
World's Creator

Yawan, a mere mortal, dies suddenly in his sleep and finds himself summoned to an otherworldly realm by an entity known only as the "Creator." The Creator reveals that Yawan is the son of one of his avatars, and bestows upon him a portion of his divine power, making Yawan a god himself. Overwhelmed and unsure of how to wield his newfound abilities, Yawan must learn to navigate this strange new world and use his power to create his own world. And maybe even use it for fun. Note: English is not my native language, nor is it my second language. Read at your own risk Inspired by Low Dimensional Game

Yawan · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter 12 : War

His heart was heavy with the memory of his fallen tribe. He had accomplished much in his life, but he knew that his journey was not yet complete. He had to avenge his tribe, to bring justice to those who had destroyed his home.

And so, he gathered a group of men, all skilled warriors like himself, and set out on a quest to find the tribe that had destroyed his home. They traveled for many months, tracking their enemy through forests and across rivers, never giving up despite the hardships they faced.

Finally, after months of searching, Alan and his 500 soldiers found the tribe they had been seeking. The tribe was known to be a warring people, with a reputation for their ferocity and brutality. Alan knew that this would be the toughest battle yet because there his heart's knot lay, but he was determined to avenge his fallen tribe and restore justice.

As they approached the enemy's tribe, the tribal warriors from the opposing side were shocked when they saw the weapons and armor of Alan's Warriors. They had never seen anything like it before. One of the tribal warriors shouted, "What kind of weapons are those?"

Another warrior replied, "I don't know, but they're unlike anything we've ever seen before!"

But soon as they saw those warriors clad in armor that can reflect the sun's light, they knew that was an enemy, an enemy they have never encountered before that knocked into their doorstep and that their lives are on the line.

As they blew the horn to call their tribe's warrior available, Alan on the other side addressed his men, "My men!" He called them as he stands before his army, and he looks into the eyes of each of his warriors. Some are filled with uncertainty and doubt, some are filled with anticipation.

But Alan is not deterred. He knows that this battle is not about him or his personal vendetta. It is about something much greater. It is about protecting their way of life, their families, and their tribe. Their Greater future as a Human race is it.

Alan stood before his army, knowing that many of them had experienced the same pain and loss that he had. They had been forced to leave their homes, their families, and everything they knew behind. They had been displaced by war, just as he had.

He looks out at the diverse group of warriors from different tribes and backgrounds, all standing together to fight for a common cause. He raises his voice, speaking with conviction and passion.

"My fellow warriors," Alan began. "We have all known the pain of war. We have all felt the loss of our homes and our loved ones. But now, we have the opportunity to create a new future for ourselves and for our people."

He raised his sword high, the glint of the sunlight reflecting off the blade. "We can unite the human race as one, so that there will be no need for war ever again. We can create a world where our children and our grandchildren will never have to experience the pain and suffering that we have known."

The crowd murmured in agreement, their eyes fixed on Alan.

"We may come from different tribes, but we are all human. We share the same hopes, the same dreams, and the same desire for a better future. We can work together to make that future a reality."

He pointed his sword toward the horizon. "There are other tribes out there, other people who are suffering just as we have. We can reach out to them, build alliances, and create a new world order. A world where we can all thrive, where we can all live in peace and harmony."

Alan lowered his sword, the weight of his words sinking in. "But it will not be easy. There will be those who resist change, who cling to the old ways of hatred and violence. We must be strong, we must be courageous, and we must be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good."

He looked out at his army, the determination in their eyes matching his own. "Will you stand with me? Will you join me in this noble cause?"

The response was a resounding cheer, the sound echoing across the plains. Alan smiled, knowing that he had found the key to unite his people, and together they would build a new world, a world free of war and suffering.

"Today, we begin a new chapter in the history of our race. We will fight together, win together, and create a better future together. Let us show the world the strength and unity of humanity!"

With his words ringing in their ears, the warriors let out a roar of agreement and raise their weapons high, ready to march forward into battle. They knew that their fight was not just for their own tribes, but for the future of humanity as a whole.

"Charge with me, warriors of the human race! Let us show our enemies the true strength of unity and determination. Let us strike them down with the force of a thousand armies! For we fight not for our own selfish gain, but for the greater good of all humanity!"

With a battle cry, Alan and his men charged forward, their weapons at the ready. The ground shook beneath their feet as they thundered towards the enemy, their hearts pounding with adrenaline.

The tribal warriors, armed with their primitive stone and bone weapons, tried to hold their ground, but they were no match for the united Alan's army and their metal weapons. The sound of clashing metal meet with broken rocks and bones, the battle cries filled the air as the two sides clashed.

Alan led the charge, his sword held high, his eyes fixed on the enemy's lines. He felt the rush of wind on his face, the pounding of his heart in his chest. He could hear the clash of steel as his troops engaged with the enemy.

"Steady, men! Hold the line!" he shouted over the din of battle. "Remember why we fight!"

Alan and his troops fought with a ferocity that the enemy had never seen before. They were inspired by the idea of a united humanity, and they were willing to die for that cause.

His bronze sword flashed in the sunlight, striking down his enemies with deadly precision. His men fought bravely beside him, their bronze weapons glinting in the sun. Despite being outnumbered, Alan and his men held their ground. They fought with a determination that their enemies had never seen before. Slowly but surely, they began to gain the upper hand.

The battle raged on, with neither side gaining the upper hand as Alan's troops outnumbered 500 to 1000 or even more. But Alan and his troops held firm, fighting with a tenacity that refused to be broken.

In the end, it was their sheer force of will that won the day. The enemy began to waver, their morale shattered by the unwavering determination of the united human army.

As Alan led the charge, his sword held high, his eyes fixed on the enemy's lines. He felt the rush of wind on his face, the pounding of his heart in his chest. He could hear the clash of steel as his troops engaged with the enemy.

Then he found him, among enemy troops, clad in bear fur and two stone axe in his hands.

He knew those tribal warriors were in disarray, their morale shattered by the sight of their comrades falling to the superior weapons of the His troops, his Warriors.

Then One of them cried out to the man, "We cannot stand against these warriors and their strange weapons! We must retreat!"

But the leader of the tribe, the one who had ordered the attack on Alan's home, refused to back down. He shouted, scoffing at the idea to withdraw from a war, "We will fight to the last man! We will not let these invaders take our land!"

Alan charged forward, his bronze sword flashing in the sunlight as he cut down enemy after enemy. Trying to get closer to the enemy tribe's leader. His heart filled with rage as he remembered how the same leader had destroyed his own tribe in the past. They both stood across from each other, looking at each other person. One looking with anger, the other looking with curiosity.

"Remember my people, whom you destroyed, we live peacefully in Azon rivers valley, and you, you come with your's warrior to destroy it. Did you remember?" Alan called out as he charged toward the leader.

The enemy leader was confused but laughed mockingly after he was struck with a realization. "Hahaha, so you are one of those tribes. Your people were weak, they deserved to be conquered," he sneered.

As the two warriors circled each other warily, their eyes locked in fierce determination and deadly stare. They were both skilled fighters, but Alan knew that he had to defeat the enemy leader if he wanted to end the battle.

"You will pay for what you did to my people," Alan said, his voice cold and controlled.

The enemy leader laughed. "Your people were weak, and they deserved to be destroyed. And you are no match for me, boy."

Alan gritted his teeth in anger, his sword held steady. Then he notice in the leader's waist a sword that his warrior used.

"Use it, your pitiful weapon is no match with my weapons, Use the sword that my fallen warrior used and fight with me, so if you lose it will be a fair fight," Alan says.

"Aye, so you called this sword eh, sure thing let me show you how to fight then boy," The leader grinned throwing one of his axes towards Alan who parry it with his shield, knocking him to take a step back because of the inertia.

Seeing his enemy charging forward with his new weapon in one hand and the stones axe in his other hand, Alan also charged forward.

The memory of his fallen people fueled his every move, and he struck out at the enemy leader with all his strength. But the enemy leader was a skilled fighter, and he parried every blow with ease.

Again Alan lunged forward with his sword, striking at the enemy leader with lightning-fast strokes. But the leader was quick, and he dodged each blow with ease, countering with a swift attack of his own. The two fighters moved with incredible speed, their movements fluid and precise.

The enemy leader swung his axe to the left of Alan's body, but Alan swiftly parried it with his shield. The stone axe shattered into pieces, scattering stone chips in all directions and hitting the helmet he was wearing causing him to turn his head to avoid the stone fragments.

The enemy leader with his dozen years of fighting experience wasted no opportunity and struck Alan on the head with the leftover stick from his shattered axe.

Feeling his head hit by a blunt object he staggered backward, Alan reflexively slashed his sword at the enemy leader which he easily dodged.

Alan who at first fought with a rage that he had never felt before, returned to calm after being hit. He nearly made a grave mistake, as his mentor says many times "Don't let your emotions control your actions." Even though he has never seen his mentor trying to control his actions over emotions, he just does what he wants at his whim. Not so reliable as a person, but nevertheless, his knowledge is still useful.

When the two crossed paths again, the enemy leader smiled mockingly and attacked again. The two resumed their fight, but now with calmed minds and the experience he got after the first clash, Alan was sure he can win the battle.

Despite the enemy leader's skill, Alan refused to back down. He pressed forward, his attacks growing more fierce with each passing moment. But the leader was just as determined, and he matched Alan blow for blow.

The two warriors fought with everything they had, their weapons flashing in the sunlight as they battled on. For a time, it seemed as though neither of them would emerge victorious.

But then, Alan saw his opening. With a sudden burst of speed, he lunged forward, his sword flashing through the air. The enemy leader barely had time to react, and he stumbled back, his weapon clattering to the ground.

Alan stood over him, his sword raised high, ready to deliver the final blow. But then, something gave him pause. He looked down at the enemy leader, lying wounded and defeated on the ground, and he saw something in his eyes.

It was a look of desperation, of fear. Alan realized then that this man was not so different from him, that they both fought for what they believed was right.

The enemy leader looked up at him, "You won," he says," What do you want to do with my tribes, my people after this?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

Alan looked down at him, his expression grim. "I am. As long as they surrender I will take them and incorporate them into my tribe,"

The enemy leader nodded, his eyes full of relief. Then he close his eyes. "Then do what you must, and that was a great fight, young man," he said.

And with that, Alan turned and walked away slash his swords down, and decapitated the enemy's leader's head off his shoulder, leaving the enemy leader to face his fate.

With a battle cry, Alan and his men charged forward, their bronze weapons gleaming in the sun. The tribal warriors, armed with their primitive stone and bone weapons, tried to hold their ground, but they were no match for the Bronze Warriors. The sound of clashing metal and battle cries filled the air as the two sides clashed.

Alan fought with a ferocity that he had never felt before. His bronze sword flashed in the sunlight, striking down his enemies with deadly precision. His men fought bravely beside him, their bronze weapons glinting in the sun. Despite being outnumbered, Alan and his men held their ground. They fought with a determination that their enemies had never seen before. Slowly but surely, they began to gain the upper hand.

The tribal warriors were in disarray, their morale shattered by the sight of their comrades falling to the superior weapons of the Bronze Warriors. One of them cried out, "We cannot stand against these warriors and their strange weapons! We must retreat!"

But the leader of the tribe, the one who had ordered the attack on Alan's home, refused to back down. He shouted, "We will fight to the last man! We will not let these invaders take our land!"

And then, with a final battle cry, Alan charged forward, his sword held high. He struck down the leader of the tribe, avenging his fallen people. The remaining tribal warriors, seeing their leader fall, lost all hope and fled the battlefield.

The battle was won, and justice had been served. Alan and his men stood victorious, their bronze weapons stained with the blood of their enemies. They had avenged their fallen tribe, and they knew that their journey was finally complete.

As they made their way back home, Alan reflected on the journey that had brought them here. He had learned so much from the other tribes they had encountered along the way - the skilled archers, the herbalists, the metalworkers, and even the more primitive tribes like the lizardmen and goblins. Each encounter had expanded his knowledge and understanding of the world and its people.

He also thought about the friendships they had forged on their journey. The connections they had made with the other tribes would not only benefit their own people but would also help to foster a sense of unity and cooperation among the different communities. Alan realized that their journey had been about much more than just avenging his tribe - it had been about building bridges between different cultures and creating a better world for all.

When they finally arrived home, Alan was greeted with cheers and celebration. The people of his tribe were overjoyed to see their warriors return victorious. Alan knew that he had not only avenged his people but had also brought back knowledge and resources that would help his tribe prosper.

From that day forward, the Bronze Warriors became known throughout the land as a symbol of strength, courage, and unity. Alan knew that the journey he had taken had changed him forever