
Chapter 2

I grabbed the boy's arm that had taken me and attempted to bite deeply into his darker skin. He had now changed, his fur was char black and he had a fire crescent on his chest. He didn't have his hand on me now. All four paws were on the ground. I bit him again, clawing at his stomach. His skin was very hard to bite through but my teeth were sharp. I bit through his shoulder at last.

he winced in a bit of pain although he was still slightly smiling. He pawed my head with such force that I fell over.

How weak you Wind-wolves are. I clawed at him before changing prey. the pups. I grabbed a pup but before I could take a bite of the tender flesh the wolf knocked me over. confusion was in his gaze now.

What is wrong with you? I'm your enemy! You fight me!

No! A voice yelled at him it was a bit more feminine than mine.

I grabbed his shoulder and bit a deep cold bite through it. He backed off and I grabbed a pup again. The men had turned too; they knew something was wrong and attacked me again before I could kill the pup. The main wolf put a paw on my neck and choked me unconscious.


Once I woke up I was human again. The boy from earlier was right in front of me and the moving vehicle gave me the shivers. It was a cart pulled by horses. It was like what princesses or princes would be in.

A blanket was draped around my shoulders as a cold sweat coated my skin it was like a nightmare and for a second i almost thought it was one, but i was here and so was the boy.

"We are the dark wolves.." introduced the boy across from me making me jump a bit at the suddenness. "and you.." he paused "are a powerful source"

Now that I looked at him more closely I saw his dark brown eyes. His black hair. His darker skin is especially darker than mine. He was stronger than me. His tight shirt showed off the muscles on his arms. He looked at me boredly like he knew he never wanted to do this. Which made me think if he was actually my enemy or if he was just commanded to do this.

"I- I am?" I stuttered out as i wanted to continue the conversatio, but fear was giving me away. He stayed quiet, probably wondering how much to tell. I stayed looking out the window as the trees flashed by. "Where are we going?" I asked instead of making him try to converse or go back to silence.

I hated silence, sometimes when people were silent they were looking to figure things out about the other and if he was trying to figure me out I'd rather give nothing away.

"to our pack of course.." the boy sneered

"What's your name.. Darkwolf?" I questioned, finally looking up at him again.

"Aspen" he decided to say. His face held all the answers if only I could read him. I looked at him while lowering my head.

"Did any of the pups die?" If I had killed anyone I would be banished anyways so there was no real reason to escape and if I did I would run and be a rogue. He looked concerned once I asked that I knew I probably shouldn't have asked him. He was still much taller than i was which made him intimidating.

"no I wouldn't let you.." he looked out the window before at me again. Sympathy flushed through his face. Which knocked me off guard completely. What was he thinking? He had dark brown wavy thick hair and green eyes he had a cloak on that had the dark wolf symbol on them. He looked me over before back out the window. "Almost there" he muttered "we needed only you" he read my mind. Well then he really was one of the kindest Dark-wolves I know anyone else in this pack, would have let me kill them.

That's when I looked around at me trying to avoid his gaze. Maybe he wanted me because I was a beast. I was a disgusting beast and there was nothing to be done about it. The carriage was made out of a sort of dark wood. It was strong and sturdy which was about the only thing I could tell. Obviously from his facial expressions, Aspen wasn't ready to spill everything about himself to me, so I stopped talking as the carriage moved and shuffled around.

When the carriage stopped soon after, a few guards came in and grabbed me. I didn't resist, instead going along.

There was nothing to help me here. my power alone would not work I could not control them anyhow and they would just grab my neck as they had done before.

They dragged me out of the carriage onto a gravel path that the vehicle had been driving on. There was a small fortress unlike us Wind-wolves they did not hide their dwellings.

They had a castle-like fortress and many of the Dark-wolves came to watch what was happening. embarrassment came through my face. Aspen walked toward the castle, ignoring me. He had an arrogant look painted on his face.

Who does he think he is? I thought to myself. Something in me shivered to tell me everything I didn't know of yet, I smelled the scent of the alphas son which only made me assume. Maybe he was the guard for him. No why would he be looking for me and in the carriage I knew the rest of the guard that came had walked beside it. I saw all of them staring at me as a guard pushed me forward to continue walking.

The castle was over exaggerating but the Dark-wolves were one of the biggest packs so maybe not. The village houses speckled around the castle and as I went in I saw a boy smile at me. He looked happy to see me. His scent was of the alpha's heir, very similar to mine.

However one of the guards put something over my hands. clasping my hands together. They shoved me into a room and it was pitch black. I smelled other guards around the darkness who were watching, waiting for me to make a move. I didn't. I just lay down on the cold floor where I had been thrown. The darkness was peaceful and I didnt want to listen.

"Julia.." was it Aspen? Whoever it was his tone was angry "get up!" I maneuvered to follow his orders and got up. "guards take the shackles off" his tone shows simply that he was pleased that I had followed his orders.

The guards did as they were told. Although I could feel confusion in them "now.. release him '' his voice turned a different texture then and I realized it wasn't who i thought it had been. I heard cheering. There was definitely a big crowd. And who was he? I recognised him as the boy who had smiled at me, he was the alphas heir.

Part of me was angry for obeying the orders i had been given something wanted me to lash out to disobey but i knew that it was smarted to stay and get on their good side look trusted

A release of fear trembled through me allowing a bit of room for some fur to appear then a large light came on revealing the crowd around and the arena. I was in an arena. pain and fear shot through my entire body

"What are you doing? '' I screamed as a great door opened revealing a man in his wolf form. The wolf was completely black he had scars around his entire body and an open wound on his black paw. His gaze toward me was filled with anger.

I felt a cold wind against my chest and then fur ran through me. for some reason, I knew what was next at least my wolf form did. the wolf lunged toward me. I dodged quickly a scream shot out of my lips until my wolf form came in. My wolf form was furious with the new adjustment.

The wolf was in a bit of fear now. I didn't really know why since he was a Dark-wolf and definitely much stronger than me. Although maybe the red in my eyes scared him. My dad had told me all about how I looked when I transformed.

He backed up and I lunged, biting his shoulders. All of the wolf's weaknesses came to me and I went by instinct. He stopped going and started to run around. fear was telling him to run, not him. I grabbed him by the paw. Then I saw all the bodies around me. She felt hungry, very hungry.. for the humans.

I tried to run up the walls and for a second it worked. Wind-wolves were very fast and were able to run up things such as walls and water for a very short time, though I fell quickly, however. and the pain went through my back.

I fought for control over her but failed miserably and she continued to growl and throw herself at the wall to get the prey that was a ways up the wall.

The wolf tackled me, pinning me to the ground. He tried to go for my neck, but she knew what she ws doing and kicked him in the stomach, when he was down she started attacking the wolf. I bit his neck before a guard grabbed my scruff and pulled me off of him. He forced a liquid down my throat.

when I woke up.. this time I was in a smaller room. I was on a comfortable mattress with pillows all around it. I was still in my human form. I looked up and saw a chandelier in the room.

What was that? I got up and sat down letting my feet over the bed. No one was around. Could I even try to escape? Everything was going so fast I wanted it all to stop but that's not how time worked and I knew it would just get more intense from here anyhow.

Then the door opened. "you're awake" was someone I did not know. I recognised his voice from the arena like room pretty quickly and his smell was unforgettable at this point.

"Who are you.." I asked

"I am Hugo '' he introduced, bowing his head, " "and you?" He asked. While I looked at his features. He wasn't as strong or muscular as Aspen. The boy's hair was short and neat. He also had some gold jewelry around his neck and wrists. I confirmed he was the alpha's son. Unlike the wind wolves, most of the packs had the alpha be treated like a king.

"Julia," I answered with more confidence this time

"Do you know who i am here?" He smirked teasingly as if he was playing a guessing game.

"Your the Darkwolf heir" I muttered knowingly "no doubt about that" I rolled my eyes.

"Correct" he pauses smiling at me "and as I can tell you are the wind wolves, alphas daughter." he with a more boyish grin "am I right?'' I nodded wondering how they knew maybe it was my scent. A lot of the alphas kids had a scent. "we'll see then we are much alike.."

"Only by a bit" I interrupted

"Yes and I'm sure your father will soon come for you... am I right?"

"Yes,'' I snapped, anger filling my tone. He was annoying but if he wanted to murder my father he was strong enough to do it. He had one of the largest armies. We have always been terrified of the Dark-wolves and how they could so easily make us extinct.

"Well let's just enjoy the time we have.. shall we?" I was confused, he sat down on a chair beside the bed and took out what I could smell were some sweets. confusion ran through me. Why were they treating me like I was a dark wolf? when he tried to give me some I shook my head and scooted away from them. they could be poisoned, my common sense told me. I watched him plop the sweet in his mouth and smile.

"So if you're the alphas' son.. whose Aspen?" At least I could get some of my questions answered at the moment. Wait, Observe, Escape, right?

"he's my brother," Hugo explained "he's the youngest so he doesn't get much attention" Hugo then got up with his arrogant way and pranced toward the door "Anymore Questions?" he asked getting up leaving the bundle of sweets on the nightstand but i shook my head and he bowed ever the more slightly so much so you could barely tell it was a bow at all. "I must go now nice to meet you, Julia"

"and you."

I hope you like my first story and follow along on my author journey!

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