
Wolves Wolf

Dee_Vyne_4401 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter Five

The light of pre-dawn woke Linda. For some reason, she felt vibrantly alive. She got up quickly, and dressed. Then, after her normal morning routine (which seemed rushed), Linda found her coffeepot and got it going.

With coffee in hand, Linda walked out to the porch to watch the sun come over the trees. It was beautiful, almost magical. After her eyes adjusted to the brighter light, she caught movement to the side of the clearing. What she saw made her very happy.

For standing there, were three wolves. They were looking at her. Linda chuckled and inspiration struck. She squared her shoulders, and bowed in the direction of the wolves.

Linda chuckled again when she saw the reaction of the wolves themselves. One, clearly a young one, seemed to prance for a moment. He seemed ready to go bouncing around even more, until the female brought him under control with a nip. The third, an older male, took a step closer and bowed. Then he walked off into the trees, followed by the others.

"Now that was the strangest and most strangely beautiful thing I have ever seen," said Jimmy as he walked up to the porch, "Did I really see what I thought I saw?"

"I don't know, what did you see?" Linda said with laughter in her voice.

"I saw you bow to a bunch of wolves. Then one all but looked like he was standing on a hot plate, but the big guy that was there, stepped up and bowed back," Jimmy answered.

Linda laughed out loud, "Yep, that's just what you saw. There have been wolves here for as far back as anyone can remember.

"When I was younger and would see them, I would bow to them. Some would bow back. The pack now would be a few generations from then, but it's wonderful to see."

"It was still strange. Anyway, I just wanted to find out what your plans are for today, and to let you know we'll be leaving tomorrow."

"There's not that much left to move that I can't do myself. And I do..."

Linda stopped talking as the sounds of the wolves howling in distress came to her and Jimmy.

"What the hell is that?" Jimmy exclaimed.

"The wolves are in trouble!"

Linda ran into the house, to her bedroom closet, where she had placed her surprise. Without looking, she simply grabbed the 30-30 rifle. She scooped up some ammo, and her pistol that was already strung on a belt.

By the time she was back outside the belt was in place, and the rifle was loaded. Linda didn't stop at the porch, but jumped the steps and took off running.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Jimmy yelled as he ran into the house after the lady, and then back out.

"To help them! If you come, stay as quiet as you can, and make no move unless I tell you to."

"I'm not letting you go into the woods alone."

"You couldn't stop me!"

Linda finished then took off even faster. She wasn't sure the guy would follow but was happy he did.

As they drew near the disturbance, both could hear more noise as well as some human voices. Linda's mind screamed 'POACHERS!'

Linda signaled a stop then gave Jimmy the pistol and told him to stay while she moved up slowly. Even though it had been more than thirty years, she moved in the same silent way she had as a child.

She came to a clearing and all but got sick. A young wolf was caught in a snare. What was worse, was that two men were taunting the poor thing.

Jimmy had somehow gotten the courage to follow the woman that he thought was totally nuts. But he was beside himself when he saw what was happening in the clearing.

Buddy Harper was having fun. He just loved to pester the animals that were caught in his traps, before he killed them. His brother Ray just loved killing. So when the sound of a rifle being fired reached their ears, he and his brother froze.

Linda didn't even stop to think, when she saw one of the men raise a gun to aim at the wolf. She raised hers, and got the first shot in. She saw the men freeze.

"Don't! Move!"