

“Sons are the anchors of a mother's life”


All the air and in the room felt like it was being sucked out using a vacuum and my knees could no longer hold me up. My eyes burned with unshed tears as I continued clutching the phone to my ear

“Wh..wh..what? Seb is wh..” all three pairs of eyes raked over to me as a sob broke out of my lips.

“I need to leave..im sorry I..” I could even form coherent sentences as I rapidly gathered up the files that were left behind.

“Hey..hey its okay Ari” Ethan said softly as he walked over to hold my shaking hands.

“Wherever you need to go I'll take you okay you just need to calm down for a second so we can get you out of here alright?” he continued as he gently nudged me in the direction of the door. I felt numb all over and just let him guide me out of the building and into his car. He opened the passenger door and fastened my seatbelt when I was inside and rounded the car to the driver's side and got in as well, fastening his own seatbelt.

“Could you please just take me to John Green's pediatric center?” I was now full-on crying. The only thing that mattered to me at this moment was my son.

Ethan just nodded stiffly and began driving the car. I knew he was worried and wanted to know what happened but I couldn't bring myself to utter more words. When we reached the hospital I tumbled out of the car before Ethan had barely parked and immediately rushed inside the hospital to find Kate sitting in the waiting room. She immediately came over to me and hugged me tight, tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry Ari, everything happened so fast I should’ve been seeing where he was going I didn’t an…next he was down the stairs I think he slipped and fell and he wasn’t waking up I just… I’m so sorry I didn’t mean for this to happen I’m sorr…..” I just shook my head vehemently. I really didn’t want her to blame herself for anything that had happened .

“It’s okay babe .. I know whatever happened was an accident okay, I don’t want you beat yourself about it. Did the doctors say anything yet?” I asked as I led her over to sit down and glanced at the door way to see Ethan walking over to where we were sitting.

“No update yet they’re still running some tests on him to see if he broke anything” okay that was *reassuring*. Ethan just looked so awkward staring at us in silence that it was sort of cute.

“Okay well Ethan this is my roommate and best friend Kate and Kate this is Ethan we work together” I waved him over so that he And Kate could get acquainted with each other.

Ethan then joined us on the bench we were sitting at and at the same time Colin walked into the waiting room. I immediately stood up and walked over to him for the updates.

“Well Aria, Seb is okay he just had a bad fall down the stairs and got a concussion he will be given some meds for pain but I need you to know that everything in regards to his spine is okay. He didn’t injure it. He just needs to be more careful. You can wait here while the nurses finish up with him then you’re free to go home.” This instantly warmed the cockles of my heart. Colin held me by my upper arms as my body visibly sagged with relief. I wiped the tears from my eyes and nodded to him.

“Okay Colin thanks for everything again…, I’ll go fill out the paperwork” he chuckled slightly at my attempt to thank him.

“No need and for the many times you’ve been here you know I’ve already filled out your paperwork…and no I didn’t use my money this time I put your account number” he rambled quickly when he saw my shocked reaction at him filling out the paperwork for me.

“I’ll be out of your hair now, other patients to see.” He started to walk away but stopped and turn back to me . “Oh and Aria?.. it was good to see you again” he said before now fully walking away from me. My face flushed red because of the stares I was getting from other people in the waiting room especially after hearing what he had said to me. Three years ago after Seb’s surgery we visited the hospital regularly for his checkups and that’s when I found out that Colin was interested in me. He was so attractive but I just couldn’t bring myself to be romantically engaged again especially after what had happened. No need to summon old ghosts. I walked back over where Kate and Ethan were.

“Well he’s okay and only got a concussion so they’re finishing up with him then we can take him home” I was glad to see relief light up in Kate’s eyes. I knew if something had happened to him she would never stop blaming herself.

“Thank you as well Ethan I really appreciate what you did for me and I know you’re wondering. Seb is my five year old so that’s why I just rushed here you know” I just sheepishly trailed.

“I understand what that moment might have been like for you but I’m glad he’s okay. I could drop you guys home if you’d like?” He rubbed his neck at the last part.

I glanced over at Kate to see if it was okay with her and she just kept wiggling her eyebrows at me and mouthing “he’s hot” to me since Ethan had shifted such that his back was to her. I shook my head and turned back to Ethan.

“Yeah sure we can go immediately Seb is brought out.” We only had to wait for a short time before they brought Seb out to us. I immediately hugged him to my chest just to assure myself that he was indeed okay.

“I’m okay mommy … I’m sorry I worried you” he mumbled into my neck.

“it’s okay baby I just thought something terrible happened you need to be careful okay baby and don’t get out of Aunt K’s sight okay?” He nodded limply and I carried him so that we could leave.

“We can go now guys” we walked out into the parking lot where Ethan had parked his car and got in the car. Kate wasted no time in asking Ethan questions about himself.

“Soooo Ethan ….. are you in a relationship?” Kate asked so loudly that I jerked up in the passenger seat almost waking Seb up from his sleeping position as he had fallen asleep shortly into the car ride.

Ethan glanced over at me briefly before turning his eyes back into the road. “Uh… no..not at all. I am quite single actually but maybe I’ll be in one soon”. Remind me why exactly I decided to befriend Kate. Note to self kill her ASAP.

“ Oh really …. you know Aria’s also….” “Oh Kate do you remember whether we have groceries at home?” I mentally facepalmed myself when I saw Ethan stifling a smile at my attempt to change the topic. Who on earth decided it was embarrass Aria day. Luckily for me that got her to shut up about my love life or lack of in this case and soon enough we were waving to Ethan as he drove away from the parking lot of our apartment complex.

“You need to spill everything the moment we get home!!” Kate basically grabbed my arm and pulled me into the elevator even with Seb still in my arms.

“Girl I don’t actually have anything to say about Ethan I mean I just met him last week”

“okay but did you see how he looked at you … he’s interested!” She countered back .

“Well we’ll just wait for time and see what happens I’m not particularly in any rush” I said avoiding her eyes as I unlocked the apartment. Whenever this topic came about she always gave me that look that just made me feel so helpless about everything.

“ I know you don’t want to hear it but I think you should finally get back out there you know? Seb sort of needs a male figure in his life now that he’s growing up and all that. Just think about it” she finished off as she kissed me on my cheek and also kissed Seb before wandering over to her room and closing the door behind her. With a sigh, I went over to my own room and laid Seb on my bed I wanted him to sleep by my side from now on.

“Baby I’ll do everything for you…you know that but I’m just wondering how right aunt K may be this time. I might never be able to give you that male mentorship you need by myself” I softly run my hands through his hair and changed out of my work clothes so that I could get into bed with him. I needed to shove those thoughts out for now because my son needed me right then .