
Wonderland in Sequa : Return of the successor to the throne

Sequa is the name of a vast but hidden place. This is a magical land where humans and animals live in peace and coexistence. There are 3 ruling kings Sequa and each of them guards the land, waters, and horizons. But these three sovereign kings do not stand at the top of the pyramid of power because all three are directly under the command of the great king! The great king is at the Peak of the hierarchy! The reigns of the 3 ruling kings are under his control. That way all living beings can live in peace without any disputes in the 3 territories. On the horizon, there is a very formidable garuda king. They have several islands floating in the air that can only be accessed by air, only the birds can occupy those places and they make them their homes and villages. In the vast land, there is a mighty lion king. With his presence, all beings can be orderly and peaceful. All the animals fear him because nothing can match his prowess. he is the figure behind the peaceful land of Sequa. In the deep ocean, there is a dragon king who guards the waters. He governs the entire waters of Sequa with his immense power, no aquatic animal dares to oppose him. These three kings had already taken an oath to be loyal to the great king after a long history. That's why Sequa can be a peaceful place for many years. But everything changes when the royal family of the great king betrays the king and kills him! Chaos ensued everywhere as a result of that betrayal and the three rulers were also seriously injured. The wife of the great king, the queen. Running away to save the fetus in her womb, because that's the only legitimate successor to the throne and the last hope for Sequa. Will the queen manage to escape and raise her husband's successor to the throne? and will the child succeed in reclaiming his father's throne? Stay tuned for the interesting story from Wonderland in Sequa : Return of the successor to the throne! and wait for the suspenseful and heartwarming stories that will decorate it! Happy reading!

worldside_11 · Fantasía
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13 Chs


The entire Sequa Sky was dark at this moment, clouds billowing right under the king who was raising his sword.

This phenomenon was a completely unprecedented phenomenon in this magical land, and now everyone was witnessing that rare moment.

All over, all the people of Sequa from the humans to the animals, all felt a feeling of sadness that they had never felt before.

Only a handful of people know of this phenomenon such as the 3 sovereign kings and a few royal ministers, but in terms of feelings They felt the same even though they didn't understand what was going on.

"Why does the sky look so dark?" asked a woman somewhere.

"It seems that nature is starting to be sequa for this historical tragedy, let's hurry up! Or we too will perish!" answer.

Currently, they are being investigated from the city center so as not to become the target of a plot of royal traitors.

The news of the king's defeat had not yet spread but because almost everywhere there was no room to defend the kingdom, those who were loyal chose to save themselves to survive.

"Something bad is bound to happen!" A bird sees the sky getting darker from its island which is above the clouds.

"Captain! We also have to quickly find shelter!" said another bird in a panic.

The birds that live on the island above the clouds feel the same way. The islands of the birds are the only places where shipping is not restricted.

Since almost no birds are traitors, so this place cannot be reached because those who can't fly can't possibly reach this island.

In other words, the island was one of the safest places in Sequa and they shouldn't have to look for another refuge.

"There is no need to seek shelter! Our home is the safest area, for now, therefore we should be the ones who house all the people of Sequa who are still loyal to the great King Bilhelm."

"But, we could be attacked by the captain!" Colonial birds looked panicked, so they wanted to leave this place.

"Listen to orders! Transport all the loyal residents of Sequa as much as possible, we must share a safe place with them!

And yes! Make sure that none of them can fly into traitors! If there is, kill it immediately!" the captain added.

These birds once didn't have the ability to happen, even though they could be instantly swept away by a gang of traitors, and that

Therefore they should optimize surveillance of the population so that they can be safe from the target of the traitors of the kingdom.

"Well!" replied one of the colonial leaders, after which they immediately gathered and looked for materials to make a container that would later accommodate the residents who were being cared for down there.


"What is going on?" Zhank squinted at the sight of what was going on in the kingdom so the sky darkened.

"I'd better get back there soon!" added while gliding rapidly.

Zhank has paralyzed the ruler of Shaka with his poison, although now Shaka can't do anything because his whole body has been sealed by the royal heirloom.

It was something he couldn't erase.

From the bottom of the ocean, Shaka leaked upwards and saw the light starting to dim from above.

Then he monitors and observes clearly. After realizing that the sky was bearing fruit turned dark and the clouds were moving in a direction that was known to be the direction of the great king's kingdom, his face immediately looked sad!

"Goodbye, my king!" he muttered, closing his eyes.


Faruq exercises field and kingdom sports. This is a part of the plan!

The great king said that they should be able to hold off the enemy until Haamos left and before that the queen and her baby.

And after their defeat will make hope and no longer have hope, then the King will activate Sequa's power sword mode to hide civilization, so that a glimmer of hope for the rise of Sequa in the future will be maintained.

"It is the time!" Faruq ran as fast as he could, there was no hope of saving the great king because he chose to leave this world with his sword.

So as one of the 3 formidable knights in the king's possession, Faruq must hold on until the light of hope appears and confronts Sequa once again.


"Bilhelm! What are you doing?" Edard looked a little panicked, he didn't know what was going on here.

But the great king Bilhelm didn't care at all about that panic and continued to gather momentum and wait for the right time.

"Impossible!" Aleina seemed to notice something, she widened her eyes in surprise.

"What is it?" Edard asked curiously.

"I've read about an event that is exactly as it is currently happening, this is the inauguration ritual of the heirloom! Nature will take back the sword of power Sequa!" said his wife.

"Not! Impossible!" Edard widened his eyes, he couldn't believe such a thing could happen.

The throne of a great king is not seen from the crown he wears, but from the sword he uses!

The sword of power Sequa is the mark of the highest hierarchy in the power of this country, without it is impossible to become a great king.

"You can't let it go! Quickly cancel the ritual!" Edard tried to get closer, but the continuous wind pressure forced him away from Bilhelm.

"There is no point! Even if I die you will never be the real king!" muttered Bilhelm emotionally.

He kept gathering energy and kept it steady, because failing this ritual would be very dangerous.

This sword must not fall into Edard's hands for any reason! Because without this sword, even if all of Sequa obeyed him, he would never legally become the supreme leader of this land!

Gradually, sparks of light began to shoot out from the sword and shot up! Looks like confirmation is coming soon!

"How could it be?" Edard looked so desperate. He never thought that something like this would happen. Without that sword, he would not be able to become a king!