
World Development System

While returning home from a boring day of work, a black hole opened up in front of John and sucked him in. Before he was floating in the blackhole, a helmet latched on to him. "Uploading A.I under progress...Activating Survival Kit" A weird robotic sound appeared within the conscious of John and suddenly a white energy enveloped him... After opening his eyes, John noticed he was teleported to a whole new world. A world of magic and he was a user of a system. Arkon, the world John was brought too, was a medieval world which is 10 times bigger than earth. This new world held many new mysteries and this was the beginning of John's adventure. John will dominate and stir the world with his new system. Old technologies begone and use my advanced techys instead! Ha! you want to hold a politic, economical and military war with me? Sorry but my system is too broken for you all to counter.

autistic25 · Ciencia y ficción
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347 Chs

The A.I Sarah,World Development System and John.

John is an orphan, who is 22 years old. He recently started working after completing his studies. Like any 22-year-old, he is quite excited about his new job opportunity as a mechanical engineer at MNC.




Six months later.



One day after work. He is returning home when suddenly, a crack in space appeared in front of him and a helmet latched on his head.

This mysterious helmet was a supercomputer in itself and had an Advance A.I. in it that got transported due to a failure at an experimental site in another world.

After the mysterious Helmet latched onto John, waves of information started flowing into his head.

John started to feel dizzy because of it.

John felt a massive amount of pain and lost consciousness after hearing the words "Uploading A.I. World Development System."

While he was unconscious his body started to move slowly towards the rift in the space that was open.

Some words could be heard inside John's head as he drifted into space.

[Activating Survival Kit].

It seemed that the mysterious helmet automatically recognized John as his owner and that John's body was in danger as it activated its preloaded survival system.

He was covered in a White mysterious energy field from the helmet. While he was unconscious, the Helmet started uploading all the information to his brain.

Once the energy field covered his whole body, John got sucked in the rift.




In another world in the wild, a rift suddenly opened and a man with a helmet came out and dropped on the ground.

When John was unconscious he got transported to another world while the white energy was still protecting him.

There were many wild creatures, but they didn't approach him as if they were afraid of the white energy which they couldn't see, it was rather instinctual for them when they avoided John.

A local hunter that was looking for a game was nearby where John landed. He was wearing grey leather chest armor with a red tunic underneath, and grey pants. He had bow and arrows with other supplies on his back.

When he went across a part of the forest he saw an unconscious man laying on the ground. He couldn't see the white energy film which covered John's body.

At first, he was skeptical about this situation as the man's clothing didn't seem local and was rather quite well-tailored but later he decided that he should help an unconscious man in the wild.

He got near him and saw that everything about his clothes was rather different.

John's build and face seemed rather local though. He later tied a rope to John and after checking his surroundings he carried him on his back to the village.

When he went back to the village, the villagers were quite curious about the man who was on Jay's back. They approached him and quite a few people made their queries.

Jay bought John back to his home and went to report this matter to the village chief about this unusual man found in the forest.

When the villagers were making queries on the man. On John's head came a new sound,

[Analyzing new unknown language...]

[1%... 2%.... 3%]

and then it stopped at 37 %...

In the house of the village chief, the villagers, Jay the Hunter, and the village chief whose name was Sam discussed on how to handle the current situation.

Jay was not interested in the discussion, he just wanted to hear the conclusion of it.

So Jay set out to hunt and thought of asking them later on.

After 4 hours, they reached a solution. When Jay came back with his game, the village chief and others asked Jay if he was okay with temporarily keeping the stranger in his home until he gains consciousness and rectifies the situation later on.

Jay thought for a while and agreed to the decision which was made as he was the one who bought the stranger to the village.

"Well, I guess it is okay since brought him here anyway," Jay said to Sam and others.




Two days passed by quietly. After the second day, John regained his consciousness. He saw that he was in an unknown house. He thought for a while and suddenly remembered what happened before he fell unconscious.

A voice was heard inside his mind.


["Uploading of A.I completed, 28 hours ago"]


["Analysis of the new language completed, 10 hours ago"]

["Features of Helmet number XL-380 have been completely transferred to host John and have started operating inside the host's body"]

["Host please look to the menu for other options"]

With that last notification, the helmet on his head crumbled to ashes.

Been shocked at the new series of development, he looked at a new panel in front of him. He touched the menu option in front of him to which he was given instructions on how to operate the new A.I inside his body.

[World Development System]

[Level 1 authority]

{Please earn points and experiences to unlock and access better features of the World Development system.}


[Two gift boxes are available now.]

John canceled the menu and asked in an unknown language, "hey, what is this thing inside my head and wherein the world am I?"

An androgynous voice came from his mind. "Host, the thing inside your head is a System which got transferred from XL-380, as for the place currently, you are at the north-frontier town in the Aelius kingdom ."

It seems that I learned a new language while I was asleep, John thought when he conversed.

"What's your name," asked John.

"I have no name currently, host can give me a name if he wishes to," said the A.I.

Thinking for a while, a lot of information came inside his head that he was processing and analyzing. After understanding his own situation he gave the A.I a new name.

"Okay, I now somewhat understand my situation. From now on your name is Sarah" said John after thinking for a while.

John was quite confused before, why he was here after waking up, but the A.I later transmitted the information which his brain analyzed at a very fast speed. He still hadn't realized that his brain was working and computing at super-fast speed as he understood his current situation.

From this situation, he understood that he was in a new world, he got a system with an A.I that he named Sarah, he learned a new language and someone saved him in this new world after his arrival.

He was looking at the surroundings of the house after waking up and understood he was in a pretty much medieval era of earth. Technology had not developed much in this world.

He noticed some books nearby and started flipping through them. At first, he didn't understand a thing, after a few seconds, sounds came inside his mind.

["Analyzing the contents inside the book"]

["1%... 2%.. 3%..."]

and after a few minutes

["Analysis Complete"]

It was a diary, on which hunting techniques were written on it. It was unknown who had written this book but from the looks of it, it seemed rather old and worn out.

He took some water from the house as he was quite thirsty and later settled down to wait for the owner of the house.

He thought of taking a weapon for personal defense but decided against it. If they wished him harm and were malicious they would have not saved him in the first place or his belongings wouldn't be here.




A few hours later.

Jay came to his house from hunting and saw that the unconscious guy had woken up. Jay came up to him and asked him, "It seems that you have woken up for quite some time already, so what is your name and may I know why you were there in the forest lying unconscious in the ground."

John sighed as he replied to him, "My name is John, it may be hard for you to believe me but even I don't know about the current situation that I am in. When I woke up I was already here."

Jay said, "Hearing your language and assent you seem like a local, I will believe you as I don't see maliciousness in your eyes. Okay come with me I will introduce you to the village and the surroundings"

John was of rather a normal build with a height of 6 feet with a sharp facial feature. He had blonde hair and a European face and black eyes.

When John saw Jay, he looked a bit muscular with a height of 6 feet 2 inches. He too had a European appearance and he was 25 years old.

Jay introduced him to the village and told him about how he found him in the forest.

John thought and said as he heard Jay, "Hmm... so I was lying into the wilds where animals weren't approaching me."

Jay then introduced this village to John, "This village was at the north-easternmost front of the country, ahead of it is all wildlife and untamed lands, it is called North-frontier town but it is more like a village with a population of 500-1000 people."

John saw that there was magic in this world

This thing shocked him the most. After watching a priest heal the wound of a commoner at the radiant church he was quite astonished.

John saw and thought, 'So magic exists in this world.'

As they were traveling they met various people and John was absorbing all the things about this village.

As they were traveling, a woman looked and approached them.

She wore a blue and white coat behind her which was fully sleeved, it seemed to have magical runes, she had reddish white shoulder pauldrons and a black armor on her chest, she wore sky blue and white pants.

She had a backpack which looked like it could carry archery items and other necessary supplies on her. She also wore black gloves on her hands.

The woman who approached them was named Josephine, she looked like a warrior/hunter. She was a blonde with red eyes(pupils) with quite a height of 6 feet as well.

She was in full armor and equipped with a great sword which was inside its sheath and she seemed to be going for a hunt outside. Age wise she appeared to be 24 years old.

she looked at Jay and curiously asked "so Jay, this is the new guy who you got from the forest? so what's his situation?"

"well his name is John and from his situation even I couldn't make heads or tails from it. It seems that he too doesn't understand how he got into the forest.

Now we are going to the village chief's house to meet him and discuss his future situation" said Jay as Josephine asked him.

She then turned to John and asked: "so John what will you do now."

John thought a bit and replied to her, "Well it depends on the situation on what I can do, I rather hope I can find something to do here. However, from your attire, it seems that you are going for an outing to hunt."

Josephine said in a hurry as she remembered she was late, "Oh, right I was going for my hunt. Okay, see you guys later on"

After that conversation, they started to head towards Village Chief's House.

They reached Sam's house,

It was a big 2 story house with 3 rooms on each floor. In his house, there was his wife and 3 kids. 2 boys and 1 girl.

Inside the village chief's home after settling down,

After understanding the situation from Jay, Sam straightforwardly asked John: "So boy what will you do now, do you have any requests or questions that you don't understand or the other things you might need?"

John replied, "I am very thankful to Jay and the village chief for helping me. Actually, earlier I had a request but I was hesitant, but since Chief offered to help me I would like to take this chance.

Will chief mind me reading books so I can have a better understanding of this place."

Sam thought a bit and replied, "Okay. That won't be a problem. You can go to my basement to take a look at it. There are quite a few books there."

Sam showed him his basement and returned,

After 2 hours John came out and understood most of the situation about this world. This world was known as Arkon, people here traded in copper, bronze, silver, gold and platinum coins.

The kingdoms here were mostly ruled by kings and their vassals and he also got other important information about this world.

Food was already served in the living room where Jay and Sam conversed. It seemed rather bland with 2 pieces of bread and a vegetable meat soup.

Sam and Jay were talking with each other in the living room and discussing while having their Lunch and waiting for John to finish reading in the basement.

Jay asked, "so chief what do you think about him?"

Sam seriously replied, "Well he seems quite fragile not like a warrior however he doesn't seem like a magician as well as he doesn't have mana of a magician inside his body so I think he has his circumstances.

His eyes aren't malicious. He seems like a commoner and or maybe a scholar from his appearance. Anyways I think it's okay to have him here."

Jay nodded and said, "Well, I thought the same after I talked to him while we were coming here. He seemed more like a scholar from the imperial city to me rather than a commoner however I am not sure. He may be someone who could have been schemed by his rivals."

While they were talking John came from the basement in quite a cheerful mood.

After Sam saw him coming up he said to John "John, come on, have Lunch, it seems you haven't eaten for quite a few days"

John replied, "Okay. I will take up your offer."

John didn't decline as he was quite hungry and sat with Sam and Jay to eat. He didn't nag about his lunch and was quite grateful, he ate it while conversing with them.

While eating Sam asked him in a curious and judging tone;

"John what do you plan to do now that you are here"

John thought a bit and said, "Well, I plan to sell some of my belongings and do business or trade here for a while, if I can't sell my belongings then I would find some work here and then later start a business,"

Sam and Jay were quite shocked and reaffirmed that the Man in front of him was certainly a scholar after looking at this man's confidence.

Sam laughed and said, "Well, I don't think you would have any problems selling your belongings to the peddlers in the town.

Just your clothes would go for quite a price as they seem quite well tailored and if you have problems you can later come to me."

"John if you wish, you can live with me for a while as you don't have a dwelling for now," asked Jay while eating his meat vegetable soup.

"Sam your wife's food is still the best in the village," said Jay as he continued talking.

John replied to Jay, "Okay, thanks for helping me out."

John agreed to Jay proposition without any hesitation as he was in quite an awkward position on where to stay.

From the kitchen, Sam's wife, Sophia came as she was quite happy with the compliment, She replied, "Thank you, Jay. You are straightforward as always when it comes to food," said Sophia.

John thanked Sam and Sophia as well for the food. The four had quite a jolly conversation before they left Sam's house.

After leaving, John asked Jay about where the peddlers buy and sell before leaving.

Jay left for his daily hunt while John headed to the market.

Here in this world.

1 platinum coin = 100 gold coins

1 gold coin = 100 silver coins

1 silver coin = 100 bronze coins

1 bronze coin = 100 copper coins.

He learned most of the things from the books he read in the basement. He also learned about the market situation and prices from Jay and Sam while they conversed during the lunch.

One could buy a loaf of bread at 2 coppers.

people usually earned 20 to 50 coppers and it differed based on the work they do daily.

Runemasters, pharmacists and blacksmiths earned quite a lot compared to other professions like tailors, laborers, farmers or various other professions.

This village didn't have a runemaster. As they were in quite a demand they usually resided in the imperial city and other big cities. Or aristocrats usually hired them for their personal work.

While John was walking towards the market he checked the features on his system. He first decided to open one of his two new gift boxes.

Hello guys.this is Autistic25 here.this is my first time writing a novel.i hope you guys give me some slack by the way i don't mind support and compliments :P.

about the updates i will try to update it as much as possible every day if permitted.

This novel is quite a sci-fi vs magic novel plus there will be politics,business,kingdom building and wars as the main theme of this novel.

English is my second language so if there are mistakes please help.

Thank you for reading my novel.

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