
Ashildir, Queen of the Valkyra

As he stands before the statue of Ashildir, Harry lets out a somewhat put-upon sigh. What was he even doing here, really? The powerful wizard had allowed himself to be led here by the dick, if he was being honest. Even now, Sylvanas was being rather cagey about precisely what she needed in the Vault of Eyir. And THAT was putting Harry somewhat on edge.

All he truly did know was that he'd come to this Vrykul City of Skold-Ashil on Sylvanas' bequest. After their time together in Helheim, he'd been feeling pretty damn good about himself. Helya was… handled and would remain handled for the foreseeable future. He'd done his best by her, and as he'd promised her and Sylvanas, Harry would make sure to continue doing his best by both of them until it was finally time to return to his world.

Hm, perhaps that was half the reason he was so willing to go along with Sylvanas' unspoken and vague plans for as long as he had so far. It wasn't guilt, per say… but might as well have been. There was this weight upon him, this pressure that existed solely because he knew he wasn't planning to stay. Indeed, his goal was to leave after all was said and done, and so he felt… compelled to do his best to help Sylvanas until that time came.

And that involved getting her into this Vault. Which in turn had involved Harry undergoing the Rite of Ascension. Seeking out the shrines within the temple of Skold-Ashil, Harry had had to fight his way through a great number of Tideskorn shield-maidens and Valkyra aspirants. All of them were quite loyal to Eyir, and Harry could respect that loyalty, which was why he'd endeavored to leave them all alive.

Call it what you will, but when you had the sort of power he had, it left a sour taste in his mouth, killing women weaker than him. Even women as deadly and ferocious as this lot, who seemed most dedicated to his death. Indeed, a few had even come back for seconds after getting healed up from their first bouts with him.

Harry had still left them alive, though with perhaps a bit more to remember him by, from humiliating smacks across their massive asses, to tweaking their nipples through their tops. Those who he had… properly embarrassed in that way had NOT come back for a third time, and Harry had slowly but surely made his way to all of the shrines within Skold-Ashil's temple, performing the rites and gaining four different, but connected blessings.

With the blessings coursing through him, Harry had then returned here, to the statue at the heart of the temple. He was given to understand that this was a statue of the great Valkyra Warrior, Ashildir, who Skold-Ashil was actually named after. Harry was the kind of guy who not only liked to know who and what he was dealing with, but also enjoyed history for history's own sake.

As such, he knew quite a bit about Ashildir. She was, after all, a Queen in her own right. Queen of the Valkyra, she was the warrior woman who had set about founding the order of female Vrykul warriors in the first place. The Valkyra were a sister organization to the Valarjar who aspired to be Val'kyr and in turn supported the Val'kyr themselves. And Ashildir, despite her death centuries ago, was their Queen and still led them to this day.

To get into the Vault of Eyir required one to undergo all of the Rites of Ascension, as Harry had done. On top of that however, there was one last form of security. One had to earn the approval of Queen Ashildir as well.

Letting out yet another sigh, Harry sinks to his knees before Ashildir's statue and sinks into a somewhat meditative state. Focusing on the blessings he's received from the rites, he communes with the statue and… after a moment, feels something answering his call. No, not something, someone. Lifting his head, Harry watches as the spirit of Queen Ashildir appears before him, the Valkyra Queen staring down at him with her arms crossed over her chest rather imperiously.

Now… Harry knew an awful lot, but he did not know everything. He was not Omnipotent or Omniscient after all… not yet at least. That said, what Harry currently did NOT know was how Ashildir came to be before him.

Unbeknownst to Harry, it was entirely through his acts that she had been freed from an unjust imprisonment, recently. Indeed, Bonespeakers here in Stormheim had stolen Ashildir's bones from their resting place to prevent mortal outsiders from receiving her judgement and completing the Trial of Valor.

Unfortunately for the Bonespeakers, one might call what had happened to them an Act of God. Put simply, Ashildir's spirit had been freed from her imprisonment by a titanic shift in the plane of Helheim… brought on by Harry's absolute fuck fest with the Goddess of Helheim, Helya herself. In doing so, in taming the Goddess and plowing her utterly silly, Harry had unthinkingly and unintentionally freed Ashildir from her imprisonment before the Bonespeakers could even do anything about it.

Meanwhile, the Bonespeakers, who had tried to draw on the power of Helheim to bind Ashildir's spirit to their God-King, were still suffering the backlash of that decision even now.

This was all to say, when Ashildir appeared before Harry, she knew of him just as he knew of her. However, where Harry had been curious enough to read the Vrykul histories around the temple and city while he'd been undergoing the Rites of Ascension, Ashildir's knowledge of HIM came from momentary glimpses and barely comprehensible images of his and Helya's… raucous time together.

As she only saw the barest bits of what he and the Goddess of the Underworld had done with one another, Ashildir did not know or care to know the truth behind Harry and Helya's relationship. What the Queen of the Valkyra DID know however, was that Harry was fornicating with HER god's greatest enemy… and that just wouldn't do.

Eyes narrowing, Queen Ashildir sneers down at Harry.

"You, Chosen of Helya, are unworthy to face Eyir. Begone from this place. I banish thee, never to return!"

For a moment, Harry tenses up, both angry at the caustic words and worried that the spirit might actually have power to back up said words. However, even as he draws on his own magics to defend himself from being suddenly expelled from the temple and maybe even the city… nothing happens.

He can't help but feel a little embarrassed, and MORE than a little irritated, especially when Ashildir notices and scoffs at him derisively. Bristling, Harry grits his teeth, his eyes narrowing in anger. This fucking bitch…

Not to mention, the other Valkyra are watching. He'd fought his way through all of them to get to this point, and by leaving them all alive, he's gathered something of an audience. In the face of Ashildir's rejection of him, there is a roaring cheer and a jeering laugh that rises up among the shield-maidens and the Valkyra warriors who had followed him to her statue.

Looking back at them for a second, Harry sees the cowardly bunch of bitches are already forming a corridor for him to walk through, as if they expect him to just… leave in the face of this rejection. Turning his attention back to Ashildir sees that she's smirking happily now in the face of her followers' approval, and already beginning to unravel and leave the plane of the living once more.

Well now… that just won't fucking do.

"I think not."

Before Ashildir can disappear on him, Harry reaches forward… and grabs her by the wrist. Squawking in shock at his ability to even TOUCH her spirit form, the Queen of the Valkyra can only yelp as she's suddenly pulled forward. Spinning them both around, Harry sits down on the raised step in front of her statue… and subsequently bends Queen Ashildir over his lap. The living female Vrykul watching this have all gone silent, staring with wide eyes at the strange sight of the mortal human wizard with Ashildir astride him.

"Unworthy, am I?"

Still caught up in shock at him being able to take hold of her, Ashildir doesn't stop him from flipping up the back of her armored skirt. Big mistake. Grabbing her undergarments, Harry tears them off of the big-bottomed woman, revealing said big bottom in all of its pale, ethereal, see-through glory. And then, he rears back that same hand… and brings it down in a harsh spanking that echoes through the temple chamber.



The entirely undignified squeak that emits from the Queen of the Valkyra's ghostly lips is most definitely a prelude for what is to come. Harry, grinning wickedly, lets his gaze ghost up from Ashildir's bent over form to the rest of the women watching them. Hm, if he doesn't want them to attack and make this more of a hassle for him then it already is, he should probably say something.

"I shall SHOW my worthiness, then! I shall claim you right here and right now, before the City named after you, and before the shield-maidens who follow you! Stop me, Queen Ashildir, if you can."

There. With those words, spoken loudly and clearly, he's made it abundantly obvious what's happening here. Namely, this is a one on one challenge between him and their Queen. If any of the Valkyra or Tideskorn dare to interfere now, then they will bring dishonor not only to themselves and their people, but to their Queen as well.

Heh, not that Ashildir is bringing herself much in the way of honor, at this point in time. Thoroughly unused to being held in the clutches of a living man when she herself has been incorporeal and spirit for centuries, the Queen of the Valkyra squirms but does so entirely ineffectually as Harry doesn't just hold her by his hand… but by his magic, keeping her bent over his lap seemingly effortlessly to those watching on, as his free hand comes up and then down again.


With every impact of his palm across her fat ass, Harry is forcing some of his magic into her. He's getting better at this… doesn't even need to be bodily fluids like his cum anymore. No, instead the magic that exudes from his palm is doing the trick for him… and slowly but surely, as Ashildir squeals helplessly and hopelessly in the face of his assault, Harry manages to force her back into a corporeal form… an actual solid body.


One last impact across her rosy-red ass, and she's fully solid once more. Only then, as she tries to scream curses at him and manages to do nothing but continue losing face in front of all of her followers, does Harry step up his game. Namely, he pulls his middle finger in on his hand… and shoves one finger into her ass while the other two go straight into her pussy.

Two in the pink, one in the stink, as it was always said back home. Despite the size difference between them, Ashildir was a spirit up until a moment ago. Centuries upon centuries without the touch of a man. To say her holes were tight would be an understatement. But just to be safe, Harry also used a bit of magic to… enlarge his fingers.

Nowhere near the size of his actual cock, of course, THAT would be a treat Ashildir would get to experience first hand in just a little while. For now, first, she was experiencing just his hand, with his fingers pistoning in and out of her asshole and her cunt at the same time, roughly thrusting away at her holes as she squeals, bent over his lap for all to see.

Harry smirks as he looks up into the gobsmacked and slack expressions of the Queen's followers. The Valkyra have never seen anything like this, and though plenty of them are simmering with anger, they can do nothing in the face of his challenge. No, the only one who can stop them is Ashildir herself. And Harry can see it in all of their eyes… the longer she DOESN'T stop him, the more they start to wonder, the more they begin to doubt.

Chuckling darkly, Harry picks up the pace, feeling Ashildir's reluctant wetness growing more and more. Her forced arousal is starting to make the Queen of the Valkyra quiver, and Harry… Harry has no qualms about pushing her right over the fucking edge.


As Queen Ashildir cums, she's turned into a shrieking mess, squirting all over his palm as her tight ass and cunt muscles both clench down around his fingers in turn. Harry smiles, amused as her entire body, so very physical and solid, shudders and spasms atop his lap. Then, without further ado… he pushes her off of him, letting her fall to the ground in a very corporeal heap at his feet.

Standing, Harry adds an extra foot to his own height for this next part, masking his sudden growth behind his movement as he rises to his feet. The end result is that when he reaches down and yanks Ashildir up onto her knees, her head is level with his crotch, rather than level with his chest where it would be otherwise.

Yanking back HARD on her hair, he forces a cry of pain from the Queen's mouth. That alone would be rather humiliating, though in all fairness to Ashildir, it was her first time in centuries being capable of experiencing physical pain. Still, the result is exactly what he wants, which is that her mouth drops open nice and wide.

Without hesitation, Harry shoves the fingers of his sullied hand into her gaping maw, forcing the digits, messy from fingerbanging her holes to completion, right past her lips. Ashildir gags and chokes, but Harry does not relent, making her taste her shame. Once she's sucking down, albeit reluctantly, he lets go of her hair and begins to smack her face with his free hand, the palm across one cheek, and then the back of his hand across the other.

Ashildir sobs from the pain, but continues to suck, and all of her followers, all of the Valkyra and Tideskorn shield-maidens who follow her can only watch on. Her humiliation… and her reluctant submission, lend weight to Harry's next words.

"I deem you unworthy of your title, Ashildir of the Valkyra. I deem you unworthy of your so-called gods. You are no shield-maiden. You are no QUEEN!"

He sneers as he speaks these words, each of them hammering through the air with great emphasis and force, rocking not only Ashildir herself, but her women as well, every single Valkyra, every single shield-maiden stumbling as his snarl fills the temple. Then, light a light switch being thrown, he lets his sneer morph into a wicked smirk.

"However… there is one thing you are worthy of."

Rearing back his hand as if to bring it down for another slap, a still-sucking Ashildir flinches in full view of everyone, further cementing her humiliation and defeat. But rather than smack her around some more with his hand… Harry reaches down with it and instead frees his cock from the confines of his robes, unleashed his erect bitch-breaker and letting it smack down LOUDLY against her tear-stained face.



Squealing around his fingers, Ashildir's eyes are wide as saucers on her tearstained face as she goes cross-eyed just looking up at his massive member. Indeed, even in his currently taller form, Harry's cock is disproportionate with his body… and completely unenhanced at the moment as well. This is just what he's fucking working with, and that knowledge leaves a confident, calm smirk on his face as he smears his throbbing, meaty member across the Valkyra Queen's cheeks.

"You may hold no right to the title of shield-maiden any longer, disgraced as you are… but you'll make a perfect cock-maiden, a warm little sleeve for my pleasure."

For the first time since this all started, some form of life returns to Ashildir's eyes. Her outrage is palpable, as is the outrage of her followers. But as before, only one among them can possibly gainsay Harry. Only one can truly fight back and stop this from happening. Heh, he absolutely loves backwards meathead warrior societies like this one. Even as angry as he's making some of the living Valkyra right now, none of them will step in. It's unthinkable, to offer assistance to one who will not help themselves.

In that moment, Ashildir's eyes hold a spark, a mere ember of her former self, of her anger and righteous fury. She opens her mouth wide, and Harry withdraws his fingers. Perhaps she thinks he's going to let her speak. Perhaps she thinks he's going to let her say her piece.


Obviously, that's not what happens. Transitioning his fingers from her mouth to the top of her head, Harry grabs hold of Ashildir's hair with that very same hand, holding it fast as he takes hold of his massive member with the other and promptly shoves it into her waiting maw. He is not gentle, nor merciful. He does not hesitate nor pause for even a second. Instead, he slams his cock into the back of her throat, and as she gags, a strangled muffled cry erupting from her cock-stuffed lips, the last ember of defiance and rebellion is snuffed out in her eyes.

Those big wide eyes of hers stare up at him, empty and unseeing as he begins to fuck her face right then and there in front of all of her followers.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

He's none-too-gentle about it, his second hand moving to join the first, gripping down tightly on a braid that mere minutes ago was ethereal and incorporeal. But alas, Ashildir's time with the dead is come and gone. She's among the living again once more, all thanks to Harry's power… and she's all his to do with as he pleases.

As his cock barrels its way down her tight, convulsing throat, Harry can see the Valkyra reaching that understanding. He can see as the light of realization of just how thoroughly screwed she is finally makes its way to her vacant eyes. Slowly, heat rises to her tearstained cheeks, and her tongue… her tongue begins to move along the underside of his pistoning bitch-breaker of a cock.

Harry grins down at her approvingly, and seeing this, Ashildir begins to work all the harder to please him. It's just as he said. She is unworthy of her gods. She is unworthy to be called shield-maiden. But he's giving her another path. He's letting her put herself to another purpose. As his first 'cock-maiden', she will serve him well, oh yes.

It doesn't happen immediately, but over the span of the next several minutes. Slowly but surely, Ashildir's hands begin to wander, not really having anything to do. He's relentless in forcing his cock down her throat after all, and with the rapid-fire speed that Harry is pistoning away at, she can't even get a good handle on his balls, not with how they're bouncing against her saliva and slobber-coated chin again and again.

Instead, as they smack against her face, she lets her tongue loll out and licks at them slavishly, showing a surprising amount of devotion and adoration towards her new master, despite the recent and forceful nature of her… conversion.

But then, Harry is beginning to understand that this is just how Vrykul women are. They were made to be conquered, made to be dominated, made to be shown their place by a big, strong man. They served Odyn faithfully after all, with only Helya actually bucking the trend. Now… now, they would serve Harry. Starting with their fucking Queen.

Ashildir clearly has no problem with this, as her ass, still bright red from his spankings, slowly begins to jut out more and more behind her. Her back arches, her spine bending as she takes on a sluttier and sluttier position. The provocative nature of her current pose might be lost on her, but it's not lost on the Valkyra and Tideskorn currently watching the scene with wide eyes.

That anger from before… does Harry detect it lessening, just a tad? He smirks as he sweeps his gaze across them all, looking them each in the eye while skull fucking their Queen into oblivion. Ah, but it's not just that… Ashildir proves MOST eager to show her followers how far and how quickly she's fallen.

Over the noises of her gagging and gurgling and choking on his bitch breaker of a meat rod, Harry hears it first… the squelching, shlicking noises from down below. But just because he hears it first, doesn't mean he sees it first.

Some of the Valkyra warriors watching are looking lower than where his cock is currently lodged deep in Ashildir's throat. Glancing down to see what they're watching; he lets out a bark of surprised laughter as he puts those noises to the action that's creating them. Namely, Ashildir has well and truly broken for him, and he hasn't even fucked her yet. Her own hands have betrayed her, and she's begun fist-fucking her two holes, her red ass jutting out for all to see and her digits disappearing up to the furthest knuckle in both her back door AND her cunt.

The harder he face fucks her, the harder she fist-fucks herself, until the squelching noises are loud enough to reach all the onlookers, drawing their eyes downwards. Those with anger in their hearts find that anger turned to horror and disgust and dismay at what they're witnessing. Ashildir isn't just not fighting back at this point… she's actively PARTICIPATING.

Meanwhile, those with interest in their eyes have that interest transformed into something more… into intrigue. They're watching closely now, the lot of them, as Harry conquers their Queen right in front of them.

Smirking evilly, Harry watches Ashildir make an absolute fool of herself, until finally she cums screaming on his cock, her muffled shrieks as she squirts all over the floor between her kneeling legs vibrating up his length. With a loud groan, showcasing his complete control over the situation, Harry explodes in release as well. His seed comes squirting out of Ashildir's nostrils, her throat bulging as she gags horrendously from the sheer amount of white hot sticky substance being forced down her esophagus.

Much of his cum ends up exploding out of her throat. Plenty comes out of her nostrils, as previously mentioned, while even more comes out of the sides of her stretched mouth. As it explodes all over the place, Harry grins and slowly begins withdrawing his cock from Ashildir's throat. In doing so, he decides to play a bit of a game… and finally enhances his cock a bit for the next part as well.

The result is rather comical, as the member that leaves Ashildir's obscenely stretched lips is obviously bigger than the one that went in. Though, how many of the Valkyra and Tideskorn watching actually notice that is certainly up for debate. In the end, it matters little.

As Harry's gargantuan member pops free of Ashildir's gasping lips, he lets go of her hair and watches as she collapses backwards onto the ground, completely insensate, her body splayed. Stepping forward, he reaches down and tears the rest of her armor off her body, ripping it to shreds with his bare hands in what he knows is an impressive display of strength even among these warrior women.

With their Queen disgraced and naked before them, they all watch on with bated breath as Harry kneels down between her legs and slaps his enhanced cock down onto her stomach. The Valkyra warriors and Tideskorn shield-maidens can only look on in lust and horror as his gargantuan phallus, perfect for breaking them all in and knocking them all up, stretches past their Queen's stomach and ultimately ends only with its head laying snugly between her massive tits.

Once they've all born witness to his current size, with Ashildir moaning and writhing beneath him, visibly insensate, Harry smiles and slowly, almost languidly draws his cock back along her rippling abdomen and sweat-coated body. Finally, he smacks the head of his cock upon the Queen of the Valkyra's twitching clit and speaks one word laden with power and emphasis.


To her credit, despite being so obviously beaten and broken in many ways… Ashildir holds out, in her own way. Groaning pitifully, she keeps her lips clamped shut… while at the same time, trying to rise her hips and catch his cock on her opening and closing, gushing wet pussy lips. But Harry just moves away, provoking a whine from the Valkyra Queen that's subsequently followed up by a yelp when he just smacks her clit with his cock once more.








Each time he smacks her clit with his cock, she begs a bit harder. Until the final smack breaks through whatever resistance she had left… and Ashildir, Queen of the Valkyra, well and truly shatters.


Smiling cruelly, Harry grabs Ashildir by her hips, his hands squeezing tightly down on her thighs… and slams home into her hot, wet snatch. She's so fucking tight, not least of which because of how BIG he is. With a grunt of effort, Harry yanks Ashildir up off of the ground, standing for a moment before gracefully stepping back and sitting down on the raised platform just in front of her stern, powerful-looking statue.

Its there, as the rest of the population of the city looks on, that Harry bounces Ashildir up and down on his cock, fucking the squealing mess of a Valkyra Queen silly. Its there, as he thrusts up into her from below, that Ashildir rides him while screaming deliriously and praising his cock.


Squealing, Ashildir cum continuously upon his member, eyes rolling around in her head, tongue lolling out of her mouth. Her tits press into his chest as her arms wrap around his neck for support. In response, Harry reaches up and grabs her by her braid once more, pulling her down into a vicious tongue-filled kiss.

Making out with her new Master, Ashildir pleads and begs for more in between their tongues wrestling for supremacy (not that Harry's ever loses). Her inhuman cunt muscles squeeze his entire length, and only her slickness allows him to escape her clasping, clenching quim again and again. Her orgasms fill the air with her cries of passion, her pleasured face hidden from view but her rippling, spasming body visible for all to witness and see.

From the point of view of her Valkyra Warriors and the Tideskorn shield-maidens, there is just their Queen… riding the biggest phallus any of them have seen in their lives, and clearly enjoying every moment of it. Her fat ass cheeks clap with every bounce upon his cock, striking against each other and the top of his legs to create quite the cacophony of noise as flesh strikes flesh again and again.

Meanwhile, the squelching of her tight cunt wrapped around his massive, gargantuan shaft is only overtaken in volume by her wanton moans and lewd cries whenever she throws her head back to once more sing his praises. The number of times Ashildir cums for him upon his cock… Harry easily loses track of. But there's no denying he's enjoying conquering the Valkyra Queen with his cock, no denying he's enjoying breaking in his new slave just as much as she's enjoying being broken in.

Still, he's getting close to cumming… and if he's going to do so, then there's only one way this can end. Pulling back from Ashildir's lips, he brings his hands down to the Valkyra Queen's waist and yanks her up halfway off his cock for a moment, before spinning her around with her still halfway impaled on his length. She squeaks at this as she suddenly finds herself face to face with all of her followers.

But far from being embarrassed, Ashildir is jubilant as Harry, hidden behind her sweat-covered, quivering form, reaches around to grasp and grope at her tits, giving them a good hard squeeze as he ups his tempo right then and there.

Legs splaying out to either side of him, the Queen of the Valkyra gives up on trying to contribute in any meaningful way entirely. She's just along for the ride now, still cumming her brains out as he fucks her harder and faster from below then she could even fuck herself, if she wasn't completely within his grasp. Still, just because she's been turned into little more than a cocksleeve here and now, at the final hour, does not mean she can't help in other ways. Such as… via speech.


Harry, with his head hidden behind Ashildir's rippling back, can only assume that they're definitely witnessing her. He hasn't checked on the mood of the onlookers for quite some time, but he can't imagine they dispersed in the short while that he's been focusing entirely on Ashildir and breaking the Queen upon his cock.

No, they're definitely still there. If he listens closely, he can hear their pants, and the sound of hands moving over chiseled bodies. Grinning, Harry picks up the pace even harder, causing Ashildir to yelp and then moan all the more wantonly.


She's got good timing… or maybe it's her words that tip him that last little bit over the edge. Regardless, Harry begins unloading in Ashildir's womb a moment later. With her legs splayed out, everyone there bears witness as he fills her with his seed. Her muscled stomach positively BULGES as he cums and cums and cums, until she looks like she's pregnant already. Indeed, he's consecrated her cunt with his seed. He's fucking consecrated it a dozen times over, from the size of his load.

Eyes rolled back in her head, tongue lolling out of her mouth, Ashildir twitches and spasms rather lewdly, but does not resist as Harry slowly pushes her forward off of his cock. As she falls onto the ground, face down with her ass up, booty shaking and twitching and jiggling involuntarily in the air… the juxtaposition between the reconstituted Queen of the Valkyra and her stern, stalwart statue couldn't be more massive.

Indeed, Ashildir, first of the cock-maidens, ever the trailblazer, is downright unrecognizable from her old statue, which even now is glaring down at all of them, for all that its merely stone.

Harry, meanwhile… wasn't quite done as it turned out. He's still cumming, even when Ashildir is pushed off of his cock and on the ground. In the end, he bathes Ashildir from head to toe in a true baptism of seed before his release FINALLY peters out. A full deluge of his cum coats both her insides and out, and Harry smiles with a sort of grim satisfaction… even as he begins to fall backwards.

He probably shouldn't have fully taken over for that final part there, Harry reflects. From forcing himself to operate under the handicap of letting the female Vrykul harassing him throughout his time in the temple live, to reconstituting their Queen in a corporeal form, to enhancing his own body in numerous ways throughout the show… he's spent a bit more of his stamina than he intended.

As exhaustion takes him, he's surprised to find his back doesn't strike cool stone, his head doesn't smack against rock. Rather, instead… he's caught by Valkyra Warriors, the onlookers from before having closed the distance between him and Ashildir when he wasn't paying attention.

Harry stiffens, not entirely sure what their mood is like at this point. He'd stopped paying them any mind when he'd started fucking Ashildir properly and had willfully blocked off his view of the crowd of Valkyra Warriors and Tideskorn Shield-Maidens when he'd displayed their Queen before them like a trophy and fucked her into oblivion right in front of their faces.

It was… entirely possible that the angry among them were still there and about to slam weapons into his currently exhausted body. Tensing up, ready to do his level best to defend himself even in his current state… Harry blinks blearily through tired eyes and realizes a moment later that there's no need.

Whatever anger or fury or outrage the Valkyra had towards him for the defilement of their Queen, has melted away in the face of her consecration. Either that, or the ones who hate him, who are angry at him, have been pushed away entirely. Right now, he is surrounded only by moaning, mewling bitches in heat. How does he know this? Well for one, they're all moaning and mewling… like bitches in heat. For two, they're all naked.

Panting like the whores his display has turned them into, the Valkyra who surround him have stripped off their armor and clearly taken their hands to their own bodies, to play with and pleasure themselves while he was filling their Queen with his cum and then coating her with even more of the white, hot, sticky seed.

Now? Now they bring those same hands to HIS body, roaming them over his form as Harry lays there, cradled in soft tits as they surround him. Six of the massive assembly of Valkyra and Tideskorn are lucky enough to get to his cock before their sisters and line up to pleasure his member.

One of them is lucky enough to take up position at his cockhead, suckling at it needily. Two more take up positions on either side of his gargantuan shaft, worshipping and slurping away at the massive mast that broke their Queen. Finally, the sixth Valkyra warrior is down below, and is taking his massive balls into her mouth one after the other as she sucks and slurps away at them.

Harry luxuriates in all the sensations being visited upon him for a moment, before a familiar voice cries out from the ground a few feet away. Ashildir, still laid out in a pool of her own cum, calls to her followers.

"Yes! Yes, my Valkyra! Join me in allegiance to a worthier Master! What have the Titans truly done for us in so long?! Come! Partake of this bounty! Partake of my body, that our beloved Master has consecrated with his seed!"

There's a rush of moaning bodies, as any of the Valkyra warriors and Tideskorn shield-maidens who had been holding back at this point finally lunge forward at their humiliated Queen's open invitation. They can't help themselves. After Harry's display of immense machismo, there's only one thing the lot of them want… and that's his seed for themselves.

With Harry himself currently swamped and surrounded by the majority of the higher ranking Valkyra, Ashildir is in turn swamped by the lower ranks, who all want a piece of her, their ravenous tongues licking up the white liquid expelled from his cock off of her body and the ground alike, with the most adventurous of them working their tongues into her cunt right then and there to try and pull even more seed out of her stuffed womb for them to partake in.

Harry watches this with some mild amusement, even as he leans back into the chest of the Valkyra currently acting as a bed for him and smiles. With the attention he's being paid down below, Harry has… no problem with just resting for the moment and recovering some of his strength. After all, he'll no doubt need it for the challenge ahead. Whatever Sylvanas wants with that Vault, he'll help her get it… no matter what it takes.


Sylvanas Windrunner smirks knowingly as she strolls through the empty streets of Skold-Ashil, up to the temple that houses the Vault of Eyir nearby. She and her Dark Rangers hear and smell the fruits of Harry's labor long before they even lay eyes on them. But hearing the wanton moans and lewd sucking noises and smelling the heavy scent of arousal and sex on the air, is nothing compared to witnessing it firsthand.

Turning the corner, Sylvanas' smirk grows to spread across her entire face as she beholds the mass of bodies that writhe across the entire length of the temple. The city's whole population is here, from the least of them to the greatest of them. And they're even arrayed in that order as well. The weakest, the lowest born, are on the outskirts of the utterly massive orgy. Further in, however, the higher ranking can be found… with Harry and… wait…

Even Sylvanas lets out a bark of incredulous laughter as she peers closely at one of the Valkyra in particular. It is. That's… that's the Queen of the Valkyra, Ashildir herself. Sylvanas can scarcely believe her eyes. Helya had been sure to warn her about Ashildir, telling her that it would be difficult to get past the spirit and into the Vault.

It was why she'd set Harry on the task, knowing that the human mage had a knack for both undead AND women that would almost certainly seem him through. But never in a million years had she presumed he would somehow manage this. Ashildir, corporeal once more and quite alive, was currently moaning and writhing under a pile of bodies as her fellow Valkyra were feasting upon her cum-coated flesh and slurping out her cum-stuffed quim.

Yes, the display is a wanton one… and Sylvanas' ear twitches as she hears Ashildir extolling the virtues of serving their new Master, of worshipping him and setting aside the Titans, their old gods. Harry has been VERY busy indeed.

As her Dark Rangers look at the cum-drunk Valkyra around them rather jealously, Sylvanas just smirks and muscles her way into the mix. She is the Banshee Queen after all, and she's not afraid of a bunch of meathead warrior women. She does, at one point, have to use her banshee form to slip over a particular congested chokepoint of writhing bodies, but then she's there… just a dozen feet away from Harry, who currently lays on a makeshift throne of even MORE warrior women flesh.

Catching his eye, Sylvanas smirks and crawls the rest of the way, moving sensually and swaying her hips as she climbs the 'dais' and up onto his 'throne'. The Valkyra warrior currently sucking him off is in for a rude awakening when she finds out just how strong the lithe Banshee Queen is, as she grabs the Valkyra by the shoulder and throws her off to the side. Before she can do more than let out a strangled protest, that particular warrior is pulled down by her fellows, all of them hunting for even the barest taste of Harry's cum from her sucking lips, or his precum from her tongue.

Taking the place at the head of Harry's massive member, Sylvanas marvels at the current size, imagining he had to enhance it to be able to truly handle the half-giant women around him. If he used THIS thing on her… well, her current body would likely be torn in twain. Nevertheless, that doesn't stop Sylvanas from noisily and lovingly kissing his cockhead, her tongue working at his glans as her red eyes stare up at him, pleased beyond measure.

Pulling away after a moment, she moans wantonly.

"You've done well, Harry. So very well. Thanks to this little distraction of yours, I was able to walk into Skold-Ashil completely undetected."

Harry snorts at that, lying there languidly with his eyes half-lidded. Indeed, she had walked in undetected and unmolested… because literally everyone in the all-woman city had been here, watching him defile their Queen, and then falling all over themselves to be the next to be defiled in turn.

Sylvanas lets her grin widen after giving Harry's huge bulbous cockhead another quick tonguing, before arching her back and thrusting her tits out.

"Mmm, indeed, thank to you… we even caught a little Alliance Spy that almost managed to escape and warn the others. Without the Valkyra around to hide her scent, the mutt was easy for my Dark Rangers to pick up."

"I'm HUMAN, you bitch!"

As Harry's eyes light up with interest, opening fully for the first time since she arrived, Sylvanas lets out a laugh and turns to the sound of the voice. Among her Dark Rangers is the prisoner, trussed up and held in place no matter her struggles. Lorna Crowley glares helplessly at all of them, her eyes constantly darting to Harry's cock, clearly struggling to comprehend the sight of the largest phallus she's ever seen.

Wrapping her hand around the thick top of Harry's cock, Sylvanas hums in amusement.

"Sorry, but at this point, can you really blame me? Your homeland, Gilneas, really HAS gone to the dogs."

Lorna Crowley's answering growl of anger is almost as cute as it is bestial, and Sylvanas can't help it, she lets out a peel of laughter before speaking in a sing-song tone.

"Not helping your care, darling~"

Whatever the Gilnean woman might have said in response is lost, mostly because Sylvanas turns back to face Harry's cockhead properly… and despite its current MUCH larger size, the Banshee Queen effectively unhinges her jaw anyways to take his cockhead into her gaping maw and begin suckling and slurping at his dick with the help of the five Valkyra Warriors she HASN'T kicked off of his gargantuan member just yet.

She hears no more from Lorna Crowley as she does so, meaning the woman must be stunned into silence at the sight, at least for the time being. Good. She should know her place and watch for now. After all, she'd more than likely be participating soon enough…


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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