
World Ixion/SAGA

A young worker sees his end on the tracks of a train. He prays to an entity to have a second chance and it grants his wish. And he is reborn in a fantasy world of magic and mechas called Armor. But to his misfortune he is living in a game world where he is the VILLAIN. Can the young man named Rudel survive in a world where the world wants him dead for the sake of the protagonist?

Siegburn · Fantasía
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221 Chs

Short Story - Erselica's Route

I had just woken up.

The place where I am is Erselica's mansion in a country called Aster Supreme Kingdom.

I came to study abroad.

I went downstairs expecting to find a bustle.

But there was none.

No one was in the living room or dining room, I went to the kitchen and there I found a certain person.

"Good morning, and the others?"

Erselica was in the kitchen making herself a sandwich.

She noticed my presence and greeted me.

"Hi. The others are out fishing, they took Cana and Allen with them to be taken care of."

"So, it's just the two of us then, is it?"

"You could say that."

"I see."

Without saying anything, I walked over to her. Then I hugged her.

She dropped her sandwich from surprise as she was shocked at what happened.

"W-W-W-W-What are you doing!!!"

I teased her a little.

"Nothing. I'm just doing what I normally do."

She was still surprised, but relaxed after a brief moment.

She touched my hand in response.

"Geez, I told you not to do something like that suddenly, didn't I?"

After the war, a strange feeling awakened in me.

I am a man with large breasts. But maybe small breasts aren't so bad?

Sometime after coming to Aster, she and I were left alone.

At first there was nothing but just simplistic conversations.

But one day those conversations got away from us and, one thing led to another and I ended up doing this.

"You have fiancés."

"I know."

"So, shouldn't you cut this out?"

"I'm the kind of greedy man who wants anything that interests him."

I'm taller than her, so I can see she's embarrassed. How cute she is.

"Any plans for today?"

"Nothing to do. That's why the boys went out."

We were both eating breakfast at the dining room table.

She was eating like her sandwich. She looked like a small animal the way she smeared everything in her mouth.

I grabbed a napkin and wiped around her mouth.

"Thank you."

She said and in response I said.

"You are mine. So it's natural for me to care about you."

Her face was tomato red. She ducked her head and answered me.

"You have girlfriends. So telling me something like that..."

"Like that... what? I can choose the women I want."

"Don't get me wrong. I love Alisa and Airi. I'll never leave them, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be with other women. In fact, yesterday I wrote a love letter to the queen hoping she will accept my feelings."

"... You know you are the worst kind of man right?"

"I'm a hero, I must be arrogant and ambitious, hahaha."

Erselica sighed as I laughed.

"Really. What the hell do you have to make a woman want to be with you?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that I can destroy an enemy fleet alone and that the women in the kingdom were bred to like adventurers."

"I take back what I said."

"More importantly, Erselica."

She scowled at me as she ate her sandwich.

"If you have nothing to do, and you want to go out somewhere. Let's have a date."

Her look implied that she didn't seem to believe what I'm saying.

"You, how brazen are you?"

"I would say the same thing to the queen in front of her husband."

"By the way, I bought you a new dress. I left it in your room yesterday."

Again her face flushed.

"You idiot, it was you! I thought Liam left it there. I was this close to yelling at him not to spend our money on things we won't use."

"But that money was mine. So it doesn't really matter what I spend it on, does it?"

"Even if it does..."

"Don't you want it?"

"...I want it, but..."

"If you really don't want it, can I give it to Cana?"

Her face that was looking at the plate lifted up and glared at me aggressively.

"You bastard, don't touch Cana!"

"Her skin color is very rare to find, making her an exotic beauty. It wouldn't be bad at all to have a girl like that."

"Okay, I'll go on a date with you."

She looked annoyed, but at the same time embarrassed as jealous.

I would like to achieve this result with the queen.

Once we got changed, we went straight out to the city.

But not to this city, but to another one. It would be annoying to run into any acquaintances, and even more so that Ixion's bastard is in port, so I had to order the other robots to do so.

Once we disembarked. I extended my hand to Erselica to come down.

She was wearing a knee-length dress as orange as her hair. A hazel colored hair clip like her eyes. She had a purse where she kept her things and was wearing blue sneakers.

After helping her down, she asked me.

"Can you let go of my hand?"

In which I replied.

"I don't want to. When I was with the girls on our dates, they were happy not to let go of me."

"You shouldn't tell another girl how happy you were with your official girlfriends."

"True, but since you know how the situation is it doesn't really matter."

"You really are a..."

I leaned close to her ear to say a few words to take away how angry she was.

"Even if I am saying that. It doesn't take away from the fact who's more precious right now is you. I mean it. Airi's cuteness compares to yours and your angry expression is just as charming as Alisa's."

Erselica became embarrassed again, she gripped the edges of her dress tightly.


She looks like she's doing better.

I didn't let go of her hand, so we headed off to enjoy this date.

We boarded the train track to go to an aquarium.

It's a huge place where there are fish swimming in big ponds filled with water for people to admire.

It reminds me a bit of the magical beasts, but these are cuter.

Erselica was next to me watching how amazing it was to be on a train track.

I wonder if Ixion could do something like this for the kingdom?

After arriving at the station, we got off and walked straight to pay the entrance fee.

She as usual was scared since it had to do with large sums of money. But since I am the kind of guy who likes to show off, I paid extra to be able to touch and feed the fish.

If the girls came, I would do the same.

After entering, Erselica couldn't help but be surprised, I couldn't help it either as it was surprising.

Thanks to magic, there were pillars of water running through this place in every direction.

Some had crystals and some did not.

As we walked, I noticed that this place is not just for families, there are many couples here.

They all looked mellow and happy enjoying their days off.

We walked up to a fence where there were sharks, they had maximum security.

It seems that if you have a special pass you can feed them.

As I have it, let's enjoy the benefits.

"Erselica, we can feed them if you like."


Her eyes sparkled at the sight of me after saying that, then her composure changed to a serious one.

"I-if you like."

We showed the special pass to an attendant and he handed us a bucket full of fish guts.

Of course, we wore gloves, but it was still gross to touch.

I laughed as Erselica used all her strength to throw a shark to swim off in a distant direction. She seemed to want to think the shark was a dog bringing a bone.

After we finished there, we cleaned up and went to a children's area.

There were not only children, but also their parents and people of other ages.

Children's events are more exciting it seems.

"Welcome everyone to Shamoon's show, I hope you have a great time!"

I left Erselica to look for seats while I went to buy something to eat for us.

When I returned I was met with a very comical scene.

"So Miss, how old are you?"

"Th-This, I'm not a child!"

The girl who was riding a pirouetting orca had approached Erselica.

It seems from her size she mistook her for a girl, it doesn't help that her seat is close to other kids and they are all taller than her.

I approached the girl and said.

"I'm sorry, but she's my girlfriend. And we're the same age, even if we don't look it."

Both the girl asking her name and the other onlookers were surprised.

I hope it's because we are the same age and not because of the other lie I told.

The girl moved to ask a nearby boy the same thing.

I sat and watched Erselica downcast as she was mistaken for a little girl again.

I heard them shout. "I'm a young teenager! I have breasts, even if they are small! I also have to go to the bathroom when that day comes!"

No doubt, laughing at Erselica's pitiful life is very entertaining.

It was already late afternoon by the time we got out of there.

Because this girl is a bottomless barrel, we went to a high-class restaurant for lunch.

I ordered a beef steak with potato salad accompanied by grape juice.

While she ordered things that terrified my wallet.

"Y-You're seriously going to eat all that?"

I would ask her in terror as this girl had various sticks on her side of the table.

Her saliva was dropping in droves.

Pork steaks, fried chicken, soups, seafood, rice with green salad, a lot of expensive dishes she had.

Worst of all, they kept coming!

How the hell do you fit all that into that little body!

In her response before the first bite, she said. "This is a date, isn't it? So it's normal for the man to pay for everything, fufu, I'll eat like there's no tomorrow today!"

Really, how do you manage to eat so much and not get fat?

It was going to get dark soon, so we decided to return to the boat to go home.

The idiots should be arriving by dark.

Knowing Chlust, he must surely be throwing some tantrum about not catching something and wants to stick around until he catches one.

It's a good thing there's a guy like that in the group.

Erselica and I were stargazing sitting on the deck.

The night breeze was very refreshing, but at the same time it was very chilly.

So I made my move.

"Aren't you cold?"


"Do you want to come to my side?"

"...Why do you say so?"

"You see, there are no more blankets I have than here. Ixion doesn't like to spare anything that isn't essential."

She looked at me with intensity, then, her small body shifted beside me.

"...That was a good move."

She said that after sitting close to me, I hugged her and placed the blanket to cover us.

Then I took her and moved her to my body.

She was small.

She is thin.

But most of all, she is very fragile.

My arms around her, she turned around.

Our eyes stared at each other.

"I... I'm Liam's girlfriend."

She said that, and in response I said.

"I have my best friends as girlfriends. I'm also aware that I want to possess the queen."

I am a bad man. Having girlfriends, I wish to take a married woman as my own.

It is her fault for being so charming.

But besides that.

"If I want to possess you, is there a problem with that? My only problem would be that I don't like to share. So, maybe I'd fight Liam and the idiots for you."

Erselica has a small face.

Her facial features make her look like a porcelain doll.

"Do you wish you had all the women in the world?"

"That wouldn't be a bad idea."

I said with a smile.

She closed her eyes, she knew what was coming.

In response to her feelings, I brought my face close to hers as my eyes were open.

Our mouths opened to show that what we have is true and then...

Our lips met.



It was nighttime at the Altfode Kingdom academy.

In Alisa's room, she and Airi were waking up with a jolt.

They seemed to have had a nightmare as they screamed in sync while sweating.

"Alisa, I had a terrifying nightmare! Rudel-san and Erselica were...!"

"Airi, I dreamt that Rudel and that woman had a secret relationship!"

They both looked at each other and then hugged each other.

After that, Alisa said.

"Let's go immediately to Aster! I don't want to leave Rudel with that woman for a single minute more!"

"I agree, I can preach to him for annoying Her Majesty the Queen, but I won't tolerate him cheating on us with her!"

They both got out of bed, straight to change.

Bell, who seemed to be sleeping which was impossible, immediately asked them.

"You two, what's the matter?"

In response they both said.

"We are extremely upset, don't bother us now!"

Bell was startled to see the seething face of those two.

"...I wonder what foolish thing Master and Erselica did to make these two so angry?"


Meanwhile in Aster, Rudel and Erselica were...

"Hey, Lolica, pass me the salt."

"You have hands, use them, can't you see I'm busy?"

Everyone was helping at home, the kitchen was occupied by the two reincarnated ones.

Rudel was seasoning meat while Erselica was chopping vegetables.

"Hah? Thanks to whom you can feast on this, you little loli bitch."

"What the hell does that have to do with anything? I'm not your slave, if you want a woman to give you something while you're busy, go tell your weird girlfriends. They'd gladly do anything absurd for you."

"You little bitch, didn't I tell you never to speak ill of them again, I'll kill you!"

"Try it you fucking virgin! I'll kick your ass!"

Rudel and Erselica certainly prove that the possibility of having something romantic is nothing more than a hallucination.

But unlike them, those two have undoubtedly proven to have a serious distrust problem with him.

Rudel's problems with women seem like they will never end.

Something that no one asked for but that deep down maybe they wanted to see?

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