
Las Vegas

I spent the evening reading Reagan Lee's recent paper on the hardware, software, and gaming industries from 1997 to 2001.

Even though he was currently only about to complete his bachelor of arts undergraduate degree, his work was already highly regarded.

I wanted to prepare myself to have a productive conversation with him when I will go to meet him and try to recruit him.

The Reagan Lee I knew was a Professor of Financial Economics, one of the most highly regarded Professors at Harvard.

After reading for hours I finally crashed for the night.

My alarm woke me up at 5 a.m.

I quickly packed up, checked out of the hotel, and hopped into a taxi.

I arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare and boarded my flight just after 7 a.m.

I settled into my seat. To my left, an overweight man was struggling to buckle his seatbelt. To my right, a mature woman in her early forties. She wore a light blue cardigan over a simple blouse.