
World Jumpers

Experiencing adventures, fighting monsters and having fun - doesn't that sound fun? Explore different worlds and be celebrated as a hero - that's what the profession of the World Jumper makes possible. But in this profession lies the future of our world and the people from another world.

Otomo_sensei · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 The World Jumpers

My englisch is not the best so please have mercy :Y

World Jumper

..... How does it feel to have fun in life, to feel that feeling of looking forward to the next day. To think about your future or to get up in the morning with a smile. I'm 17 years old now and I still don't know what I want to be, pathetic right? I live a lonely life without friends or any plans for the future...all I want is to never have to worry about all that again. I want to live a life where I don't have to make anyone proud. I want to live a life where I can do what I want and not have to conform to our society. What is so bad about living your life alone? Yeah, I don't have any friends or a girlfriend, what's so bad about that? What is more satisfying than living your life alone, without having to pay attention to the feelings of others and having no one to pull you down. You have yourself and only yourself to take care of and no one else.



Well, this way of thinking would have been senseless in the past, because it was seen as normal to have friends and to be socially integrated. But this all changed when people made contact with people from another world. It was a day that changed humanity forever....

One day, out of nowhere, a portal appeared in downtown Tokyo from which people emerged. But they were not ordinary people who came out of the portal, among them were elves with pointed ears. People with horns who were ogres, and people with long blue and white robes who turned out to be mages. These people told us that they came from another world and that the time had come for the earthlings. They said that they had been watching us for a long time to find out who was worthy. Of course, we humans reacted as expected with confusion and no one knew quite what these things were and what they were saying. But out of nowhere an elderly man with a long white beard stretched out his hand and from nowhere a holographic image with thousands of pictures of people and young children appeared. The Old Man explained that their world and ours was in danger from demons and that the Earthlings were the key to success.

wh-what do you mean?! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?! who are you anyway?!?!?!?!?!'' shouted one of the policemen, pointing his gun at the man.

It is as I said, our world and yours is in danger of extinction by the demon army. You humans are the key to success, because with our help you will be able to become World Jumpers. ''

wo-world jumper. '' a woman asked the man questioningly.

That's right, there are certain people who have a gift, a gift that allows them to go through so-called world portals and access such worlds. These are worlds that you can only enter through one of these portals and in these worlds there are world iteams. We will need these world iteams if one day the demons start their attack. And should that day come we will need every jumper.... ''

That was the conversation that changed our lives forever, since that day a new profession was born that everyone could now learn. The profession of the World Jumper, jumping through different worlds, experiencing adventures and fighting monsters. Of course, this does not sound very good and well it' s not. The problem with the whole thing is that while anyone can become a World Jumper, not everyone should become one. Not everyone is suitable to become one, we had to find that out when we sent the first generation of World Jumpers through the portals into the worlds. First days, then weeks and finally months passed without any sign of life from them. After 2 months, one of the World Jumpers finally made it back alive, but instead of being happy about it, he told us about the things he had seen. He was in a world without food or drinkable water, it was a gloomy and depressive world. On the first day, the man felt nothing, everything seemed normal, but after 1 week of lonely walking, the man felt like he had less and less desire to continue. It was almost as if he had lost any sense behind it to continue and to live on. After 2 weeks, the man turned around without success. But by then it was already too late, because at that moment he no longer felt anything. No joy, fear, anger, hope, sadness he felt...nothing. At that moment he considered taking his own life, but what separated him from the other World Jumpers was the fact that he had a wife and a kid.

The desire to hold his child in his arms again finally drove the man until he made it back. But after this incident, there was a debate about whether anyone could become a World Jumper. And although a large majority was in favor of making only specially trained people World Jumpers, we remembered the old man's words. And so nothing changed, but a rule was not necessary, because after the man came back, and the people who wanted to become world jumpers saw him, they changed their minds again. Thus, less and less people wanted to become world jumpers, the old man was of course not very happy about it and begged us humans to take the risk for the future of our world.

We know the dangers of becoming a World Jumper, but this is our only chance to win against the demons. We need these World iteams to- ''

You say that so easily, we sent 50 men and women through the portal, and only 1 broken man came back. And now we are supposed to put our kids through this too? Asked the spokesman the old man

The reason why children should also be made World Jumpers is because they can withstand the pressure and atmosphere of these worlds better than adults. After we found this out, we always sent out groups of children and teenagers and found that the chance of success increased from 30% to 95%. I know that it is not easy to put one's own flesh and blood at risk, but we were willing to make the sacrifice, and now we are asking the same from humans. '' said the old man, bowing to the reporters and the government members. '''

Roku wake up

But that day changed not only the lives of all humanity, but also mine.


Wandering alone through a strange world, experiencing adventures and fighting monsters - what more could you want? Since the profession of the World Jumper exists, I knew exactly what I wanted to become. But not only I think so, many children my age dream of becoming World Jumpers. If you succeeded in returning from one of these worlds, you would be celebrated as a hero. And of course, since everyone wants to be a hero and famous, everyone my age wants to become one.



I shouted after the female voice that belonged to my mother.

I was still in bed, silently staring at my ceiling like every morning before I got out of bed and got ready for school. I got out of bed, went to my locker and put on my uniform. After that I turned around and left my room and made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth splashed water on my face and made my way down to the kitchen.

Sigh there you are finally, why can't you get up on your own for once....

,, If I got up on my own every day, I would never be going to school again. '' I said to her

Yes, yes now go to the kitchen and eat your breakfast before you are late for school.

Doing my daily talk about getting up I went to the kitchen and already saw the breakfast. I sat down at the table and started eating, turning on the TV.

Once again today, a new generation of World Jumpers will be selected...

...Roku you-

,, om, you know that I have already decided, I will become a World Jumper. ''

Roku please reconsider, you know how dangerous it is. Why do you have to become one, there are other children who are willing to do it for you.

,, ... ''

,, Say mom, what do you think will happen if everyone thinks like you? If everyone just says that there will be others who will do it for them. In a few years we won't have World Jumpers anymore and if that happens that's it for humanity. ''

Roku I told you that I would always stand behind your decisions and I still do. But to knowingly agree that you become a World Jumper and possibly die... I refuse to do that.

As my mother said this I finished my breakfast, I got up and went to her.

,, I appreciate that mom, but you don't have to worry about me, I'm not that little boy anymore that you had to protect. '' I said to her before stroking her head.

Sniff, sniff why do you always have to be so damn stubborn my mother said and took my hand off her head.

And now you should get ready to go to school or have you forgotten what day it is?

,, Of course I haven't, I just finished my breakfast, I'll get my backpack and I'll be on my way. ''

Shortly after I picked up my backpack and left the house, turning around I saw my mother waving at me with a smile. It was a sunny day not too hot not too cold the perfect weather for that day. Because today is the last day of my boring life as a high school student, today I will finally become a World Jumper. As I said before, basically anyone can become a World Jumper, but there are certain people who are born to become one. These people are called Jump Aces, they are born to become World Jumpers and are born talented fighters. This is because Jump Aces were all strong fighters in their past lives and are able to draw upon that.

For example, if one of them was a good swordsman in his past life, the Jump Ace can fall back on that and can automatically handle his sword just as well. And as luck would have it, I am in a special class, because 24 of the 25 children are Jump Aces. Normally it is rare that there is even 1 Jump Ace in a class.

.... and yes 24 because as fate would have it I am the only one who is not one....

After talking to myself I arrived at my school, I went inside, changed my shoes and headed to my classroom.

Hey, have you decided yet?

Yes of course I will be a World Jumper replied the boy

Haha of course you are a Jump ace after all said a boy

Upstairs I saw some of my classmates next to the classroom door. They were talking about World Jumpers like everyone else in my class and of course they are going to become World Jumpers. I mean, you're all jump aces, so of course you're the best of the best, the elites among the elites.

... yes that is jealousy what you read out there....

I paid no attention to the group and went to my classroom I walked to my seat, where I was greeted by our class president

Good morning Roku said Karin with a smile.

This is our class president Karin, the angel of the school as many call her, and one of the few who speaks to me from time to time.

,, Good morning class president. ''

Roku how many times have I told you not to call me that? but that aside mhhhh how should I say this optimally.

Sigh, and just like my mother, she's trying to dissuade me from becoming a world jumper.

Haha just tell it like it is class president-chan our roku here should just leave the world jumping to us professionals suddenly said a boy putting his arm around the class president.

Ahh STOP THAT yelled Karin and pushed Raito away

As shy as ever, but you know I'm right he should stop feeling like a hero, look we know exactly what will happen to him if he becomes one. After all, he's the only one of us who isn't a jump ace, don't forget our class is the future of our world just being in the same class with such a freak disgusts me. Said Raito, looking at me with a deprecating look.


Ding dong ding dong

Before Karin could finish her sentence the school bell rang and our class teacher entered the room.

OK please take your seats, so as you all know today is your last day of school, hopefully you have all made your decision. Those of you who do NOT want to become a World Jumper, please raise your hand now.




That's what I thought, now follow me said Mr. iko after he saw that none of us raised our hand. We got up and left the classroom and went to the back of the school where to my surprise there was a crowd of people. These appeared to be our parents, some government officials, and also this old man. Next to him were 6 other people and as I looked at them I saw a girl who was much smaller than the rest. Based on her size, I would guess she was a middle school student, but that was not what caught my eye. When I saw her I could see and somehow feel her staring at me with a questionable look.


,, ....this voice...'' I said after I looked to the right and saw my mother acting like a little child.

Shortly after that we all lined up and I saw the old man approaching us.

So I see you have made up your minds, first of all I would like to thank you all for voluntarily risking your lives for us. Now it's time for you to become real World Jumpers, and since you are all Jumper aces, you will all get your own individual weapons. Said the man, after which the 6 people standing behind him approached us. To get your individual weapon you need to be a Jump ace and a mage after that you just have to close your eyes and kneel down in front of him. So the 6 started and one by one they received their weapons, for some it was a sword, a bow, an axe and....

THIS-THAT-IS suddenly one of the mages shouted when he was beside Karin.

Uhh is something Karin questioningly asked the old mage who was walking to Karin

Mhhhh OHH it looks like you are able to use magic little one, that's really rare. Not only are you a jump ace but you can also use magic not often there exist someone like you even in our world said the old man.

THAT'S MY GIRL Karin's father suddenly shouted from the crowd.

,, So there really are people who can be so lucky. '' I said to myself before this little girl from before stood in front of me.

Ok all of you who have already received a weapon please form teams how many are in a team doesn't matter at all said one of the mages.

,, .... ''

Mhh what are you waiting for? The girl asked me

,, I'm not a Jump ace so I can't receive individual weapons. '' I said to her

Sigh HEY OLD MAN COME HERE the girl shouted, before the old man made his way to us.

...you know I have a name too, right Ruri?

That's not important now, what should we do with this one Ruri asked the man

Mhh what do you mean- oh you must be the boy who unfortunately is not a Jump ace, no worries come follow me said the man. I followed him before we both stood in front of a table with various weapons.

You can choose one of the weapons here, as soon as you are done, please come to the others said the man.

,, Well, I should probably take the one that is the easiest. '' I said and took the sword

OK once you are in your groups please get ready, since this is your first time you will all be sent to the same world. But you will all end up in different places, however, with a little luck, you can find your other classmates and team up.

I have made up my mind. I said to the old man

Oh great then- wait you're not in a team yet, are you? The man asked me

,, No. ''

Mhh would one of you please take this boy here still into one' s team asked the man my classmate




,, Well, it was to be expected that none of them would voluntarily have someone like me in their team. '' I said to myself


A-so you are welcomed to join us Roku suddenly said Karin but her look was the same as the others...please don't join us.

,, I'll go alone....''


But you can't do that, said one of the mages questioningly.

,, Why, as far as I know, there is no rule that forbids you to go alone. '' I replied

That-that's true but still that's-.

HAHAHA WHAT A BOY let him go alone suddenly a male voice shouted.

As I turned around, I saw that it was the ogre who appeared for the first time in our world, together with the Old Mage.

But tell me, little one, are you sure you want to do this? In this world you will be all alone surrounded by a wasteland and this oppressive atmosphere. You could kill yourself in the worst case, or worse, go insane all by yourself," said the man with a wide grin.

,, .... '' But I just looked at him with a look that said... and?

HAHAHA HE HAS MY PERMISSION LET HIM GO IF HE WANTS After he said that he turned around and went back to his place.

So this is the last time you will see your family for a long time, if you wanted to say goodbye to them, do it now said the Old Mage. Shortly after that we all went to our families.


,, Mom, have you already forgotten what I told you this morning, I am no longer the little boy you have to protect, don't worry I will be fine. '' I said to her with a small grin.

After that we all went back to the old mage who then opened the portal together with the other 6 mages. Well we wish you all success and now go JUMPER said the Old Mage and we all approached the portal.

It was a blue circle that looked like a tornado from inside and one by one we went through it.

So now is the time

Finally I can do what I always wanted to do

Finally I am a World Jumper said and also went through the portal.....