
Wonderland in Sequa : Return of the successor to the throne

Sequa is the name of a vast but hidden place. This is a magical land where humans and animals live in peace and coexistence. There are 3 ruling kings Sequa and each of them guards the land, waters, and horizons. But these three sovereign kings do not stand at the top of the pyramid of power because all three are directly under the command of the great king! The great king is at the Peak of the hierarchy! The reigns of the 3 ruling kings are under his control. That way all living beings can live in peace without any disputes in the 3 territories. On the horizon, there is a very formidable garuda king. They have several islands floating in the air that can only be accessed by air, only the birds can occupy those places and they make them their homes and villages. In the vast land, there is a mighty lion king. With his presence, all beings can be orderly and peaceful. All the animals fear him because nothing can match his prowess. he is the figure behind the peaceful land of Sequa. In the deep ocean, there is a dragon king who guards the waters. He governs the entire waters of Sequa with his immense power, no aquatic animal dares to oppose him. These three kings had already taken an oath to be loyal to the great king after a long history. That's why Sequa can be a peaceful place for many years. But everything changes when the royal family of the great king betrays the king and kills him! Chaos ensued everywhere as a result of that betrayal and the three rulers were also seriously injured. The wife of the great king, the queen. Running away to save the fetus in her womb, because that's the only legitimate successor to the throne and the last hope for Sequa. Will the queen manage to escape and raise her husband's successor to the throne? and will the child succeed in reclaiming his father's throne? Stay tuned for the interesting story from Wonderland in Sequa : Return of the successor to the throne! and wait for the suspenseful and heartwarming stories that will decorate it! Happy reading!

worldside_11 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Help Me!

Haamos monitors from a distance the play that is being played by his queen, he still has to make sure that his queen is safe and not threatened.

Since this country is quite isolated from the outside environment, so don't know whether they accept people from outside the village or not, therefore Haamos still has to monitor his queen from a distance.

With those sharp eyes, Haamos noticed that a group of people were out of the village looking for the source of the sound the queen had made.

Meanwhile the queen had started acting not far from them, she leaned her body against a large tree while clutching her stomach as if she was in pain.

Not long after that a rabbit managed to find the queen who was pretending to be lying helpless, so Haamos got ready to appear.

"Friends, that woman is here!" said a rabbit to his friends around him, there was someone who was also holding binoculars nearby.

"Who's he?" asked the man holding the binoculars to his bunny friend.

"I don't know, I don't know him!" replied the rabbit while sniffing the woman's body, he felt there was a different smell there.

Seeing the rabbit's slightly changed expression as he sniffed the woman's body with the big belly, his friend asked curiously, "what are you kissing?" asked his friend.

"I sensed a strange smell, it seems like something scary!" replied the rabbit while lowering one earlobe.

His sense of smell was quite sharp, so he could distinguish a smell that was not from the woman in just one circle around his body.

When he kissed her body he could smell her scent, but he also felt that there was another smell attached to him. And from the assessment of his nose it seemed like the smell was coming from something scary!

"No kidding!" said someone else.

"Does anyone recognize him? I don't think he's from our village!" the others answered. They kept trying to recognize the woman's face but none of them recognized her.

"Looks like this woman is dangerous!" a mole suddenly added.

Just like rabbits, mice also have a strong sense of smell, so you can be sure that they can smell what the rabbit just kissed.

"But why did he scream for help before he finally collapsed here?" the man holding the binoculars couldn't believe it.

He clearly saw this woman screaming earlier with his binoculars, so there was no way this woman was a dangerous person.

After all, the condition of the woman who was lying helpless in front of them looked so weak, from the condition of her stomach it could also be seen that she was pregnant, so there was no way a woman like this could be dangerous to them.

"They both feel something strange about this woman, so we'd better leave, we don't know what she's up to." Others choose to find a safe position rather than risk their safety just for the sake of an unknown stranger.

"Help! Help me!" the woman suddenly whimpered in a very weak voice.

Erciliana had been listening to their conversation from the start because she was actually just pretending to be unconscious there, and she realized that they didn't seem to sympathize enough with her and probably didn't intend to help because she sensed something strange about her smell.

So he quickly decided to pretend to be delirious and say words in a weak tone so they could trust him again.

"Look! He's still conscious, but his condition is so weak, there's no way he's dangerous!" the man with the binoculars was immediately convinced that this woman was completely harmless to them.

Seeing how his current condition was, the man could immediately judge.

"What really happened to him, hey what happened?" Rabbit began to be curious about this semi-conscious woman, he muttered under his breath before finally deciding to ask the woman directly.

"Something big has attacked me!" without opening her eyes at all Erciliana answered the question, while talking she made her breath seem to be short of breath and gasping for air.

"Could that strange smell be coming from him? Who is that big thing?" The mole who had previously judged that this woman seemed dangerous also became interested in hearing further.

Because what he felt was actually the same as what his bunny friend had said earlier. There was a smell that didn't come from this woman's body but stuck to it, but not knowing this woman and not knowing what had happened to her he decided to say that this woman could be dangerous for them.

At least there was a very high chance that he would pose a danger!

"Smell? I don't know, but I just ran away from him, please save a my!" Erciliana groaned weakly again. He tried to make sure that the people who came to him believed in him.

This is a scenario that he has developed with Haamos so that the people in the land of Saanin will accept his presence.

"We have to save him! Otherwise she and the baby could be in trouble!" An old man gave his opinion.

After observing for a while, he thought that she might be telling the truth. He could see from his current state.

"Wait a minute! What if something he said was looking for him all the way to the village?" another murmured.

"Are you doubting our country's military might?" the old man spoke again, he did not like to delay something that should be done immediately.

"If we delay and buy time then what attacked this woman will have more time to come, so hurry up! Pick him up!" the man with the binoculars had already made up his mind.

He decided to save this pregnant woman from this forest and take her to the village, because after all this woman had asked for help and they were the closest and heard the screams.

So as real humans they should reach out to lend a helping hand to this woman.

"Help me!" Erciliana made a small moan, she was already in the lead now so she tried to get more people to believe in her too.