

Growling deep in his throat, Harry lets go of Yrel's big blue butt cheeks for a moment, rearing back with both hands, only to delivering two punishing blows. As he smacks her stained ass with a wet clap, he chuckles darkly and pulls on her hips.

"Such a fat-assed fucking tease… can't allow your big bubble butt to go unpunished now, can I?"

His cock is waiting for her, when he pulls her backwards. Her tail lets go of him in shock and her poor cunt finally takes the ENTIRETY of Harry's dick, all the way to the base as she falls back. Her mind goes blank once again, and all Harry hears from the gorgeous Draenei is animalistic squeals and grunts as he pummels into her from behind, fucking her cunt nice and hard.

Her ass cheeks ripple in lustful delight, and Harry releases them to let her big blue bottom clap and bounce and jiggle to it's heart's content under the abuse that he's laying upon her. Instead, his hands slide up her back, and he ultimately grabs onto her horns, pulling her head up and forcing her back to arch as he fucks her and fucks her, and then fucks her some more for good measure.

Yrel's cunt simply cannot cope with such a massive intruder, as the inner walls flex and tighten and squeeze down along his length. Her drooling quim quivers and trembles in the face of his relentless onslaught, until finally, as Harry plunders away at her cunt, he begins to cum, his seed shooting out of his cock and filling her womb, which in turn provokes a series of unending orgasms from the gorgeous Draenei woman.

Looking down into her face from above, Harry grins as Yrel's bright eyes go wide and then roll up in her skull from the sheer pleasure of being pounded so harshly, so roughly. Harry's thick creampie causes the Draenei's taut belly to bulge, and her entire body to seize up. When he finally pulls away from her, letting go of her horns, Yrel slumps forward once again, but this time he can tell that her consciousness has faded to black before her body even hits the ground.

But that's just fine. Harry has an idea of what use to put the Draenei to, while she's sleeping off the fucking she just received.

When Yrel awakens, she's no longer on the floor of the tent. Instead, she wakes up to a familiar warmth that extends from her mouth, all the way to her stomach. Slowly, her glowing eyes open fully and gaze up into Harry James Potter's face, as she finds herself laying out in the bed he'd provided, her voluptuous body coiled up atop his legs.

Harry himself is… napping. Yrel's eyes widen at this revelation as she realizes that Harry is conked out right there on the bed, sleeping lightly as he uses her mouth as a cock warmer while resting. That's how little he thought of her, how worthless she was to him. Her only value was in her holes, her only purpose was in being able to pleasure and please her new Master.

In that moment, Yrel could have simply fled from such humiliation, she could have run away in the face of such degradation and depravity. But instead, the Draenei presses her face on the base of his cock, her tongue trailing out to lick away at his dirty, soiled ball sack. As she cleans him, Harry begins to come to, letting out a grunt as his eyes drift open again. Yrel's own gaze is there to meet his as she does her level best to convey the depths of her intentions, of her desire, of her newfound devotion.

Harry was the only person on this world truly worth following, and Yrel knew that now. She knew it from the bottom of her heart, just as she knew she would stay at his side for the rest of her days, if he allowed it. He was… he was like a Beacon of Light in the midst of rising darkness. Perhaps that was it. Perhaps the Light had sent him to her, to give her guidance.

All Yrel can do is worship Harry with her tongue, even as he smiles down at her and reaches out to stroke a hand through her hair and across her horns. Of course, as gentle as he is with her at first, his grip eventually tightens up… and then he gets very rough indeed as he begins to use her throat to his own ends. But Yrel doesn't mind that. Her new Master is a confident, dominant male… and she loves him for it with every fiber of her being.


"Yrel's back!"

"Yrel, you're home!"

It's amusing and even somewhat preferred, not being recognized on sight. As Harry enters Embaari Village, Yrel's hometown, with the Draenei at his side… it honestly probably makes more sense to say that he's entering it at HER side. Yrel leads the way as more and more people call out to her. There's a crowd of grateful Draenei lining up, all of which are happy to see them, but happiest of all to see Yrel.

Harry is perfectly fine with that though, perfectly happy to sit in the back and just wait and watch. Until, of course, one Draenei female in particular with a surprising resemblance to his newest fuck toy steps forward and makes eye contact with him, even as she clasps Yrel's hands in her own.

"Yrel… and a companion. Am I to assume you helped my dear sister escape the clutches of the Iron Horde?"

Harry blinks at being so suddenly addressed, but he doesn't let any of his surprise show on his face as he gives a confident smile and steps forward, bowing slightly.

"Well, I and my allies helped her escape the mines, but by the time we got there, she'd already killed her captor and was in the process of freeing herself just fine all on her own."

There's some quieting at that, with Yrel ducking her head, even as her sister, because who else could this be, looks at her slightly askance. Ah, had that been Yrel's first kill? Harry knew the Draenei had been training to be a Priestess… and truth be told, he didn't know much about what Draenei Society was like at this point.

In an effort to stave off questions and change the subject, Yrel coughs and clears her throat, before twisting around entirely to present her sister to him.

"Harry, this is Samaara, my sister. Samaara, this is Harry James Potter, the man who saved me, no matter how he tries to dress up the situation."

As Yrel does this, Harry takes the opportunity to actually look over Yrel's sister. The two Draenei are almost identical in stature, with the same hairstyles, the same horns, and voluptuous curvaceous bodies that almost every female Draenei Harry has come across so far seem to share. But where Yrel's hair is white, Samaara's is blue. Where Yrel's skin is a beautiful blue, Samaara's is a dark purple.

Their faces are still similar enough for Harry to believe that they're sisters, but even then, from what he's heard and read of the Draenei Race's history back on Azeroth, he wouldn't be surprised if they weren't sisters by blood, but simply sisters by necessity. The Draenei had been running from the Burning Legion for quite a long time, centuries if not millennia, if Harry understood it correctly. Yrel felt a bit young to him, though that might have been just how easily she crumbled beneath the onslaught of pleasure he'd laid out on her. Samaara though… Samaara seemed a bit older, a bit more mature.

Looking at him, she smiles beatifically, even as she holds her sister's hand nice and firm.

"Thank you, Harry James Potter. If it pleases you, come by my home later this evening so that we may talk, alright?"

Harry gives the Draenei female one last surreptitious once over, and then a wicked grin that he's confident she doesn't quite comprehend.

"Sounds like a plan to me."

Meeting Yrel's eyes a moment later, Harry can see that the white-haired Draenei understands what's happening far better than her older sister does. Which is just fine, because at the same time, Yrel wants it. He can see it in her eyes, she's not even slightly put-off by the idea of him fucking her older sisters. In fact, from the way she's biting her lower lip and moving her hips and rubbing her inner thighs together, she wants it very much.

Good, he has some ideas for what he wants to do with the two gorgeous Draenei women… and it'll take some prep for Yrel's part before he goes to see Samaara later. For now, though, Harry allows the denizens of Embaari Village to throw an impromptu party and feast in his and Yrel's honor, allowing himself to get swept up in the festivities for a time. There would always be time for debauchery later…


"Please, come in Harry. Thank you for accepting my invitation."

Harry walks into Samaara's humble abode all by his lonesome, chuckling as his eyes drift over the alien architecture that is a Draenei's home. Even alien as it is, she still leads him into what is clearly a dining area combined with a kitchen. There, the two of them face one another, and only then does Harry speak, a lecherous smile growing across his face as he steps forward.

"But of course. How could I not, when you gave it so… willfully?"

Blinking slightly at his tone, Samaara doesn't quite catch on at that point, even as she continues to smile at him.

"You saved my sister's life, by both your own account and hers. She might have managed to deal with the orc who enslaved her, but escaping that mine, and then making her way out of Tanaan Jungle without being recaptured… even I, who has complete faith in my sister's capabilities, would have to acknowledge that that would be a long shot."

Harry nods slowly, allowing Samaara to continue on and get to the point.

"I owe you much, Harry Potter. I would ask what I could do to start repaying the debt that our family owes to you and your Alliance."

Striding forward, Harry's grin grows, and quite suddenly he's kissing the tall, alien-like Draenei, even as his hands slide around to her buttocks to give them a nice, firm squeeze. Scratch what he said earlier about hers and Yrel's bodies being mostly the same. Samaara has the fatter booty by far, and Harry can feel that the moment he gropes her ass.

Of course, despite her own innuendo, this was not what the Draenei female meant. She sputters into his kiss, moaning for a second at his touch before remembering herself. When he pulls away, she looks at him with wide glowing eyes, visibly confused.

"A-Ah, I do not understand your human customs, but that was… that was highly inappropriate, among the Draenei. You shouldn't…"

Harry cocks his head to the side.

"Do you not like it?"

His hands are still on her ass, and she seems to realize that, as he molests her thicc behind to his heart's content. Blushing profusely, Samaara opens her mouth to say something else, but Harry preempts her, his grin positively evil at this point.

"Are you sure this isn't how you Draenei are, truly? Because let me tell you about the state I found your sister in, shortly after we escaped from danger."

As he begins to recount the way in which Yrel had attracted his attention, her sluttiness so great that she'd very nearly trapped herself in a pocket dimension as her masturbatory leg kicks had almost broken down the stabilizing pillar in the center of the tent, Samaara's glowing eyes get wider and wider, her blush more and more prominent and pronounced.

Harry is not entirely idle while he's speaking though. He continues to grope and squeeze her ass, and once it becomes apparent that the lewd Draenei female is lost in his debauched tale of her very own sister, Harry begins to move her, pulling her away from the wall he'd pressed her up again and turning her around so that he can use his enhanced strength to abruptly lift the Draenei up onto her own dining table.

She lands on her back with an oof, and before she can so much as prop herself up on her elbows, Harry has torn the crotch of her casual clothing out, ripping the cured leather away and exposing her already moist purple pussy lips. Chuckling darkly, Harry looks up the length of Samaara's voluptuous body and makes eye contact with the gorgeous Draenei.

"Looks like I was right. You Draenei ARE all like this, deep down inside. You loved hearing about your sister being a total slut, didn't you? You're all woefully repressed… but don't worry, I'm here to help. I'm here to SAVE you."

His green eyes flash, and while Samaara notices this, she doesn't have much time to respond before Harry dives down between her legs. Maybe if his tongue were just a normal human tongue, she could have said something regardless of the oral assault he was about to lay upon her, but just as Samaara is FINALLY propping herself up onto her elbows and opening her mouth to speak, she gets a taste of one of Harry's less used traits.

His tongue elongates and thickens all at once, and the end splits like a snake's tongue as he begins to parseltongue the SHIT out of the gorgeous, voluptuous Draenei cunt before him. Samaara squeaks and then squeals, and her head tilts backwards as she stares at her ceiling with wide eyes from the effects of his snake tongue.

He turns her resistance into a gushing mess as he eats her out, pleasuring her with his tongue in ways that he's pretty sure she hasn't experienced in quite some time, if ever. She certainly reacts like a blushing virgin who's never been eaten out before, even though Harry is pretty sure she has to be hundreds, if not thousands of years old.

But for all her age, her reactions are still incredibly humorous in their surprise and shock as she gasps and mewls and shrieks in pleasure under the ministrations of his tongue, Harry's flexible, elongated appendage moving around inside of her like it's a snake all on its own, playing with her to its heart's content, until eventually, he brings her off.

Pulling his tongue back and transforming it back into a normal, human tongue as it slips back into his own mouth, Harry reaches down and finally pulls his cock out of its confines. Seeing this, Samaara's glowing eyes widen again in panic, even as she gurgles a little bit, not even able to muster words at this point. Meekly and rather weakly, she tries to shift away, even as he lines his cock up with her cunt.

Unfortunately for her, Samaara's slight, ineffectual struggles have the effect of causing him to end up in the wrong hole, as a last-minute jerk away from him as Harry thrusts forward causes his cockhead to line up perfectly with her virgin ass instead as he slams home into her back door rather than her gushing wet cunt.

Luckily for the Draenei, her pussy has been dripping down into her ass crack for several minutes now, providing at least minor lubricant as Harry fucks up into her ass, slightly surprised by the extreme tightness, but rolling with it all the same. Samaara is not so easily able to just ignore what's suddenly happening to her. Her tail swings around wildly for a long moment, hanging off the edge of the dining table as it is, before finally just wrapping around his waist, even as she bleats for mercy.

Said bleating goes unheard by Harry as he holds her by her thighs, keeping her legs splayed open and pounding into her ass nice and hard. Her leaking quim continues to flow pussy juices down onto his pistoning prick, providing all the additional lubrication he needs to fuck her back door as hard and as fast as he'd originally planned to fuck her cunt.

Samaara tries to stop him, she tries to push him away, but it's clear that her heart's not in it, even as his enhanced strength and durability makes her pushing completely ineffectual. Despite the fact that she has at least a head of height on him due to her sheer size as a Draenei, he's in control here, he's in charge, he's the stronger of the two of them.

All Samaara can do is cry out in an ugly fashion as he fucks her ass nice and hard… and because she cries out so loudly, shrieking and screaming and bleating for mercy like the space goat she is, Yrel takes that as her cue to finally enter the domicile.


His… his phallus is buried deep in her ass, and Samaara isn't quite sure how it all spiraled out of control so damn fast. She wasn't… this wasn't… she had had no idea humans were such lewd, wanton creatures! Certainly, over the centuries that Samaara had been alive, she'd seen plenty of debauchery in her time. Much of it had come from the Burning Legion itself. She knew that the temptation of flesh could lead to damnation just the same as anything else the Legion offered to them, be it knowledge or violence or pain.

Of course, sex itself, debauchery itself… these things did not lead to becoming Eredar by themselves. There had to be an element of fel introduced, somewhere along the way. That was half of why she wasn't fighting Harry nearly as hard as she should have been. The other half was the simple fact that it felt far too good for her to make him stop now, even if she was putting up a nominal struggle in the face of his depravity.

Still, while Samaara and her people had come across promiscuous peoples on the worlds they'd sought refuge on before, they never involved themselves with those races. The orcs in fact, were a primal tribal species that had all sorts of rough mating rituals from what Samaara had heard of them, but still the Draenei had avoided getting involved with that… that sort of thing.

When she'd told Harry that she wanted to repay the debt that she owed him for saving her little sister, Samaara had not had this in mind. She'd thought maybe she could swear herself to serving the Alliance like Yrel seemed to have, and then she would be able to settle the books so to speak that way. But it turned out Yrel hadn't sworn herself to serving the Alliance. Based off of what Harry had told her, her sister… her sister had sworn herself to him personally.

If it was true, if Yrel really had acted so sluttily and attracted the human male's attention, then Samaara supposed it made sense that he would think she wanted to do the same. And now here she was, not even able to tell him he was wrong, her voice lost to her as his cock, his thick, massive, throbbing cock, plunders her anus nonstop and over and over again.

But things get all the wilder, and Samaara takes another hit to her sanity when the backdoor to her home opens up, and her sister trots in. Laid out as she is on the dining table, Samaara tilts her head back at the sound of the backdoor opening, and at first, she can't quite comprehend what she's seeing, because she's staring at Yrel upside down.

It doesn't take long for Samaara to properly process the state her sister is in though, the humiliating and altogether degrading state that Yrel is in. Her breath hitches, and her blush intensifies on her purple skin as she stares at her sister. Yrel is blindfolded and gagged with a mount bit. Her arms are in turn bound behind her back, and she's garbed in a set of skimpy black leather straps that hide none of her assets and in fact accentuate her bare blue tits and large blue ass.

She looks… she looks like a common mount, rather than the Acolyte of the Light that Samaara knows her sister to be. Led by seemingly nothing but Harry's scent and the sound of sex, Yrel staggers blindly to Harry's side. Samaara watches her the entire way, whimpering and pleading without actually saying anything, as if her gaze alone can change what she's seeing.

When she reaches Harry's side, he proffers up a hand and Yrel nuzzles against his shoulder, even as she humps his palm with her gushing wet cunt, which only causes it to gush even further. Samaara finally finds the words as she watches this, finally finds something to say.

"Y-Yrel… Yrel please… w-what are you doing? You, hah, have to, ah, stop t-this…"

But the tone just isn't there. She can't exactly act the part if disapproving sister when she's getting butt fucked by the very same human that Yrel is currently submitting to so happily. Harry just chuckles, while Yrel seems to get even more turned on by Samaara's inability to take the high ground, her efforts to grind her cunt into Harry's proffered palm only getting harsher and more vigorous in the face of Samaara's words.

Eventually, Harry reaches up and grabs the bit in Yrel's mouth, pulling it off of her. As soon as he releases the mouthpiece, Yrel drops down to her knees and dives between his leg. Samaara's eyes widen as a moment later, she feels the tongue of her broken-in sister licking at her while alternating between her body and Harry's balls.

With a loud groan, Harry finally cums, his cock buried deep in her bowels as he does so, bloating her taut, firm, toned stomach with his seed as he coats her back door in white, hot, sticky cum. Samaara's eyes widen, and then promptly roll back in her head at this, a torrent of pussy juices exploding from her quim, positively bathing Harry's smaller, human form.

For a moment, Harry and Samaara are both still, the latter recovering and the former grinning wickedly, even as Yrel continues her efforts down below. Then, the human man speaks.

"You were right, Yrel… your sister is just as much of a needy, horny slut as you are. You were right to suggest her for me."

Samaara's eyes widen at that, a stab of betrayal alighting within her heart. She can't really muster the strength to fight back at this point though, nearly broken and beginning to feel severely dehydrated. Noticing this, Harry smirks as he cocks his head to the side. Reaching down between his legs, he grabs Yrel by one of her horns and pulls her out from under him.

"Yrel, your sister looks thirsty… why don't you take care of her for me."

Still blindfolded and bound as she is, it takes Yrel a little bit of effort to climb up onto the table. In the end, Harry has to give her the first push, allowing her to get the rest of the way there. Once she's actually up on the table, Yrel feels for her sister's body with her knees, and as much as she wants to pull away, or do anything to stop this from happening, Samaara can only lay there, wide eyed and exhausted as Yrel slowly finds her spot.

Said spot turns out to be right above Samaara's face. The purple-skinned Draenei only realizes what Harry's words meant when she finally sees the state of her younger sister's two holes. Both Yrel's cunt and her ass are freshly fucked and filled to the brim with white, hot cream. They're both creampied with Harry's jizz, and as Yrel squats over her sister's face, she also spreads her holes wide. Samaara barely has a chance to whimper, let alone cry out for Yrel to stop, before the younger Draenei has planted herself down on Samaara with a wet squelch.

Facing Harry, even if she can't see him, Yrel bites her lower lip seductively, even as Samaara is forced to eat her out just to be able to breathe. Her nostrils are constantly flaring as she ends up taking in far more of Harry's musk than she ever thought possible, even while her younger sister grinds her creampied cunt and fat cum-filled ass down on her face.

She needs the air, because while Yrel is abusing Samaara, while the white-haired Draenei is forcing herself upon the blue-haired Draenei, Harry is not idle. His messy cock, still rock hard, lines up against Samaara's dripping cunt once again. This time, the Draenei can't offer up any resistance, her legs slack as he slams home into her pussy and invades her depth.

Giggling wantonly and needily atop her sister, the blindfolded Yrel begins to lean forward, moaning happily as she expresses her joy.

"More! Fuck her more, Master! Take it, Samaara! Enjoy it! This is the truth of the universe! This is what you and I were made for!"

Harry just chuckles and gives Samaara exactly what he gave her broken little sister. He fucks the fat-assed Draenei's pussy as hard as he can, pounding into her quim with all his might. Samaara, for her part, is beside herself in pleasure, shrieking and squealing up into Yrel's cunt in equal measure, only her chin visibly as Yrel grinds her pussy lips down onto Samaara's mouth in such a way that the other Draenei can't NOT eat her younger sister out as she lays there, trapped between and beneath them both, unable to escape.

Samaara's shrieks and moans vibrate up into Yrel's cunt and ass, providing the white-haired Draenei with no end of her own pleasure as she tosses her head back and moans wantonly herself, grinding down, gyrating her hips back and forth, positively riding her sister's face as her own tits jiggle and bounce in front of Harry.

Usually, this would be where Harry would be saying something, perhaps holding Samaara by her hair or her horns and telling her how it was going to be from now on. But this time around, he doesn't really need to do that. Not when he already has a loyal, willing servant to do it for him. Yrel is his greatest proponent now, it seems, and even as he fucks her breaking sister through orgasm after orgasm with his great big bitch-breaker of a cock, Yrel continues to shriek and squeal out her feelings, even as she grinds down on Samaara's face.

"This is where we belong, Samaara! Don't you see? We're meant to be Harry's; we were always meant to be Harry's! We're to be his worshipful beasts of burden! Bred to pull his cart, to plough his fields, and to be used in any way he wishes! This is what we've lived for so long for! This is the destiny that we've waited for!"

He's not too sure about the veracity of all of that, but at the same time, if that's what Yrel wants to believe, Harry certainly isn't going to stop her. Samaara, meanwhile… is reacting to her sister's words in a surprisingly positive way. Slowly but surely, the purple-skinned Draenei's hands have come up from her sides. Where before, her arms had been limp at her sides, completely useless as he ate her cunt out and then fucked her ass, like she wasn't quite willing to fight back but didn't know what she truly wanted… now, Samaara latches onto Yrel's legs, wrapping her hands around her younger sister's thighs.

Yrel lets out a cooing noise as she leans over Samaara's face, her arms tied behind her back still, restrained and unable to do anything but wiggle around.

"Oooh, yes sister! Just like that! Just like that!"

Samaara seems to actually be getting into things now, and Harry can feel it too. Where before, her orgasms had felt a bit reluctant, even as numerous as they were as he forced them out of her, now… now it's like she's consciously flexing the muscles of her cunt around his pistoning, thrusting prick. Harry chuckles at the novelty of it all, even as he fucks Samaara all the harder, getting more turned on by the Draenei's apparent submission.

Was that truly all that Yrel had to say in order to break her older sister properly? She just had to declare the two of them his beasts of burden and claim they were destined to become little more than his mounts and fuck toys? If that were the case, then Draenei women really were more repressed than Harry ever could have imagined. Or at the very least, these two sisters were incredibly repressed, horny, needy sluts deep down inside, who had never wanted anything more than to get fucked by Harry's big fat cock.

Alternatively, it was entirely possible that Samaara was starting to asphyxiate on Yrel's smothering cunt and ass. Given the way that the younger Draenei was grinding down oh so hard on Samaara's face, it was possible that the purple-skinned female was starting to get a bit light-headed, all things considered. She probably couldn't breathe right now, and if she couldn't breathe, well, it only made sense that she would try to do everything possible to make more air get into her lungs.

In the end, it doesn't really matter which it is. Harry isn't going to stop fucking Samaara until he's satisfied, and Yrel isn't going to stop grinding across her sister's face until her Master is done as well. If worst comes to worst, Harry is pretty sure he can bring Samaara back to life, given his renewed status as Master of Death. Altogether, her pussy is getting tighter and tighter, and he can't stop fucking her, not at this point.

At the same time, Yrel's big blue tits have been bouncing and jiggling away in front of Harry's face for ages now as he's contemplated all of this. Due to the difference in height between them, and the angle at which Yrel is currently leaning forward as the blindfolded Draenei gyrates her hips across her sister's much more willing tongue and grinds down on Samaara's face, Harry's lips are only inches from Yrel's nipple.

So, without further ado, he reaches up and grabs hold of his pet Draenei's breasts, startling the blindfolded female as she moans in happy surprise. Yrel had to have known he was there but knowing was different than seeing or feeling. As it is, Harry gives her a lot to feel as he leans in and captures one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking, slurping, and then biting at her breast for a few moments before changing over to the other one and repeating the process.

Yrel squeals and moans even more wantonly than before under this abuse, seemingly loving it as Harry treats her titties like a pair of big ole candies, sucking away at them, slurping at them, and even biting at them harshly. Her breasts are his playthings, just as much as the rest of her is though, so of course she never shies away, she never tries to pull back, no matter how much he hurts her as he bites down.

Instead, she juts her tits forward, arching her back in order to thrust them at him all the more, moaning wantonly and even leaning forward more over her sister's body, unbalancing herself in the process due to her arms being bound behind her back. She falls forward a little bit, but Harry has a good hold on her, and she doesn't really go anywhere as he continues to abuse her tits to his heart's content, as he fucks her sister beneath her all the while.

Samaara's cunt walls are continually flexing around his cock now, tightening and squeezing up sporadically and swiftly. She's spasming beneath him and Yrel, and she's all the more satisfying for it, her pussy clinging to his cock even tighter than her sister's had when he'd fucked Yrel into a stupor time and time again.

Harry is finally closing in on the brink, so he lets go of Yrel's tits again and pushes the white-haired Draenei back into position so that she's fully grinding down on Samaara's face once more. Then, he grabs Samaara by her thighs harshly, and begins to piston in and out of her all the faster, slamming into her cunt and thrusting up against her cervix with every thrust. Yrel must be able to detect the change in tempo, be it via the sounds she's hearing, or the way she's feeling Samaara's body jolting and being jarred beneath her.

Either way, she too speeds up her riding her of sister's face, panting breathlessly in anticipation, until finally, Harry begins to cum. Yrel orgasms explosively in the exact same moment as she hears her Master's tell-tale groan fill the air, and together, they practically flood Samaara with their combined fluids. Harry's seed unloads directly into Samaara's womb, pumping her full to the brim with his cum in a second hole, just as he'd filled her ass up with his white, hot ejaculate.

Meanwhile, Yrel's pussy juices flood Samaara's mouth. This combination of pussy juices and semen seem to be enough to tip Samaara to cum one last time as well, before ultimately passing out from both the pleasure and the lack of oxygen actually getting to her brain at this point. As Samaara passes out, her tongue going lax, Yrel leans forward again, this time all the way so that her face should be where Harry's is. This causes her to lift her luscious hips up off of Samaara's face as she catches Harry in a deep, long lip lock.

He responds positively of course, grabbing his blindfolded mount by her curved horns and pulling her further into the lip lock for about a minute. At the same time though, he's using his magic to check on Samaara. She's still breathing, it would seem. Yrel was likely moments away from asphyxiating her own sister, but in the end, it turned out that luck was on Samaara's eyes.

Pulling more viciously on Yrel's horns, Harry drags her off of her sister and off of the table as well, almost violent as he forces her down to her knees, his cock popping out of Samaara's freshly creampied cunt in the process. At the same time, Yrel's lips pop off of his, and a moment later, they're suctioned around his dick again as Harry feeds her his member, right down her pretty little throat.

Yrel takes it like a champ, blindfolded and tied up and dressed in skimpy black leather straps still at this point, and Harry groans as he tilts his head back and just enjoys her tongue working over his shaft. Of course, if he'd taken off the blindfold in that moment, if he'd simply removed it and looked down into Yrel's eyes, he would have seen something that might have concerned him.

Hidden by the blindfold, Yrel's eyes gleam with such fanaticism and devotion and zealotry that even Harry would have been given pause… if he'd actually seen it. As it is, he's focused altogether on having the white-haired Draenei clean off his cock with her tongue, and with the blindfold in the way, the look in Yrel's eyes remains hidden… as do some of her new intentions.

What she'd said while she was grinding down on her sister's face and nearly drowning the older female Draenei in a baptism of Harry's cum wasn't just for show. It wasn't just said in the heat of the moment because of lust or passion. Sure, both lust and passion had played their part in what Yrel had said… but the truth of the matter was, she believed every word of it.

And she was pretty sure it didn't extend to just her and her sister either. Harry James Potter was their Lord and Master… and it was Yrel's duty to spread the good word to as many as would listen. He… he would save them from the Burning Legion, if they submitted to him, she was pretty sure. He would deliver unto them salvation, if they merely accepted him as their Master.

This was what Yrel had decided was the truth. This was the moment in which Yrel the Acolyte was set aside and replaced with the Draenei woman who would one day be known as Yrel the Fanatic.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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