
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Cómic
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61 Chs

Chapter 21

...follow me"

And they go after her. After a few minutes of a walk, they arrive at the doors of the adventurers guild.

As our trio comes inside they lure a few gazes of bored or waiting adventurers, most of them look at the extravagant armour of Lex

'hmm guild looks exactly like in anime' he goes straight up to the nearest receptionist leaving teammates behind and says "I'll take care of registration"

the woman that Handless Adventures sees an armoured giant with a face of an angel coming in her direction, but before she can handle him, he must wait as there is a line of people she thinks

'what a hottie is there, it's sad he must wait for me' In contradiction to her thoughts Lex misses the queue and takes place as second to treat successfully pissing off the rest of the waiting people

"Hey! What are you doing go back and wait for your turn"

"Yeah go back"

one of the voices comes from one of the female adventurers "Go back you arrogant prick"

Lex says with a low domineering voice "Fuck off losers I don't have all of the day to waste on you"

he just added oil to the fire

one of the less patient guys takes off his one-handed sword "What?! You piece of shit, apologise to me or that will be your end" He is an ugly man only good thing on his face is the big funny nose. At the front of his armour composed of metal stripes, they have a colour of green so his armour is probably a bootleg version of mithril plate mail. Around his neck is hanging platinum plate symbolizing his high status among adventurers

one of them says "Oh It's Manfred the Stalwart defender from the green turtle team, He'll shoot that arrogant flying bird down to earth"

"Yeah! take him, Manfred"

"From what I heard Manfred was able to take a hit from the ogre to his shield and left unscratched, just amazing"

Adventurers hype Manfred to the havens as he in some way is defending their honour

Manfred "Did you hear them?! Go back to your place pretty boy! Or else your face will bear some scars?" he says while being angry and envious because of his face he was never able to hang out with a beautiful girl

receptionist Tries to resolve the conflict "Guys please chill out, I don't want to see any blood today"

she looks at Manfred with eyes full of fake desire their eyes meet and Manfred gets flustered as a pretty woman never looked at him in such a way. "O-O-Okay miss Winia, b-b-but he needs to apologise" He speaks to her like the biggest loser who never talked to the girl

Lex "There is no backing of the cowardly mantlet, if you started something then end it pathetic simp"

Some adventures start to retreat as there will be fight, others can already smell blood. They still incite Manfred to fight. He doesn't need any more reasons to battle as he hears insults from Lex his ugly face becomes red from the rage he grabs the green heart shield from his back, when you look closer all of his equipment is made from mithril, only the weird part is that all of the other items look like are combining into a set. The only part that should protect his chest looks different, maybe he doesn't have money for Mithril full plate

Manfred starts to circle around Lex, despite being angry as fuck he keeps his mind calm, its one of the traits that you must earn to become a good warrior

Sara and Ludger look at an event created by Lex

Sara "Should we help him?"

Ludger "It's not needed, he is cocky for a reason"

When Manfred is doing circles around Lex looking for weak spots in the armour Lex insults him even more "Come at me dog. What are you doing? After a second you would take off your wiener and start to mark a territory?"

"You Fucker, Thanks to Lady Winia I planned to let you live, but now you are dead," Says Manfred and lunges at Lex his swift sword makes movement to only the unprotected part of Lexes armour the neck. green sword slashes at Lexes neck cutting across his throat

All of this was an imagination of Manfred, before the blade can connect to the skin Lexes right arm moved in a fast manner and cached the blade in mid-air.

Manfred tries to move his sword but it is stuck in his grip like if a toddler tries to win the tug of war contest with a professional bodybuilder he can't do shit

Dumbfound adventurers look at unnatural action in disbelieve

"How it's possible?!"

"He cached Manfred's blade in one hand!!!"

one female adventurer says "Uuooaaa"

"Your intention of where to hit was easy to spot" Lex prepares his left hand to deliver a devastating blow slowly enough that his opponent can prepare himself.

Manfred yells [Body Strengthening] then [Physical boost] and before blow connects [Fortress]

Apparently, he is a martial arts user specialized in tanking onslaughts from enemies

After seeing that his opponent is a martial artist Lex uses greater force than he planned and lands a punch on his shield

At the moment of contact between Lexes fist coated in the black gauntlet and pure mithril heart shield

the audience hears "KRKRKR"

As bones in his left hand holding a shield pulverize and Manfred flies like every woman that sees his face.

The force generated by Lex is so great that the poor man crushes through the wooden wall and lands on the road leading to the guild. Half dead Manfred lies on the road his teammates run to him like a headless chicken and try to feed him potions.

Too bad that Lex still doesn't end and he goes after his pray

Ludger "What the hell Lex! Why don't you stop yourself!?"

Lex "Wait now will be a good one"

Sara looks with disbelief at the actions of Lex

He goes to Manfred and his team with a big greedy grin on his face "Hey you guys, after wrecking your mantlet my fist hurts a bit" He points at his left gauntlet being covered by shards of mithril

"As a recompensation give me all the money that you have" As he speaks killing intent starts to flow in the direction of the Green Turtle team. The team is composed of 4 men and one woman.

A woman starts to speak "There is a 30 gold coin, leave us alone monster" She grabs a sack on her hip and throws it at Lex. He catches it and starts to calculate if he was lied to, after a moment he sees that it's true

"Thank you for your generosity lady"

Lex comes back to the adventurers guild and comes to the receptionist. There is no queue as everyone loosed their shit after seeing that punch "Hello we want to join the guild and if possible I want my team to get promoted to platinum its possible?"

A receptionist named Winia looks at his visage not being able to get the words out. After a moment of awkward silence, he asks again "Did Miss fall in love at first sight?"

After hearing his words she finally speaks "Sir! Can sir wait a moment!? I need to speak with the guild Master as this matter is beyond my competencies!"

"Be fast"

"Yess!" and she runs almost tripping

After a moment of wait, guild master Pluton Ainzach comes down with her "Sir come with me to the higher floor. Where is located my cabinet"