
Wolves Of War

This book will no longer be updated. War, blood, and gore. This is exactly what a werewolf story should contain. This story follows a werewolf who is now known as Fenrir. He was given this name by the people of ancient Norse who revered his power, and put him in their mythology. This story takes place in the modern day, and will follow his slow decent into madness. With opportunities to redeem himself, what path will he choose? This is my first book so the writing isnt going to be top tier, yet. The more I write the better i will get, hopefully. Let's hope so before the story gets really juicy.

LupusDeus · Ciudad
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13 Chs




As I materialize into the lobby of the Orders HQ I hear a scream. "Dammit Jolon, I thought we talked about this."Kate says with a hand over her heart. "You need to stop doing that. One of these days I'm doing to die of a heart attack."

"I must apologize, I did not mean to scare you. Next time I will phase straight to my designated living quarters." I look around the lobby and see a few wolves staring in confusion of what just happened. "Anyway, I just helped Fenrir finish his job. I even filled out a mission report for you before I came here."

"Well, it's about time I got an actual report from one of his jobs. That fucker refuses to give me a written report. Next time you see him tell him that I won't be accepting the poor excuse for his verbal reports."

"Knowing him he will just pay someone to write it for him."

"It's better than not having a report at all. Oh, I'm sorry I need to get going I have a lot of work to do."

"Jolon wait." I see Hakan running up from behind me. "Your a hard man to find, I wanted to ask you something before you teleported away."

"Why does everyone say that. I prefer using the word phase or phasing."

He completely ignores me and continues. "I need your help and I can't do this alone. Fenrir shot down my idea a couple of days ago and no one else wants to help me. I figured someone with your kind of ability could easily get the job done."

I'm not surprised Fenrir said no to him since he doesn't like Hakan. In fact, I don't think anyone likes him.

"Just bring it up the board of directors, they will issue the job to other wolves."

"I can't do that, I'm sure you already heard about the meeting that's going to take place in twelve days. I want to save the wolf that has been captured by the human government, even if you can't help me directly you can still tell me if it's possible to save them."

"May I interrupt?" Mahkah says as he approaches us. "Hakan you need to stop going on about this. Etu knows what he is doing, and I'm not going to let you disrupt his plans."

"Goddammit Mahkah, stop sucking up to Etu like some teachers pet. Jolon here might be able to save this wolf without causing any trouble for us."

"Etu's orders are absolute. We came this far only because of his guidance, you need to trust his judgment."

"There's no point in talking to you is there? You only care about following the rules, but this is bigger than that."

"I'm going to stay out of this" I say. "The two of you can work this out by yourselves."

"Listen Jolon. The government hasn't figured out our weaknesses yet. It should be easy enough for you to get that wolf out of there." Hakan says.

"Hakan, you know what will happen if you break the rules." Yells Mahkah. "Unless you get approval for this suicide mission of yours I suggest you let this go." Mahkah looks over to me. "Jolon, I need to ask you a few questions."

"Is that an order? If it's not then I have other things I must attend to."

"Yes, that is an order."

"What, are you guys just going to ignore me now? I wasn't done talking." Haken says.

"I can make you stop talking if that's the only way you'll shut up." Says Mahkah.

"Alright fine, I'll leave you two alone." Hakan says as he walks away.

Something tells me this isn't over. Knowing Hakan once he gets passionate about something he doesn't let go of it. "So what did you want to ask me?"

"We should go somewhere more private to talk." I follow him upstairs to one of the extra rooms. It's rather empty besides some boxes scattered across the floor.

"What's this all about?" I ask him.

"This is about you and Etu keeping secrets from me." He says in an angry tone.

"What Etu does and doesn't tell you is none of my concern."

"I'm in charge of keeping the ranks in line around here. In order to do my job I need to know what's going on between our ranks."

"So how do you know that we are keeping secrets from you?"

"I found out about Fenrir's past before he joined us. Etu apparently already knew about it and let him join anyway, and then told me something very disturbing. Before Fenrir joined Etu erased some of his memories, he didn't go into specifics and wouldn't tell me any more about it."

"I assure you Etu had a good reason for doing so."

"I don't doubt that. It's just frustrating that I don't know why he did it."

"Listen Mahkah, it's better that you don't know. What Etu did was because of me, it's because of what I've found out Fenrir's power. Let's just say it's for the better that Etu erased some of his memories. It helps him and it helps us."

"Fine I get it, you cant tell me everything and that's why you're still being vague about what's going on."

"Like you said yourself you trust Etu's judgment, so just let this go."

"I guess I have no choice. Fine have it your way, I'll let it go for now unless it becomes a problem for us in the future."

"Now if you excuse me I have some business to attend to." Technically I don't have business to attend to, however it does persuade people to think that you are busy.

After Mahkah leaves the room I phase to the main house I have in California. Located in the middle of a small city, its a rarely average house no need to draw any unwanted attention to myself. My wife and I both have a human form which makes it a lot easier to blend in with the humans.

"Luna, I'm home." I say as I take my helmet off and get comfortable on the living room couch.

She comes walking out of another room. "We didn't finish our talk from before. You went to go see him again didn't you? How long are you going to keep us from him? As his daughter, I deserve to meet him and he has the right to know that he has a daughter and grandson.

"I'm sorry Luna, but now is not a good time. You remember what I told you about him, about how unstable he is. He is starting to act like his old self again, and I don't want you to see him like that. Trust me Luna, when the time is right I'll bring you and William to meet him."

"I know that you told me this already, but you need to consider how William feels about this. He's been wanting to meet his grandfather since he was a kid."

"Just give me a little more time. I already found a way to bring him back from his path of self-destruction."

"Alright, I'll try to be patient for now. But you need to explain this to your son when he comes home from school, I can't keep doing it for you."