


"Why is she a strong girl?"

Because she walks around everyday on the verge of tears and you don't even have the slightest clue that she's not okay


*Three years ago *

"Someone please help me. My son needs your help. Please"

I could not see clearly anymore. Tears were gushing down my eyes as the sobs heavily rocked my body like an earthquake.

I pulled him closer to my body as I held him tightly. I would die if I lost my little angel. That crazy bastard had clearly intended to kill him. He was passed out and bleeding nearly everywhere. More tears gushed out at this horrendous sight.

"Help us please " my voice was now scruffy from shouting for help and my vision started becoming hazy. God don't let me pass out. The noise of a siren and voices sounded like they were floating in bubbles in my head. I only felt my son being lifted off of me before the world went black.


I felt so numb and my eyes felt so heavy. I wanted to lift them but I could not. I made another attempt to open my eyes and a bright white light ferociously attacked them made me groan in pain.

I closed them again and opened my eyes for the last time, slower to get them used to the light.

I felt someone holding my arm and checking a computer. I looked around and noticed that this was a hospital room. How did I even get here.

"Someone call the doctor, she is slowly waking up." The voice of the stranger called out.

Memories of the previous night filled my brain .

"Give me back my son. Where is he I want to see him. What did you do to him. Give him back. " I attempted to pull off the IV from my arm but was suddenly held back by four nurses that had rushed in earlier with the doctor.

I felt pain in my left arm to see the needle being discarded after the injection.

" ....yes a few mo.....yet stable.." the words seemed like they were floating in my brain and my eyelids drooped before I was sent into the arms of Morpheus.

When I woke up again, I felt somewhat stronger since my eyes did not have trouble adjusting to the light and I could now sit up. I swung my legs over to the edge of the bed so that I could get up no sooner had the door opened to reveal a man in a white coat, a doctor.

I put my legs back on the bed as the doctor approached my bedside. He had dark brown hair. He had black eyes with a golden rim around them. His eyes were absolutely beautiful. Since I did not know his name, I looked over his coat to where his tag was. Dr Colin .W was printed in silver on the tag.

"How do you feel miss" he casually asked while pulling a wheel chair that was next to a window.

"I actually feel better Dr.Colin. And I read it from your name tag." I trailed off chuckling when I saw he was a bit confused that I knew his name.

"Well I am a pediatrician and been assigned to your son. I will take you to the pediatric ward so that you can see him. It was kind of hard to find you since no one knew your name..." he trailed off sheepishly rubbing his neck as he helped me out of the bed and unto the wheel chair where he wheeled me put of the room.

" My name is Aria and my little boy is called Sebastian. He only turned two a few months ago." This was my first time to step out of the room so it was a tad bit unusual to see medics jostling around like bees.

He turned into the pediatric ward and pushed the second door to the left of the corridor. Tears welled up at the sight before me.

My baby had needles sticking out of him and had an oxygen mask to his face so that he could breathe. He wheeled me next to the bed so that I was now able to hold my son's little hand.

"we were lucky that he was brought in early because his ribs were badly bruised. He would have died of suffocation. The bruises were minor and cleaned up. He is current in a coma but can feel your touch. We just need your consent to perform a spinal cord operation."

" What is wrong with his spinal cord?" I trailed off not taking my eyes off my angel.

"Due to the injuries he incurred, his spinal cord has a small dislocation that could become a challenge when he grows older."

I nodded slightly before I could barely contain my sobs. Tears clouded my eyes and two large hands held mine. I looked over to see Dr. Colin squatting in front of me rubbing my hands softly.

"We are going to do the best we can to get your son out of danger. The surgery can be done as soon as tomorrow if you agree."

I did not have any words in my mouth so I opted for nodding. I politely gave Colin the sign that I wanted to be alone with my baby for a short while.

" I know you're in pain baby and if I could take your place, I would do so in a heartbeat because I can't bear to see you like this. Mommy wants you to fight as hard as you can okay" I brought his hand to my lips and kissed his tiny fingers.

" I just want you to know that when you finish the race, I will be waiting for you because I am your biggest fan. I laughed at my own silliness before I carefully placed his hand back on the bed and started humming his favorite lullaby.

"You really are an amazing mother and I'm sure even without seeing it, people can tell how much you love your son." Colin's voice filled the room. I turned to see him leaning against the door. I slightly lowered my head in embarrassment and my cheeks felt warm at the fact that he had probably been standing there the whole time.

"Now it's time for you to head back and get some rest. I will be come to pick you up tomorrow before Sebastian's surgery. All will be well"

I simply nodded and pulled away from Sebastian before he swiftly came behind me to wheel me to my room. I was so worried and did not want anything to happen to him.

After a long restless night, it was finally the day for the surgery. I waited eagerly for Colin to arrive and take me to Seb. Shortly after, he walked next to my bed and helped me into the wheel chair. He was also awfully quiet today which made me worry even more.

We found Seb already being transferred to another bed so that he could be taken to the theater. I held his small body as much as I could and tried to encourage myself that this was for the best.i kissed him one last time before he was taken in, Colin going in with the paramedics and leaving me to my own thoughts.

One of the nurses from earlier appeared before me with a coffee in hand and a warm smile. She squeezed my shoulder slowly before going away.

I wiped away the tears that slowly trickled down my face. I needed to be strong for my baby. I saw arrows pointing to the directions of a chapel. I wheeled myself as slowly as I could into that direction so that I could place my son in the hands of the Almighty.

I came from a Catholic family but my belief had wavered in the period of the incidents. Nevertheless, I prayed hard for my son because he was my only treasure.

I did not know when I fell asleep but I felt a hand gently shaking me to wake up. I opened my eyes to see Dr Colin and immediately I was awake.

"Seb is finally out of danger, he will now be waking up sooner than expected. " only my sobs and tears could explain how overjoyed I was. He sat down next to me and pulled me to his chest, allowing me to let it all out while he rubbed my hair to relax me. I was entirely grateful and no words could express the amount of relief that I felt.

I was now complete
