hand.

Kitaro: Well, that's a lot. Stacy is there anyone looking for members? I do have around 1 gold coin, 10 silver coins, and 47 bronze coins.

Stacy: There should be a hire memebers or a free group you can join. Just look at that board near the quest board.

Kitaro: Thanks I'll be going. [ Mind] Hey Merry should I invite others to my group or should I try to complete the dungeon by my self.

????: Interessting?

Merry: [ Mind] I prefer you to join a group, but if you want to go solo you can. It is a dungeon of plant monsters.

Kitaro: [Mind] Can we eat them?

Merry:[Mind] Yes you can. They spawn with the magic core but they are still alive creatures and you can eat them. All creatures have cells and those cells have mana in them. All living things have cells and all things are made of atoms.

Kitaro: [ Goes to the dungeon alone]

Well Merry, it looks like a dungeon of plant monsters like you said. How did you know?

Merry: It is because the paper said it look at the bottom right.

Kitaro: NO WAY. There are cabbage monsters, lettuce, leaks, and broccoli monsters. That is wonderful.

Merry: I can sense a powerful fairy owner. You aren't strong enough to claim this dungeon.

Kitaro: How did you know I wanted to tame this dungeon.

Merry: I can feel it from you, you can't hide your intentions with me.

Kitaro: Hahaha. You are right. So lets train and copy the monsters moves maybe we can learn something?

Merry: Seems like a plan. Go ahead.

Kitaro: [ Enters the dungeon...]

[ Kitaro looks around it is dark but there are luminescent plants glowing its way in the dark. Big glow moss started shining on the walls glowing in a bright greenish blue. It was beautiful like a dark sky with bright stars glowing. Kitaro <Uses appraisal and apprasies all that he can find. Glow moss, due grass, lich leafs, furry drift weeds, others.>

A monster finally appeared, a monster that looked like a lettuce. It attacked and swinged. Kitaro dodges and slices the lettuce monster. The sword breaks and the broken sword is implanted into the lettuce. The lettuce monsters gets up and uses the broke tip of the sword as a weapon swinging it and hitting Kitaro. Since the sword was dull it was a blunt force hitting him in the stomache. Kitaro gets up and uses the heavy 30 pound club and hits it. The lettuce gets destroyed and stored into his empty slots. Kitaro realizing the club uses lots of energy, but is a one shot. He still continue to uses it for one shot hits. (Journey Man levels up level 4) Kitaro wondering why he is feeling more energetic. He starts entering the dungeon further. He encounters a cabbage so big rolling towards him. Kitaro embraces for impact and also swings the club down. That causes the cabbage to explode and die. Continuing on he enters the second floor going deeper into the dungeons clearing out monsters after monsters and gathering their corpses of vegetables.]

Merry: Hey we have so much lettuce and cabbage we can probably sell them for a high price.

?????: [ In the mean while these adventures enter the dungeon knowing the dungeon was weak trying to gain experience and skills. The dungeons thought this group was with Kitaro and let them in. One of the members notices there aren't many monsters and there was definitely a fight in the dungeon, he tells the others and they are now cautious about the situation.]

Kitaro: Woah I can't wait to make food im like a chef now. My cook skill is at level 8. My main level is at level 14. I am getting stronger fighting them alone. If I was in a group the exp would probably be split amongst them.

Merry: I am happy you are happy.

Kitaro: I sense someone coming from our positions. It feels like people.

Merry: [Mind] Maybe we should collect the monsters in floor 2 and hide to see who is coming up.

Kitaro: Okay. [ Hides and waits for them to come down to floor 2.]

????: Hey floor 2 is cleared also. We should becareful.

Kitaro: It looks like a 5 man group. 1 support, 1 tank, 1 fighter, 1 mage, and 1 archer. It looks like a casual all around group.

Merry: This is quite interesting. Would you like to watch them and see how they fight?

Kitaro: Sure.

Mage: I hear monsters on the third floor.

Support: Maybe they caught somone and is having a feast on floor 3.

Archer: Don't think silly Marica.

Marica: I'm just saying it is a bit scary in here.

Mage: Us two girls won't ever be hurt, Ill protect us.

Fighter: Yeah, I am a tanky great swordsman. No need to worry.

Shielder: I can block all of these monsters so it will be alright.

Archer: Guys lets go down the cave some more. We can beat them.

Marica: Dante are you sure we can win?

Dante: I have the best aim and skill with the bow, don't worry now move forward.

Kitaro: [ Mind] They seem confident in thier ability. That seems great. Right Merry.

Merry: [ Mind] We can continue to follow them or we can introduce ourselves?

Kitaro: Ill just sit and watch from afar.

Dante: [ Walks with his crew to the lower floors. ]

Marica: Hey Valador, do you want a speed buff during the fight they are lots of monsters here.

Valador: I just need regeneration increase. I am a shield tanker. With my big shield and my little shield, nothing will get in my way.

Valador: Hey Gojo with that big sword of yours, you should get a speed increase so you can go in and start swinging

Gojo: Yeah good idea. Marica give me that speed boost.

Dante: Everyone listen up. I invited everyone today because I want to clear this dungeon and get a special drop from the broccoli boss. Ive been fighting it for a few times and lost many fights. Just before we enter the boss room put this charm on you so once we reach 5% hp or lower you will be teleported outside. It is a item that can be shared with the group. Just mark your hand with this magical marker and it will teleport you back when you reach low health. This thing saved my life and my other groups countless of times. You got that Sinatta? Don't worry this marker has unlimited useage.

Sinatta: Yeah I will cast smoke bombs and fire flares to distract them. So we won't even reach low health.

Dante: So Sinatta, Gojo, Valador, and Marica are you guys ready to clear this dungeon.


Dante: Let's head out.

[ Enters the 3rd floor...]

[ Dante looking up and and down making sure no traps or monsters can be lurking. Marica activates ( Mana sense ) Shows where all of the monsters are at. Valador and Gojo rushes in and pushes the monsters back. Dante clears the floor with his archer skills.]

Marica: Woah Dante is so cool he has killed 4 monsters at once

Dante: Aright lets keep going on.

Sinatta: Let's go 6 more floors left. " Hmm that void of an energy. If I say something we might be in danger, it looks like that thing is just watching us."

[ They enter floor 4]

Kitaro: They just left the bodies. Lets pick them up.

Merry: Well, you have to pick them up. I don't have a body.

Kitaro: [ collects broccoli, lettuce cabbage, leaks. ]

Dante: [ Kills all of the targets and collects only the dropped gems. Clears floor 4, the group continues on and everyone makes it to floor 9. They clear out floor 9 and reach the boss door.]

Kitaro: [ Collects all of the ingredients even the glow moss from every other floor from 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. ] Hey when we clear the dungeon will there be a teleporter outside of the dungeon or will we have to walk outside?

Merry: There will be a portal sending you outside, or you can investigate the room some more and collect items before leaving so you are fine.

Kitaro: [ Follows on and collects all of the items.]

Dante: This is where we set camp up until we are full hp. Every health point matters. I'll tell the plan and if anyone wants to add on or disagrees speak up alright.

[ Dante discusses the plan.]

[ Alright, me and Sinatta will focus on range and predicting his movements. Marica will focus on healing and buffing. I will throw mana and healing potions to Marica since she is the healer she will focus on healing and regeneration. I will use my special arrows and my other items. Valador and Gojo. You guys are the only defense and melee damagers. We will support you and deal damage as much as we can. We will use telepathy to share our plans and moves. Us yelling out his moves is counter intuitive, it will only make the boss do something different. That is the plan. The boss is a broccoli boss called the Veggy King, and I never beat him once. This is my 10th attempt. His weakness is fire and sharp blades. So for battle I'll be using my flame arrows and sharp piercing arrows. I will also increase my bow damage and pull strength. Gojo, sharpen your blade so it will cut him easily. Marica, make sure you are fully rested because you will support and heal 2 people. Sinatta you already understood the plan so lets do this.]

[ They waited for their health back.]