
Exarch Naielle & Soulbinder Nyami

While Frostfire Ridge had proven to be more fun than he'd initially expected and he'd certainly got a lot of enjoyment out of conquering the Thunderlords and having his way with the handful of sexy orc ladies he'd conquered… there was no denying that he needed to get back to work. Yep, in spite of the pivotal role that Harry had played in securing Frostfire for the Horde and delivering an absolutely devastating blow to the Iron Horde's pride and power… all in all, that was just a vacation.

After all, he has his own base in Shadowmoon Valley to look after, doesn't he? So, after leaving Ger'hel to take care of the day to day issues with the Thunderlord, Harry had gone ahead and teleported himself back across Draenor to the area that the displaced Draenei had most made their home. Maybe he would have stayed in Frostfire if he knew how much had gone on in Shadowmoon after his departure.

As it turned out, he quickly discovered that he'd missed out on quite a lot. For one, Prophet Velen, the leader of the entirety of the Draenei Race… was dead. It really hit home how much this wasn't just a past timeline… no, this was an alternate universe now, wasn't it? Because while Harry hadn't gotten much chance to talk to the guy, he was well aware that their Prophet Velen, back on Azeroth, was quite hale and hearty last he checked.

Garrosh had clearly done a lot of damage to the time stream, but it also made Harry question how much their presence was changing as well. Not like they couldn't not respond when the Iron Horde had managed to invade THEIR Azeroth rather than the alternate universe version of Azeroth, but even still, it was something that ate at Harry, just a little bit.

He didn't have much time to really contemplate it though, because ultimately… everything had gone tits up in Shadowmoon Valley while he'd been away. Velen was dead, having sacrificed himself to purify the Dark Star, while Yrel had been anointed as the next leader of the Draenei. His horny little cum dump was even now preparing to lead her forces in an attempt to push the Iron Horde out of Karabor once and for all.

Harry wished her the best of luck. Hell, he wished he could be at her side. However, he was unable to meet up with her just yet, as he now had his own issues trying to secure a damn food source for his growing garrison! Honestly, if he'd known how annoying this would all be, he probably never would have agreed to run an entire base.

Helping was one thing, helping was what he'd done over in Frostfire, and look how that'd turned out? He'd gotten to have his cake and eat it too, both bloodying the nose of the Iron Horde, as well as having his way with every gorgeous woman that struck his fancy. He'd fucked his way through Frostfire, conquered the Thunderlords, and come out the victor in every possible way.

In comparison, securing food for his garrison back in Shadowmoon was… less than exciting. Still, needs must and all that. Which was how Harry found himself in Elodor right when something interesting finally happened… murder most foul, treachery afoot… hah, he really was looking for any excuse to have some fun, wasn't he?

Still, Elodor was the breadbasket of the entire Valley, overflowing with foodstuffs, which fed most of the Draenei people. And they had a surplus too, which meant that they could in turn feed his Garrison. That was why Harry had shown up in Elodor in the first place, and why he'd cozied up to the Council of Exarchs, who were apparently the Draenei Leaders directly under Prophet Velen… or as it was now, Prophet Yrel, Harry supposed.

He'd gone around doing this and that for the Exarchs, having always been a hands-on kind of guy, in the end. Sure, he had his base now, and sure the soldiers within it had their own tasks to do… Harry wasn't wholly above delegating or anything like that after all. But even as he delegated lots of the little stuff, he knew it was up to him to take care of the big stuff. Sure, he could have sent someone else to handle securing a food source for his men… but that was just it, they were HIS men and HIS responsibility. Even if he'd come to regret taking on the role of Garrison Commander, he still had to see it through to the bitter end.

But after doing a few minor tasks here and there for the denizens of Elodor and their leaders on the Council of Exarchs, something interesting had FINALLY happened. Namely, an Exarch had been murdered. Chief Artificer Hataaru was the Exarch in charge of the Draenei people's Artificers, which as far as Harry could tell, where the engineers and inventors of the Draenei.

He was quite eager, from what little Harry had seen of him, working hard to activate the town's defenses when the Shadowmoon Clan had first attacked. He and Exarch Naielle, the Rangari Prime, had gotten into an argument shortly after, and it was obvious that Naielle didn't think as much of Artificer Technology as she did of her own good men and women, the Rangari of the Draenei people. She especially didn't seem to like that Hataaru was intent on turning Draenor into another Argus, though some of the context was lost on him with that one.

Regardless, Harry had helped Hataaru with a goren problem, only for the Artificer to get himself murdered shortly after. This had in turn resulted in the situation that Harry found himself in now. Namely, one of the Exarchs, an Exarch Maladaar, had wanted to speak with Hataaru's ghost in order to find out what had been done to him, to find his killer.

But two of the other Exarchs, Exarch Akama and Exarch Othaar, had forbidden it. Which, really, regardless of their reasons, Harry found that quite odd. It made little sense to him that disturbing the dead was so taboo you weren't even allowed to do so in order to find their killer. He couldn't imagine a single murdered soul who wouldn't happily take the opportunity to point fingers and see justice done upon the foe that had slain them.

Hell, Harry was half-ready to just use his powers as Master of Death, via the Resurrection Stone that even now sat prettily in its setting upon his finger, to summon Exarch Hataaru back to this world and ask him for the whole truth himself. But before he could do so, Exarch Maladaar had proven to have more of a spine then Harry had first given him credit for. Despite being told no by his peers, the Exarch of the Auchenai was not about to allow the others to tell him what he could and could not do with the authority under his purview.

Soul magic was Exarch Maladaar's bread and butter, it seemed, and he had every intention of getting to the bottom of Hataaru's death on his own if need be, no matter what Akama and Othaar said. Harry was only glad to have left a strong enough impression on the Exarch that he'd invited him along. The powerful young wizard couldn't help but be intrigued by the Draenei soul magics, curious how exactly they worked. After all, he WAS supposed to be the Master of Death.

So, here he stood, along with two Draenei, watching as one brought back Exarch Hataaru's spirit from the dead. Yes, it wasn't just him and Exarch Maladaar. Instead, the Exarch had brought in a Soulbinder named Nyami, who was apparently going to bring Hataaru back so they could speak to him. As Harry watches the ritual take place, his eyes flicker here and there, taking everything in, absorbing every little detail.

However, his focus is somewhat derailed when Maladaar asks Hataaru who killed him, and the Exarch reaches out towards his summoner. Quite abruptly, Nyami ends the ritual, the Soulbinder spouting some excuse to Exarch Maladaar about Hataaru reaching out to her for help, or something like that. Her claims that Hataaru's spirit is scattered and there isn't enough of his soul left to bring back properly honestly ring hollow to Harry's ears, but apparently it IS a thing that can happen among the Draenei, because Exarch Maladaar nods solemnly and that's that.

Except, Harry is pretty confident that there's a lot more going on here then meets the eye. As the two Draenei exit the ritual chamber, Harry's lips curl up into something of a sneer, his eyes focused on Soulbinder Nyami's back. He's gotten quite good at being able to tell when someone is lying to him… especially a woman, even if that woman is an alien space goat with horns, a tale, and purple skin.

Something fishy had just happened here… and luckily for Harry, he had the best way of getting to the root of things, to the bottom of this mystery. His sneer turns into a grin as he lifts one hand to the other, bringing both up in front of his face and twisting the Resurrection Stone, turning it three times as he summons Exarch Hataaru from whatever afterlife the Draenei might be in.

The shade, much different from the soul that Nyami had risen up, slowly forms before Harry, looking about for a moment before gazing at it's Master. Harry's grin just widens, and he begins to ask questions, questions that the shade brought forth by the Resurrection Stone is forced to answer. Some of them, he would imagine Hataaru is happy to answer. Others, about Draenei magics and technology and secrets, the Artificer would likely have been less happy with.

But Harry isn't about to let this opportunity pass him by, and the shade he's summoned has no capacity to refuse him. He is the Master of Death after all, and at least when it comes to the ghosts summoned by the Resurrection Stone, that means his authority and will are absolute. Hataaru, despite being an alien, has no capacity to refuse Harry's magic… and in the end, he tells him everything that the powerful wizard wants to know.

By the time he's done with the shade and has sent the good Exarch back on his way, Harry's no longer smiling. There is a grim satisfaction to his gaze though, as he stares not at the spot where Hataaru's shade had been stood moments before, but at the place where the Soulbinder had performed the ritual intending to summon up Hataaru's soul. Scattered his ass… mm, but Harry would need some level of legitimacy, given what he was planning on doing next. He couldn't just go off half-cocked and jeopardize the relationship between the Alliance and this alternate universe's Draenei.

Even if he did sort of have ultimate authority through his entirely one-sided and utterly lopsided relationship with their new leader, Yrel, the Council of Exarchs had been put in place specifically to act as a check and balance on the Prophet's power, from what Harry had heard. So… it made sense that he would need to move carefully when dealing with a corrupt Exarch, and the toady Soulbinder that was serving his whims.

In the end, Harry had interacted with all of the Exarchs since arriving in Elodor, and he'd gotten the measure of the lot of them… or so he'd thought. Finding out from Hataaru's shade that Othaar had had him killed was a lot more shocking then finding out that the other Exarch had used Nyami to do it. It seemed Harry could read female Draenei better then he could males.

That all said… Exarch Naielle was female, and Harry had gotten a fairly good read on the Rangari Prime of the Draenei People when he'd helped her with collecting some spores she'd wanted her rangari to study. So long as he wasn't… incorrect about his initial assumptions regarding her, Harry could definitely make use of her. And if he did turn out to be wrong… well, he'd have two new Draenei to break in properly, rather than just one…


As another female cry splits the air, Naielle valiantly resists the urge to flinch or squirm. The Exarch was no stranger to torture, no matter how much it filled her with distaste. Her people… her people had been fleeing across the stars for countless years, and the things they'd all witnessed in that time… honestly, it was a wonder they hadn't all shattered ages ago.

Luckily, there'd been long periods where they'd been able to stay far enough ahead of the Legion to be able to avoid having to witness too many atrocities and horrors, to avoid losing too many of their people… to avoid having to resort to certain tactics that turned their stomachs and tested their considerable constitutions.

Unfortunately, it seemed they'd finally reached the end of their rope. Things were looking dire, not just for the Draenei, but for this new world they'd tried to make their home. Naielle had been fully on board with the plan to settle here permanently, to put down roots and try to make this world theirs. She'd even agreed with the decision to rename it Draenor, even though it was awfully presumptuous of them, especially when there were already numerous intelligent species scattered across the planet, from the orcs to the ogres to the arakkoa.

Naielle had wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her days exploring this world and everything it had to offer. Even if she and Hataaru had had their disagreements though, she'd still be shocked and appalled by his death. So, when the Alliance Commander had come to her with a tale of treachery most foul… she'd gone along with him.

She was beginning to wonder if she should. An invisible whip cracks through the air once again, and another cry escapes Nyami's lips as another slice of her ceremonial robes is cut from her by the human male's magic. He's tearing her garments to pieces bit by bit, exposing her to the open air… though so far, his actions don't seem to be having TOO much of an effect.

"I-I will never t-talk, human scum! You won't b-break me!"

There was that. Nyami was not bewildered, or scared, or confused when they came for her. She was defiant and flighty, and she remained both of those things even now, straining against her bindings. It was obvious that, in some way, somehow… Soulbinder Nyami was guilty. That went a long way to assuaging Naielle's own fears. That she'd let herself be tricked by the human, that she'd been led astray. But no… Nyami was involved in Hataaru's death, just as Harry had promised her the Soulbinder was. Now they just had to get the information out of her.

Except… the human, Harry, seemed to have other plans. Rather than get upset by Nyami's continued verbal defiance, he has a carefree grin on his face as he shrugs and lifts up a hand.

"Well, in that case let's shut you up, shall we?"

When he flicks his hand this time, there's no invisible whip-like magic that tears another section of Nyami's clothing off her body. Instead, Naielle watches as the Soulbinder's eyes widen, and her jaw is forced to stretch open as within her mouth, a large vibrantly pink ball grows out of nothing. Straps appear on either side of the ball, elongating and wrapping around Nyami's head, until she's thoroughly gagged by the large pink protrusion jutting out of her lips.

"Now, where were we? Ah, yes."

And then it's right back to flaying the Soulbinder, though thankfully not her flesh. No, Harry continues to whip her clothing off of her, leaving only thin lines on Nyami's purple skin as he strips her naked bit by bit. Naielle watches on, fidgeting and squirming as Nyami continues to cry out, though now her pained cries are muffled by the ball gagging her, even as drool and slobber begins to form on her lower lip and drip down her chin.

Exarch Naielle has witnessed much in her long life. In recent times, she's witnessed even more, she's seen the tortures that the Iron Horde have inflicted upon her people, and she's even presided over some tortures that she and her people have committed against the Iron Horde in turn. Torture was not something that Naielle enjoyed, but it was something the Rangari Prime saw the necessity of, in the end.

However, even with all her years behind her, the Exarch was not prepared for Harry's way of torture, which seemed to be distinctly sexual in nature. She found herself questioning his ways, at least for purposes of informational gathering, even as Harry finishes stripping Nyami down and then approaches the bound and gagged purple-skinned Draenei with a wicked smile still on his lips.

The invisible whips stop, and instead Harry begins to use his hands. One would expect that this would be a lot less painful and an altogether silly thing to do… but from the very first open-palmed smack across Nyami's exposed tits, the Soulbinder squealing around her gag in pain, Naielle can tell that this Harry is MUCH stronger than she gave him credit for.

Outwardly, he doesn't appear any larger than most of the humans she's met by this point. And he doesn't wear heavy armor to compensate, like she's seen some of his fellows do. Clearly, he doesn't need it. There's more to him than meets the eye… but then, Naielle had already realized that, hadn't she?

The Exarch bites her lower lip, as Harry continues to aggressively defile Nyami's body. It can't even be truly called a beating, in Naielle's experienced opinion. The way that Harry smacks and slaps Nyami's sensitive breasts and her navel and cunt… certainly, he's hurting her. But he also gropes and squeezing, making it clear that he's having his way with her… or intending to, anyways.

Nyami couldn't confess, even if she wanted to. As the Soulbinder grimaces and glares at Harry, in between whining and squealing around her bright pink ball gag like a little girl, he doesn't so much as ask her any questions… he just has his fun with her body, her purple skin beginning to bruise from the harsh treatment, even as… she gets wet?

The Rangari Prime would scarcely believe it, but it's true. The noises as Harry shoves his whole hand up Nyami's cunt and fists her right there on the spot are decidedly NOT dry in nature, proving that despite herself, Harry is managing to arouse Nyami, managing to turn the Soulbinder on… just as he is Naielle.

A blush alights on the Exarch's cheeks as she squirms and fidgets where she stands. Nyami meets her eyes with her own, and for a moment the two Draenei females exchange a look of… understanding, almost. It's impossible to find true understanding with the traitor, the Soulbinder was involved in the death of an Exarch, and clearly was working for their enemies.

And yet… and yet, the two do have one thing in common, it seems. Something that Naielle has held within her for quite a long time, never letting anyone have any inkling of, if she could manage it. Put bluntly… Naielle was secretly a submissive masochist. To be fair, it wasn't as if one had much opportunity to explore one's sexual boundaries when one was running for their life. And while an unobservant outsider might question why Naielle wouldn't just throw herself to the Legion given her proclivities, she would never do such a thing.

Her sense of duty and responsibility to her people was simply far too strong to ever see her submit to the Burning Legion solely for her own selfish reasons. She would not betray her people, she would not betray the Rangari who idolized her and served under her, by giving in to such a desire. The Legion would not corrupt her… but even still, there was no denying what made Naielle wet, what made her aroused.

More than anything, that was submission. Submitting to a big, strong man… or rather, a big strong Draenei Male. Unfortunately, she hadn't been able to indulge in that desire for a long, long time. Not since she was a fresh, young recruit, and she and her instructor had engaged in a torrid affair that mostly consisted of him bending her over and fucking her silly for not doing this or that right during training.

… He hadn't made it off of Argus, and in all the time since, Naielle had never found another male who could do for her what he'd done for her. To be fair, she'd been rather busy helping to keep their people alive… and there was the fact that she was an Exarch on the Council of Exarchs, making it rather difficult to find anyone to submit to. One of her peers? No, she couldn't let her own sexual desires get in the way of her work, nor could she let one of the other Exarchs unduly influence her in one way or another.

The Prophet himself? While it made for an arousing idea and Velen treating her like his own personal stress-reliever HAD factored into more than a few of Naielle's masturbatory fantasies, she knew she couldn't ask that of the Prophet, nor even hint at it. In the end, the Rangari Prime had effectively been depriving herself for a long, long time, all for the sake of her people, all for the sake of her duty.

Unfortunately, that clearly hadn't been doing wonders for her mental state. She'd managed to ignore it up until now, but watching this human man treat Nyami like… like she's little more than a piece of meat… it's turning Naielle on immensely. Ostensibly, she should be hear as a representative of her people and the Council of Exarchs. Honestly, she shouldn't have let Harry bring the Soulbinder back to his garrison in the first place, no matter how guilty the treacherous bitch was.

But when he'd come to her, he'd exuded such confidence, such strength… Naielle had found herself drawn to his domineering presence. She'd gone along with it all, and when Nyami had all but outed herself in her haste to try and escape, she'd continued to go along with it, right up until now, with Harry molesting and abusing Nyami's purple flesh, bruising her and playing with her body to his heart's content.

The Rangari Prime should do something, she knows this… but instead she just stands there in the background and squirms. She watches on as Nyami squeals and shrieks through the ball gag, while Harry gropes and slaps at the poor helpless Draenei's tits, pulling on her nipples harshly as milk involuntarily squirts out from the engorged tips.

She likely would have continued watching forever, or until Harry was done at least… if not for him abruptly turning towards her and pinning her in place with his emerald gaze. He gives her a wide smile, and while his order is posed as a question, that doesn't change the fact that Naielle can tell it IS an order.

"Why don't you come on over here and help me out, Exarch? As you can see, this… particular method of interrogation is already paying dividends. It seems to me like you could benefit from learning some of my techniques."

That was a load of talbuk shit if she'd ever heard one, but Naielle doesn't call him out on it. Instead, fidgeting like an innocent maiden, the secretly submissive Rangari Prime approaches slowly, trying and failing not to bite at her lower lip as her eyes dart between his grin and Nyami's flustered face. The gagged Soulbinder is staring at her almost pleadingly… but Naielle doesn't know what she expects from her. A quick death? Not and disobey Harry…

When she gets closer, Harry waves his hand, and quite suddenly Naielle goes ramrod stiff, freezing in place as she feels the cool air from outside the tent they're currently in wafting across her exposed nips and clit and pussy lips. The Draenei Female shudders as she looks down at herself and realizes she's suddenly stark naked, her Rangari armor having vanished into the nether with but one wave of the powerful human's hand.

And then said hands are on him, as he pulls her over by her rock hard teats to where Nyami is. Naielle doesn't fight it, whimpering a little but going along with things as she hungrily gives in to what she's wanted since Harry began… submitting to him right then and there. When else is she going to get an opportunity like this, after all? When else is she going to find a man who can give her what she wants without corrupting her to the Legion or enslaving her to the orcs of the Iron Horde?

In the end, the Alliance wanted to be their allies, and so far the only thing standing in the way of them legitimizing that treaty was Hataaru's death. Once Harry was d-done with her and Nyami, surely they would know the truth, and then they could handle things, once and for all. From there, the Draenei would finally have allies who had their best interests in heart…

Naielle's thought processes aren't entirely wrong, the vast majority of the Alliance would fight for the Draenei to their dying breath… Harry included. But if she had known what submitting to Harry truly meant, if she'd known for instance that he'd already corrupted their new Prophet, the one called Yrel, in his own way… she might have shied away, finding the strength to reject what he was offering in favor of duty and honor and responsibility once more.

But she didn't know any of that, and she'd been fighting against her true self for too damn long. Harry offered what seemed like a consequence-free way to finally get what she desired… and Naielle was all too happy to leap at the chance. As such, when he begins to guide her hands in 'punishing' Nyami for her traitorous actions, Naielle doesn't fight it.

He teaches her how to sexually 'interrogate' Nyami, and not even for one moment does Naielle question him or reject his teachings. Instead, the Rangari Prime abuses her fellow Draenei, molesting her, slapping her, groping her. The Exarch does whatever Harry wants her to do to Nyami's body… until finally, he whips it out. His human cock.

It's a strange color, matching the rest of him, but to Naielle's shock, despite his diminutive stature, Harry's cock… it's bigger than her instructor's was, all that time ago. Or perhaps she's not remembering correctly… but no, Draenei memories are near-perfect, to help with their incredibly long lives. She distinctly remembers those nights of passion with her instructor, of being fucked silly and put in her place.

Even still, the male Draenei who had thoroughly exploited her inherently submissive nature was smaller than Harry, at least in the genital region. There was no denying it, Harry's cock could only be called massive, and it was currently rock hard. Naielle's breath hitches as she watches him flick his fingers. Nyami falls to her knees, but her arms are pulled behind her back and rebound there.

Then, finally, the bright pink ball gag is pulled from the purple-skinned Draenei's lips. She gasps and works her jaw, before looking up at Harry with fearful eyes.

"I will-MMPH!"


Naielle's heart goes thump-thump in her chest, and she nearly crashes to her knees herself right then and there. Instead of doing so, the naked Draenei touches herself, her hooves turned inwards as she moans quietly, one hand on one of her tits, and the other in between her legs. Harry just smiles at her over Nyami's head as he refuses to give the Soulbinder even the chance to speak, his hands on Nyami's horns and his cock buried in the traitor's bulging throat.

He thrusts in and out, thoroughly skull-fucking Nyami without pause and without hesitation. He plows her face with distinct strength, and whether Nyami simply can't manage to gather the strength or concentration to bite down on his cock as he gags her with it, or whether his skin is too touch for her attempts to do much good, Naielle can't say. But she does know that Harry is in total and utter control of the sudden bout of violent oral sex, and it's the hottest fucking thing the Rangari Prime has ever witnessed in her long, LONG life.

Increasing the pace of her fingers in and out of her sopping wet sex to match Harry's own as she watches him slam his cock home into the Soulbinder's mouth again and again, Naielle wishes it were her in Nyami's place instead. Oh, what the Exarch wouldn't give to be on her knees, staring up into Harry's green eyes as he throat-fucked her to his heart's content. Hopefully… hopefully before the end of all of this, he would do exactly that.

For now, though, all Naielle can do is watch… until Harry calls her over again, of course.

"Why don't you come here and help out again? Here, grab her horns… I think you know what to do from there."

And she does. Of course she does. Still, she's a bit slower at first then the man who's so easily taken control of her. As she grasps at Nyami's horns, holding control over the other Draenei in her hands, she saws Nyami's head back and forth along Harry's length, watching with wide eyes as his thick, girthy cock disappears past the Soulbinder's lips again and again.

"Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…

It's an amazing sight to be sure, and Naielle can't get enough of it. Which is why she eventually begins to speed up, attempting to match Harry's initial pace as he stands there watching with a grin on his face. As reward for her fervent actions, the human reaches out after a time… and begins to play with Naielle's breasts.

A shudder runs through the Rangari Prime as she experiences a minor orgasm, right on the spot. Having him nonchalantly begin to grope and knead at her titflesh, playing with her soft, malleable mammaries as she forces Nyami back and forth along his cock… it's everything for the inherently submissive Draenei. By the Light, she should never have been an Exarch. Oh sure, she's done everything she can to bring honor to the position, she's sacrificed her life for her people and her duty… but that's just it.

She's sacrificed too much. She's held back this part of herself for too long. Now… now, Naielle is quite certain she can never go back to the way things were before. This isn't going to be a one time thing, not if she can help it. She wants more… whatever Harry is willing to give, she wants him to want her, to desire her.

So, Naielle leans forward and in a truly slutty and perverse way, offers Harry her lips, lolling out her tongue for him as she hovers her face inches from his. If he wants to kiss her, if he wants to tongue-fuck her mouth… he can. And he does, chuckling at her wanton display of lust and depravity, before accepting her offer.

As Naielle forces Nyami up and down his cock, as he in turn gropes and squeezes her tits to his heart's content… Harry leans forward and captures her lips for his own, his tongue sliding into her mouth and even elongating a bit, far larger than the Exarch thought it would be as he dominates her with the kiss, as he conquers her mouth with his tongue.

Naielle's eyes flutter, and she moans out into his lips as they kiss. Her entire body buckles as she experiences another orgasm, causing her to lean forward onto Nyami, much to the choking Soulbinder's distress as her fellow Draenei finds herself with her face buried in Harry's crotch, her lips suctioned down around the base of his cock, not an ounce of air or oxygen making its way into her system.

Eventually, the Rangari Prime returns to herself and pulls back a bit so that Nyami can breath again, but it's hard. Oh, it's so hard. When Harry finally cums, it's almost a relief… but it's also a relief when he finishes down Nyami's throat, pulling out of her ruined esophagus, only to show that he's still rock hard. The cum that's exploded out of Nyami's nostrils and the sides of her mouth makes the Soulbinder look ridiculous as well, something that fills Naielle with a sense of vicious satisfaction and vindication.

Once the intrusion is removed, Nyami cocks and hacks and tries to speak again with a raspy voice, but Harry just waves his hand, and the same bright pink ball from before inflates inside of her mouth, stretching her jaw yet again as straps come off of it and wrap around Nyami's head, locking the gag in place. Seeing him put the bitch in her place like that… Naielle drops to her knees right there on the spot and opens her mouth as wide as she can, letting her tongue loll out in a lewd fashion as she splays her legs and spreads her pussy lips with two fingers.

Leaning back, she makes the offer of her body and all she has to him quite abundantly clearly, shivering in wanton delight as Harry eyes her, gazing at her up and down. However, eventually he just smiles and shakes his head.

"Not yet, pet. You have to earn it. Don't worry thought, you're well on your way."

Naielle shudders and bites her lower lip as she lowers her gaze, stamping down on the urge to protest, to question. If he says no… then she has to accept that. Though, what happens next is not in and of itself unsatisfying. Nyami is once again pulled up from her knees. She's then spun around, forced into a ninety-degree angle that results in her fat purple ass high in the air, her tail held up by the same unseen force that her arms are as she whimpers, some other invisible force pulling on her nipples, dragging them down towards the ground.

She looks obscene, and Naielle revels in the traitor's misfortune. This was what should be done to every female Draenei who betrayed their kind to the Legion. She would see about getting this sort of punishment made mainstream. As Exarch and Rangari Prime, she had the authority. Hell, she'd see the orc women they captured treated the same way… preferably by the human who was suddenly grabbing her by her horns and lifting her off the ground.

Soon, Naielle finds herself in a new position, one that delights her but also vexes her to no end. Put simply, she finds herself locked in place between Nyami and Harry. Her hands on the traitor's sides, she's instructed by Harry to continue to sexually abuse her fellow Draenei, and so she does, cursing Nyami out, smacking and slapping and groping her, just as Harry has taught her.

At the same time, she's somewhat distracted by Harry's cock, nestled as it is betwixt her thighs. He's not penetrating her though… instead, his massive bitch breaker is thrusting into Nyami's cunt from behind, filling her to the brim, even with part of his shaft stuck between Naielle's legs. It's a testament to how large he really is, that he can effectively fuck two women at the same time, even if all Naielle is doing is giving him a thigh job.

Still, it's immensely arousing, being the cream of this sandwich. Watching his cock piston in and out of Nyami's cunt as he thoroughly plunders her second orifice, Naielle can almost imagine that it's HER cock, as she instinctively humps back against Harry, before humping forward into Nyami. Low guttural moans leaves Naielle's throat, in between her continued declarations at the Soulbinder's worthlessness, as she continues to deride the treacherous Draenei.

It's not even really an interrogation anymore, and Naielle knows that… but even if she knows, she doesn't really care. In the end, she's all too happy to submit to whatever this human wants. This human, who's been the first in who knew how long to put her in her fucking place. When Harry finally cums again, creampieing Nyami's cunt, some of his seed exploding out and splattering across Naielle's navel and thighs, the Rangari Prime shudders and tilts her head back, eyes rolling in her skull as she orgasms on the spot as well.

She's finally right where she belongs.


Harry chortles as he wraps his arms around his newest pet from behind, both holding her up and groping her gorgeous tits for good measure. Exarch Naielle has been such a good sport about all of this… but then, as he'd figured out, she was made to be conquered, she was made to submit. He couldn't begin to imagine how a woman like her had become an Exarch… but then to be fair, when he looked back at all the ladies in positions of authority he'd fucked silly back in Azeroth, he supposed it tracked.

Regardless, even as Naielle is cumming her brains out (and he hadn't even cum inside of her or fucked her yet, he'd just been fucking the Soulbinder!) Harry is pulling out of Nyami's freshly creamed snatch and lining up with the last of her holes. He plunges into Nyami's asshole with gusto, filling her bowels with his man meat while still sliding back and forth between Naielle's thighs.

The Soulbinder positively SCREAMS around the pink ball gag he'd conjured to fill her mouth. He can immediately tell that she's a virgin in this hole, something that surprises him greatly. Honestly though, he supposes he really shouldn't be surprised at this point. After all, it was exceedingly obvious that the Draenei, despite their long-lived nature… were an entirely suppressed race.

Honestly, if he'd been around for thousands of years, he would no doubt have experimented with anything and everything under the sun by a certain point. Certainly, anal shouldn't have been off the table. But already he could tell that the Exarch who he was currently getting a thigh job from as he butt fucked Nyami hadn't had sex in a long, LONG time, so it was quite obvious that something was up.

If Naielle could go without getting her itch scratched for potentially thousands of years, then certainly, Nyami could go without getting butt fucked a single time during all of that as well. Really, Draenei females were turning out to be such sluts… but at the same time, so innocently naïve it was almost painful. Almost, because Harry was more than happy to make use of that naivety, in the end.

Regardless, he plunges in and out of Nyami's assholes while fucking Naielle's thighs again and again. He has every intention of fully breaking the submissive Exarch upon his cock once he's done with the Soulbinder… but he's decided he wants both of them, and obviously Nyami is the more resistant of the two.

Not that he'd given her any real chance to submit yet. She was still as restrained as ever, and thanks to the ball gag she hadn't been able to get a word in edgewise. Instead, he and Naielle were continuing to defile and degrade the Soulbinder's body. He was going to break them both though, because in the end, he wanted a Soulbinder to explain Draenei Soul magic to him, and at the same time, he wanted Naielle to be his voice on the Council of Exarchs.

Especially since, once he was done here, he would be outing Othaar for being the treacherous backstabbing ass that he was. With Hataaru dead and Othaar soon to be dead, that would leave only three left on the Council of Exarchs. Clearly, he and Maladaar were on good terms. Akama, meanwhile, Harry simply couldn't get a read on. He thought he had all of their measure, but Othaar had almost fooled him, so now he didn't know anymore.

Still, with Maladaar and Naielle on side, and their new Prophet Yrel as his own personal cum dump, it shouldn't be too difficult to get two other female Draenei added to the new positions on the Council of Exarchs as well. He'd just have to decide who he wanted, and then fuck them into submission before placing them in their new roles.

After which, the entirety of the Draenei People would effectively be his, what with a majority on the Council, and their Prophet calling him Master. It would be fun, to say the least.

For now though, Harry was focused on the task at hand. He would break Nyami, and then he would break Naielle. Though at this point, the latter had effectively broken herself for him. She was quivering and trembling and clearly desperate for her turn on his cock. He'd give it to her soon enough… just as soon as he was done with Nyami.

Smirking, Harry thrusts forward into the Soulbinder's ass again, while groping at the Rangari Prime's tits and pistoning in and out of her thigh gap. He was just getting started…